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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. http://www.autoblog.com/2011/07/05/cruze-knocks-camry-out-of-best-selling-car-spot-for-june/ I see the Cruze is doing better than good in sales. I suspected with the numbers of them on the road I see that do not have Enterprise stickers on them. I took a trip to Cleveland yesterday nad saw nearly 25 of them round trip on the road. I did not count parking lots or dealers. I know winning June is not going to win the war but you need to win battles to win the war. The story here is a little biased. I know they like to blame the earth quake but I suspect it is more than lack of supply too. This car is what the average driver wants in a car. It may not be the first choice to Cheers and Gears fans but we are not the target market. Pricing has been good for what you get and there have been little quality issues other than the few under the mircoscope. This is how GM can built for the future. The addition of the new Malibu will be the next block. I was suprised with the #4 finish of the present Malibu. It is a good car and even with age is still a good value. If they can keep the sales up a new car should do well. The Earthquake and limited availablilty may have helped move sales but the car is what got people to buy it. Lets face it there are many other choices they could have picked. It goes back to giving people what they want not what they need.
  2. It reaks of Big Daddy Roth and the unused GTO prototype. Way too squared off on the sides and the ribs are way over done like the GTO concept. But then again this only a computer drawing and has as much chance at production as many Hot Wheels do. The nose needs to come down more. With it that hight this would have areo effects of a wing. What the hell is the thing in the tail? I love Roth creations but that is not to say I would love them as a production car. I vote pass on this accept for the head lights.
  3. I was lucky to see around 20+ Can Am's at the Pontiac National a few years back. It was cool to see so many in one place. We just had 12 Superbirds and Daytona High Wings in at work two weeks ago. I had to go out and get a shot as seldom do you see that many at once. Some were clean some needed work but they all were real. I looked out the office window dropped what I was doing to go look.
  4. I remember a company car that used to come in to the gas station I worked at. The guys company car was a X-11 from the last year in black and silver. It was sharp. Not much of a runner but what was then. The engine package was tweeked a little and went into the Fiero. To this day it is they best sounding non V8 GM has ever made. Pontiac did a hell of a job making such a small simple engine sound so good.
  5. You see more Vegas because it is considered by many to be a more attractive automobile. It appears to be a 5/8 scale Camaro with styling cues that are in common with the '60s and muscle cars. The Monza ends up being a styling oddball that was too modern for the '70s but too old for the '80s. Attractive in ways, but everyone of the 2nd gen H-bodies had something stylistically disruptive about them. Plus the Vega sold in greater numbers, the Chevette stole a lot of sales from the H-bodies after 1976. Personally, I think its a shame... there are a lot of styling packages for the 2nd gen H-bodies, FWD X-bodies, early J-bodies that should be preserved for history, but will likely be lost, as year to year differences where plentiful. Granted, they are mostly all appearance packages. I do love the first couple of years of the Vega. They may have rusted and burned oil but they always ran and got you where you were going. Just imagine if GM had gotten them right. The Monza was an abortion with them being designed for the Wankle and then it being pulled and replaced with the Iron Duke and other various engine with tight quarters. But trimed right they still could look very nice. I did love the Spider Monza package but they were a pain to work on with the V8. I also like the Monza Mirage package. It is rare to see one today. The Monza also made a cool looking IMSA race car too. Many of the cars from the 70's and 80's just are too hard to restore. Many were such low quality they got used up and nothing was worth saving. Also in many cases replacment trim and interior parts are too hard or expensive to find. With such small numbers many will never be reproduced. It is a shame but I do fear many of these speacial packages will be lost in time. When was the last time you saw a 81 Monte Carlo Turbo let alone with the original Turbo engine still running? A STE AWD or a Still running Grand Am Turbo? Cars like these I expect will be few if any left in the next 10-15 years.
  6. Accept for the Pontiac's we skipped the 70's. We went 60's right to the 80's. We only used the 73 and later cars for the needed winter beaters. We only had a few 70's cars to play with of our own like the 74 TA SD and 77 Black Gold TA. My buddy just bought a 74 GTO 4 speed hatch and it reminds me a lot why we skipped the 70's. It is a neat car but even with a cam it drives like a pig and even after a full reto is till is a piece of crap quality wise.
  7. It was typical 70's issues. Rust issues, leaking oil issues, sagging doors, interior panels that would fall off, that kind of stuff. the only thing they did better than the Vega was the rust was a little less and they used less oil. Monza's and Vegas were the winter beaters of choice back in school. You could get them cheap. They are a very rare sight today as so few survived. To be honest here in Ohio. I see more Vega's than Monza's and the Vega is a rare sight of a Cosworth or most times a V8 conversion that never saw snow. The Monza was like a Vega 2.0 version. It was better but far from fixed. I remeber going through Lordstown to seen them built as a kid. I still remember them adjusting the rubber nose with a wood mallet. They used to beat the hell out of them.
  8. I think with the new wide power bands we not see a whole lot more gears. While it does keep things in the power band with the extra grears it also takes more power and adds weight to the car. Tadge Juecter Lead Corvette Engineer pointed out in an interview that he was not in favor of adding gears to the Vette. He said it took more power to drive the extra sets in the tranny and it also added more wight and size in many cases. This is why some companies worked hard on on the Constant Velocity Transmissions. It gives the needed ratio all the time. It also was small and light. The real issue is they for the most not durable. They only have worked with mixed results on the smallest of engines in the lightest of cars. Many companies like the extra gears too because of the smoothness. While we GM drivers have been used to high quality transmission most of the time many other companies has struggled with poor units. Hydromatic has always been one of the best transmissions around for strenght and durability. As long as you don't count the early and mid 80's. Tadge said the next big thing in the Vette will be the duel disc clutch. There is a lot to gain with these units. I have been in training with Ram and a couple other companies that are now making them as retro fit kits for older cars. I have driven a few on the street and driven a race car with one. The street cars were sweet the race car was dump it and go. It was unforgiving but it also was ment for hard use.
  9. I agree I had the same issues with BFG when it was time to do things for their SEMA display in Vegas every year. Few had the guts to make the call and often lead to increased charges for OT and air freight. Lutz points out how the structure in GM was to the point there were ruled to follow and few were willing to take the chance and do what was right. Like the chrome around the windows in the Impala. It looked better and was a must have trim to make the car look better. The guy in charged agreed with Lutz it was needed but was affraid to make the call due to cost overruns. Lutz told him if the car fails you fail if it does well they will overlook and forgive the cost overruns. Like Lutz first book title Guts is what it takes. along with some common sense. He points out how GM has some of the brightest people around but they are lacking so much in common sense they could not know enough to blow their nose, I have seen this in many managers. They are book smart but idiots when it comes to making a common sense call. I had a President of a local Corp once struggle to tell me what he wanted done on his car. I asked one of the others at his company how they function. The guy said he was a genius when it comes to balancing the books but the guy just could not articulate what he wanted done or what he wanted others to do.
  10. You may want to reword that.
  11. With Europe Cadillac does not have to out sell as it will not happen but they need to gain acceptance there. At least sell to the point they do not have to relaunch every 5 years. If you want to be the standard of the world you need to be accepted by the world not just North America. This is now a global market and if you want to make it into the future you will need to compete everywhere. The key to the higher tech V8 is it could be adapted to other uses and models. DOHC is an expected thing in the high end cars. Do people need DOHC and 8 speeds....No. But do the want them.... yes. When selling cars you give the people what they want and they will buy it. If you fail to give them what they want they will go to other brands as they have already. I would like a higher end RWD sedan but not yet to the point it is in Six Figures. For the most part Cadillac has yet to prove they are worth that and with the economy as it is the customer will take a proven product. I have seen Cadillac fail time and time again, if they can't get the CTS yet to be best of class how are they going to get a six figure car to be best in class? At least if they use a V8 it can be salvaged for use in other vehicles in different variations. It would at least recover the lost money spent on such a car. Spend it on a V12 and it fails then you are stuck with an engine and no where to off set the cost. The BMW we all know today was really built on the 2002 and the 3 series not the 5 or 7. The 2002 is what really brought it to Americas attention out side the cult following. The 3 Series was then made the Ultimate Driving Machine by Lutz and BMW marketing. The BMW rep really started there and grew from these two cars once BMW proved themselves and built a rep. Before these few people would have ponied up the money for a more expensive 5 or 7 BMW in North America. I would love a $150,000 V12 Cadillac that could take on some of the best cars. It would really be cool. I just don't think they can do it and do it right at least not yet. They have made improvments with the brand and I think there will be a time it could be done but just not now. I just feel the money they could or would lose here could do more good growing the brand and leaning to walk before they can run. We will just have to agree to disagee. You may get a flag ship at some point which is fine but I would count out the V12 unless they buy it from someone else. GM will not spend that kind of money on a engine with such limited use. Heck the LS9 is based on an engine used in how many cars. GM is not that flush with money they can afford to risk that much on a very limited engine. This car is not a sure thing and there is still risk involved.
  12. I understand the cost of a AMG and the price is due to the well established heritage of AMG over how many years. They have earned the right to build cars will no compromise and that tickle Jeremy Clarkson to no end. They have few faults and plenty of power. I am sure they are makeing good money on them as even with the jacked up price it can't be that much to do much of the work they are doing. I am sorry but until GM can make a CTS and ATS that can donminate the US market and fight for the lead in Europe they have better things to spend their money on and win the trust of the buying public. I have a buddy with a XLR V and he can tell you about resale value on a $100,000 Cadillac. It is a really cool car but in the eyes of the public it falls short again. GM has burn some good will up with it the STS and Allante. They all claimed to be as good as Benz and the public did not feel the same way. Cadillac needs to show the ATS and next CTS is not as good but better. They also need to show they can sell in Europe as if you can sell there selling them on Rodeo Drive, La Jolla or Newport Beach will not be a problem. If I can drive down Highway 1 on a Saturday night and see As many ATS and CTS at the clubs and resturants in Newport Beach then they can sell to the next level. For the Flagship to work it has to appeal to people that are not Cadillac or GM fans. It has to appeal to the traditional Euro buyer and the traditiona Euro snob buyer. If you can convince them to come over with the cheaper cars you are ready for the big show. VW over sold on the Phaeton and Benz on the Maybach. It can happen to any of them. Just sticking a V12 in a Zeta based car and pricing it at six figures is not going to do it. You need to earn your place to get into the game. Invest the money in the new affordible cars first and make them the class choice and then move the buyers up. Even Lexus was smart enough to know they could do this yet. If they work and earn the rep I would love to see Cadillac move up to the big leauge but they are not to the point I feel they can pull it off. If you can win you class at $50k what makes you think at $100 you will do any better? The reason people took a chance on the CTS is that it was cheaper than the others in class. If it had been $100K I don't see that many taking the risk. As for the Carbon editions. The Vette is in a class of it's own like Harley Davidson. The image and name never lost the magic even after a rought 70's for each. Also the Vette has had to earn a good rep since 1984 with good upgrades performance and marketing with racing. The Vette did not become considered world class overnight and without some real work.
  13. I do expect the short wheel base Chevy to be here 2014 or just after the new upgrades are done to the Zeta. If there is to be a Camaino it will be then. As for now I would not get too excited if they say it will not happen as they said the same about the Cruze coupe and now look they are now having it under consideration again. Either there is a lot of fighting and indicision in GM right now or they are playing a lot of games with the public. I think it may be a little of both. GM may be on a better path laid down by Lutz but Bob and some other GM people have said there is still some who want to go back to the old ways. They are still fighting the urge to give people what they want and give them what GM thinks they need.
  14. Ok I will play this game. Then if they are only going to make 3000 units how much would it cost to make this engine? If it is not used in anything else how much would it cost to design, test and build to put this in the car. Even if the people that buy this don't care about fuel economy they are also the ones who stop buying SUV when the gas spikes. With high fuel cost and a bad economy a V12 is not realistic in any way in a small volume. Just the bad PR from the press would be difficult for GM to over come as they are trying to lose their false poor fuel economy image. In short if it were to happen they would have to buy them from an outside company and I find that not an likely thing to happen. As for the V8 The LS 9 will be gone by the time this will come out and they may have a whole new package to offer that is shared with a dew other cars. I would expect Cadillac to get their own tune of this engine. No matter who is right or wrong here the odds of a V12 are slim at best. If GM can't get people waiting in line for the ATS or CTS because they are the best GM is not going find many waiting for a $100,000+ flag ship and willing to part money for it. This would just be another Allante part II. You just can't build cars like this you until have to earn the right and rep to build them by building the best cars with your normal lines. VW learned this with the Phaeton. Nice car but no earned rep and utter failure.
  15. Hyper: "Estate" is what all wagons are called over there in The Old World. The name could be shifted to a new connotation over here, calling attention to the car's Euro roots. They don't even know what a station wagon is in Yurp, do they? I know how the term Estate was used over there. It does not bring images of Country English Estates or hand built bodies to Americans. Americans relate better to western terms like King Ranch or Silverado. If anything the return of the wagon will sit well with the demo derby guys. Fade the paint and paint a skull on it and it would right at home at the county fair. They will need something to replace the Crown Vic once they dry up. They would have to love the unibody and FWD. They could back up all night with the rear missing. LOL! At least one Elcamino you will pass up. We had a blue one here like this. I agree it was very ugly. Like I have said the 70's were not all that great.
  16. Now that was just down right cruel. That link is even more mean than GM pulling the G8 ST. Camaino don't look or you will go blind.
  17. Monza Town Coupe now there is a loser of a name in todays market. It gives me images of plaid 70's interiors. The 70's were not that good that I would want to recall too much, but I think the Monza name would be a nice rehash of a old name with a fresh start. Also it would play well world wide in other markets as most would understand the name. In this market it is a long forgotten name, I suspect few will recall the issues of the cool but troubled 70's Monza.
  18. From what I have read they like it and say for the most it is a very good car. The lack of power is a given in a magazine as outside a super car I seldom see they say one has enough. The two areas that hurt the Chevy is the list price but in the real world that means little since only idiots pay that. ALso the numb GM steering comment always comes into play but like stated this is not a M3. This is a car for the normal average driver and that is what count giving them what they want not some writer in a magazine that dose not even own a car. The bottom line is the public is taking to this car in a big way and it is doing what GM has never done with a small car....Make Money. I saw a new LTZ int he parking lot at work today next to the new Ford. When I first saw the Ford at the Auto show I thought it to look better than the LT Cruze. But out in the sun and a LTZ package the Cruze has it all over the Mazda looking Ford. At least the Chevy does not look like any other car and has it's own identity. The only part that has not grown no me is the c pillar.
  19. Well nice idea but little chance of ever happening. The V12 is out unless GM can buy it from someone else. What V12's that are out there will more than not go away too with the threats of higher cafe. Cadillac has a lot of more important things than to do another 2 seater now in a down economy. The ATS is pretty much as given here the only question will be the TT V6 or a V8 in the V series. The XtS is a done deal and reality and is not going to go away. The SRX is not going to change much right away. I think once the updated Zeta is here we will see some limited edition here. I really don't think the STS name will return. It will be interesting to see where the CTS goes once the ATS arrives. The key is to get the ATS and CTS as cars people want and ask for even wait for it to be built kind of cars. Class leading in each of their segments are needed and no more just trying to match or come close to BMW. Once GM reaches this level they can move on to larger and more expensive things. Many people are not willing to take a $100,000 chance on a car that is not class leading only to see it's resale at $25,000 in 3 years. GM needs to win hearts and wallets with the cheaper cars and gain the trust of the public before they can move up. The ATS and next CTS much to that. They need to deliver in looks, performance and appointments beyond what the public expects. As for engine numbers we will just have to wait to see what is offered. We can toss numbers all night and they mean little. Either way there will be enough power no matter the engine type or size to make it interesting.
  20. With the coming of the new Scion it would not be hard to make a nicer looking Cruze.
  21. The last thing we need is the sight of vinyl wood grain. Also the Estate name needs to be kept far away.
  22. The real question would be 2 or 3 door. The trunk would do better here if you can get a box in it. and the hatch would do better in Europe and Asia. But of late the Asian companies have embraced coupes with trunks so this it what I would expect GM to choose.
  23. I would think the use of the coming Turbo V6 would be a better choice since Superchargers are on their way out with most small engines. AWD is ok but at what cost of weight? Also how much do you plan to charge for this car. There are limits at this time on what people will pay for a Buick and that is why we did not get the full on OPC Regal. Once the GM wins the publics trust with the new cars they can move to some more upscale cars in the future. Right not the LaCrosse and Regal need to build a faithful following and grow the market in the price range people are willing to take a chance on them. Right now I see going over $40k with either the present Regal or LaCrosse difficult.
  24. The Cruze is selling much better than most realize. In this area they are everywhere. Even my wife noticed she is seeing them all the time and she does not normally look for cars like this. The Coupe would be a nice fit world wide. The real key is here GM is showing a profit and making money on this car vs past cars. The worry over pricing and lack of power may have been over done. I find the styling to look better on the road than it did when I first saw pictures of this car. It also does not look like every rounded Asian car out there.
  25. Lets not get to anal on spokes. It was just what Bob wrote in his book that the rule was at the time of his arrival. E mail him and let him know he was wrong. I am mearely the messenger.
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