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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. To be fair I do have to say the tail has some nice usefull traits that could move to a production car. It has that late 60's Eldo look about it and that is a good thing. The nose looks like a old Lincoln show car and the side has the slab sided Continental look which does little for me. I am just not a fan of a lifeless slab sided boxed nose car.
  2. I count it a blessing they will not build this. It looks like a rehash of the bad things Lincoln and Chrysler already threw out. This car just shows how well the Sixteen was styled.
  3. I hope the styling stays close to the original To me it is the best looking Cadillac in years. I would not get too excited about the name as if it is a good car and has great styling the name means little. Too many other letter and number cars have proven to be great sellers even with the lack of a dramatic name. I would wait for the specs as I do not expect the same Volt drivetrain to be in this car. There will be some changes that will make this car more appealing. Also I would expect this to be the first car with the 2nd gen or even 3rd gen improvements. In other words expect more range and better performance. GM can afford to do more with a higher list price.
  4. Not suprised at this. I did not expect GM to do this unless they could match or beat the magic 50 MPG number. With the right price and proper marketing this car could change the Americans idea of diesel cars. Also a drop in diesel prices would help too. I am hearing the Holden Cruze can see 52 MPG. Can anyone else can confirm this?
  5. We must remember many buyers in the market grew up on 4 cylinder inports. Most came from families that never owned a V8 and many may have seldom if ever drove one. In this day where you can get approx 300 HP from a 4 cylinder and a little more than that out of a V6 most find it will do all they need and they are happy with the extra MPG or two. I know the 2010 I have been driving while it is a great truck sucks on MPG. I have been getting 16 MPG with it. I asked my buddy who had the same 5.3 in his and he is spending $90 a week driving. In fact he just traded it in for a Cruze Eco and is thrilled to death. If I could get a New Colorado like we have seen with a Eco Turbo I would have no issue with it. The market today is about results and technology. With each generation cylinder counts mean less and less and and they just focus on performance. The V8 today is becoming more like the 454. There was a time it too was needed but today a 6.0 can do the work. Now the V6 Turbo can do the work of a 5.3 and gain 1-2 MPG. The market had completely changed and the companies need to give the people what they want and still gain a MPG where ever they can find it.
  6. hyperv6

    Cool Regal

    The Grand Nationals for the most were where they started to get it right. Adding an intercooler and water cooled housing solved many of the issues with burned up turbo bearings. Now the early T Types are the ones to avoid if you can still find one with a turbo in place. Also the GN's tended to be better cared for vs a normal Regal. People for the most took better care do they had many of the small issues delt with vs running it into the ground. I think of the early cars like the Monte Carlo Turbo and Lesabre T Type. When was the last time you saw one of these let alone with the original intake set up?
  7. Like most cars partial photoas are not always smart to pass final judgment on. It always best to see them in person as they take on a whole different look in 3D. The CTS coupe looks odd in photos but in person it pops.
  8. It is simple, people are paying a extra cost over the V8 for the Turbo V6 in the Ford. As of right now the V6 has taken over 50% of the Ford F150 market. The power is more than enough in the V6. Note too the V6 just gets a little more MPG but people want and are willing to pay for it. For GM not to offer a better V6 would be leaving a lot of buyers going to Ford to get what they want. The time is coming where most 1/2 ton trucks will be V6 and to get a V8 it will be offered in only higher end trucks or heavier chassis. The V8 will not go away but it will be limited and more expensive. Yes sir, thats also because V6s are putting down over 300hp. and that is 90hp more than my dad's 1995 GMC with a 350 V8 That was my thoughts too. I can remember 180 HP V8 used to be enough for most people to do just what they are doing now. I can remember the big deal on the 1990 454 SS pickup when they came out with 230 HP and 385 FT-LBS if torque. Today my 2.0 betters the HP by 60 HP and just falls 70 FT LBS short on the torque. I too think today people like new things and the turbo V6 engines and advanced engined have captured the customers imaginations. These are not the boat anchor 4.3 or inline 250 engines of the past. I think the new technology and marketing has really sold these engines at Ford and they have taken what was once a base engine and made it one in demand that is also making money. It will be interesting to see in the future if and when we get the new Colorado. Also is Ford going to offer the new ranger here as a F100 like truck at some point to help on MPG? I suspect there are going to be a lot of changes with this segment. It is too profitable and too competitive to ignore.
  9. It is simple, people are paying a extra cost over the V8 for the Turbo V6 in the Ford. As of right now the V6 has taken over 50% of the Ford F150 market. The power is more than enough in the V6. Note too the V6 just gets a little more MPG but people want and are willing to pay for it. For GM not to offer a better V6 would be leaving a lot of buyers going to Ford to get what they want. The time is coming where most 1/2 ton trucks will be V6 and to get a V8 it will be offered in only higher end trucks or heavier chassis. The V8 will not go away but it will be limited and more expensive.
  10. hyperv6

    Cool Regal

    The Regal was one of the better looking cars back then. But what I remember is before the water cooled housings the turbo would be gone by 35,000 miles. The tranny more than not would fail. The engine was rough as it had no balance shafts. The doors on this car would start to sag and the windows would rattle etc. Times were always better and the grass was always greener when you look back. So I remember the good but when it comes to cars I also temper it with the whole story and try to keep it in perspective. Even today we have some of the best and worst things that will be looked back on in great memeory and somwe distain by many.
  11. Well first off I don't expect this to be just a rebody of a Volt. I expect different tuning and the drive will be a much different experience. GM can afford to do things with this car that they could not do with the Volt since they were holding price down. Also this will be on a 2nd or even third gen drivetrain so it should have more range and better performance. Hell the styling alone if they can keep it as it is will make the best looking eco car if not one of the best looking any kind of a car on the road. I had hoped they would save the styling if they did not save the car as this would make a great edition to the GM line just on style alone. Before some here go off half cocked it is best to let GM lay out the plan as there is a lot more to this than just a rebodied Volt.
  12. I saw one reference that said these were 30K, but that sounds closer to GVWR or original weight with one of the displays in place, not curb weight. I know their size, and yes; their behemoths, but they're not anywhere near the 'density' of something even from the 1970s. I could see it weighing between 12-15K, but not 30K. Doesn't smell right to me. I'd like to know the fact here. My Ford COE looks like a monstrous truck (it's over 9' tall), but there's nothing to it, very few sub-systems, and it's under 3900. For decades, the weight of a Tucker has been quoted as being 4250, it's in any reference book you pic up with specs listed. That also didn't pass the sniff test, and I challenged that to one of the founders of the Tucker Club, who admitted this was the reported weight of the heavily-leaded prototype, and the production cars weigh about 3850. Made real sense when you considered it was the size of a 4300 lb Roadmaster, but had an AL H6 and no driveshaft vs. a iron I8, iron trans & DS. Per the book on the Futureliner the vehicle comes in at 27,000 pounds empty and depending on the display could add 12,000 more pounds to the vehicle. Number #10 as it is comes in at 30,000 pounds. The upper doors each are 392 lbs, lower side doors each are 486 lbs Door light bars each 204 lbs, and 540 lbs for the light fins with cables and these are the light parts. So the 30,000 is an accurate weight of the vehicle. This is not a light weight tour bus my anymeans.
  13. 28 MPH Really? They must be sandbagging it... it looked like it was going faster than that in the video. My father's '68 Kurbmaster had a 235 6cyl and when fully loaded (probably about 4 tons), it was slow, but not THAT slow. Throttle stops may be the cause. LOL! I think he let off early. It appeared to be faster up track. But keep in mind it can only do 40 MPH top speed according to the guy I talked too. This is really a great show. Most years they have over 500 Show Pontiacs and 500 race Pontiacs. This year was a down year. Last years show had 554 show cars the largest turn out ever. I was pleased to get one of the 5 best in show awards. That one really means a lot. Years ago they ran a Penzoil NASCAR show car in the 1/4 mile and it did a 12 second run. Not bad for a old stock car with a junk engine.
  14. The work that went into old #10 is amazing. I was at Summit Raceway Norwalk last weekend and got to see the Future liner for the first time. I even got to climb into the cab and get to feel what it would be like behind the wheel. I am glad this group took this Futureliner and brought her back to near what GM originally did. It gives you the idea what they really looked like. They are much more impressive in person than in any photo. I had seen one of the others that was not restored to original and it just lacks the class of the Earl vision.
  15. I see this as a good thing today. In the past it would have been difficult to to but with todays technology they can bend and twist these platforms in many ways never possible in the past. Also keep in mind this is a global statment not just a North American statment. Companies like Holden will not be completely different than Chevy anylonger. While they get plaforms and cars like the Cruze and Malibu Chevy will get the use of the RWD platform in in a sedan and both will share the new Camaro. Less overlap less confusion more money saved. I see better investment in many cars that traditionally were short changed in the past. Expample, the new Alpha Camaro I feel will be a better car sharing it with the ATS. It will have more development dollars in the chassis that is shared with Cadillac. I do not see the same issues as in the past like the Cimarron where Chevy shared with Cadillac where as today Cadillac will share with Chevy. To make this work it is a one way street from the higher division down not the less divsion up. Sh#t can roll uphill. As for the engines most are going to be 4 cylinders anyways as it nearly is today. THere will remain a smattering of V6 and V8 engines but they will be limited. The new Ecotec engines will be as common as a 307 and 327 at Chevy in the 60's. When done right like many other companies have proven less can be more. GM is in a position to do this right for once with where they are today.
  16. This is not too safe as it will appeal to broader segment of the market. The early A&S was loved by half the people and ran off the rest. BMW and Benz never wonder far from their styling or take great risk as they know this is what people expect. This too is why so many others copy it. Germany styling has never been a strong suit to me but it is what people tend to go too. trust me I love the CTS coupe more than any BMW but I an Also wise enough to know I am not in the majority. The ATS is the Volume car and needs to appeal to the widest market possible. The New ATS and coming CTS will set the pace for the Future. I don't see the XTS as a long term car. I see it as a transission car from the Old foggy DTS to a much more market current car that will give luxury and appeal to a lower age group than 60's or professional car groups. I think the XTS was just far enough along to finish it and buy time to do the car they really want. As for a XLR? I am ok with it once they get the house in order. Cadillacs future is not dependent on a sports car. It may enhance the entire line once they have a line but until they get the sedans and coupes set and on the market there is no reason for a high priced sports car that could drain away needed staff to do what cars that will support Cadillac. I would love to see them do something on the New C8 later if they can make it far enough away from the Corvette version that people will not think they are just buying an over priced Vette. I understand the Escalade as it makes as much profit as just about anything GM offers. But I too would love to see a Q7 or even a Cayenne like sporty like SUV. If they could convert a Lamda into this or something else I see it as selling well. I still don't understand the love of the Cayenne but there are a hell of a lot of them out there and with the right vehicle I could see GM taking some of this segment.
  17. The photo here makes it clear that this car will have a German tone to it while still keeping the A&S look. It may have a similar German feel but will not be mistaken for a Benz or BMW. When you see it you will know it is a Cadillac. I see this car like the group Metallica. When they made their fame they were hard edged thrash. As time went on they made the Black album and pulled in fans from all demographics that would have never listen to them before. They became stronger as they became a little more mainstream. I see this in the A&S cars. While the first ones were sharp edged and loved by some they also put off many too. The styling I see here will keep the present owners on board while bringing in others that like the German styling tone. German like styling is expected in this class as everyone has used it. Lexus, Hyundai and many others have used it to great effect. Others like Acura went their own way with the jaws of chrome and paid a price for it. The body continues the pulled down over the chassis look and has good wheel fit. This is key to Cadillacs future. The smaller cars will play an imporant part of the future with the economy in the tank. Many who could afford the more expensive cars are now down sizing as they are taking hits in their investments and are stuck with high house payments they can't get out of. The cheaper BMW and Benz are doing pretty well as many who had say a 5 series are now looking at a well loaded 3 to save money. If this car has the quality, feel and performance to not just meet a 3 but beat a 3 in all ways it will do well. I only hope Cadillac and GM has aimed higher than just to bench mark the BMW and meet it on equal ground. This is what has hurt GM in the past. I would love to see them move the ball out farther. So far they have done this with the Cruze and it looks to be paying off. It has a bette ride and comfort than anything else in class and people look to be resonding to it in great numbers. GM was the first to make a compact for adults.
  18. While the earthquake did effect some things I wonder how long they keep trying to blame it. There are many other factors involved and the quake will run out of time. But the owned media will keep pressing on with it. GM is on the right track but they still have a lot more work to do. companies like VW continue to work hard and gain greater market shares. GM can remain #1 but they will have to fight for it.
  19. The Cadillac Large SUV's need little right now. They sell well and more then likely make twice the profit some of the other make since they are based on a Chevy truck. Right now I would love to see them stay on the cars and not make them world class. I want to see GM make them class leading world class. The Truck SUV's should be changed up later but for now they are the one thing that I would say make more money per unit that Cadillac makes. If GMC is cleaning up slap another 20 grand on that and think of the profits. I expect the SUV's to get a little smaller and softer in the next gen. Cadillac may just sneek in a more car like one next time.
  20. GM is the best to build automatic transmissions and has been for years. Their only issues they ever had were in the years they tried to save money on them and they got caught in the 80's. Even Rolls bought the Turbo 400 in the past and tried to improve it only to have issues. They polished the valve body to make it look up to Rolls standards only to have it malfunction and GM tell them to stop polishing it as the ruff castings help control the flow. I think it will be save to say the 8 speed GM has coming will be world class.
  21. It is not like the hatch is the leader in this class. It is a help but the money car is the sedan. The update will bring a hatch that will help focus the attention on Chevy. Pun intended.
  22. Someone likes it as it is doing well in sales.
  23. I see the Bu to continue the good work of the Cruze. I have seen many defections away from Hyundai in this area with co workers etc. They bought them as a good value but have not been happy with the quality and nagging non warranty issues that has cost them money. Many have gone back to Chevy. There's no place like home. Now there is a slogan. With the Cruze doing well and a new Bu due soon to be followed by a new Impala I see a lot of good with the future at Chevy. I really would like to see what the Impala will like. The 4 cylinder is will not be in an issue and only a assset if the gas remians were it at. If you want a Six the Impala will take car of that. I watch today and so few Malibu's have a V6 now. Just look at the tail pipes. If it has one it is a Eco if there are two pipes it is a V6. It is rare to see two pipes.
  24. The link isn't working for me... anyone else have this problem? Anyone have another link to use? I just tried it. It works just fine. Good thing that that wagon was never released: poorly executed. It works... didn't realize that it was trying to redirect me elsewhere (once I clicked "back" it was fine). The question I have is that I believe the two pictures were taken at two different times... notice in the rear shot that the Chevrolet Cheyenne concept pickup truck is in the picture. I sure hope GM didn't scrap that too I also wonder where that picture was taken, as it seems there's a lot of new and some older GMC Sierra pickups in there too. I am not sure where it is but It looks like the one I was taken to by a GM manager a few years back. They had a lot of prototypes there and stock cars that were cut up for different reasons. It used to also have the TA territory GMC mobile home there too. It had been ther in storage for years. I have photo's of 3 1990 Fiero coupes parked next to it. By the time I got there the Fiero's were crushed. Does anyone know where that lot was where the TA Territory GMC was stored? I heard they are restoring it now for the GM collection.
  25. I heard the was to be called the Cadillac SUX. If you thought the SRX tanked back then this would have topped it. It is not enough car or SUV to make anyone happy. This is the proverbial question that no one ever asked. People don't buy Cadillac wagons to haul much. To add a little untility etc yes. Styling in this class takes the trump card here and the present car even wins the hearts of wagon haters and wagon lovers alike. This thing is not high enough or low enough. It is too long looking. I wonder if Lutz killed this one when he came in. GM design was in a holy mess in the few years before Bob came in. To me the SRX looked a lot better and had better balance. It just was not what the public wanted. Most went for the smaller FWD, AWD SUV.
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