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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. While you and I don't like it they are now selling more cars than they have in years. While many don't like it many do. I do feel it is better than it was a few years ago. That old Malibu was horrible. I did spend time with a Cruze the other night. I was caught off guard on how rounded the nose on that car really is.
  2. I have stopped reading your post in this thread. You are not getting my point and it is not worth arguing about anymore. I will say you are correct on what ever point you have to make you happy. Olds I am done and will get back on topic! Sorry!
  3. The S10 Blazer was a good vehicle and it was small enough to be appealing to someone who did not want a big SUV while being still big enough fill most of their needs. This is a class where bigger I feel is not always better. If you get too close to the larger SUV why not just get the bigger one. I still feel the ranger did as well as it did even in old trim because it was pretty small and the price was much less. We have a dealer here now selling them dirt cheap new. I had a Tahoe Package on my S10 and it was a good solid truck. I only wish the 4.3 was better back then. It still had a little shake to it.
  4. Again, trying to spread misinformation. When recovering control from a spin in either a FWD or RWD car, you STILL have to turn into the spin. FWD cars can oversteer but more often prone to understeer. Understeer is a skid and in that case you turn into it. If you understeer in a RWD car more time than not you can pull out of it with the gas and steer in to it and steer into it. To get most FWD cars to understeer you really have to pitch it in or do something like pull the e brake. With Stability control today it is almost a forgotten issue in either bit people still find control of a FWD eaiser even when it is not better. No matter what your point is here people believe FWD has better tractions even when it is not true. Sorry if I did not say skid vs spin I assumed you were smart enought to understand the point. Sorry if I made the mistake.
  5. I think it would be fun but I fear until you add a gas engne, auto and 2 more doors it would never sell well. Also how close in price would it be to a Full size truck once you add all the toys to a model like this? They have already added a larger cab and auto to the Raptor in the name of sales. I would love to see a SUV like that but people just don't always want cool cars anymore. It is sad but they more often want a radio that they talk too.
  6. Ones that will ensure we'll have resources and clean air in one hundred years. You actually believe this? Can I interest you in a bridge? If this was true he would know Maurice Strong and Al Gore and their global warming would have killed us by then anyways. LOL!
  7. Camino is correct on the limited nature but the market has changed. The public has been fed the crap on how FWD has better traction for neat 30 plus years now and they believe it. The fact is the traction is not better but it is easier for the driver with few car control skills. You point the wheels and gas no turning into the spin or anything like this. The sad fact is demand for RWD cars is limited. Most people are happy with a FWD 4 cylinder and if there was greater demand for RWD sedans we would have more. Even then the companies are reluctant to add more since they are in for a major down size on most models to meet the crazy CAFE. Manual transmissions, Wagons, and RWD cars have groups that want them but today the market has shifted and they are no longer the primary car most buyers want. The days of cars like the RWD Caprice Sedan being one of the top sellers is long overs. Also we have to factor the economy now as people have less money to spend on cars as well as fuel. This is why we see cars like the Cruze now selling so well. It is a lot of car for the money and get better than normal MPG. It meets needs of most drivers. 30 years ago a Cruze would have never sold as well as it is today.
  8. What many here fail to understand or even notice is Holden and Chevy are becoming more and more to be one. The new SWB RWD sedan is coming here, it may be limited but at the price it will be they will send enough. The fact is I count myself as a RWD V8 fan but I also understand that I am also out of step with most in the auto market. There is a place for me but I am no longer the primary customer. The fact is if you look at all the best selling cars today almost all are FWD and 4 cylinder. I too just got to spend some seat time in a 11 Cruze Eco tonight. I must say I was impressed. The car I drove has been averaging 354 MPG around town and did not drive anywhere near what I had expected. It was quiet, road well, stopped well, the power while not up to my LNF was more than able to drive this car with enough power to make most drivers more than happy. Chevy did a good job and I now fully understand why it has been one of the best selling cars in America. The 1.4 Turbo while not a race car was far from felling as a underpowered slug. To be honest this car had as much get up and go as some of the so called performance cars of the 80's and 90's. I know it rode, handled and stopped better. the cruze eco is an amazing car. it's a tight piece, something you would never expect from chevy. it is pleasing to the driver, it's good on gas, it's fun, and it doesn't break the bank. honestly if the cruze eco doesn't make C/D ten best, then something is f-ed.........the cruze eco is a far better car than that piece of sht jetta that is out now. VW and their junk, the GM stuff is better. i haven't driven the focus yet, but it lacks a 6th gear and the interior is claustrophobia. plus the exterior is too egglike and plain. of all the cars in the last 10 years I am most proud of for GM, i would put the Regal and Cruze Eco right there. two cars that should be where GM is going. The Eco is everything you don't expect in a high mileage car let alone an American car or even a Chevy. I suspect as more people find out about this car the better it will sell. I want to drive a LTZ Cruze now because if the strip down car was this good how goo will it be. Oh We also had our first Volt sighting here. Having driven the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Nox I need to give one of these a spin.
  9. For 2012 the F-series has a choice of a V6, Turbo-V6, 5.0 DOHC V8, 6.2 liter SOHC V8, 6.7 liter diesel (5-choices) For 2012 the Camaro has a choice of 3.6 liter V6, 6.2 liter V8, 6.2 Liter Supercharged V8 (3-choices) For 2012 the Mustang has a choice of 3.7 liter V6, 5.0 DOHC V8, and 5.4 liter Supercharged...... we also know that Ecoboost is coming to Mustang to ad a fourth engine choice. (3 choices with a 4th coming) For 2012 the Cruze has a choice of two 4-cylinder engines, both available with a manual and with a diesel engine coming next year (2 choices with a 3rd coming) If you want to count the Verano and Volt, add the 2.4 Ecotec, 2.0T Ecotec, 2.5 eAssist, and Voltec to the list for a total of 7 choices of power train in a compact car platform. For 2012 the Regal offers a choice of base 4-cylinder, low end Turbo 4-cylinder, high end turbo-4, and eAssist (4-choices) For 2012 the Silverado has a 4.3 V6, 4.8 V8, 5.3 V8, 6.2, 5.3 V8-Hybrid, 6.0 V8, and 6.6 turbodiesel (7-choices) Tell me the fairy tail again about how choice is diminishing? No fairy tale whatsoever. Trucks aren't at issue here. In cars, GM offers exactly one RWD choice that isn't Caddy or Corvette. Everything else is FWD. Clear enough for you? Caprice? It may be a cop car but it is also a sign of things to come. Alpha will be more than two cars too. Not sure what all yet but they will make better use of this car. GM is not even close to telling much in the post Chapter 11 era. Finally most of the cars from most companies will be FWD and 4 cylinder. The Gov Regs had pretty much locked it in. We will still have RWD and V8's but they will be limited and not cheap. If you want to change this change Washington and their unresonable green think. I would like to see better MPG too but 65 MPG is just going to drive us to very very small cars and much higher prices for the cars we want.
  10. What many here fail to understand or even notice is Holden and Chevy are becoming more and more to be one. The new SWB RWD sedan is coming here, it may be limited but at the price it will be they will send enough. The fact is I count myself as a RWD V8 fan but I also understand that I am also out of step with most in the auto market. There is a place for me but I am no longer the primary customer. The fact is if you look at all the best selling cars today almost all are FWD and 4 cylinder. I too just got to spend some seat time in a 11 Cruze Eco tonight. I must say I was impressed. The car I drove has been averaging 354 MPG around town and did not drive anywhere near what I had expected. It was quiet, road well, stopped well, the power while not up to my LNF was more than able to drive this car with enough power to make most drivers more than happy. Chevy did a good job and I now fully understand why it has been one of the best selling cars in America. The 1.4 Turbo while not a race car was far from felling as a underpowered slug. To be honest this car had as much get up and go as some of the so called performance cars of the 80's and 90's. I know it rode, handled and stopped better.
  11. 38K is not bad for a totally new car with NO marketing whatsoever. And keep in mind, even that number is limited, as Holden only had so much spare capacity. GM doesn't provide net profits per unit, so we can only guessimate that. Camaro will NOT continue to stay at 100K per year, so I guess that's as good as gone. Better not tell Chrysler about that. 50% of their car lines are RWD... more when the Viper comes back. In the era of mandatory traction control, the RWD vs FWD battle is basically over. People buying a large car want good ride and premium driving dynamics... RWD delivers that. G8 vs GTO federalization costs are not able to be compared. The GTO had the gas tank behind the rear end. The G8 always had the gas tank under the rear seats. What new Chevy RWD? On Alpha? You think GM is going to build an Alpha Chevy sedan if the target is only 10K? You're insane if you think GM won't pay a small price to bring the Holden here, but will engineer a whole new car for the same lousy 10K volume. Such creditbility with a your guestimate? How can I argue with that LOL! The G8 was selling so well at one point I had discounts and rebates advertised here that would have got me into a Loaded V8 G8 GT for $23K. I was looking at around $7K off sticker. They sold ok but they were not hard to find nor were they in such demand that if you wanted one you had to pay sticker or even close. I wish I had gone for it now with their present resale but that is in the past. It is matter of supply and demand. Too few people selling used ones has kept the resale up. If the car was on the market today resale would be $4-$6K less depending on the miles on the car. The Camaro is up for changes in 2015 already and has had a lot of marketing and a lot of special editions to keep people coming back and the car fresh. They are working hard to make it stay at or near the 6 figure goal in sales. You can argue all you want but GM is the one that stated what they are working to keep production at six figures not me. I even heard it from the F bodfather himself in person on what the target figure was. 50% of Chrysler is RWD because they were controled by Daimler who had no interest in small cars. It nearly killed Chrysler a second time as they so little investment in small FWD cars that dominate 80% of the market. Today Fiat is in a rush to get a fleet of FWD Chrysler models out bases on Alfa's. They rushed the little pile of crap over under the Fiat 500 badge too to get some sales back since they had little to offer. The FWD RWD battle is over? Time to take a reality pill here bud. There is a place for RWD but it will never be the dominate player it once was. Find a RWD that sells as well as a Camry or even a new dated Impala. The general public for the most is in love with FWD and have been brainwashed to think they can't live without it if they have any kind of snow stability control or not. Hey they are idiots but their money is green, if they want to buy tons of small FWD cars GM take their money all day. First off where did I say Alpha???? I never said Alpha and you know as well as anyone there at this time no Alpha sedan planned for Chevy. Holden on the other hand is doing a new updated RWD car and Chevy will get a version and will also bring here as it was done as like near all their new cars to be global. The Car for all intents is going to be a modern GXP and a rep from GM has already stated after stating they call it a 4 door Camaro internally. He also stated when ever they do bring it in it will be limited to around 10,000 units due to CAFE ratings. The GXP sold in less numbers and 10,000 $40K units will more than cover most sales per year. It will be the car the Impala will not be RWD and V8 and provide GM the Halo sedan it needs while still covering the volume market with the car most buyers want at a much lower price with the Impala. Again my comment is not any guesstimate but what I saw stated in a statment from GM. He also stated the car has an offical name but would not disclose anything other than calling it the sports sedan and that it was not an Impala. Enough on the Sedan BS and get back to the Topic at hand here. Though I wonder if GMC could use a short Alpha platform for a Jeep like vehickle? They looked at the Kappa at one time for Hummer so a car based unibody could be in play?
  12. Oh, really? GM sold 38,159 G8s in roughly 13 months with virtually no marketing in a plummeting market. Do you REALLY think GM is going to throttle a market like that to 10K per year? The CAFE excuse don't fly here when you consider most were V6s and got virtually the same MPG as other GM cars. 38K G8s represents about 1.1 billion dollars. That's a lot of money. It certainly didn't cost that much to federalize them. After all, GM seems to have federalized the Caprice for low, low sales volume to law enforcement agencies. I say "seems" because these cars WILL end up in the hands of the public secondhand and because the EPA and safety crazies would have a field day if we had our "boys in blue" in polluting, unsafe vehicles. In the meantime, GM brings us the Spark... a answer to a question nobody is asking. They federalized that. How many of those are realistically going to sell? Smart numbers? Of course not... because GM will probably bring in 60K+ of these regardless if they have to give them away or not. Personally, its my feeling that GMNA is still playing the "not made here" card. The G8/Caprice will likely eat the sales of the Impala, and possibly steal some Malibu or LaCrosse sales. GM would sell more cars overall... but the GM's puppetmasters, the UAW, don't want to lose 1 car built under their control, even it if means 50000 more get sold. Ok really! You can't play this game gross profits you play them net profits that is why they do what they do often. 38K is a drop in the bucket for most good selling cars. GM wants to sell Chevys in larger volumes so they can keep the price down. Like stated even the Camaro GM would like to see no less than 100,000 units every year. The G8/Holden is not a main stream car it is a nich car today and would be hard pressed to make the big numbers, GM knows this and does not hold the pressure on it. The fact is the general public wants FWD sedans. Most if they have any rear drive want a SUV because for some reason they feel they can not get anywhere in a RWD car. We did for years but the unwashed public are idiots and think they know better. The bottom line is the Impala buyer and Holden buyer are two different kinds of buyers.The Implala is a car that will sell well over 100,00 units and if done right it will sell over 200,000 units something the Holden Chevy would never do even if GM wanted too. I don't have the numbers to federalize the G9 but the GTO was not cheap. GM's Scott Settlmire told me what all had to be done and how many cars they had to crash alone for the fuel system was staggering. In the end the new Chevy RWD will be here and will be at least the price of a Camaro SS nearing $40K. It will selling in numbers around 10,000 limited by GM and it will be sold at sticker or better by the dealers. Keeping the numbers low also will create demand that will do GM good as long as the dealers don't make them look bad on mark ups.
  13. I would love a 2 door. I even found a 2 door Jimmy with 2wd and lowered suspension Sunday in like new condition, I loved it. But to be honest I just don't see enough people out there like me that would buy it, too few others that really care for this kind of vehicle anymore. Even Ford move the Explorer over to unibody and it was one of the best sellers at one time but the public even moved away from it. I would love to see Chevy or GMC take this product and make it a real Grand Cherokee beater. I think if they make it more than just a people mover and make it something that really can go off road they may have a shot with it. Let it do things the present line up can not do. Even Jeep today has fallen back to do cars like the Compass and Patriot that are more MPG than Off Road SUV. I really would love to see GMC do a Wrangler beater based on the Unused Hummer concept that was being looked at. The Wrangler is unchallanged and it could easily be out done beccause they would not be hemmed in by traditional things that Jeep has. Also it could be done with small engines to keep the MPG up. Why should only Jeep own this segment? Lord knows they sold a crap load of Samurai's and Tracker's a few years ago. People loved the cheap small off road vehicles. They were crap but people bought a lot of them.
  14. I think you would be suprised and find the Nox would still easily outsell this. The Cadillac larger RWD AWD SUV failed where their smaller SUV FWD AWD and done much better. Now I could see it taking Traverse sales. It would provide hauling room but I would hope better MPG than the Traverse. Right now the smaller SUV seems to be a bigger hit. MPG and easier to drive still with good utility.
  15. 2014-2015 I assume your health will hold out that long. You will just have to make due with the squat 400+ and 600+ Corvettes, 300 HP 400 HP and 600 HP Camaros for now. If you are open minded enough the ATS and new CTS too. Plus you know as well as I that we have not seen all the big picture yet. We have a Z28 to come and the Holden/Chevy sedan by 2014. GM can't do it all in just a year or two and they need to get the cars that pay the bills done first as well as the new V8. Once the new V8 is in the Vette the others will soon follow. I disagree with the bolded part. The Holden could have come here as a Chevrolet Caprice SS a year after Pontiac was closed (2011) and begun to satisfy those with the money and wants for such a car. EVERY 2009 Pontiac G8 GXP sedan SOLD. Chevrolet certainly could have use that business back in 2010 and 2011 to pay bills, not to mention in 2012 and 2013. Why wait? The Sports Tourer could have also added some needed $$$ to the GM coifers, again it might have been a small amount of sales (5 or 10k per year), but at a premium price and the market to back it cash is cash. And the same could be said for the Holden Ute badged as an El Camino. I totally understand your "they need to get the cars that pay the bills done first" statement, but adding a line-up of vehicles already being produced and sold around the world just makes great business sense. Look at the resale value of '94-'96 Impala SS sedans... there's a market for these vehicles, trust me. Bringing the Holden over is not as simple as it appears. The fact is there is little return per dollar on a low volume 10K unit car vs one that sell 100K-200K. The The Holden is only held up for the new engine and updates. One it will have more power, More MPG and the improvments will move it away from the Pontiac that GM does not want to stir old memories on right now. Also add into this the Holden is only going to sell in numbers of 10K unit or less. GM is very concerned about the MPG of this car and plans to limit it because of this. they are not planning all 4 cylinder Malibu's just because they think that is all that will sell. CAFE has the Auto makers scared and it will remain that way unless someone in DC changes things. Resales is only a reflection of supply and demand. There is demand but there are few of these cars left as few were ever built and many have passed on. Even the G8 prices are up but they never really sold in any great volume by North American standards. Many at GM want to hold the Camaro accountable for 100,000 units per year and this is why so much effort was put into the V6 model to help fill out the remaining sales. The fact is the V8 will be a very rare engine at most companies and it will not be in anything cheap. Anymore the goverment standards and monetary issues have really effected on how and what is built anymore. It really reflects in the product as well as the publics interst. While there is still demand for performance cars it is far from what it used to be. The rules of engagment are much more than most in the public sector know. If only building cool cars was enough!
  16. 2014-2015 I assume your health will hold out that long. You will just have to make due with the squat 400+ and 600+ Corvettes, 300 HP 400 HP and 600 HP Camaros for now. If you are open minded enough the ATS and new CTS too. Plus you know as well as I that we have not seen all the big picture yet. We have a Z28 to come and the Holden/Chevy sedan by 2014. GM can't do it all in just a year or two and they need to get the cars that pay the bills done first as well as the new V8. Once the new V8 is in the Vette the others will soon follow.
  17. I is marketing as today you have to have the latest and best electronics to matter and the mechanicals are secondary in most cars. To bad we can not worry about driving and leave it at that.
  18. Because the market shows Americans overwhelmingly prefer vanilla (FWD 4cyl automatic sedans in white or silver). Which only holds true until they actually put something interesting on dealer lots (witness Camaro). And even then the Cruze still out sells it 3 or 4 to 1. Camino there are some things coming that should interest you and you know it. We have a better Camaro coming, Vette and the RWD V8 sedan. Just time has moved on and you are just not going to get many V8 cars and a lot of RWD in the past. The new rules are forcing them and us into these orange crates and we have to make due with what we have. It is a matter of time to where we will face a world conflict and gas will spike higher than ever. When that happens GM will be glad to have the 3 cylinders and small engines. They got burned before in the 70's. The 65 MPG CAFE or what ever crazy number they are looking at is nuts to me too but GM needs a good number of fuel efficent cars to remain viable. The performance cars are only frosting on the cake and GM can live with or without them. GM could not survive with only performance low MPG cars. Like it or not most people just want to get where they are going and could care less about the car they do it in as long as it gets good MPG, is Affordable and is Reliable. It sucks for the enthusiast but it is what it is. As I have said before the love affair with the automobile for most is over. It is true that the car is an appliance to most and they worry more about having the latest I phone. Just look at their sales last week.
  19. You forgot to add the updated sedan (in a Chevy wrapper) and the wagon... I did not forget. The wagon should never had come as it would have never made it more than 2 years. The Chevy RWD Sedan is on the way. It will be V8 only and expensive in limited numbers but once the new Chevy V8 hits it will appear too. Think updated GXP G8 as a Chevy SS sedan of some name. GM people have called it a Camaro SS sedan. Now I did forget the Orlando but that is a good thing.
  20. Oh nearly all their new cars are not coming to the US like the Colorado but in the end nearly all of them end up here in one form or another. I would not rule this one out all together yet. About the only one that never seems to make it is the Ute.
  21. I think we all expected this. It will be interesting to see what they do here in the name of MPG and keep as much power as they can.
  22. The real trick here is what engine is in the video. I have seen claims from Turbo 4 to V8. To me it sounds like a V6. Also the time at the end is it 8:29? That would be a good time for a non V series car as the Camaro SS is right in this area.
  23. I feel your pain brother! LOL!
  24. Because some of use don't want Nissan poor quality and the Toyotas rust. Trucks are an American specialty and they do them the best in Full Size and should figure out a way to do them small again like the original S10. Isn't this Thai? I think you will find thia truck is like most of GM's other recent cars and most markets had a hand in it not just one. There will be alittle something for everyone here and not just one market forcing it's product on another.
  25. I am not sure how big this is but I am think at least Colorado size. It is time for GM to get back to what a small truck really is and stop playing this mid size truck game. The Ranger was the smallest and best selling for a reason and it was not quality or state of the art. It was the cheap price, Size and 4 cylinder that got MPG. Because some of use don't want Nissan poor quality and the Toyotas rust. Trucks are an American specialty and they do them the best in Full Size and should figure out a way to do them small again like the original S10.
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