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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. Fact is in the all too near future few will have V8's even if they want them. Most of the companies are purging V8 engines fast in cars you never would have considered without one. We will have a v8 engine offered but it will be limited and expensive all too soon. I do not expect a V8 in the ATS and I expect the next CTS V will be the smallest car to get it and I would not be shocked if there were arguments by some at GM to remove it too. When Benz and BMW are moving hard back to 4 and Inline 6 engines it is telling of where the market is going. We also have to remember GM will have to move Cadillac to the world market at some point and the V8 is not all that important to Europe and China. Also the Green Movement is very strong in the EU. Green Image may not count much here but it does there. The hand writing is on the wall and smaller lighter cars with smaller engines will be the norm even in most Luxury classes. A Toyota IQ /Aston Martin is a hail mary from a scared company why else would they make such a move? Once the novalty wears off what will they do? While Benz and BMW are not showing it, they are also concerned. Cadillac should also be working now to be where they need to be in 10 year not wait till then. We have yet to see all the bizarre moves by those in Luxury class.
  2. It will not be a matter of what people want it be a matter of what is offered and what they can get. The auto indutry will change as much in the next 10 years as it did when it changed in the early 80's. Cars like the Verano are here now as they will become some of the larger cars in the future. If you will want anything larger and more powerful you will have to pay dearly for it. With the market already mostly 4 cylinder the car companies are still worried about finding the needed MPG for the future. Untill DC wakes up and learns there are no magic carbs and no deals with oil companies to repress that seceret technology that will give us 100 MPG the companies will be hard pressed to meet the standards without any major changes. I am sorry to say the Spark and 3 cylinders are not here because they want them. A lot of risk will be happening like when GM did the major FWD line change in the 80's I just hope this time GM chooses smart and make the right choices that will not take them 25 years to fix because they will not have enough money to fix them this time. Well, since W=mg, where g=Earth's gravitational field strength, its only a interesting distinction _IF_ the ATS is leaving Earth's gravitational well. First Cadillac on Mars? Well GM did help build the Lunar Rover With the way things are going that may be the new Impala in 2030.
  3. The Lacrosse isn't even Lexus level floating. I expect the XTS to be sportier and stiffer than that (probably with Magnaride). GM also also virtually eliminated torque steer with hi-per strut so that the only time you'd even notice it were if you were turning a corner on a cobble stone road at full throttle.... not something done in typical driving. Magnaride is going to be what sets this car appart. it is an amazing system and Cadillac is already marketing it effectivly with the CTS V.If anyone has not sampled this system they should to better understand it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGurNvxMLPg Also, the XTS is most likely going to be AWD for most models with just the FWD going to the base model for livery.
  4. That is what many people believe because it is easier for them to drive if they have no skills. Simple physics prevent it from having more traction with weight transfer. In non performance applications it is leass an issues.
  5. Yes they did. THey also had a pretty good handle on it before the new strut. It just made it even better. I still like a RWD performance set up better but the new FWD set ups do very well. With near 300 HP in my FWD I have no complaints other than the lack of traction. But then that is why they gave me Launch control.
  6. While it may not be a M5 killer you will be badly mistaken to under estimate this car. Having driven many of GM's most recent FWD cars I know what they can do now and they ain't a K car. When the Cobalt SS laped the Ring in nearly the same time as the Camaro SS the weigh balance was not an issue. Any car that can turn in a sub 9 min run is respectable. Most buyers out there don't even ask if it is FWD or RWD they drive the car and if they like it they buy it. I think once Benz and BMW start to offer FWD you will find many people buying them just as the RWD cars. People in this class often buy a badge and image not a drivetrain layout unless it says AMG, V or M. I do not see the XTS as a V series car but it will be a world class ride with more then competent handling. Like the Lacrosse it is not a performance car but still will handle some spirited driving with no drama. The ride is the focus but it will still turn with out dragging a door handle.
  7. 4 cylinders today make up 3/4 of the market and this will only increase in the future. All variations of the 4 cylinder will be needed as not every one will want max miles and will still expect enough performance for some inspired driving. I too am waiting to see what changes the future performance Turbo 4's will carry. The one thing is the present engines are not the best in MPG but they are far from bad. I do expect one thing of them and that will be they will remain Premium Recomended rated in most all Chevys and Buicks. This is something very important to the marketing guys and with todays engine management systems they can adjust faily well. They do leave a little extra power on the table but it is a lot easier to sell a car that gives you an option vs making you use premium. I know and most here know the cost is little but to many it will turn them away from buying a car without this option. The future as it look I see the V8 being a very limited option on only a few models and trucks. We are nearly there already. I expect the prices to climb if you want to buy one to try to force people into the V6 or smaller engines. The V6 to my suprise is declining in the plans of many companies. It is taking the place of the V8 in the larger FWD cars and will not be seen in most mid size and smaller cars. The 4 is going to be the main deal and the new Eco and it's future updates will be very important. I find the the LNF I have with the GM upgrade to be a very appealing power plant. It in daily driving returns approx 25 MPG in town and if I take a trip near 32 MPG. This is in a 3200 pound 295 HP 315 FT LB vehicle not driven it for MPG. On ramps are taken with boost over 20 psi as are back roads. GM did find with the increase in torque in the Turbo upgrade that the car gets to speed faster and lets the driver have more off gas time. In the DI cars this means no gas is going into the engine off gas. Bill Duncan GM driveline engineer verified what I saw with the increase of 1-2 MPG as the same GM saw. He said it was a unintended increase for them while adding 55 HP I expect they will refine the engine more for noise and they will increase the performance and efficiency of the Turbo with upgrades and new technology. The engines they have now are very good engines and I only expect they will get better. It is amazing what this little engine can do and GM is very lucky to have such a good power plant. Now if only other knew how good it is and will be. If GM had the money to market this like the Ecoboost a few years back they would be all the rage.
  8. Yes we all here are pretty up on most of GM's products and know about the production. Might be careful here on offering info request as most of us here want the kind of info GM just will not give out yet! Infact with some here they may be able to get you info you don't have yet. LOL! We here have earned the title of GM's Biggest fans and toughest critics honestly. Thanks for the offer on the info!
  9. I expect it to run $49,999 to 55,999. There will be few options as it is cheaper to limit the choices and just sell it nearly the same other than changes in color, wheels and sun roof choices. Scott said back on the 4th gen the power windows were made standard as it lowered cost for GM. I see this as much the same for a limited model.
  10. In the HHR SS it goes to 140 MPH and is so small it is hard to read in the 20 MPG jumps. I installed a Aerofroce gauge that has 28 options on it. I keep the boost and speedo up most times as they are digital and kind of work as the poormans heads up. I also have the limit lights set to come on at 20 PSI boost so I know when I am hitting the sweet spot and never have to take my eyes off the road. The Stock HHR Speedo is useless at anything over 85 MPH. The way I look at it the digital displays work well in high speed aircraft it should be fine in a car. I just wish GM would offer heads up as an option in more of their cars. After having it for near 15 years in several cars it has become a useful tool. To me it is a much better safety item for keeping your eyes on the road than most other gimicks being offered.
  11. Are you forgetting the Lutz-ring? That has most of the difficult turns/corners from the Nurn mimicked. No i state about it 12 post ago. The Lutz Ring came about only because of what the engineers learned in Germany and so they can set up the cars prior to going over or test things quick here without the long plane trip. It too is a very important part. I guess they also like to watch some of the press guys spin out on the Lutz Ring who get in over their head.
  12. Generally any car tuned at the Ring is much better suited for all real world conditions vs a car done on the Black Lake. GM engineers have said they have learned from the ring that you can better tune a car that will live much happier on all types of road and conditions. GM Performance learned that you can use less spring play with the bars and work more with the dampers. This is why most of the GMPD tuned cars not only perform but they also give a ride unlike any of GM's past performance cars. GM did the right thing and took many of these engineers and put them into the new programs a the start to tune all levels of these cars. In the past they were handed a older platform and told to fix it, today they do it right from the start. Cars like the Cruze while not a performance car already handles well and has about the best ride in class or the size of car it is. Same with the new Sonic as it's road mannors are appealing to most reviewers. GM in the past had a bad habit of tossing stiff springs on big bars and heavy shocks. While this was great on a smooth road it was hell every where else. Also they used to spring non performance cars so soft they had so much body lean you wondered if the car was going to end up on it's side. GM today has a much better group to tune cars. The advantage at the ring is it show almost all kinds of non perfect conditions and is a good place to tune anything from a BMW to a Chevy Van. It in the way is the ultimate surface test track and GM has used what they learned to good effect. While not every car goes to Germany what they learn is applied to all models today.
  13. It is 11-12 miles long. GM took the most dynamic corners and sections and put them into their 3 miles. You have to remember the real track has some high speed long straights and GM already has plenty of them.
  14. Yes they have the cars pretty dialed in before they leave and when they go for 2 weeks it is 14 days of work. There they just tweek and refine what they already set up with the computer and at the Lutz ring. I read a while back a GM engineer gave the drill on how they use Germany and how prepared they are before they even go. The new loop at Milford has been one of the greatest additions GM has done to improve the cars for the real world. Anyone remember the 1984 Z51? It was all done on the test track and it was a great performer there but once the cars started to hit the streets with the press for the first time they nearly lost ever filling. Dave Mc Donald said in his book that they wanted to keep the cars seceret and at the test tracks and never figured the real roads would have been an issue. A change in shocks he said for 85 fixed most of the issues but little things like this can get by even the best engineers. At this point I am almost getting high expectations for this car. So far the press has been shocked with the new small Buick and how much better than they ever expected it to be. They feel it really is a Luxury car and I have yet to see one of the reviews even mention hint of the Cimmaron. So if they can do that with a Cruze imagine what a clean sheet of paper ATS could bring now with proper funds to build it right for once.
  15. Here is a nice short video on the ATS. Note where he says less mass. I wonder how much less. This would be nice as it would also help the Camaro.
  16. The XTS as many here understand is a transitional car. It is the last of the old Cadillac. The ATS is the real first step into the future for Cadillac since it was finally a no compromised funded car. The XTS has its group of people that will make it profitable and sell in good numbers. Contrary to some way of thinking there are still a group of people out there that this car will still appeal too. There are many who still yet have no care of FWD or RWD. Not every Luxury car buyer is a performance driven enthusiast. There are many who are pleases with a quiet well riding luxury car that has all the bells and whistles. It is not a growing segment but they have few cars to choose from. For the time we have the XTS it will serve GM well. It will provide income on designes they had already paid for. It will fill space in a show room vs a empty space that would not provide any income. Finally it will also work to help the people in this class to either die off or move to the cars Cadillac is moving too. Even in the RWD class not everyone is a gear head and even if they may buy them does not really mean they care what wheels are driven. Too many here look at this as a car guy issue and not as a buisness choice. Just the livery sales alone should make this car worth building alone without the town car around. While this car will not win Cadillac fame it will also do it no harm. Now if this was the so called flag ship that would not due. Old people, large people, luxury car people etc you name it bought the DTS even in its aged old design condition. I expect the new car with a much more fresh look will be pleases. Also do not count out China. They love to be driven if they have money. With them the back seat appointments are more important than what wheels are driven. The China sales with a version of this car will be big pure profit no matter what the car out sells here.
  17. I look forward to a drive in one. The car looked great in person and after drving a Cruze it sounds from this review as a even better car than the already very good Cruze. If people discover this one like they did the Cruze GM should do well. Like stated above there really is nothing close to this car in this class and at this price point. The one thing we need to keep in mind this is not a performance car at this point and the review was fair in not expecting one. They judged it for what it was a competent luxury car in a much smaller package than it feels. This car will appeal to people down sizing due to the economy as many can't afford the gas or payments of the much more expensive cars. Also it will let some buy Luxury they never could afford before. For a little more than the Chevy they can get a car that provide the quiet, feel and ride of a much more expensive car.
  18. Well, it IS the Cadillac of minivans. Knock it all you want, but it is selling at the same price point as its German rivals AND at higher volume. Like em or not the sales number speak louder than perceptions.
  19. Seems you have not driven a Eco Turbo. I expect at least a V5 option here and not just a 4. As for Ride Hight I suspect it is either the Camo or missing trim here. I think in person on the finished car they will not leave it this high. Even AWD should not look like a 4x4 on a car like this. I did note the ATS at the end and wondered if you had video on them too or did Cadillac not pay you to shoot them too. Just kidding!
  20. Thanks Chris. The things in the bumper? Are they some kind of collision sensor? Based on the engine sound V6?
  21. As for FWD in the future luxury class it is a matter of being smart. Like pointed out above picking kinds or classes where they do well like the SRX. Benz and BMW are not looking to FWD because they want to but because they have to with future regs not only CAFE here but also the emissions and miles regs in Europe. Right now they are moving into untested markets and they are using car in growing thses cars. They will make mistakes and I am sure they will create class leaders. Cadillac already has shown show cars that were small FWD in the last few years. In Europe they are being accepted well with the odd Aston Martin based on the Toyota IQ. I would have never expected such a response. The key is will it keep going or just be a novelty like the Smart car is here. No matter what the greatest changes in the next 10 years will be in the luxury market and the truck market. The company that gets it right will earn the lead and advantage.
  22. Its still a problem brought on by GM. Disclaimer: I am not completely anti-Union, only anti-overbearing/greedy/destructive-union. GM should never had let the UAW get so powerful that they can dictate such constraints on GM's business processes. In many industries that took a massive hit from overseas competition, unions backed off or became less interfering... but that's not the case with GM... as overseas competition continued, GM let the UAW run them over. We say things will be different now, but now the UAW is a major owner and is still the union in charge... so GM's success will help to fill the union's bank accounts to help them keep pressure on GM. That said, I question... is GM unionized as a corporation, or on a plant-by-plant basis? If the latter, I have to question: perhaps it would have been easier to bulldoze plants and build new ones without unions than to build MY after MY of fleet vehicles at a loss... and at a loss of GM's resale value. A massive UAW fight and strike would have been a huge blow to GM, sure... but at some point GM would have face the music... and they did, in the form of a BK. But in the same way, at some point, the strikers would have to realize that OK pay is better than no pay... and that the crazy pay days of GM's heyday were long gone. I fully agree and it was a mistake made long ago when times were fat and GM never invisioned problems. The folks back then should have thought of this but it is what it is. From what I know the UAW works as a unit for most issues but contracts are worked out plant to plant. Case in point the UAW folks at Lordstown knew they are at risk in the largest plant GM owns. It is not a cheap plant to run and GM could leave it very easy. But GM also uses this to work out deals more in favore with GM. The Cruze was offered to them if they took reasonable cut and they would keep their jobs building the Cruze. If they failed to make a deal GM was just going to shop it around to other plants and see who would take the deal they offer. I think the baiscs are worked out nationally but they work out many details plant to plant. The rubber indutry did kill the URW when they offered to build new union plants if they would deal to reasonable cuts in the 70's. Goodyear and others did move south and build non union plants. This gave them leverage with the union plants. The URW died and now the rubber workers are now USW union members. Building new plants is a good idea for some companies but it all depends on their finacial health and also their product. Building auto plants right now for GM would be a big risk and for Ford who already has loans leveraged on theirs impossible. Also right now with the economy building a new plant would be difficult as many of the sweet tax free deals to relocate are not there. Local goverments are looking for money and it is hard to give these sweet deals away right now but you never know who might offer what. Goodyears replacing their 100 plus year old headquarters with a new headquarters built by Akron and Ohio. This will keep them here for a long time. But now the City is 80 million in the red. I am not so much anti union as I am anti union managment. Talk about some real fat cats. The URW guys here in Akron drained the union and employees, They were left with the money and the tire builder were left with no jobs. That is just my understanding. I know there is much more too it and it will vary from union to union. Maybe someone that belongs to the UAW can fill in more or correct this.
  23. My point was Honda did not have to keep the doors open and production running because they are not union. GM was at a point where it was cheaper to build the cars and keep the plants runing vs closing the lines down due to UAW contracts that were in place. Things post Chapter 11 should be better and I expect it will no longer be as much an issue. I know Honda is still not Union and never had this problem hence they could drastically cut production if needed. Now at the other end of the state Lordstown had to keep pumping cars out as to send the UAW people home got to be very expensive. The Union has changed their deal to get the Cruze and other future models and these will help GM be better off. It may not be as ideal as a non union plant but at least it opens more options to them they did not have to control production. With with the economy and future sales in question it may be a big help if sales stall. Sorry for not being clear. My whole point was GM had union issues Honda and other non union plants did not have to deal with that made it cheaper to keep going than closing down. Sorry I don't have the details right now but it was reported a lot at the time in the media and Wall Street Journel.
  24. What had happend to GM and the issues where they could not close the plants were there and they had to make lemonaide of lemons till they could get out. Henc Fleet sales. "I never said the Cruze would flop. I said it was an ugly, Sebring rip off".. I read this as defensive. Sorry. You may think it is ugly but they are making money. Someone loves it in good numbers I might add. Rich and famous of a Cruze?? These are people who used to buy Impala's Camary's Civics and Accord at a higher price. Middle class familes people who used to not buy Cobalts till they sent Jr to collage. Start looking around you might learn somthing. My mannor is based only on what I recieve from someone else. Think of it as reflective. I may have not used the proper word in our conversation but I assuemed and expected you could figure out my point. Sorry if I over estimated. Note Hillis has been sick and is hurt there are also contract issues distracting. I love him on the team and hope they can get it worked out. The new VH will never complete the full tour. Either Eddie will burn out Drunk or on Drugs [i am sad to say] will not make it thr whole way or they will they will Fire Dave again. Sad to see such talent go to waste. At least we have Chickenfoot. How over due is the VH album now alrady? Sorry you are correct on the sales but they still did very well with 4 #1 albums and 17 top 12 singles with 2 Grammy nominations is very repectable. See ya Mr Quote!
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