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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. Yes if they can show a big gain in MPG with good perfromance and duarbility it will do much to show what can be done. Lets now just hope the price of diesel does not spike.
  2. I have been showing people at work of various automotive likes and so far most like what they see and what is being offered on the XTS. I know this is not a scientific poll but I can say I have yet to have anyone say they did not think the car had no appeal. In fact most thought it was well styled and like the idea of the many tech features it will offer. I would not be so fast to say that Cadillac will not return to true Luxury yet. Cadillac has yet to make a car that is best in class yet, close but still not best. Untill they can make the CTS, ATS and XTS the best in their present classes they have little hope to dominate any higher classes. They still have work to do and I expect with the ATS they will start to work to dominate the present classes and then start the move up. Once the ATS and CTS are see as better than the others a higher more expensive car would be a hard sell. GM would see the same issues Benz has seen with the Maybach. Once in these higher classes you have to earn respect and image you can't just engineer it.
  3. I think most of us had your back on this one. It was clear who is informed and who is not. Hmmm a negative 2 I think I can guess who that might be. LOL!
  4. I just hope they spend the needed money to market them, Cadillac has the old stigma to lose from the Olds Engines yet and they need to show the public they have the new engines right. It is not just the Olds stigma but even yet the American public for the most really still do not understand Diesels and how far they have come. Only the truck guys know. I hope with VW and Audi on a new push for oil burners they will also help change this false preception. The new Golf R Diesel should help show what is now possible. Also I hope the goverment will leave them alone for a while and stop changing the rules on Diesels. The ever changing regulations have done more damage than anything.
  5. I think most of us had your back on this one. It was clear who is informed and who is not.
  6. Did you not notice GM was out of money. A fumble here would be not to have a new product in the show room for 4 more years. The DTS could not go on any longer and there was just not enough time to get a new platform for the XTS yet. Do you leave the slot empty like they did with the Camaro or do you take a program that was aready well underway and improve it with new and better technology and use it in the market to fill the showroom till the car you want can be properly designed and built?
  7. THE PENALTY OF LEADERSHIP In every field of human endeavour, he that is first must perpetually live in the white light of publicity. Whether the leadership be vested in a man or in a manufactured product, emulation and envy are ever at work. In art, in literature, in music, in industry, the reward and the punishment are always the same. The reward is widespread recognition; the punishment, fierce denial and detraction. When a man’s work becomes a standard for the whole world, it also becomes a target for the shafts of the envious few. If his work be mediocre, he will be left severely alone - if he achieves a masterpiece, it will set a million tongues a-wagging. Jealousy does not protrude its forked tongue at the artist who produces a commonplace painting. Whatsoever you write, or paint, or play, or sing, or build, no one will strive to surpass or to slander you unless your work be stamped with the seal of genius. Long, long after a great work or a good work has been done, those who are disappointed or envious, continue to cry out that it cannot be done. Spiteful little voices in the domain of art were raised against our own Whistler as a mountback, long after the big would had acclaimed him its greatest artistic genius. Multitudes flocked to Bayreuth to worship at the musical shrine of Wagner, while the little group of those whom he had dethroned and displaced argued angrily that he was no musician at all. The little world continued to protest that Fulton could never build a steamboat, while the big world flocked to the river banks to see his boat steam by. The leader is assailed because he is a leader, and the effort to equal him is merely added proof of that leadership. Failing to equal or to excel, the follower seeks to depreciate and to destroy - but only confirms once more the superiority of that which he strives to supplant. There is nothing new in this. It is as old as the world and as old as human passions - envy, fear, greed, ambition, and the desire to surpass. And it all avails nothing. If the leader truly leads, he remains - the leader. Master-poet, master-painter, master-workman, each in his turn is assailed, and each holds his laurels through the ages. That which is good or great makes itself known, no matter how loud the clamor of denial. That which deserves to live - lives. Cadillac ad 1915 Saturday Evening Post. Lets just lay the cards on let the car show what it can do and what the public thinks as it is their opionion not ours here that count. So lets just put this to the ultimate test and let the market decide who is right!.
  8. This is, of course, correct. "Faking" such a thing isn't really possible. Video can be edited... anyway, it's a moot point since the Cobalt is defunct...no one cares. Do you really think John Heinricy would let them edit his lap.
  9. Does anyone really believe that, though? I've always assumed they faked those numbers...and it's still just a Cobalt.. Trust me it was real and the handling is amazing. My top heavy HHR SS has nearly the same suspension and it is so easy to drive fast and hard vs even some RWD cars I have drive. I have said here many times if engineer Mark Steilow at GM could make the old Delta into a car that handled this good imagine what they can do with a platform if they were given it from the start. The GM Perforance Division guys are now not just fixing old platforms into performance car they are now tuning the platforms from the start and will also make perfromance version later. The new Cruz while not a perfromance car is a very capable sedan in it class. It rides and handle as well or better than many more expensive cars. You will find from this point out GM suspensions will be well tuned in all levels and price ranges. Even the Sonic has garnered praise for it handling already. This car with the bits and parts going in and with what the other new GM cars are showing I expect it to be a very well balanced and tuned car. The Magnaride is something that can make tuning a car amazing. It is a very useful tool we wil see in more GM vehicles as times goes on. As they Say in the TV spot Ferrari is borrowing something from Cadillac and I might add for good reason as the system really works. I feel it is safe to say whole the XTS may have a few short comings based on the present platform I epxect ride and handling to be neither of the complains we will hear about. Based on the many new GM suspensions being praised and the equipment being used here they should do a good job on this. If the Lacrosse as it is has been praised the new bits on this car will only make it better. Have you see the pricing yet?
  10. This should be used in marketing. Any time they add to American production it will help their image right now.
  11. The XTS will be more expensive than an ATS or CTS, so for the foreseeable future it is their top sedan. The ATS chassis doesn't exist on any car currently for sale. It it new, and the Camaro will be based off the ATS. That I am fine with, the Camaro is a sports car, they should base it off a sporty platform. And the Camaro will have a basic interior, it won't be at all similar to the Cadillac. I was fine with the XLR and Corvette platform sharing, I thought the XLR was a great looking car too, the interior and performance just fell short of the price tag. How can I argue with a aman with double standards? As for price and future it is not the flag ship no matter what. Also how do you know on price? I really don't see this car passing the CTS V in price. That right now is as close to a flag ship as they have.
  12. Who says this is their top sedan. With a coming flag ship and a new larger CTS the XTS is just a volume Luxury sedan like the Lexus ES 350. I defend it for what it is and not make it more than it is. You on the other hand I think are placing this car much higher in the line up than Cadillac. The Car you crave is yet to come and was not started till after GM got the new money. The fact is GM could not offer the Lacrosse with many of the features on this car and still get anyone to pay the price they would have to ask. They did not offer the Haldex AWD on the Regal because it would have taken the already expensive GS to the level even the die hard fans would have a hard time paying that amount. The new ATS is based on the same platform used for the Camaro too? Does that cheapen the ATS because it is used with a lesser Chevy?
  13. Now see this would appeal to me but not to those who the XTS are targeted at. I would rather see this kind of design also offered to take in more sales from both segments.
  14. With time and each new generation the needs for large V8 engines and RWD has not been a must factor with many buyers. Many in todays market grew up in 4 cylinder FWD Honda and never rode in or drove anything else.Many in the new generation are more interested in the on board electronics than they are size of the engine or what wheels pull. The market is evolving and changing. While there is still a must need to offer a RWD V8 at Cadillac it is not the only car that needs to be offered. Even today BMW and Benz are now looking to change their RWD only formulas. With this car the only way to settle this argument is to let the market decide. Just as the argument over the old vs new SRX the market has spoken. As for AWD even here in the snow belt we have them but not in great numbers. If Cadillac could offer this at a resonable price we may see more of them here. The nice thing is they at least went to one of the best systems in the world and that will make a big difference in how the car will perform and drive. It will only be a bonus to the car to offer this system.
  15. Keep in mind too that these are the same people for years who had no problem with the rebadged Chevys as Pontiac's and cried when they lost them. Thought the Pontiac did get changes like red dash lights and ribs to set them appart.They clearly not consistant. What we all need to understand is Cadillac for a while will still share platforms with the rest of GM. As long as the build into them systems that the others do not cary it should not be a problem.. Now if all they offer is the same systems as Buick then I would agree it would be an issue. I don't see Buick getting much of this till Cadillac has moved on. Even Bently shares the W motor with others today. It is just a part of life. Besides as it is sizing up the V6 is not shared with many cars anymore.
  16. They are more an necessary evil to sell cars in Europe and America. To meet future standards the line up many of these compomanies are not going to meet Emission And Fuel standards. They are now planting the seeds to classes of small cars we would never have seen unless they were forced to it. Companies like VW and GM have options but companies like Aston and Jag have no options and are running scared. So far the Aston has sold well but when the novalty has worn off where will they turn. The Luxury and Truck markets will show the great changes in the next 12-15 years. Greater than we have seen in the past. Lets just hope Cadillac does better than they did in the past. As we know now the STS was a nice car but most could not see spending more money on a car that for the most was just a large CTS. The next CTS will change as with the ATS it will lose sales to it. Diversity at Cadillac is needed as they can not just live on 3-4 expanded and shrunk sized CTS cars. I think you will find this car to be more advanced, quiet and with the best ride vs handling of any Cadillac in history. The fact remains with the last few generations not all cars have to be overly large RWD or V8 to sell in this class. There is a large segment of buyers that have been found and this is the car for them. I still think since they have hinted at a V we will see a Haldex AWD with well over 400 HP. Combined with the Magnaride and larger tires and ceramic brakes this could prove to be an interesting car after all.
  17. You tend to forget that the XTS we see now is only the start. We are getting the Haldex AWD system which is world class as well as more power and even an advanced hybrid system, there is more to come.
  18. This car is not that much larger than the Lacrosse and I see few people complain about it's size in any dim. I think once most see this car in person they will be fine with it. The other issue is most larger cars will be this size soon as the market for large cars will become smaller and more expensive just as large engines will. Even today Jags leader is wanting to build a City car. These are very telling signs to the lenght the market will go. It is sad but we will see small boxes from some great names. We may be lucky to have a car as large as the XTS that we can afford by 2025.
  19. See this is where you are wrong. GM needs to sell to all people not just a few groups. There are several groups within the Luxury group. Also I think you will find this car will have some appeal to more than just snow tops. Unlike some want to believe not all buyers want a CTSV but they do want a car that is better than the old DTS. THis is not a car for you and that is fine but you also have to understand you do not represent the main stream.
  20. In this class not everyone wants a feak of nature. Most want a solid comfortable luxury car. The tall roof adds more space and makes the interior feel more open vs sitting in a bunker like the 300. Fianlly the 300 HP is the base car and will make most buyers in this class happy. You have to look at this car for the people it is targeted at no yourself. THis is not a car for you but there is a great segment out there that will love it. If Cadillac would make only cars most here on C&G they would be missing a large slice of the market. Many here need to wake up and learn that we are not the majority of buyers here. THis is why cars we do not love lke the Civic and Camry are top sellers. Same applies to the Luxury market, Not everyone wants a 5 series M car. The Luxury market is built on many boring sedans that support the other companies AMG and M series cars the represent only a fraction of their production. Car companies today need models that reach all buyers in class not just some. Besides it would be 3 years min before they would get another car out and even then what would it be based on. The flagship will be on the RWD platform and they really have little else to put this segment on. I think the sales will show GM knows there is a market here and a lot of money to be made. They did ok with a poor old DTS and this car will only improve on that.
  21. I'm not sure why you would put hi-per struts on all 4 corners though. The technology is about killing torque steer. There's no need for that on the rear wheels that I see. Sorry I misread and see the front only. I assumed they may have use it to control bump steer? I'm not sure why you would put hi-per struts on all 4 corners though. The technology is about killing torque steer. There's no need for that on the rear wheels that I see. Maybe its getting all wheel drive AND all wheel steering. AWS is a gimick I would not expect to see repeated soon on any car.
  22. While it may not be RWD It is closer to the Equus with the level of advanced equipment and luxury. The Azera is closer to the Lacrosse price and equipment wise. I noted too the Hyper Struts on all four corners. If I recall they only use them on the front of the Lacrosse? When you come down to it this may be based on the L:acrosse platform which is not really a bad thing and made up with money better spent on world class parts going into it. Just off the top we have Magnetic Ride one of the best systems in the world. Hyper Stuts one of the most advanced struts in the world. Haldex AWD system hailed by many as one of the best AWD systems in the world. and it goes on with Brembo brakes standard etc. These additions of parts should dress this car up to be a very good car. We will have to wait to see after a drive and reviews but on paper to this point it looks like they may do well. The size will not be a factor as most all volume luxury cars will get smaller with the looming CAFe. I saw yesterday they were tossing what was it 54.5 MPG?
  23. The coupe and convert both are two non Vettes that are invited to go to Bloomington for the big Vette show since they help inspire the 1968 Vette. While this car never was a threat to the Vette it was used to help inspire what GM wanted and is accepted by the Covette collectors as such. I do think this is one of the most under rated show cars from GM. Not only is it a good looking car but the story of how it was saved and it's connection to John D should be enough not counting it' unrestored condition. I feel if it were put out more on the show circuit the cars value would increase. There were several inline OHC 6 engines in Europe. This engine was inspired by the Benz 300 inline 6. It has a similar but not identical look to it. The Red Baron Hot Wheel car was drawn with the Benz inline 6 but was built with a Pontiac inline 6 and few people ever noticed the change. At one time it was popular with XKE owners to swap out hte Inline 6 for a Pontiac inline 6 if they had engine issues. the SBC still proved to be a more popular choice for a replacement but still some kept the 6 by going Pontiac. I have seen both Banshees and know someone who has driven one. It is a shame that GM did not do more with these as they really could have done a lot for GM and Pontiac.Even if they went the Opel GT route and made them a smaller sports car with out the V8.
  24. The car is just a little larger than the Lacrosse in most dims. It has around 40 inches of leg room in the back and a larger trunk.
  25. One look at the options listed today Buick could never price a car out with the same features here in their range. Haldex AWD and the Magnetic ride are years from ever being found in a Buick under $40K. The other technology will trickle down to Buick but Cadillac will be on to others by then, I really see this car as being much more than just a Lacrosse 2.0. I am waiting for the reviews to point this out. GM has suprised many with the new cars they have come out with in the last 2 years and proved many wrong about their preconcieved ideas. I hope you are wrong not to make me right but to prove GM is still on the right track. I have said in the past GM will come back one model at a time ove the next 5 years, This is just one more model and step I hope in reaching their goal.
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