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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. It was not all that long ago the Pro Stock cars were driven from the dealers and converted into race cars. I got to help with the KB racing team some and these cars are really advanced race cars much more than most realize. The suspension systems are just flat crazy with some of the electronic set ups they had. KB racing just flat wears out cars too. They make so many runs between races it is crazy. They nearly run every week of the year. They have Moorsville dragway next to the shop and they can run as long as the weather holds. It is crazy how I get to work with and be around many of the drag racers but I really don't care much for drag racing. LOL! Most are pretty good guys and are good to work with. Even Warren Johnson is not as grumpy as he acts. I have parts from a few race cars but my prize is one of the pistons from Garlits fastest run he ever made a few years back. It did not seem like anything special when he gave it to me but it ended up as his fastest run when he retired. He is one that is fun to get to sit down and talk about the old days. Give him a Coke and a shady spot if he is not at the track and he can really give you some cool stories.
  2. The last I heard was the target was 2015. This is why we are only getting trim packages and an interior upgrade to the present car. We will get the ZL1 and there is still work going on for the Z28 but I am not sure if it will appear with the present car or the next. It is to compete with the 302 Boss as a track/street car. Handling will be it strong suit. The Disciples can give any info unless they are given permission. They are excited with what they have seen but can not give details. The Alpha is flexible in track and length as are most GM cars. It has limits but it will not be one size fits all. I expect the Camaro will be shorter than the present car and more narrow. After seeing the new CTS weight I can see a 3200 pound car being possible with the right engine. The Alpha and the investment of Cadillac money in it will give us a better Camaro than we have ever seen. No more cars where they do it just good enough. The key will be the styling. How do you move on from the retro look but still change the car to give it a fresh appearance. The Mustang is evolving but it still looks much the same. They have hinted the next Mustang will change more. Retro is cool but it can get you into that PT Cruizer box that is hard to get out of.
  3. Not feeling. I hope it is better when I see it in person. Just not much flow to the styling in the photo's It might look better in person. As for this being a Camaro. Maybe under the skin but not in this body. This would have to be a different name and car than the Camaro. We will see this chassis but we will get a different body will be my guess and it will be a Camaro. The tail could be a future Camaro styling element. So far the guys at work all are not really thrilled with the styling but are excited with the drivetrain.
  4. The white cars nose look ok and yes it has Jag in it too but so does the Aston for what it is worth. The real question is will they keep the price in check. The Ford prices have been getting higher and higher. The Edge and Taurus are good cars but not what I term a good value vs others in the market. The present car is a good buy but most cars are their last year.
  5. The ATS trunk is with in 1-3 ft of the others in class. I have yet to hear any one complain that their 3 series or Audi trunk is too small. That is not something that is a major concern in this class. If you need more trunk space you need to move up in car size.
  6. I am all for the 140 and it needs to be done in some form. A Cruze Coupe 2+2 2 with a 2.0 Turbo and 1.4 turbo please. The Cadillac ELR is also a Delta so you can really see where this is going. The 130 is not giving me any feel. I may have to see it first but it looks odd in it's shape to me. They two cars remind me of a Monza 2+2 and a Monza town car. I suspect the 130 is on a Camaro platform as the Camaro will shrink in size and weight. I suspect from hints I have heard it will be smaller and lighter than any of us imagine. The 3300 pound ATS sedan weight is telling. The Camaro is well on the way the the Disciples are may be calling in around Feb. I am not sure what all they are showing them but I do know they are fully being used for the Alpha car feed back. They have been asked about things for it for a little while now.
  7. Well it is no longer as simple as saying you want to run X model. GM pretty much wanted the Camaro for marketing and some of the racers wanted the Caddy for better aero. Also the Camaro body had issues with the wheel tubs in the back and the flow off the window. Chevy came up with some ideas and presented them to the NHRA. They were waiting approval on these changes. I have not heard the details but they must have settled on what they want and agree on. I knew they were testing but did not know it was approved till I got a note from my buddy. Todays cars are carbon fiber shells and are no longer bodies in white. It this is how they let Chrysler run a 4 door body now. It is much like NASCAR in the rules and engine development. This is why so many of the teams are now in Mooresville NC as they can work with some of the NASCAR teams on engine development. Jason line did all the head work for Joe Gibbs before he went Drag Racing. He still has ties from NASCAR that help them on their cars. Ken Black stayed with the Pontiacs even when GM dropped out of drag racing as they knew they would be first in line for any support when they returned. I still think they got more help then GM admited too over the last couple years.
  8. It was made offical Saturday that Ken Black Racing with drivers Jason Line and Greg Anderson will swap out the Pontiac G6 for a new Summit Racing Camaro Pro Stock cars this season. The cars will show up around Gainsville this season. From those I know the team had lobbied for the CTSV coupe as the aero shape was similar and there was no issues with the c pillar as there was with the Camaro. GM had wanted the Camaro as it was the car that they wanted to promote in the series. I am not sure if they got the changes in the C pillar area they wanted or not but it will be the car they plan to run. The cars have been up and running at their test track in Moorsville NC and they are please with the results so far. They do more testing than about anyone so they will not run the cars till they are ready.
  9. It is a vast improvment over the last one. But I do worry the nose may look a little tall in person. It has the Aston look that we all know but the Astons are not tall in the nose. I think it will be ok but till I can see it I will have a question on it. the rest of the car looks fine.
  10. This is another case where we need to see the real car to get the full effect. Many of GM's cars show the depth of the styling in person much better as the details stand out more. Also color has an effect too. It is kind of like the Ford I need to see it in person too. For some reason The car looks good in a photo but I fear the nose it going to be too tall in person. I hope I am wrong. I am not worried on the ATS interiror as I expect it will be an improvment over the present CTS quality. The first time we get in it we will know. The trunk is small but the others in class are not that much larger. 1-3 Cu FT. Most people in this class have a SUV or truck as a 2nd or srd vehicle and you seldom hear complaints. by their owners.
  11. Well it has 200 pounds on my HHR 2.0 turbo but the ATS has a better tranny. I see 24-25 city and 31-32 highway so I think the ATS can do this or maybe a lttle better. Note all the owners of the 2.0 Turbo I know all do much better than the GM posted numbers. Infact most GM cars will beat the posted numbers since 2007. I just saw a review the other day on the Verano where they even got better numbers than GM. The V6 should be better than the Malibu is now. The 2.5 I would expect will do better than the Turbo by a few MPG.
  12. When you stick a big screen in the dash it leaves few options on what you can place that high up to give good air flow. I feel as long as the quailty is up and the interior has good Ergo there will be few complaints. Function and Quality are what it is all about today. There is nothing here to offend. The German cars really are not sculpted works art.
  13. I expect few changes on the truck here. We will not see the bed witht he outside tie downs but the rest as with the cars will have little change. I think the greatest changes for the US marke will be with a ZQ8 package and a ZR2 like package that will give us a Sport truck and a off road package that will fancy up the truck. These are models that would not really do much in some off shore market. I expect a Diesel and 4 cylinder but we have yet to see any V6 yet for this. Could it be they will go with a Turbo 4 vs V6? I would like a 6 option but know a Turbo 4 can do the job just as well.
  14. I see the front wheels driving in this one. I expect there is a little Cadillac in Chevy as it is nothing new. Chevy tried to inject a little Cadillac with the Chevys with some hints in it's styling and features. Just in later years they tired to inject too much Chevy into a Cadillac and let it become a fancy Caprice. I think here it is a little Cadillac in Chevy again. I fully expect some hints of the XTS to show up in the next Impala.
  15. The A&S hard edges have not always played well with many in the public. They have served their pourpose and set the styling for Cadillacs future. The softer edges have in my opinion have made this styling to a much wider audience or possible buyers. The hard edges even hampered the car to even some GM fans based on comments I have seen here and in the past. I am sure based on the last CTS this interior will be an improvment on it and it was good. The use of dark red seats and black dash are very appealing. The chassis dynamics will be interesting. I expect it too will be an improvment over the past CTS that too was very good. The 2.0 Turbo will be a great suprise to the many who have never driven one. Also I was glad to see they left the fuel as Premium Recomended and not Required. This is important to marketing. I did note like some of us were hoping the 2.5 is a solid 200 HP. I wonder if they will bump any of the numbers by the time it is released as GM normally does. GM is not going to be given the class lead here it has to be earned. So far it looks like they have a car that should help Cadillac earn it's image back. I look forward to seeing this car in person and my first drive. Looks good lets hope it just does not meet but exceeds expectations.
  16. No reasons for the lack of courtesy and personel attacks! I have asked nicely before as requested but I will not take it any more. I did wait till after the holidays and your last personel attack comments. My typo's are not done on pourpose to annoy you. Sorry they happen but they have happened and they will happen again. It is just as some of your annoying comments will continue that I over look. You have done your share of typo's too and I have held back from being an a$$ and pointing them out to you. As I have stated deal with it or ignore my post and we will get along just fine. I am willing to continue to comment and debate with you on cars if you are willing. I am sorry to all others for my typo's and my comments here but it has come time to stand my ground. I tried to do it by PM before but it did not work. I have said my piece and it is up to him. Now back to the topic. You need to understand that the new truck will be sold here is pretty much the same as the one in Asia, South America, Middle East, Europe, Afica and India. There will be market changes in a few optons and drivetrains. The trucks you speak of are often change much over what we have had. The 4 door was sold for years in South America before we got it near the end of the 2nd gens run. Also in all markets it will be a Chevy and not an Isuzu or some other name other than GMC here in NA. I suspect they will also offer this in Austrailia since it is already in RHD and there is a growing market there for small trucks. The question is will they do as they have with the other Chevys and call it a Holden pick up. See we can agree to disagree and remain civil. Lay off the personal comments and we will get along just fine.
  17. Blo, it's not a typo and if it bothers you good it was ment to draw you out! It is so easy to mess with someone so imature and anal. The fact is I don't like you and will not take anymore crap from you here. We can disagree on autos and get along fine but you want to be anal or rude It stops there. I asked you nice like Olds asked in a PM and it had no effect. Ok I type bad sorry it is what it is, when I wake up, if I'm in a hurry or on my phone it happens deal with it. I don't get paid to be here or check/proof read my post. I am on a computer all day and I pop in to just make quick post as I do not want to spend any more time than needed. I do have a life. I also deal with Dyslexia but do not hide behind it as a excuse like so many others. I made it through school and collage with it, My spell check does not work and I have asked for help form others but no one I have asked knows how to correct it. So from here on please be polite or pass on my post. I have held back for a long time and I can mistype your name or other words all day just to piss you off or show disrespect with out offending anyone else here. Note this was not the first time I called you Blo. Note you can still disagree on automotive points all day and we can get along fine. A good debate is fine and fun for me. Olds I am sorry but I did as you asked and asked him nice a little while back and found it did not take. I thought it was best to state it here. We can get along but the ball is in his court. The S10 was build in the States and South America with limited exports from the US and Brazil plants. That is no where near how the new truck will be makreted. The Colorado was built here and Thailan [not as a Colorado but a Isuzu] and was a limited export to other markets. Also this is not on the scale that this truck will be sold and marketed. The new truck will be build and sold around the world in near all markets that Chevy is now marked in. Chevy now is a global name plate and vehicles like the Cruze and coming Malibu are already starting to be sold an built on or for each continent with only minor changes at the same time. Chevy has not done this before to this scale or level and it will make it easier to sell more product using the same designs and tooling to bring the cost involved in building down. .Global Economics of scale are much greater here than ever. That is also why we will see the Trailblazer soon here and everywhere and not just the Middle East. The first gen S10 was not sold out of NA but there were limited exports in some cases. Most were for military use or by servicemen. I still have customers around the world asking for parts for them.
  18. Blo, they were never offered to the level or scale this truck will be. GM really is global now and not just a bunch of divsions under a GM umbrella doing their own version of a platform. One platform for all with only minimal market changes.
  19. Well, Mark Reuss said that the Colorado would be low-frills for North America. If they add anything to what the Colorado will be for our market, those additions will wind up in GMC's version and not in Chevrolet's. No matter if it has a GMC badge or Chevy there will be a Low end bare bones model but they will still over a version with all the bells and whistles. Options are where the money is made in trucks. They are cheap and easy to put in and they add profit. Being a global truck they will be able to sell in a lower volume here and still keep the price down here. With the S10 and last Colorado they had to make the money just what they sold here. I see this truck selling in much greater numbers outside the States and that will make it so they can price it lower here. The tooling alone will be paid off in a place like Asia or South America.
  20. Nope. They're both cars and likely won't preview a bodystyle of an exsisting car. Chevrolet concept one: four-seater, rear-wheel drive coupe with eAssist. Possible retro styling. Chevrolet concept two: Front-wheel drive hatchback with Voltec technology. This is just what I've heard. There's a 60/40 chance it's right. Concept 2. Would that be the Spark with Voltech all electric power? Concept 1 A Camaro with e Assist? And by Camaro I mean a hint at the new direction they may go with the Alpha based car?.
  21. I would expect a little upgrade in HP but not 260 HP unless they decide to do a performance coupe version. That would mean we would need a coupe first. I would not expect 260HP in the sedan. The sedan drives very well and gets good MPG which is what it's mission was. If you have not driven one yet you will be suprised that while it is not an all out performance car you are not beating the dash to get the car to go so you can merge with traffic. Even the Eco version is a good drive. The gearing may keep you in 4th more but with the 6sp man it is a nice drive. Never say never since GM is speaking little about future plans but with sales as strong as they are I suspect they will not mess with it too much and try to remake this car into what it's not. Will have to see if we get a Coupe or Hatch here. I suspect a coupe has a good shot but a hatch may have a more difficult time. I get the feeling GM is looking to do something like a Chevy Beat in place of a hatch. I think you will be best to watch Buick. The new Verano with 220 HP will be a very good car and I expect Opel Astra GTC to arrive as a Buick and really become a hit. If they add more power a Verano coupe would ve prime for 270 HP shared with Opel. We will just have to wait and see as they are giving few clues.
  22. Yes, 5 model years w/ no styling changes is a bit much (the only changes I can think of were the GM emblems and fender lights going away). Well considering the lack of money and so much to do it is understandable that there was little done. Just be glad they were stuck with this Bu vs the one before it. If they had not had the money crash the 2013 would have been a 2010-2011.
  23. I would not get too crazy yet. They showed the nose because they had a photo of it. That does not preclude that there will not be some change to the rear. Generally when GM does a clean up update they hit the nose and tail both. While they may not be major changes they often refine the look a bit. The only thing we don't want is it to remain unchanged as the present Malibu has. The styling as not bad but it is getting stale with all the other new cars out.
  24. We have had some real odd combo's with many of the older Pontiacs we have fooled with over the years. My boss just got done last year with a Ram Air III Bird. It has nothing but engine no radio no power anything. He even has the original Dog Dish Caps on it. It was on the cover of High Perfromace Pontiac. It had been a drag car most of it's life and really needed little work to make it into a POCI Gold car. Pontiac and Ford did do a lot of special cars in the 60's and they still pop up now and then. Chevy is know fo their COPO cars but many of the Pontiac cars were on offs because someone knew some one. A co worker Buddy of mine has a 60 Catalina coupe with a 4 speed. It came from GM with old Stewart Warner guages installed where the idiot lights were. The car was built for Pete Seton the son of a GM VP. He raced it at the US National in 1960 in Detroit. If you look at the Photo of the two 60 Cats in the photo his is the blue one behind Jim Wangers red 60 Royal Pontiac car. It is back to street drive status but with a much more powerful 455. He still has the original engine as was damaged in 1965 and the car was parked then till he bought it around 1990. It still had the original slicks on it. Word was it also raced on Woodward back in the day before coming to Ohio. Many of the old time Pontiac guys flock to the car when he take it to the Pontiac nats. Terry worked with Arlen Vanke and the other drivers from Knafel Pontiac back in the 60's. Terry and my buddies dad ran a 4 door Cat drag car with help from Bill Knafel. I wish I had only some of the parts they threw away back then. The ones they kept and still have today are amazing. Needless to say we had a few tripower cars to drive when ever we wanted one. My buddies dad still has three today.
  25. The Buick looked a little cut short in the front but after seeing the new Ford The Buick looks much cleaner and sportier. The Ford has a poor transition and flow from the hood to the windshield. It is nearly as bad as the nose GM grafted onto the minivans a few years ago. I think the Buick is the best of the three we have pictured here. I am amazed at how many people want these 4x4 wantabe vehicles. It has gotten to the point that companies like Jeep and Rover have models watered down to the point the real off road guys laugh. But if it make money more power to em. If that is what the buyers want then lets have the best one out there.
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