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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. Well some of what I see answers much! i came home in my dads 1960 Ventura. Keeping the tradition alive we brought my son home in my 1997 SSEI 40th Ann Bonneville.
  2. This is kind of a play on the Apple plan in a way. Apple now has a program where you get a phone and you pay for it monthly from them and it is unlocked to go with the provider you want. They provide Apple care for the price you pay that covers service and tech help. You can then up grade in one year to the new model or you can pay out the second year and keep it. I see in the future with the cost of cars and the faster advancement in EV cars and electronics in new cars I see more variations of programs like this. I see the EV market becoming like the smart phone where most people will want the latest tech as it will keep changing faster as we go on.
  3. Here is the problem. Cadillac has had how many leaders in the last 10 years. None were there from start to end of a new platform and finished models. To often someone else had to come in and pick up someone else's plan. This has lead to cars that mechanically are on target but lacking in execution and details. To gain in this segment they just can no longer just make cars as good or nearly as good they have to top the other brands in performance on all levels, Styling and details of the car. Right now there is a need for adjustment on the ATS, CTS and CT6 as they are all so close together. The CT6 was an improvement in many areas but it still lacks in the details and execution of the car. This was mostly due to GM fighting Mark Ruess on giving the car better things right down to the Door Handles GM forced him to use cheaper ones on. JDN came in and said right up front this is not the flag ship as it was not good enough. Not a bad car but not to the level it needs to be to change hearts and minds. The Same on the XT5 as it is a good vehicle but it really is not to the level Cadillac would like to take things. I am waiting to see the first of the JDN products to see just what he got done with no interference from GM. He is the first to change things with no one looking over his shoulder. This is not being better than the Germans it is being better than anyone in the price range as Hyundai and Volvo are now getting into the conversation some how. They are not burdened by a past of botched attempts as Cadillac has been in the last 30 plus years. Cadillac needs to make their products compelling in style, technology and quality to the point it matters little what someone preference is that they are attracted to their product. When I speak of details and such it is where you see a lack of knee room, The feel of the door handle, the quality of the plastics. The lack of things like self dimming right side mirrors as standard. etc. These little things add up and turn off potential owners. The Reality is Cadillac needs to play to the market not the base as the Cadillac base has really died off and or moved on. They need to win the hearts minds and desires of these open market people as they are not brand focuses as they once were and with a car that is compelling and getting the details right they can draw interest back in. It is still going to take time and investment to win these people back as too many have lost their trust in the brand. You fix these cars and dominate the CUV segment with the new products then we can entertain the though of a sports car people can trust in after a good experience with their new revamped ATS or Cadillac CUV. Till then there is no compelling reason to spend big on a sports car that may not deliver the goods in the long run and only damage the image more. the last two attempts did more damage than good.
  4. I am not opposed to doing a sports car when the time is right. But if you presented this as a business case to GM they would toss you out of the room. Wrong car at the wrong time done in the wrong way. Factor in the reality of what Cadillac is spending at this point to fix their core products you know the ones that should be generating profits or more profits. Also factor in the man power to pull this off is already allocated to other programs. Cadillac is in transformation now to have people who only design and build Cadillac do their cars. No more work on a Malibu on Monday and work on a ATs by Friday engineers. JDN has made it clear a C8 would be a fun car to do but they have little time or money for it till 2025. By then the core product should be transformed to where he wants it and then they can look for project to do just for fun and by then they may have recovered enough image to earn the trust of some one willing to put six figures down on a car that may go bust in 3 years. Note with all that is going on they would never get the car right. They need to budget it to where there is no compromises. That can not be done near term. They also will not let the Corvette team do this car as the whole point is to have a group that make Cadillac's and only Cadillac's. Besides Tadge really has his hands full with his own line. The long and short is this is not happening short term and there are so many legitimate reasons to prove this point. Besides one sports car is not going to save Cadillac or add much value to any of their other product till they are were they need to be. To think other wise is a pipe dream. This is big picture stuff. It is not about drawing lines from platforms to brands. You have to consider all that is going on and what money is already being spent. Also you have to consider that few people will come to this car. Is it worth a couple billion to just get a couple pages in Motor Trend and for them to say it is a nice car but comes up short in execution. The bottom line is you do not fix the sedans and add the cross overs you will never gain any traction at Cadillac. They do not have to be nor want to be a super high volume brand but they do need to see growth. They can not move down as we already have Buick in that void. Finally you have one more sports car come and go in less than 5 years and you will not see one again at Cadillac for a long time. They really have one more shot and it has to be done right at the right time and place in their progression. As of now this is not priority and there is much more important business to attend to and to be funded.
  5. Here is the poblem. You need to make a new XLR a better car than the Corvette. Got that! Now you need change many things to set this car apparat from the Corvette. Yes the C7 is great but to not move it away from the Corvette would leave you with a car that would suffer the same fate as the past car. Lower volumes Ned the Cadillsc name would drive the price up. Then you have a C8 coming to take even more wind out of the sail. To build this car and not make it better than the Vette on the same platform would end the same as before. You also realize you can not just plop a LT4 in this one either and why because it already is in a Vette that would sell for less. The problem is the Vette is a car as good as what you can build and cheaper than what a Cadillac can offer. Funding was an issue but in the XLR it was not near the problem it was with other models. More power would not have saved the car either. Also Cadillac is not yet worthy of a high end sports car. Come back one they figure out how to sell the cars they are best known for first before you jump into the deep end of the pool. Like I stated take a Alpha and make a cheaper sports model and use it to show people what you can do before you expect them to commit six figures to an unproven car from a company that has never made a world class sports car to date. i love GM but if had the money the Corvette would get my money first at $100k before any Cadillac. The Formula you present is 90% what they did last time and so far you have given no clear path that this plan would succeed. Cadillac needs to learn to walk again before they learn to run. Your biggest issue is Cadillac really does not have enough image recovered to pull this off yet. Make the cheaper GT roadster and folk may just give a try just for the hell of it if you make it compelling enough. Then they may better agree to shell out more than twice this once you earn their trust. I like Cadillac but I do not trust them on six figure cars yet.
  6. No but the Corvette is in no way a car that is a Cadillac. Cadillac did the last XLR pretty well. It was not a bad car. They even went to lengths with the engine and even supercharged it. My buddy has a V and it is a sweet car. But for what it cost and for what the Corvette cost it was just not worth the money at that point nor now. You would find so few buyers for a Cadillac over $100K right now that it is just silly to even consider it at this point. Cadillac can not move anything but two SUV models and you want to move them to a low production over priced Corvette again? That is just insane and not sound business. Lets face it you have one more shot at a Cadillac sports car and if you F it up that is strike three. Now you go in and fix the CTS, ATS, CT6 and even the XT5. You Replace the XTS if sales remain steady with a newer better model on a newer platform. Then you add in 2-3 SUV models where they all are right for the segment and begin to recover sales then you should consider a high end sports car. Now if you would like a sports car in the short term lets look at the Alpha and move to do a small GT sports car that would slot in around $50K entry price use a Turbo 4 and Turbo V6 as na option. Make it a drop top that could compete with the BMW roadsters. People would be much more willing to take a change on something like this. You would be using engines and platform that is already in place. Take a Camaro Convertible narrow it and shorten it. Now as JDN has pointed out the Mid Engine would make a fun car to so but not till 2025> By then you would have the core product settled and the Corvette well place on the market. As for the Corvette you have to come to the realization Chevy is not going to let it go. They have broken rules, They have killed other cars in other divisions etc to protect the car. That has not changed now will it at least in North America. You have a better chance GM would buy back all the dealers and selling direct first and I am not holding my breath on that one. Don't get me wrong you have a cool dream and I like it but the reality is that is only a dream and just not going to work in the real world of corporations and sales. Cadillac has a lot of reputation to repair before many people will trust them for a sports car at a high price. If you pulled the trigger on this now you would waste money that could be used for better things at Cadillac and end up with a car for 2-3 years before it is killed again. Then you will find the few that were sold at six figures on used lots for $30K like my buddies XLRv You find a way to sell the CTS and ATS at larger increasing numbers first then you have a shot here. As it is performance cars are becoming a hard sell 2 seat and coupes have been declining. To sum it up I like your dream but I just see no way in hell it could be successful at this point and time when Cadillac has much bigger fish to fry. FYI it also would do better when Cadillac move back to a global market as it would take a low volume car and better spread the volume globally for a much better chance of survival. Might be the only one who likes all three. I am ok at the CT6.
  7. Is this a quote from when they started the XLR?
  8. I have not seen the spec on the new Cadillac race engine but I expect it to be same one used in last years Daytona Corvette prototype racers that ended ther class last year for the new prototype class we have this year. The goal is to get the class to where the cars can run LeMans again. it also nearly the same engine in the Pratt and Miller Corvettes. Note they generally use restrictors to limit power. Ther really no need to compare this to the street engine. Cadillac is doing this car smart over their last adventure. This time it is a proven Dellara chassis and appears to be a proven engine so other than some aero learning the should be competitive right out of the box. Don't just assume this engine is what will be in anything coming as a variation may or may not have this engine. It is production based but with a lot of work even restricted. Note I had heard they were fastest at Daytona practice so they may get hit with BoP changes before the race. They need to use care in testing to not stink up the show and pace themselves or they will run into more weight, fuel and restrictor changes.
  9. For the same reason you can not sell a Cavalier rebadged as a Cadillac. We tried that before and the results were only good on the resale market where my buddy got a $100K low mile XLRV for just over $30K. The time money and man power would be better suited to getting the sedans where they need to be and the Cross Overs out they have planned. Cadillac needs to address their core products before they worry about a lost leader for the third time. Let them get their house in order and then look to the C8 not just rebodied but rebooted to a Cadillac in the same vein as Lambo is changed to an Audi. Revisit this in 2025.
  10. Yawn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Touring? No status symbols for old women in Rancho Santa Fe. Mercedes also nearly killed racing in the crash in 1955. Hey if you can be pointless I can too. But to make a real point Benz was a real leading edge company till 1955 then they went into moderate mode. They have never reached the level they once were. Today F1 is all about just hiring the right designer, engineer and drivers. It has little to do with real customer cars any more.
  11. Well you are very accurate on no need for a Sports Car right now. But no V16 cars and no nearly 10 year old show cars. They only right now need to get their present car line up fixed with cars so compelling that they will make people willing to break from their own brands to give them a chance. The SUV products that are coming need to be focused on the market and not just upgraded normal GM models. This means some RWD based SUV models that are smaller than what they have now. GM can do SUV models better than anyone and it is time for Cadillac to show it. But Cadillac needs a sports car now like a hole in the head. Once they get their line up in place and want to attract attention to it then you do like Benz and do a limited run sports model at a high price and get the PR from that to show the entire line off. See me in 2025.
  12. The Datsun Z cars, RX7, MR2 X2, MG's, Alfa, Triumph, Austin, Jaguar and many more stuck to their formula and their models only lasted 5-10 years in many cases some even less. Today it is even more important to keep raising the bar as if you remain the same and stagnate you will be history such as the present Viper that is now going out of production as a lost cause now. Todays markets and sports cars are like a virus and it and to mutate and adapt to survive in this tough market. Those who play it safe die and fade into history. What keeps the Miata relevent is the limited production and the fact it appeals to many women. The Vette has no such luxury as while some women like it they are a small percentage of buyers. The Vette has relied on Baby Boomers and now that many are in their 60's and older the Corvette needs to find and appeal to younger and up coming buyers. These buyers are not generally brand loyal and can be drawn in if you make a compelling car to attract them. You see the same crap going on in the bike market now. Harley has own the V twin market for decades. They were the poster bike for the V twin. The Asian companies made better bikes but they survived the assault. The time has now come American makers Indian and Polaris are now in the game and both are taking sales from Harley. Harley is now working hard on new models to attract buyers that are no longer brand loyal. Poster childs fade from the limelight if they sit back and do not go to the market. You must go to where they are at not wait for them to come to you or you will fail.. These young buyers in the Vette price range are now buying a wide range of things. In my parking lot at work I see everything from Lotus to Slingshots. The Sling Shot owner drives it daily from Erie Pa 2.5 hours to work in Ohio. Even in the rain. We have a good number of them moving to Cadillac ATS now as they are getting great buys and they are fun to drive. Then we also have are large groups of GTI and M cars along with a major group of Tuner cars that many have more in than a new Vette. One of the dumbest things to do is just sit back and keep doing the same thing in today's market. Things today are changing faster than ever and if you do not change with it you will be left behind posting post that show how out of touch one can be.
  13. You can not compare a VW history to the history of the Corvette as there were special circumstances that have taken place over the years and the bonds would be difficult to break in North America today. Porsche did crease a sports car VW but they from the start put it in its own division and that lead to a much different path and set of circumstances for them to follow. As for the DOHC engine if it is for Chevy only it will be in the trucks or it will be sourced from the likes of Mercury Marine who already just happens to have a Chevy based converted DOHC engine for their boats already. So before you come up with a lot of convoluted BS lets let GM show us what they have and then we could intelligently debate the merits of the decision they have made. The continued look back and look forward and the what if or they could mean absolutely nothings and has basically strangled and real debate or real contemplation here. The bottom line is you build a compelling car and price it to where you get a hell of a lot for you money you will sell more than enough cars to make more than enough to cover the cost of the car and development regardless of the valve count. You add over 700 HP and call it a Corvette with Mid Engine and people will wait a months if not over a year to order one. The price point of this car gives them room to do much more than they have been doing and the development of this car has been just under 10 years so the cost have been spread out as this originally was a C7 when they started on it according to Lutz the man who delayed the change. To people this car is an Icon not just because of anyone thing but many things that mean much to many people. You could sell these at a Fiat Dealer yet people will continue to come in and buy them. I could safely wager that most buyers never give what dealer a second thought. Many even own more than one as I have friend with 1-10 Corvettes. I have even neighbors with 2-5. You make a Corvette a Cadillac you will see a major push back in and outside GM. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Now if you want to distribute them through Cadillac dealers once they return to Europe that would be fine but not in North America. Also if you have dealt with any of the prime Corvette dealers most are more than up to the task to deal with most things for the Corvette owner. Most smaller dealers never even sell one though a year and most go to the primary larger dealers. Even a few specialize with Corvette dealers with in their own Chevy dealership. One in NJ has really made a name for themselves Kerbeck.
  14. Just read something in one of my Science magazines. It listed items and problems for future autonomous vehicles. #1 was sensing the surroundings. To computers have to detect everything from light to road conditions to wind to you name it. They said there is still more work needed. #2 Unexpected encounters. A cop that steps into the road signalling you to stop is one simple issues that the car can not detect hand signals. #3 Human Robot interaction. Choosing who has responsibility when and where and enforcing it. #4 Cyber Security. Hacking has been an issue and will remain an issue. #5 Moral Dilemmas. People are selfish and cars can only do as programmed. If a group of kids run into the road and the only option to miss them is to hit a tree the Computer will hit the tree. Now researchers have tested this and found when asked people would all say hit the tree not the kids if someone else is in the car. When asked if they were in the car no one would hit the tree. So it is ok to protect the pedestrians as long as it is someone else. Well the issue here is too people though different if it was say an adult old older person or younger person. Are they jay walking etc, Society has to decide what is acceptable out come in many cases and how legally it can be addressed. If the computer fails who is at fault the car or the owner? It just goes on and gets even more complex. The story is in Science News Dec 24 and is a short but interesting read as it takes on the many things auto magazines have not even considered or enthusiast have though a problem.
  15. Ok now that everyone has a wet leg from pissing on each other. Lets get some facts involved that answer many of these questions and get back to real arguments. One has to consider the entire background of the Corvette as to where it came from and why it is a Chevy today. The Corvette was conceived as a affordable sports car in the 50's and was not even fast to start. It picked up power and performance to save sales as it was not delivering the sales expected. Also the car did make a good impression but people just wanted more. It was already at Chevy so they got the Chevy Small Block and they both grew in stature and fame as the years went by. One should note that most sports cars even really good sports cars do not last 5-10 years. Even some of the famed names over the years have large gaps in their history where they vanished for a decade or so. Find another 2 seat sports car that has lasted longer than a Corvette? The only one that comes close is the Miata or if you want to over look the back seat the 911. other than those cars no other model has lasted as long. The way the Corvette has remained alive is for one it became an Icon and that Icon status was tied to Chevy so many years ago it is damn difficult to remove today for several reasons. #1 Chevy will never give it up with out a bloody fight. It has been their car and they have been identified by it for more years than most of us have been alive. They will not just roll over giving it up. #2 Chevy wields more power at GM than any other brand. As I was told when the Corvette team worked to kill the Fiero "Chevy Sells more cars so Chevy gets more say on what happens" Johns Schinella quoted that to me. #3 Cadillac has never and I mean never been see as a sports car company. Sure they had several failed 2 seat cars but that is it. Cadillac first needs to get their house in order and learn how they can sell their core product of luxury vehicles be it cars or cross overs to the public and grow their segment. They do not have to be number one in sales they just need to grow sales and increase income to pad GM coffers. I just do not get so many think they have to dominate Benz and BMW in sales when it comes down to just making bigger profits in a very lucrative segment. Cars are sold differently in these segments. You do not have to be number one in volume to win just more profit per vehicle at a decent volume and grow it. Like in Trucks GM may come in second in sales at Chevy not counting GMC in their totals but that does not make Chevy any less profitable from the trucks. This is big picture stuff and too often the minds is too small to capture it. #4 Corvette could be sold as a brand overseas. Chevy is not well established in many parts and the Corvette could be tied to Opel, Holden and Vauxhall dealers globally. Chevy would approve of this as they would keep the name where it counts and add global sales to better help make a business case when ever they needed a new car. Yes even with Chevys influance the Corvette has to make a business case. They have come close to being closed down on the Vette several times including the early 90's when they were told to stop build the car and ignored GM on it. The manager pretty much cost him his job but today is looked at as the man who saved the Corvette today. #5 Moving ahead to keep the car relevant in the light of increased competition, tougher regulation and higher development cost. The car will have to change to meet these needs or become irrelevant as the Viper became with the little to no change they did. Yes they did a new model but it really was just an improved version of what they had built before but along the way they lost that show car like feeling to the car. The Hallmarks of the Corvette is such. #1 it even at today's price offers performance that few other cars can offer at 2-5 times the price. #2 The Corvette has hit icon status much like Harley Davidson. They have a global following even in places it was never sold new. Kids put up posters of it even though it still is not a Red Ferrari. It has never been a perfect car but for what you pay you get more than anyone else for the dollar. The fact is has used a engine that has been used in many other vehicles it has rendered a car that is somewhat Cheap to service and repair. Lets face it there is no 30K mile service like a Ferrari that can set you back close to $10K even on their cheapest models. Also due to the volume of the car it lets the performance aftermarket make parts for it that no other car can touch in volume or price. The bottom line is the Corvette is a car that is unlike any other sports car in the world as it came to us under different circumstances and in a different way than most sports cars do. It was also a matter of luck and timing that many things happened as this is why many others have come gone and failed over the years. You just can copy what Chevy and GM did and expect it to work as this car is one of a kind. So you can keep coming up with your fraction of a second lap times and other data as it means nothing. This is about a once off model that never has been before or will happen again and it will fight to remain relevant and will remain a Chevy. The future will be a mix of it if ain't broke crossed with we need to change this to remain in the game. No need to blow this one up but there will be a need to continue to evolve the brand and model. As for other models use care as you can do more damage hanging the Corvette name on something that is not a Corvette and negate decades of status you have earned. Just ask Porsche about the 924. The Talk of a Corvette SUV disturbs me. Yes I know some others have done this like Porsche but Corvette is not Porsche. If you have to take that route take a Tahoe give it to the Corvette team and let them tune it to their liking. Then call it Tahoe Engineered by Team Corvette. That way if it works it works if it fails just kill it and sell normal Tahoe's.. It would take work to screw up the future of Corvette but it still could easily happen with the wrong choices. Right now they are in good hands and they will continue to live up to the image of being a sports car that delivers on performance worthy of cars much more expensive. In the past the Corvette was seen as a decent car with great performance. Today as Jeremy Clarkson said about the C7 it is now a great car with great performance. Now lets get back to something relevant to talk about.
  16. The higher the price the easier low volume cars and engines become profitable. Also the Low volume is almost mandatory as you need to keep the exclusivity. Also these names have so much equity built in that they could build even a crappy version and make money as the Rolls BWM now is just a British trimmed BMW 7 series. As for the electrics yes it is easy for Tesla to do as they are doing. It is for anyone who can sell a car for much more than they have in it. But on the other hand the rest of the industry is forced to find a way to mainstream Electrics till they can support a industry base able to develop battery systems and other needed systems to make this all work. It is not so much the chicken and the egg as much as the farmer seeding the field so he can reap a harvest in the future. The farmer is not going to garner any income for the first 7 months but in the end he will reap the harvest and the rewards. In other words automakers are investing and it is because they have to. Even with Trump in now and a good change the regulations will see some change he may only be there for 4-8 years and it could change again and they need to be ready. You have idiots out there now ready to kill the ICE now all the while we do not have a legitimate replacement for them yet. I do not have a problem with people being green but do not bankrupt and unemploye the world or expect us all to ride bikes when we work 25 miles from work and there is not even a public trans port that could get me there in 2 hours. Anything over $60K is very profitable as while development cost are high it cost so little more to develop a $75K car as a $20K car. Content makes up so little of the cost of the car it is the development cost that add to it.
  17. As long as there is a Chevrolet division in North America it will remain a Chevy branded car here. Now globally they could market it as a Corvette. It is much like the NSX was a Acura here but a Honda most other places. The plan at one point was to keep the Stingray for about 3 years as they transition to less expensive mid evgine models later at around $70k. Now the other plan was to make the new platform flexible so it could support both front and mid. But I fully believe this was ruled out about 8 years ago. A V6 was ruled as a possibility at some point in the future. Heck Mclaren is there now. Cadillac will get a version but not till 2025 at the earliest. They have too many core products to get out before they worry about a very non core product. To be honest a open front engine roadster to replace the Stingray that would compete with BMW would better suit them. Also do it around $50k to make it more tempting to give it a try. The XLR was just too expensive to just give it a try and loose you shirt on resale. Just make a good open GT with a trunk for weekends up the coast.
  18. Come on and stop trolling unless really are this ignorent? I will leave that choice up to you. Majority of Ferraris sold are V8 and even the 12 cylinders are at or just over 5 liters and have pistons the size of a Briggs and Stratton engine. The trade mark of a Chevy and Corvette is the bore spacing. Even with the massive changes to the so called small block the one thing they did carry over is the spacing. The 6.2 dynamically works well at 90 degrees and with harmonics of this engine. It also leaves enough cylinder wall for super charging and or a turbo so if they choose. The Corvettes hallmark has been V8 power and the V8 sound and they will carry it as long as they are able even if they have to add a turbo, DOHC or a hybrid system at some point to keep it in the car. This is the same reason the super car makers are doing the same now. They are not doing it to attract tree huggers.
  19. You just need to let this play out as there are many options here. We now know Chevy has the 6.2 coming and we know Cadillac has a TT 4.0 in the works. Now how will they do this? Well it could be several ways. They could do a similar block and share but make each version distinct to each division. The Chevy coul be based on ther already available DOHC set up from Mercury Marine made for the GM engine. The did the Mercury deal once before and the engine they have now is not even near what it could do. Odds are a better funded GM will do this in house and two different engines fir each division. No matter what has any new Corvette platform dropped the ball since 1984? No and that is why the C8 will move the heritage forward as the others. People bitched when the pop up head lamps went away, yet no one complains today and we have better lights. They complained the tail lights were not as round as they used to be yet today no one complains. Change the engine and move it they will complain till the lap times and reviews come in.
  20. Wow this argument really has degraded. the fact is this engine is coming as there is no avoiding it. The Corvette team has never come with a new model with anything less than what we already had since 1984. We also have seen the results of not continuing to advance a product in the global market in the Viper. GM is one of the few who could pull this off. I have read many post on the web and it is even worse with some other in the cheese and whine crowd. They are telling tales of $500 oil changes and complaining they just now could afford to buy a DOHC ZR1? If that was the case they could not have bought a ne Vette since the 80's. One said that it was impossible to make a low cost mid engine sports car. I guess he forgot they sold nearly 400k of them even saddled with a poorly managed and funded program. People need to get over their hurt feelings and let this unfold as it is properly funded and in good hands that will make sure the car and its legacy is protected for this model and future models. As it is they have taken the engine and layout as far as they can with pending and future issues. Even the hybrid assist is on the table as it may be the only way they keep a V8 in the car. It is time to trust Tadge and crew as they to this point have only given us the best Corvettes ever and do not take lightly the need to protect the car and keep it relevant in a global market. They could just as easy just keep making the same thing and retire when the car finally dies.
  21. Note too Ford low balls the price on the police feet sales and makes profit on volume. This makes it hard for others to get in. Department also tend to stick with on brand so they only have to stock parts for one brand.
  22. I have a Sheriffs Explorer sitting next to my house. My neighbor serves and the department as well as most other near by departments are going to the Ford Explorer in various styles. They still have some cars but there is just so little room in them anymore it is difficult to operate in them. Add to it the ground clearance for jumping curbs. The price is in line with the cars so it is a better deal for them in the long run. The cars are cramped and now they not only have weapons and radios but now they have computers laser etc. As for Durability... Even an idiot would understand in many cases the suspension are a little heavier and larger on the SUV vs a sedan in most cases even with the same engine and transmission. They are also buying a mix of FWD and AWD also a couple Turbo's for pursuits. Even a local tuner has offered to boost them up for more power. GM should look for an answer but I am not sure what. The Nox is not a prime player for this with no V6 and the present Traverse is too large and expensive. A short wheelbase models similar to the Acadia in a Chevy would be prime as it would better match the Ford in price, weight and size and still offer the V6. We also have a number of Tahoe's here too but mostly with State Troopers. The local departments can get the Fords cheaper.
  23. Drew it is as simple as this. I can hit peak HP at a lower RPM and at will in a wider range than a single cam engine without VVT. In fact I can hit higher numbers than some with 4 more cylinders. Apply this technology from the 4 cylinder delivering this kind of performance profile to 4 more cylinders putting out 150 per liter and it can tell you how far you can push the HP up and how drive able the car is. Trust me no one will be disappointed in the feel as you call it. Even in a NA version for a base car it could do many things and even spread the power band out along with a 10 speed tranny that will keep it in the sweetest spot regardless of the speed. We have many tools today to let cars do things no though possible many years ago. My little wizz bang engine puts out numbers a GN never saw and much less survived less modifications. Apply this to other engines and you will find much more tuning available and yes GM will use it. My take is the 6.2 is a NA engine and will put out a lot of power with a wide torque band. Cadillac will do much the same at 4.0 and TT. Either way the push rod is nearing the end I am sad to say, It has gone farther than anyone has ever considered but the EPA regs are going to kill it. Also global displacment taxes in this global auto market is in play hence the TT 4.0 Cadillac vs the NA 6.2 Chevy.
  24. Drew based on your argument then a V8 would really seldom be needed as at lower speeds the same HP is needed to move a car along a 30 MPH. My only point is that the ability of a new modern engine with force induction and VVT can give it the ability to make power on demand at lower RPM and over a wider RPM range. With the older engines and single cam the ability to change the timing and take advantage of higher compression and other tuning is limited. My point is if you can do all this on demand in a range of 1800-5300 RPM on 2 liters what can you do with 4.0 liters or even 6.2. No I am not WOT leaving the light but If I choose I can make more torque or reach max torque at a lower speed and over a wider range. And drop the N star as we may have thought it was cool when it came out but it really was a boat anchor. Also technology in the last 8 years has rendered it as modern as a Model A.
  25. Drew your argument thst at part throttle that the 2.0 does not have said power or torque applies to any engine, What count is what it can do when called upon at 1800 to 5300.
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