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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. My only travel issues are the unskilled. I tend to hit the back roads and unplowed roads and get where I am going with no issue. Everytime I am on the interstate in the snow I watch the mirror with fear of being rearended.
  2. I am thinking they hung the body low for Aero. This may be some hybrid model as they use a similar lower air dam. I wonder if they will use more under shielding as some of the cars are to clean up the under body air management.
  3. With traction and stability control my SS is like a tank and damn near boring to drive. Seldom is there a momnet of panic even if you try. I have gotten it to 4 wheel drive over the computer but it take a lot of trying. I do miss my Sonoma 2WD. For years I was a drifter before it was popular. Often I looked like Kinser coming off turn 4 at Eldora. I has a Cobalt with no aids and got my son in it. We hit a parking lot and I did a couple spins with the e brake. It is sad he never really knew a car could do that as he was too young to remember the Sonoma. We live in a world where kids will fail to learn car control buy doing donuts in a parking lot like many of us did.
  4. I would agree that most CUV's are man versions of a mini van. For me as long as it gets me to the ski resorts, an AWD Butch CUV is fine with me. Hell man up and do it with FWD. LOL! The AWD is good for people with long unplowed drives but to be honest there is no need for it. But it does make more money for GM. The FWD will handle the mountains in WV so if you can make it thorugh the snow there you can make it anywhere. Sorry Hyper but I have to totally disagree with you on FWD can get you through anything. Here, the FWD going up the last 7 miles gaining 3000 feet in elevation are always on the side left spinning their tires and having to chain up. This is why AWD will always be the way to go, no need to stop. Been to WV and the mountains are tiny there considering the west coast and Rocky mountains. Here the hills are big enough challenge to the FWD and the drivers end up leaving the roads blocked. On top of this, a heavy wet snow the Pacific Northwest gets compared to the light powder that seems to fall elsewhere. Anyone who has dealt with the heavy wet snow off the great lakes or been in the PNW will know that RWD and FWD are left spinning compared to 4x4 or AWD when the snow hits. Just not enough traction no matter how much you try to drive slow and easy and use your tranny. Sorry I have to disagee with you. Living here in the heart of the snow belt of the Great Lakes and having had to deal with regular heavy snow I can say that there has never been a time other than blizzards that I have ever had an issue getting where I am going with FWD or 2WD RWD. In fact I often pass the AWD SUVs in the median stuck. The real factors are these #1 Many people have no car control skills. #2 Many vehicles have poor or bald tires on the road. Just look in many parking lots and see what kind of tread many are running. To be honest I find the Ice covered roads of Atlanta more a challance than the snow covered roads of NE Ohio and Western NY. Lets face it even in the past few if anyone even had a 4x4 truck and most were in cars with bias snow tires and we got where we were going. Today with the electonic aids we have today it has made it to where most average drivers can still get where they are going with no issue. You can improve a car but even the best car even with AWD can not make up for poor drivers. I an not saying AWD is not better but I am well aware it is not a must have thing to get where you are going. Having pushed snow with the front bumper with my HHR SS and even spent 3 winters in a FIero in the snow I can say if you have the basic snow driving skills you can get nearly anywhere. Now if I lived way off the road and did not want to plow the drive or if you lived where you may never see a plow way out in the country I would consider it but other wise I just see AWD as an option and not a must have. Our 30% grades are no different just as our snow is no less wet or heavy. When I get up and there is 23 inches on the ground just go to work. The only real issue are those who can not drive and I can not get around because they are going 5 MPH in their AWD SUV. That is why I take to the back roads.
  5. Well then why do so many old S10 owners keep away from the present truck. Other than ugly and cheap the first complaint is size. Most want a truck just the size of the old truck. I find it puzzling that GM keeps thinking everyone wants mid sized here when the old out dated Ranger ate their lunch and stole their bus ticket. The other issue was price. Once you start to add options the LT package on a Silverado becomes a much better deal and value. I have a 2009 Silverado LT2 Extended cab here with many options that was sold for $21K and with the trade of an older truck was out the door for $17K. Others at work drive similar trucks and also got similar deals in the Chevy fall truck sale. I tried to look at a Colorado and to get what I wanted was similar in price and was half the truck. I ended up passing as I just could not get past the cheap interior. I deal with many truck owners daily and the one common comment from nearly all past S10 and Sonoma owners is that if they could find a new one like the one they had they would buy it. Few bought the Colorado. The Old Ranger is something that needed to be learned from and I feel even if this new truck is an improvment it will miss the real market in size and price. Guys who want real truck buy full size and guys who what a truck that doubles as a a car buy small trucks.
  6. I bet you did it on All Season Tires too. High Five! That is as close as I could get.
  7. I would agree that most CUV's are man versions of a mini van. For me as long as it gets me to the ski resorts, an AWD Butch CUV is fine with me. Hell man up and do it with FWD. LOL! The AWD is good for people with long unplowed drives but to be honest there is no need for it. But it does make more money for GM. The FWD will handle the mountains in WV so if you can make it thorugh the snow there you can make it anywhere.
  8. That is precisely the defensive mindset I was talking about. Find excuses about why other manufacturers are successful and why GM cannot be. People here bitch about brand dilution of Cadillac by sharing its components with Chevies, yet they are okay for a Lamborghini sharing components with the lesser Audi. GM already has a capable platform in Corvette why not utilize it and create something better for Cadillac? In similar tone, "Hyundai was never a luxury car make and never will be. Toyota (in 80s) was never a luxury car maker and never will be. Lexus never produced a supercar and never will do so." Those manufacturers did not think it that way. Ciel invoked more positive response from import lovers than ATS has and yet one is not going into production. Again, given the resources and talent GM has, it should stop making excuses. First off point one Audi sharing Lambo parts is a hand me down and a positive. Cadillacs sharing Chevy past is a hand me up. You can always sweeten a lesser car by marketing a better cars parts in a lesser car but it is a hard sell when you install your value leader parts in you premium car. This sends a poor marketing message. I am dam proud to have a ZR1 steering wheel in my HHR SS and a 3.6 V6 like a CTS in my Maliu. On the other hand it sends a poor quality image to pass my HHR wheel up to a ZR1 since it had it first. As for using the Vette for a Cadillac. I thought we did that already and it went so well? It was a nice car and my buddy has a XLR V that is fun to drive but few people were willing to take a chance since Cadillas as still stuggling to make a car better than a DTS. As for Hyundai and Toyota reaching. That is fine as Toyota is at the top of the market and Hyundai is at the top of popularity and public opinion. When you have your house and product lines in order then it is ok to reach. Cadillac is working to get their house in order but they are not there yet. As for the Ciel it and the Sixteen will make up the look of the LTS. Each will play a part in this car. I suspect that even many on this web site are underestimating what we will get. Lutz is involved with this car and I expect nothing less than stunning from the car. Z I have no issue with Cadillac reaching out and doing a car no one expects but I only would want them to do so once they get their new products out and get things right. They have more work to do. The Solstice drew attention to Pontiac but did not save them. The Sky did not do much to help Saturn and they died. I do have an example where a sports car did help a division. The Fiero did attract a lot of attention and did get many people into the show rooms. It help sell a lot of other Pontiacs but Pontiac did have a new Grand AM and a new Firebird that help transform the image. I am ok with Cadillac doing a look at me car but lets first worry about getting the ATS, new CTS and LTS out and make them the best they can be and then we sprinkle a little sports car on the dealer and then let them sell. I would not target Ferrari as they will never measure up to them as they are like Harley. You can build a better Harley buy people buy the name. Same with Apple I phone etc. You can make it better but the name is a hard one to break. In fact Fiat could put a small Ferrari engine in a 500 and out sell out just because of the Ferrari name. Cadillac should target Audi or Bently and then move up once they reach this level.
  9. Yep and the years that followed did so much for Ford. They had the Granada, Maverick, Mustang II and Ah yes the Pinto. I can see now how well the Gurney, Foyt win did so much for Fords product and image. The The new Mustang, 80's Taurus and Eco Boost has done more for Fords image and sales than the GT 40 program did for them in the past. The truth is Shelby did more for the GT40 than Ford did. Henry just wrote the checks between drinks.LOL!
  10. I don't see the LFA doing much for Lexus other than get some press coverage. I suspect it has not lead to many sales other than the handful of LFA's they have sold. At least it is closer to the core product with the engine up front so it could better represent the core products. There will be a time for a product like this but GM needs to make it relate to what Cadillac really is and they need to have the rest of their line up in place. As of now the ATS is not on the market., the CTS is still farther out and the LTS is still on paper. Once these cars are our and done right then you can go with a show case car that will best represent the rest of the products. The Benz SLR at least represented a vehicle similar to the rest of their products and the Audi R8 would not be if it were not for VW owning Lambo. I'm ok with a performance car but they need somthing that better represents the kind of cars they sell. Cadillac never has been a Ferrari Fighter and never will be. Better to take one of the type cars you have and make a super coupe with a luxury interior.
  11. I have yet to see a V or a Coupe yet. They need to take that first step to support their core products.
  12. Well in their case walking would just be a good start. Right now they are just like they got their knee replaced and they have just started rehab.
  13. The love trucks engine ran fine it was the bodies here in Ohio that crumbled like a Vega. I have a guy at work that has several Isuzu diesel pick ups [spare parts] and he loves them but he is in the great minority.
  14. The V6 can be had in the SLE-2. Most in this class are not off real road vehicles. They are just butched up mini vans built to the point a man would be seen in them without feeling like he sold out. I had a LT2 Nox for a week once and even though it was a low trim package it was well optioned for a $24K sticker. You can buy one of these now for around $19K. . You just have to get used to the fish net styled seat covers.
  15. I expect some powertrain changes and wheel and tire combo's. I also expect different trim options on the inside. But I do not expect much change t the nose. I would not have any issue with a change but I just don't expect at this point we will see it. As for Styling I have little issue other than the quad cab and the odd wheel base with the bed. The fact is almost anything is better than the present truck and most times these little trucks do better as being more car like since most people who want the truck look just buy the larger truck anyways. The price makes it hard to down size when you can get a Full Size LT for not much more when they are on sale.
  16. I have an update on the Terrain. Still no defects at 4,000! I had expected the read seat not folding 100% flat was going to be an issue but so far it has been a blessing. I had to haul the Soap Box Derby race car in the Terrain and found even in the transport cradle with the wheels off the tail rises up and clears the console. Also I had to haul home a porch swing and the parts of the A frame stand for the swing. Note this was a heavy viynl over wood. We are talking several hundred pounds. The legs went up the slanted seats and cleared the console. Overal the gas milage has been as good or just a MPG better than stated. The new Intellalink has been a great suprised and I am glad I decided at the last min to make use we got it. The only things I could say is when we were in Amish country here in Ohio. They call it little Switzerland hence the foot hills of Appalachia. The engine handled the hills fine but you just have to get used to reving the engine more as the torque is high up in the range. Also you have to get used to where the tranny will shift. If you learn to use the RPM properly you should have no issues. Also with my SS and years in the GTP I have to learn to temper the curves. The area were we were has some great back roads and the ride was great and for the most it handled fine for a SUV but you just have to remember on the sharp corners that this is not a GTP.
  17. Then do something interesting on the ATS to sell more ATS. Until Cadillac masters the boring core market a low volume sports car has no rhime or reason in the Cadillac line up. Would I like to see GMPD do a Ferrari killer someday Hell yes. Right now is the time to take care of the basic needs and plan on the next 10 years and a low volume sports car has it's place but only after they take care of their core markets and models. My thought is for GM to get their house in order and then later let GMPD do a low volume sports car and sell it through a Cadillac dealer.
  18. It was an Anglo-American venture, built by Ford in England, developed by Americans and Brits. The book 'Goes Like Hell' is a very good book on this subject... I also recomend this book. It is a very good book! Over all Still English, British and American, but still English, SO AMERICAN AS HELL!!! England.....that's an American colony isn't it?
  19. The real challange is to bring the Diesel to market and then the second part is to get enough buyers to keep the option viable.. The Luv. S15 and S10 all offered them but few were sold due to the lack of interest. I know todays engines will be much better but the fact is will people go for a small truck with a small diesel in this country. They are far from the same buyers than than the full size buyers,. A diesel buyer offten has the big rig mentality and it translates too little to the small trucks. Do I think they need to try... Yes! Do I think it will selll... ehh might. I feel it has a 50/50 chance of doing well with the right kind of marketing and enough power. Tuners could make it into something others would pay attention to buy upping the boost. That is if the engine will take it. I don't expect much in the way of styling changes. What they so will be small. I so expect a more butch off road looking package offered here. Bigger tires and less chome etc. Also a sport package Ala ZO8.
  20. Anyone notice today the reports of BMW and Toyota working closer? As I have said in the past some prominate companies will be looking for dance partners to help foot the develpment of future advance products. BMW was one I named and I also expect Honda to be looking to share the cost burden. Building luxury cars for the future under the many regulations in NA and Europe will be expensive and difficult even for those leading he class right now. This is why they are working hard to get their customers to think down size in cars and engines. This is where cars like the ATS and their low weight will play an important roll. The ATS and the future of the ATS is the most important thing Cadillas has going that we know of. Right now lets get them to learn how to make and sell class leading sedans and learn how to hold onto the lead in 12-15 years.
  21. It was an Anglo-American venture, built by Ford in England, developed by Americans and Brits. The book 'Goes Like Hell' is a very good book on this subject... I also recomend this book. It is a very good book!
  22. That has been a long held argument neither of us will ever solve since even the experts and owners can't even agree. Finally a rational thought of reality here. I have to bump you to a 3 positive. I would bump that maybe 8 years? It will take while to get all the other needed product in house first.
  23. Pure Americana, baby! +1 There was a lot of England in the GT 40 too, so while it is termed an American Ford did get a lot of old world craftsmanship on the bodies and chassis. I think Holman Moody took delivery of much from Europe before they did their engine and prep magic. The repo cars Holmans son did used the same body bucks in England. A lot of the car was based on a Lola too and again English too. The early cars did use Corvair tail lights though go USA 1!
  24. I look for the Lacrosse and Regal both to grow in size at some point but they will have to wait till they are up for platform changes. Also they need to wait for the new Cadillacs to move up. We need to watch Opel and China to see what is next. As nice as the Verano is the Regal just has a little more sporting styling.
  25. We had looked at one when we were car shopping. We liked the car but the wife wanted something bigger. It is narrow feeling inside but it also is a small car. I think the interior makes you feel like you are in a larger car with out the size. Too often cars this narrow have crap interiors. My one fear is that people will see the coming Turbo and want to make it into a GS kind of car. The fact is the Turbo will remain with the softer suspension and is not intended nor claimes to be a sporting sedan. It is just a Verano with more power. This has me expecting the Malibu with the same engine will not be an SS. I think the power from that engine with the comfort ride will play well with many who have only owned V8 and V6 cars. That is important to people who buy cars in this class as they seldom have owned underpowered cars.
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