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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. I expect if imported limited options and mostly V8 engines. If from Canada we would see a wider range. It will be north of $30k and by the time you get what you want it will be around $40K. As for trucks you can get a Chevy LT2 extended cab 2WD with V8 for well under $30K when they run the incentives. The fact is even with what utility the bed gives the cargo capacity is limited so the appeal to real truck buyers is limited. As for the interior unless they offer a bench seat you will have the passenger ability of a Corvette and there is limited behind the seat room. This makes this car as passenger friendly as a Sports car. Now for me I would be very accepting of each as this would fit me and my expectations but in the general public they expect more. This is a vehicle that will sell well for the first year and after that the sales will taper off as those diehard fans will have theirs. I would expect the sales to be along the lines of a Solstice volume. Between a possible delay for them to move this to Canada I suspect the return of the new Colorado may be a much greater factor. The Colorado will be a much higher volume vehicle and cheaper so I see them working to get it out first and not wanting to drop it and a Ute at the same or close to the same time. Prior to 1982 sales were very good but after 82 and with the gowth of the smaller trucks it dropped each and every year. Even then they were around a 20,000 average. Now with the many other vehicles and small SUV's it will have even more compitition. I would like to see them offer the longer wheel based 4 door versions here. I would have no interest but it would add to volume and give people here more of a choice if they want something more usable. As for Hybrids I just see so little call for them with a vehicle like this. It would fail just as a CNG powered Camaro would. Now if they would enter the fleet sale market it may have a use but most companies would never spend this much on a vehicle like this when the larger truck is cheaper and larger.
  2. Time to be realistic here. The Ute is going to be a very low volume niche vehicle. Even back in the day sales were small in the big picture. Today they have much more compitition from large and small trucks that are much more popular. The Utes is a vehicle here in the states that appeals more to the kind of guy that would buy a Camaro vs a Silverado. They are more for the car guy that still wants to haul something. The other issue is it will not be cheap or as cheap as the Colorado and will be priced even over some full size extended cabs. So it will take someone who really wants one of these to buy it when you can get more utility from a full size truck at a cheaper price. Most people interested in these MPG is not a priority so I would 86 any idea of hybrids. It would only add more to the cost and push it to $40K. As a past owner of such a vehiicle I loved it and would have kept owning one if they kept selling them. I love the car ride but the ability to plop a 428 Pontiac in the bed and move on down the road. But even then noted that most of the people who liked my car were auto enthisiast as most others had moved on to large and small trucks. To look at this with emotion my heart says do it and do it today. If I take emotion out of it my brain says if you are going to do it do it right with the right expectations and equipment at the right price. If they release this at $40,000 and they sit on dealer lots it will be labeled as a fail and we may never see them do this again. I understand GM has greater issues at hand than to worry about a car that may only sell in numbers of 10K or less. At this point I am glad there are those still pushing for it. If it happens fine but at this point it is not a great loss if it fails to ever come about. I think they would be better off doing this on a smaller Alpha and try to get the cost under $30K. Right now I think the price will kill it as for what it will cost you can buy a nice truck.
  3. You are spot on. Most others have stepped up with new models and the Cruze is still selling well. Update it now and keep it fresh and hot. This is a car that people have found if they pay a little more they get a lot more car. I expect some of the engineering upgrades from the Verano may fine its way into this Cruze.
  4. They have them where they sell. A hatch might see some limited sales but a wagon would gather dust unless. Now if you made it look like a small SUV there might be some interest and profit. I think you said it best "Estate No Sale"!
  5. The Gov is not up for election. The Bamster was not mentioned and this plant is about all the Youngstown area has outside the fast growing oil and gas industry. It may not mean much anywhere else but it means the world to where things have been depression like since the steel industry left. With 230 million being invested I would say it will be more than a new nose and tail lights. I suspect the sheet metal will see changes too. The underpinnings will remain the same and as good as they are that is fine. The Cruze is right on time for upgrades. I expect the dash will see a Mylink screen.
  6. I just found my press release. $220 million will be invested. 5000 jobs retained New styled exterior New styled interior Improved Fuel Economy Improved interior compartment and more storage space Prelim work to clear the body shop is already taking place. Keep in mind the Lordstown plant is large enought they can add a new line and keep right on building the present car. They did this when they changed to the Cruze. This plant is massive. GM gives Gov John Kasich and his Jobs Ohio Team for helping make this happen. Like him or hate him he has created more long term jobs than the Federal Goverment has. Now if they could only get people to pass the drug test. They are now forced in to looking out of state for Oil Field workers because they are having trouble finding people who can pass the wiz quiz. The sad thing now is we have more jobs but few people able to fill them. We see the same thing where I work.
  7. GM anounced that the Cruze next gen will be built in Lordstown Ohio and they will invest over 230 Million Dollars in the new car. It was stated it will have a new body and interior. The story did not give details but it sounds like based on what I read that while it may be on the Delta II it will see more than just a nose job. The work in the body shop is already started and on the way. They did not give a time line but I suspect with the body shop change 2014 may not be out of the question.
  8. At least someone here has the right idea. Price may have changed their minds. Cost of repair too since the other car is AWD in most cases. Also we need to consider the fact that the new Colorado is coming and to intro both at the same time would more damage than good. The ute is a limited market to start with and to sell a small truck beside it for less would take away more sales. The UTE is limited and will need all the sales they can. There are fans out there but even I would balk at $35K and if there was a crew cab small truck for less it would be hard for be to justify. I would end up paying alittle more and just by the sedan for the wife and a truck for me. Moving to Canada would lower cost or at least I hope it would.
  9. But how are the early 20 somthings going to drive it then. They need a hand or two free to text and play with the audio system. Also who is going to teach them to drive a stick? Great Grandma does not drive anymore LOL! While I may be joking the sad fact is it is true.
  10. Good point. Also, why wasn't this an issue when the G8ST was approved? Just more excuses from GM. Different time and different place and much worse economy. The fact is I think they are just waiting to move things here vs just doing it for one year down under. They have gone to the point to say they could even export models from Canada. There is a lot more in play here. Lets face it the Super Sport was delayed because of the engine and moved up a little because of NASCAR. GM has been walking a tight rope on getting things done with the coming and going of drivetrains and platforms.
  11. Ford builds the Transit in Turkey. They put windows in the side and a seat in the back and make a truck a car. They then import it then trash the seat and the glass to make a truck. No Tarrif. The issue is they sell a hell of a lot more Transits vs what they would utes. Also the fact is the seat in the back of the Transit meets safety standards where a seat in the back of a ute would requre a roll bar etc. The point is you can fudge this only so far and not the ute. I see no issue with a 320 plus V6 being offered as it would only increase the volume and keep a car like safe in production. As gas prices climb V8 sales and truck sales drop. The V6 could just keep a car line like this alive. It is ok not to buy one but at least have the sense that it would increase volume at a low cost. The fact is even with police sales this car will never be over 50,000 units at best case.
  12. why would you make that assumption? If it came to Oshawa it would likely be because it is sharing with Camaro. Not really. The word I have picked up on goes as this. 2015 The Camaro is going Alpha and it will move to a new plant in Canada. It may be at Oshawa but not on the same line it is now. Once that line is free'd up it would pick up the Caprice police cars due to the fact GM has had issues with many department not being able to buy an import police car. Also issues with value of the dollar etc. If moved to Canada the import issue is not in play as they are not considered imported if from NA. They also may move the Super Sport here after a short import run. GM is also looking at the possibility to also do a V6 version here for Chevy too. If they expand the old Camaro line for these models it would create the perfect place for this. I had hope because of the small numbers they would have gotten a break on the tarrif but it was not to be. If the could do these in Canada there is no terrif and with the number of other VF based models being built it would make a low volume ute possible. GM will not live or die with or without a ute but it would be nice to offer something no one else has. But agai if the economy does not improve it could scuttle a lot of plans on a lot of things.
  13. In 1985 $12,000 was the average price of a car and as of 2012 it is $30,000. Many predict the prices will climb even more in the next 10-12 years at a higher rate. The cost involved have many auto companies worried as income increases for many are down to little or nothing for many. Neat little car but I wished they had kept a loaded one under $20K sticker wise since it really has not major engine upgrades here. Now if they had dropped a 220 HP 2.0 in I would have no issue with the price. The Fiat is not priced much lower. I was in one that stickered at $19.000.
  14. I have to agree they are more unknow or just know as what they were 40 years ago. For the most part they are thought of a floaty large cars with lots of chrome. Now if they were familier with the 80's Cadillac then it would be much more a case of damaged. The key is for Cadillac to get the new CTS and LTS out and be smart to grow the brand in Europe. There is a 10 year plan in the states and I suspect they may have a 20 year plan in Europe. Those in power now know they are not going to take the lead in 5 years in Europe from the others there now and they know it will take time to build image and respect with new and proper product. The ATS, CTS and LTS will be good but they will need a small FWD car for at least Europe. With the new A class getting good reviews and w BMW based on the Mini platform coming Cadillac will need something better than a rebadged Opel or Saab to compete. The ATS has shown they can think Euro while still building a car that is clearly American. They will need to do the same with the small car as with gas prices and poor economy in Europe they will go after these small cars like crazy. I think that GM finally understands that you can't pass off what may appear Euro in the states as being Euro in Europe. The ATS appear to be a very good global effort as it has what each market needs here in NA and in Euro and Asia.
  15. We may not want to dismiss the Taxi Benz and Police Benz too quickly. They were filling these rolls year before they were the dumping ground for slow movers. My dad said they would buy the Benz back in the 50's to use as taxis and police cars as they would out last anything else made in Germany and most else in Europe. Lets face it there were few good Euro cars for many years and even the big names often took a lot of up keep. Benz and VW were two of the most reliable cars in Euro history. While today they may fill in more as fleet sales many in Europe still buy them yet today as that is what many have used for years in many cities. The Germans and others don't look at them as Crown Vics. When looking at the Euro market you have to stop thinking American. This has been a lot of Cadillacs issue.
  16. Benz has been a do all be all in most other countries around the world for a long, long time. Here in the states we have only had limited contact with all that Benz has and does. It was only 50 years ago they were imported by Studibaker as only a Luxury car. When my dad lived in Europe he told me how Benz was a car or truck that was considered more than just a Luxury brand vs what most Americans considered it. He told me how they were used for all sorts of duties and they were all not cars for the wealthy. Over there a Benz truck was not anything anyone even notices as odd. Same for many other countries around the world. The Fact is Americans for the most part have a distorted vew of Benz as most rest of the world.
  17. Well that doesn't address the issue of MB missing a pedestrian brand. No then VW buys them. I am just kidding on all of this.
  18. hyperv6

    Sea Seven

    To be honest the C8 may be more of an interest to see where it goes. From what little has been said many say it will be a major change vs the little changes. I know there is always a lot of talk about Mid engine etc but I expect more i the way of option packages and range with the new car. As for the styling. It needs to change up once in a while. I tire of the same old BMW and 911 styling all the time. Yes it is safe and they continue to sell but tell me what excitment is there when you see a new 911 or 3 series? They go better and stop faster but to be honest there is just too little excitment on anyhing new. As for using some Ferrari styling it's not the first time. Harley Earl and Bill Mitchell appreciated and even stole some things from past Ferraris to use in their own styling. GM even has had some Vettes rebodied in Italy that were more Ferrari than Vette for show cars. While it may have a Ferrari tone in its final form it will never be mistaken for anything but a C7. The people in charge at GM now are all pretty Vette friendly so I expect they will get as lot of what ever they want this time. That has not always been true and the Vette had to earn what it got. Too many assume that the Vette gets a free pass but it still has to move throught the same approval steps as any other GM car.
  19. hyperv6

    Sea Seven

    The ideas are accurate but the representations is a little off. The new Vette will work out well and it will be a transitional car. GM is already laying plans for the C8 as the C7 will not be around anywhere as long as those before it. There will be changes for several reasons. Crash Standards, Global Market demands and the effort not to continue to build the same car for ever. The C7 when it arrives will stir the masses as every new Vette does. at first the split will be 50% love it and 50% hate it and as time passes it is accepted as it should be. Vette owners tend to not like a lot of change but they even for the most got over the loss of the pop up headlamps or they just don't complain as much anymore. The handling and peformance will be stepped up and take up any of the slack in the styling in the eyes of many since it will out perform their C3-C7. The video here is not something I would get too excited about as the car in 3D will have a much better appeal. But again just be ready as like in the past half of you will hate it for a while no matter what.
  20. Well, the ATS is going to have the 2.5...same displacement as the Iron Duke.. Yes and ATS will have 4 tires and a steering wheel on it just like a Chevette too.
  21. How about we bring back the Iron Duke for the CTS too. I am sure there would be a lot of appeal for that one to come back oil leaks and all.
  22. Why not; mercedees is bringing out FWD cars in the $30K price range merely to "sell more". The scary thought is a Caddy derived from the Cruze or Sonic would probably sell well. I hope GM doesn't stoop that low...leave Buick for the FWD entry-lux models. They are working hard to make this happen now. It will take time but all three divisions will grow appart over time. Buick will be the volume Luxury brand and Cadillac will get more expensive and lower volume brand. A Cadillac should not be a car just anyone should own. Benz and BMW should avoid this as it nearly killed Porsche back in the 80's.
  23. I have a buddy with an new Explorer. I do have to day it is very nice. The only real issue is like most SUVs today once you start adding the options it gets way over priced fast. But It is still a better value than the Edge. The lower end Explorer can be well optioned for the price of a well optioned Edge. I find the Explorer the only choice between the two,
  24. BMW is doing ok it is the the scale of economics that it takes to develop new engines, transmissions and platforms. BMW real issue is it is a rather small company and to bring out a new platform and engine is a major outlay for the number of cars they build. I read a while back in the Wall Street Journel on how the larger strong companies will get stronger and the smaller yet strong automakers will get weaker unless they partner with another larger company or merge. We have seen the hold out Porsche finally give in and go with VW as have a lot of other well known smaller makes. In the story they said even companies like Honda would need help if world economics did not improve. The said to keep profits up they will need to share development cost or work. We have also just seen that with Subaru and Toyota. Now BMW has signed an agreement with Toyota. In other words many companies will need a dance partner. As for GM and Ford on the Toyota plan? These companies are just giving the market what it wants in many of the mainstream segments. The love affair with the car has declined and today many buyers just want an appliance. The car companies are trying to entice with more styling at Ford and GM vs the plain cars Toyota panders but reputations and happy repeat buyers are just looking for quality and MPG keep coming back. As for the push rods :LS the only reason it is still with us is they have found a way to make it work and still be relevent. Also they are fairly cheap to build vs some other engines. They may not be as cheap as the old SBC was but over a million trucks a year the savings add up. I just wish we had more info on the new engine. I would like to see where all the changes are going to be. It is hard to comment on this engine when we know so little about it. I expect it will be good but the pick up market is still in for a lot of changes. The next gen pick up will lose some weight but the gen to come after it may see some radical changes.
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