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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. They just have not speeded the system up since so few people use it. I never let the dealer push the dealer search. I do it myself and walk in make the deal on the vehice I want and then say here it is. I always get the car I want at the price I want the next day. There is one case where I would order a car. A Corvette. For one to get what you wnat is not as easy since so few dealers stock them and second I would do the pick up at the museum option. I have had seceral friends do this and really enjoyed it. What would stop me from doing that is any more for what you would pay for a new Vette I could get a very nice 59-60 and it would only go up in value vs the other dropping for 25 years.
  2. Well it is not working that fast with many of the special orders I have seen this year. Iooked into it if I could have not found the GMC I wanted. 4-8 weeks was average Some were longer.
  3. OK if you do line item options what do you do about all the vehicles missing that important option on the dealer. Then what do you do when you tell someone it will be 4+8 weeks min to get their truck when they can go to a Ford dealer and get pretty much what they want at the same price the same day. You can always sell a vehicle with more options but they are hard to sell with less or the wrong ones. Over production is more a case of keeping the plants moving vs anything else. GM just does the truck sales event every Oct and even at the discounts they make a lot of money.
  4. This is not just a simple good idea bad Idea issue. Now if there was no Volt this would be a very poor idea as the price of the Volt it's self is holding it back. We have seen just recently with the lease deals that the sales increase with a drop of $10,000 in price. So a more expensive Gas/Electric car on it's own is a poor idea. I even expect Fisker and Tesla to wither go belly up or sell out to a larger MFG in need of such a car. Now with having the Volt here and not going anywhere it is a good idea to help leverage the cost out and try to make the car appeal to another market. It is kind of like a race team. The first car on a race team is where all the cost is while a second team is mostly profit because you have everything in place already to deal with the building and racing of a car. This is a very good driveline and will only improve with time while becoming cheaper. Unless the MFG step up and offer this kind of car there would never be a market and there would be even less suppliers investing. It is the Chicken and the Egg deal. THe bottom line is ever MFG will need some king of advanced driveline and this is where it starts. Having driven one the driveline in the Volt would suit me fine to work everyday. I would never use gas. But the I phone stlying is not me. Not bad just not me. This car will appeal to those with money as either a serious car or play toy. The one thing GM needs to do is stress that this will be a low volume car from the start and not go around saying it is going to sell 30.000 units next year. At some point it may but that is down the road ones improvments have come. Besides it is better looking than the Fisker or Tesla S and if priced right could rob their few sales.
  5. He has wanted me to buy it. I could have gotten it cheap but they will need the money with is medical issues. We have a buyer willing to take it when they are ready to sell it for $10,000. The Silver in this car did not hold up due to the cheap viynl. It often cracked and often would wear to the point where it would yellow. This car is a show case of poor 1981 quality even in show room condition. That was why I posted the title as I did. The 78 Indy pace cars had them too and they did hold up better on the leather but the viynl it also would show wear. My other neighbor had a 78 pace car with less than 5,000 miles and it was pretty good but I saw many when I was judging car shows that would look like crap. The capet on the kick panels also fall off too. This is not as rare as you might think. While it is low production it not a sub 1,000 built kind of rare. I find rare is often over used today and if there were more than 1,000 I don't get too excited. Also this car today is not what many would want. It is not fast and most buyers want a Z/28 as that is where the money will be in the future. If this car was driven it would lose all it's real value. I see the same thing with the Fiero's too. A 5 mile 1984 comes up and sells for $15,000 once in a while and then the guy is stuck trailering it because the low miles is the only value. If he puts on 25,000 miles the car is worth $3,000 at best. I did think about buying it but the only thing of value here is the low miles. If I bought it I would drive it so the value would be lost. I had thought a engine swap for a 502 or the like would be fun and leave the stock ralleys on it. Make it a sleeper. The photo does not show the shine of the paint. I even got the rear bumper to buff out pretty nice. This would make a good survivor car to show in the future and a good car to document how these cars really were. Little things like how the window cranks point up and forward is not something you see in the restored cars. Both are index exact to where the factory pointed them. The body gaps are uneven and should be measured to have a record as many restored cars no longer have these uneven gaps. The engine details also should be photo'd as few people have ever seen one untouched. This also would make a great project car if you were looking to do a top dollar pro touring car or the like. You would never find another car in better shape for this low of a value. A loaded Z in the same shape would be $10,000 more. I am just glad I am getting time to drive this and enjoy it while giving him the pleasure of being out in it. It is sad to see a car guy lose what he loves so much a little bit at a time. It also has taught me to get my own car out more and enjoy it before it is too late.
  6. Hell GM can make many mistakes and will make more. Sorry but option packages are not one of them as every MFG does this for good reason and the vast majority of buyers [non auto enthuiast] have no issue with this. To be honest many buyers today are so detached buying cars they would have difficulty ording a car. I have sent a lot of time on what I would term mostly non entusiast car model sites and have found 3/4 of these people have less than 100% of what they did buy. I have seen were many of the early 2012 GM buyers are mad as they thought they had Mylink just because the car had a color radio screen. None asked if it had it or even tried it out. To be honest many wouid hit or miss many options unless they had a really good salesman. Years ago buyers loved cars and spent time learning what all they had to offer. Many used to be able to quote engine and option codes. That is no longer true today as most buyers are idiots. Today the common buyer wants to know what the monthly payment is, what color and how soon can I get one. I too wish they had more flexibilty in ordering but with the way the market and marketing is the profits are in option packages. Companies love them, Dealers love them and few people complain about them. Like I have said on many other things from the past time and the market has moved on. Sad but true. This whole deal was started with the imports since they could not do line ordering on cars inported from Japan. They showed how it made for easier ordering, inventory and profits when assembling cars. If there were more profits in line ordering GM and every other MFG would be doing it. If there was a great out cry from the public someone would have moved back to it.
  7. I found these on my phone. I hope to get some better ones later but I thought this would give you an idea of trhe car. Note many of the Camaro people either forgot or had never seen an interior this color. I remember them but they did not hold up well and I would have to think there not any cover kits out there to replace them.
  8. Well, the two extra doors make it a non-starter for me of course. It also looks very narrow, very tall, and very long - odd proportions. But it does stand out in traffic, not so well as say a Solstice does, but it does stand out. You not like a 4 door go on! The Stood out as a impractical roadster and that is ok in a roadster as something is wrong if it is practical. This is a sports sedan that has to be made to live in a daily enviroment. It also was built to live in and outside the North American market. So what does that mean. Well it means it will be narrower and taller to give comfort but to fit more markets as most other cars already do. Not everyone wants American Bulk. Also the size is key for the 3300 pound weight. GM is now starting to build real Global cars and things will have to change. You can not expect to buld a modern copy of the last Fleetwood and expect people in China and Europe to ever accept it. The car will do well and the headroom will be a plus to most buyers. While the Show Car vehicles GM built like the Camaro,. SSR and Solstic/Sky were fun they were not very good well thought out cars. They played so much to style that they left a lot on the table for people who have to live with them. Even my HHR has blind spots that would scare most that are not used to driving one. I am ok with it but most average buyers would hate them. The A pillar can lose a Mack truck in them. I think the ATS has hit the just right balance for what most buyers want. This is a car for everyone and not just a small segment. If GM every plans to move ahead they have to appeal to most buyers not a chosen retro few. You read far too much into my comments. No, I am just used to you going to unrealistic extremes for the present day market.
  9. Generally everyone offers packages so there is no where to chase people away to that would be anything different. Now before you say that it would be good for GM to be the odd man out consider that most of these options are what people buy anyways and when you are dealing on a $35K vehicle and up another $1500 is nothing when it offers you most of what you were getting anyways. Generally the savings would be in the hundreds of dollars and not thousands of dollars by the time you picked and choosed. The only trucks that really an issue are the base models for company fleets and or what I call parts runners. These are still available even though many companies are moving to smaller and cheaper vehicles. I have seen many companies replace currier and parts runners with Sonic's. In todays world people buy as much as they can afford on the payment. Generally that is why we so many LS package vehicles now. If optioned right the LS is the best value in the Chevy line no matter the model. My LS Malibu has everything but 3-4 options the LTZ had but it was thousands less. Also GM would not take a hit either. What ever profit lost with cutting packages you would pay in a higher base price.
  10. Well, the two extra doors make it a non-starter for me of course. It also looks very narrow, very tall, and very long - odd proportions. But it does stand out in traffic, not so well as say a Solstice does, but it does stand out. You not like a 4 door go on! The Stood out as a impractical roadster and that is ok in a roadster as something is wrong if it is practical. This is a sports sedan that has to be made to live in a daily enviroment. It also was built to live in and outside the North American market. So what does that mean. Well it means it will be narrower and taller to give comfort but to fit more markets as most other cars already do. Not everyone wants American Bulk. Also the size is key for the 3300 pound weight. GM is now starting to build real Global cars and things will have to change. You can not expect to buld a modern copy of the last Fleetwood and expect people in China and Europe to ever accept it. The car will do well and the headroom will be a plus to most buyers. While the Show Car vehicles GM built like the Camaro,. SSR and Solstic/Sky were fun they were not very good well thought out cars. They played so much to style that they left a lot on the table for people who have to live with them. Even my HHR has blind spots that would scare most that are not used to driving one. I am ok with it but most average buyers would hate them. The A pillar can lose a Mack truck in them. I think the ATS has hit the just right balance for what most buyers want. This is a car for everyone and not just a small segment. If GM every plans to move ahead they have to appeal to most buyers not a chosen retro few.
  11. I am suprised you noticed with the extra two doors LOL!!. IT is a lot better car in person. The lines show real well in metal vs the photo. Some may claim it is toned down but to be honest it was cleaned up.
  12. There is no shame in making more money,. If that is the case GM needs to be more Shameless. Stated this earlier and every company does this and it works. Profits are in the options more so than the vehicle. More options more profits. Case in point when we bought out GMC SLT-2 we went the extra cash for the better package as it has the memory seats etc. We also got things we may have skipped but to be honest I am glad to have these extras now. Good Marketing always leaves you wanting more.
  13. Gas has not spiked as you have not seen anything yet. With what is going on in the MIddle East and the drop in our standing over there we are heading for a world of hurt. The Global Oil Economy will bite us in the ass even if we do not use any of their oil. To do this right they need to figure out a composite bed that works for the Half ton line to lose the weight and have no need for liners etc.
  14. That's when they roll out the Eco model w/ a 1.4L engine... Might in a Colorado but not going to happen in the full size as you will get a new 4.3 with 10% more MPG and 50% more power. Or at least that is what some claim.
  15. If they can make lights that hold up on the floor of a theater or air plane this is not an issue. Besides most trucks are not used as trucks anymore. The only real issue I worry about with the new truck is for the gas to spike at into again like the last time and hurt the roll out.
  16. I always expect to order but always find what I want in a dealer trade. I have never had to leave off one option.
  17. Setllemire pointed out one time confirming what we already knew. Case in point, Scott showed us that the F body went to standard power windows in all cars as it is cheaper and more profitable to make them all that way, Second most people would not wait the 4-8 weeks to order a vehicle in this instant gratification society. I see enough people bitching because they are a week over on their order and would cancel the order if they could. Third the more options you load in the easier it is to sell and more profitable the vehicle is. Finally dealers would complain if they got stuck with odd optioned vehicles they can't unload and would ask for help from GM to unload them. Like many things times have changed and auto buyers have changed. GM has tried to counter with options like the work trucks and other packages that decontent trucks to make them cheaper or have options companies and construction workers would look for. Ford also limits the option choice but they offer about 10,000 model combo packages and the like GM will do limited run vehicles. I once saw a F250 that had a special package for Lumber Cutting companies out west. The guys brother ordered one for him here in Ohio. It had every kind of skid plate and off road item you could think of. It also had special tires and it was factory lifted. But the company also bought God knows how many to get the deal. Like most things anymore packages are much more profitable and easier to deal with all the way around. For the most part the public has no issues with it as long as they can find pretty much what they want on the lot or dealer trade for it. 4 of my last three cars were dealer trades and it only took a day to get them. I got what I wanted and never had any issues with missing a option I wanted. In the past and the lack of computers finding the right car was a major issue but today it is easy. I found my HHR SS and my Terrain myself at home before the dealer and knew they could get what I wanted easy. Besides if someone for some unknown reason wants a power passenger seat what better way to get them to pay a little more and take the LTZ package. Always leave them wanting to pay more.
  18. hyperv6

    CDL required?

    Looks like the kind of Chevy the KGB would order.
  19. The line by line option is a thing of the past. Too expensive to built and too hard for dealers to sell if they end up with a lot of odd optioned cars on the lots. I remember when you could do this and wished they could do it again but I expect we will never see that in any regular production cars. The one truck option I would like to see is better bed storage like they have in the Dodge and Toyota. There is wasted space in the lower quarters and bed sides that could be put to good use.
  20. hyperv6

    CDL required?

    The 60 Pontiac fixed all that was wrong with the 59 in my book and set the tone for the better styled cars in 61-62. Same with the 55 to the 56. To me all they did is fix what was not broken. The grill to me is one of the strongest parts of the 55 Design. It looks like it could have been done by Pininfarina. Earl shows his Euro influence here. Balth you love what I hate and I hate what you love. We are perfect bookends on this one.
  21. hyperv6

    CDL required?

    The 55 was right spot on. The 56 fixed what was not broken. It is hard to improeve perfect. The 57 is not bad but it is not as good as the 55 but better than the 56. The 58 just tried to look too big. It was a case of trying too hard. 59 Was just playing to the whim of the fin market and the 60 just cleaned it up to make the transition to cleaner designs, Pontiac is the one that broke ranks in 1960 and clean the car up a lot with the 60 models. They imporved from their up. Bunkie also was one of the few to that had the balls to pull the chrome. I did see a 1955 Buick Century coupe last week in white and red it also was a very nice looking balanced car that degenrated to the over chromed 58 model. I look at the 50's as years of transition where they were rather plain to start and over the top at the end. It was cool back then but to look back the later years in some cases were like seeing a picture of someone in the 70's in a leisure suit. While the later cars are not my favorite they are still what make the 50's special. There is not right or wrong as it is all just history.
  22. I wonder if the 3-4 inches may be in bed height? Ford went to a deeper taller sided bed and I wonder if Chevy has followed. The Truck were already very roomy inside and to make them taller would only make them look like the wheels look too small with larger fender gaps. We have seen the photo's it may be time to look and compare again. In the Photo's I have seen the greatest changes I expect will be in engine and weight as they look as if they are only seeing detail changes. I suspect they have bigger changes in 5 years plannned as this update is only like the C7. That would be a short term change for a model over due for change since the new money is here. The bigger changes they would like would have delayed the trucks even more.
  23. It is not how hard but how much. Depending on what you had to start with and what you could salvage would dictate the amount of work it would take to save a car like this. Even this cars value would pale to the time and money even if you did it yourself. Many of the detail parts would be a killer to find and remake on your own since no one really make repo parts for much of this car. If it is anything I have a NOS vanity mirror for one. I met a Canadian last year that had two of these and he relayed the cost of restoration on cars that were in pretty good shape. The one we found you could not save enough for a custom car as it sat too long and pretty much rusted over the frame and into the ground. The windows were out and not much was left inside either.
  24. hyperv6

    CDL required?

    I have the '50s and '60s versions, along with that wonderful '57-only issue. I do know they have the '70s out now for a couple of years... just waiting for the '80s to come out I attended a local NAPA-sponsored car show in the next town at the beginning of this month. One of the trophy winners was a restored 1957 Chevrolet 150 or 210 four-door sedan in all black with the inline 6-cylinder engine with the most basic of features. I'll download the pictures off my camera and post it here. They're out there, but rarely will you see them at the larger, well-known shows (I see basic models mostly at these small town-type of shows). The basic cars are the average car guy as he is not going to spent $50K on a car but wants to still enjoy the car. My buddy in high school has a 58 Biscayne 2 door with a inline 6 and 3 on the tree. Painted black and a set of American Racing black spoked Torque Thrust it looked sweet for a high School ride. It was a little old ladys car and a garage find like my 63 Ford. Mine did not need any work and his only needed paint and two front fenders for the rot they got around the head lights on these cars. I admire the guys who take the time to fix the regular cars as they too often do not get the credit they deserve.
  25. hyperv6

    CDL required?

    I have always felt the 55 Chevy was one of the best designs of the 50's. it has sculped corners and did not need a lot of funny cartoon like fins and odd bits of chome to pull it off. 56-57-58-59-60 just were cases to me where adding a little bit more each year just made it worse. Not saying they were bad cars but just not as clean and pure design as the 55. To me some of the cars of the late 50's became like Tammy Faye Baker and just did not know when to stop. To day it makes them specail but but it does not make them a great design. Good design came back with the more restrained Pontiac line 60 and later as it did with the 63 Riv. The the body line do the talking not the bling.
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