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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. With how long this truck is going to be around I would hate to see it stuck looking like a old Malbu for 5 or more years. I was not happy they did not change the new Malibu more in the nose.
  2. First off until Cadillac is the leader in each class with a sedan and what ever coupes leave the sports car rest. A class leading ATS, CTS and LTS will do more for them than a sports car. Now do I think Cadillac should make another attempt at a sports car, Yes. But now is not the time and they have a lot of work to do first. The way I see it they have one legitimate shot at a sports car and if they have class leading sedans it make the sports car all that much easier to accept. I think the Corvette is in for some major changes in the C8. We are to the point I would expect the Transverse springs will finally be replaced and other major changes. I also would not be suprised if there is two Vettes. One regular and one Supercar type. I think Chevys move to the Daytona Prototype series may have been a signal they may do a second level car or at least they are still like always consdiering it. The economy and the state of GM will have more to do with that when the time comes. I think what would make them make this move with the Vette are several things. FIrst off how much and how good of a system is out there when it is time for the C8. Second how well did the other Hybrid Sports cars do and did Porsche and Ferrari filter parts of these systems to other lower priced models. Third will this system not only help the image but will it improve performance in some major way as it improves MPG. Fourth This kind of system may be more important in Europe than anywhere. WIll Chevy be at a point where they will try to re enter Europe with the Vette. With the European Econonmy in the tank now I do not see that being done for a little while. just dealing with Chevy as it is and Opel is tough enough. The bottom line a Hybrid system is something I think they should consider and be ready for but not do now. Also The Vette is the car to do it in. The Vette is a name that is almost a brand unto its own. To most it is a Corvette by Chevy not a Chevy Corvertte. The Vette has almost out grown Chevy but that is where it is and it is not going anywhere, The next Cadillac 2 seater needs a lot of though and care. While the XLR was not a bad car it was too much like a Vette but more expensive. I think the Cadillac image needs to improve more if they plan on a expensive sports car. To be honest I think a smaller less expensive one like the small BMW sports cars would be a better fit for them. You would sell more of them and people would see them on the road more often enhancing the image vs a XLR that was seen rarely. A Z4 like car on a ATS platform could be interesting. Imagine a small nimble sports car with that chassis? Then style it to a level it makes you say wow. The last thing Cadillac needs is a expensive rarely seen a Mid Engine right now. Give it 4-5 years here and see where all this leads and then we will know if the hybrid is a needed move. The market will answer this one.
  3. Just another case of poorly managed funds given out to the public sector. I wish the Goverment would fire up NASA again and put power and battery projects throught them. We had some of the greatest minds in the world working for NASA and they would contract the private contractors to build and develope these systems. The companies then would take what they learned and apply it to the private sector. Yes there was some waste but never on the scale we see today. Companies got paid for results too not just handed out money with no oversight. I figure JC may take some of the things 123 has learned and developed and use it in their own products. They will have much less invested since they paid less for 123 and it will keep the development cost down. It is a win for JC but a loss for the tax payer.
  4. I wonder if the Colorado here will a the new Chevy face like the Traverse and the Impala.
  5. No games with the fuel on the Vette. They are not going to play the hybrid game with the C7. Now it may be considered with the C8 with the moves of the recent Ferrari and Porsche. From what I have seen of the new car this car is a moderate evolution. There are more changes here than we have seen in a while. Like already stated the Driveline is all new. The materials used in the body are all new. The interior is a level we have never seen in a Vette. The rear window and hatch are much more different than the past wrap around window. The tail lights will change some from the round lights. I expect this car to still look like a Corvette but with a little more Euro/C7R race car look for the street. I expect the handling that is already good will be re engineered to take even better advantage of the new Magntic shocks. I also expect some weight loss too. This is not just going to be a restyled C6. While the base is still the C6 it will make the changes they could not have done over the last many years due to the lack of funds.
  6. It is not always a case of not thought through. Often there are reasons they skip things or do not use them right away, I know the GTO driveline was not ready or available the first year not for any Holden car. GM often has a new car and then the engine the second year or the engine and the new platform a year or two later. It may just be due to cost at the time they had a great lack of. . The first problem was this was a Retro truck and not a sports car or coupe. The one I auto crosses show why it was neither. I would susprct the manual may have not been included for several reasons but one would have been because of the tire shake. If you got the rear tires shaking it would have shook this thing to death as it had little stiffness. It was nearly as bad as the first Mustang Fox body Converible conversion. With the light rear and large tires the shake would have been bad unless they would have added a damper system like my ZQ8 Sonoma. All this vehicle was to do is attract people to GM. Lutz came to GM with great needs and no money to fix them. The did a comendable job here making something slick like this out of really nothing but it was really not a Camaro replacment nor was it a muscle car or sports car. . It got GM press and I am sure at the asking price it made GM and the dealers some money so for the most part it did what it needed at a time GM had little to be proud of. It for the most was a GM Prowler. . While it may not have been as dramatic they may have been just as well off bringing in the Ute from down under. It may have not sold in great numbers but it would have been cheaper and eaisier to do. It would have been a much better car too just lacking the special styling.
  7. Blu you miss the point. There is a growing market for these cars though it is small now. In time as they improve in range and power they will become more and more popular. The truth is I see the Electric cars taking off more in Europe with the strong green party support there not to mention their near $10 a gallon of gas or more. In the mean time companies even like Porsche and Ferrari are combining electric and ICE into performance cars. This is a time of discovery, invention and growth for these cars. It is not a case where companies just say we will build them when people want them as they need to create a market to get suppliers willing to invest into better and new technology. Lets face it these cars are just one step away from a Science experiment but they are growing more and more into cars that are almost like a normal car. GM has the best Idea for the moment but the only thing holding them back is price. Get the price down on the Volt to where the Prius is and people will say Prius what? In time we will have better batteries and motors with the investment. Lets face it what ever supplier comes up with the right parts stands to own the market with all MFG's. The Automaker who can come up with the right combo can also make a fortune on license fees to other makers for their technology. Either way this is one of those deals you have to walk before you can run. Also if you don't walk you will never run.
  8. A fixed roof would have really helped in the flex in the chassis and a lot of the cost. The one issue with this vehicle that my HHR SS has is the shape of the nose makes it a target for every stone and rock. you not only get chips on the front but also on the sides too. Also the rear fender gets blasted buy the front tires and the paint will show wear in time. But that is the price of show car styling.
  9. My thought is the newest technology goes in here. GM has already been working on gen 2 and 3 for the Volt so I would say add to this car first and move it to the Chevy when the next gen is available. The idea here is a play toy for those with money that are buying Tesla's and Fiskers. It also is a car that will use less gas. I also see them playing with the ICE and Electric combo for different performace. We already know the electric motors are instant torque and how could that be made to cut MPG but still keep performance in the car. I see GM playing around with the combo and as batteries improve the range and speed will increase. Like in the debate last night Obama was saying how great it will be that we can go more than twice as far in the new cars because of the standards. The real question will they have is sorted out by then that we will have cars we will want to go twice as far in. Right now they are all looking for what will work with the public. I see this as a way for GM to spread the cost of the Volt but also play around to see just what people like or will accept. Think of this as a live test for product. Lets face it no one has made a affordable luuxury electric car that looked good. I think they are just seeing what could be done for less than a Tesla and a car styled more than a science experiment. I think this car will be a learning experience not just for us and GM but also for the industry.
  10. I for one considered buying one and i do have some wheel time in the LS2 version. Here are a few things that would have helped this vehicle. Now keep in mind this is from a point of view of someone that liked this vehicle. #1 The price was too high. #2 the Ergonomics were poor. Not many fatal ones just many small ones. Thinks like to adjust the seat you had to open the door etc. #3 The Trailblazer chassis was not very solid in this vehicle. I even autocrossed one and it bounded and wiggled much. A lot of this had to do with the top being able to be retracted and it lost a lot fo rigidity. For th most part I think GM if they had made this thing more a real truck vs high priced show vehicle may have done better. Leave the roof solid would have made it more solid and cheaper. I would keep the styling but I would have taken the time to make the interior more user friendly. Leave the bed to the point it could be used as a real truck with options like carpet and a cover. I know this was a desperate attempt at a vehicle that was like a car that could be classes as a trucl post Camaro. This is what hurt it. It was not enough car to make people happy no enough truck to be what it could have been. Imagine if they had made the Colorado look like this at near the same price. Forgo the complicated expensive roof and offer it with the 4.3 and V8. The HHR proved this type of retro styling worked when applied to an affordiable vehicle. Now when I considered buying one it was around $20,000 used with nearly no miles on it I did consider it but not at the original price when it was new. Hind sight is always 100% and Luzt came in with only the ability to do a Hail Mary at the time. With so little money and time to fix GM he did what he could have. To me the SSR is nice but fell short due to the conditions at GM like many other cars of the time did. If done today I would expect a lot of things would be done differently now and the results would have been even better. The bottom line was this vehicle was more style than anything. The handling was not great due to the chassis and it was not a great car nor truck. I think if GM had made it more of one or the other it would have been much better off. Finally that much at the time for a small truck you really could not use was not good. The Lincoln Blackwood suffered the same fate. Would I still like to have one today. Yes but the truth is most in the car market did not see this vehicle the same way I did as they want a little less show and more usable in a vehicle.
  11. GM really needs to get across this is not a Prius and what the goals really are, other wise the truth will get twisted and bent as much as it did in tonights debate. GM needs to line out the goals and the reasons for this car. They need to address this is the seed to start growth of the segment that this car and the Volt represents. They need to state clearly this is not a car for everyone but it will grow into a segment that will suit attention into the future. If they had given up on the Gas powered automobile in 1900 as being too expensive, complicated and short on range where would we be today. But many like Ford, Leland, Olds, Benz, Winton etc kept at it and created a market where the cars imporved. Today people have little long term vision and already can't wait for the I phone 6. Somethings still take time and work to achieve and this is one. Cadillac needs to do something to make this special. It can not just be a good looking Volt. It needs to offer improved performance and things just not possible in a Volt. It also needs to be better than the Tesla and do it cheaper.
  12. It will be at that. I just don't want to see it beat on by media and idiots that do not understand what the real goal is here. Also I do not want GM to say we will build 50,000 a year. I would rather they under estimate the total. It is better to underestimate production vs over estimate it and look a failure. At least this one will hit the market unlike many other delayed electric cars like Fiskers next cat that may show up in 14-15-16 if ever. I hope they toss in some performance suprise here like a turbo 4 and bigger electric motors.
  13. I hope GM keeps the expected sales volume low on these. I am sure they will sell but not in great numbers. If they go over board on the numbers it will only give the enemies of these cars ammo.
  14. I see the V6 Terrains advertised for in the high 20's at the dealers and I am sure you can come off that some more. The Terrain we have is a SLT2 with everything but video and AWD and it stickered right at $35,000 and we got it around $32,000 out the door if I can recall with out looking it up. With them selling well you do have to shop around buy can do better at some dealers than others. I had others that would not budge on price much as they knew they would sell it if you did not buy it. We shopped Nox's for several years and few dealers would come off much on a LTZ V6. At first they would not come off anything when they were hard to come by. These vehicles were a good test for GM to manage inventory and keep prices and profits up for them and the dealers.
  15. hyperv6

    Makin' Trax

    I think what we don't know plays a bigger part of this. There is a new Smaller Nox coming and until we see what it is we are only giving incomplete judgments. The new nox eill be on the Delta 2 Cruze platform so it should be similar in size and smaller than todays vehicle. This would put it not much larger than the trax and similar in size to the Kia etc. If you have seen the Encore it is small and I mean really small. The more I think about it the Buick may have been the beter place to set the GM entry apart. It can offer Luxury at a price below market average price. It also can have a better chance at making a profit at the higher price point. I wonder if the issue with the Trax is the imports come in so cheap that there is little meat on the bone once GM competes only on low ball price. Keep in mind where it is built also come into play here. If they import the Chevy they may make more but if they build it here it will cust into some profits. I am not sure where the Buick is made but with more options and a higher price it will make more money per unit with a product unlike the others. Also we have to factor in the unknown. GM is dark anymore and they may have ideas on what they are doing that make more sense once we know. There is a hell of a lot of product coming and we have only a hint at a few. Also keep in mind it is not coming means little if you look a some of the models coming like the Colorado etc. I almost wonder if they plan on bringing the Trailblazer here once they shrink the Nox.
  16. I was told quite pointedly this week by some people at GM that the General is working hard at getting all of the volume sellers where they want first before working on the special cars that most of us around here wish for. They want their cars to be at or near the top of each major segment first. Have a good base and then work on the fun stuff. That is only common sense much of which GM has lacked in the past. Like I have said they need to pay the bills before they play. The small car sales voulme will have a great effect on how many how how powerful the fun cars will be in the future.
  17. This is another case that shows how much the market has shifted and the love affair with the car is over. . It is more about how much does it cost to buy and how much gas does it use. Oh and can I get a loud audio system. I too find little to love here but if they can sell a ton of these more power to em.
  18. I think you are correct. This is not a car for many here but if you look at the market it is fresh for a vehicle like this. I do not see it for just 40-50's but even younger women who are tired of paying $80 or more to fill up their larger SUV's, This vehicle also give those who do not want to pay $40K or more a chance to own a car that presents many luxury features. I bet many in California right now with $5+ gas would love to have one right now.
  19. It happens more than you think. Some of the idiots record themselves and post it on you tube. I saw two guys take a new AMG and post it on the web. Chevy should be able to come down hard on these dealers and make them responsible and pay for this kind of action. But if GM does too much someone in Washington will call for some investigations and claim GM is the bad guy here.
  20. This vehicle will offer what the others don't. The level of luxury will be a cut above even the Titainum Ford.
  21. The 3.0 was if I recall $1200 or $1500 more than the 4 in my SLT2. But when we bought they had a rebate so the V6 was only $500 more. I expect the 2.5 will not see the light of day till the new Terrain arrives. It was said it was to be released in 2014 but I have not seen much more on it. The new Terrain on the Delta 2 I expect will only be 2.5 and 2.0 Turbo. I will not be suprised if the V6 goes away when it gets smaller and lighter. I hope they keep the 6 but the way of most vehicles in this class seem to be 4 and Turbo 4.
  22. Gee an automaker is there to sell cars and not cater to the whims of a small segment of buyers. Where have I said that more than once.
  23. Is there any mystery use for this Shag Pizza other than to attract attention to a odd styling idea? Ori is it one of those things you just have to be from Japan to understand.
  24. The only real issue with the Terrain 4 cylinder is too many people buy it for the MPG and never see the numbers. The reason from what I can see is they try to drive it with the pedal to the floor on all on ramps etc. They are coming from a larger V8 SUV and expect the 4 cylinder to pull 2 tons around like a V8 did their old vehicle. The 4 is not bad but you can not floor it all the time and expect the vehicl of this mass to get the top MPG numbers. Now drive normally it may not be as fast up to speed but the 4 will move it well enough. I expect the next version to lose a lot of mass moving to the Delta 2. So far we have been happy with ours as it rides very well, quiet and comfortable. The wife loves it and I have had no issue with it as her daily driver. Also to this point this the car has been Zero defect. Not one issue so far. The MPG with the V6 has been 19 city and 26 highway and she is not easy on the gas.
  25. Odds are it may be something as simple as a flash issue on the computer that is not setting a code. Many times they just reflash it and all is fine. Often if it is a sensor or injector etc it will set a code. It sounds like the timing is getting off to me not fuel. My buddys 12 Impala runs like a clock and get the MPG listed or better. I think he said he was seeing 18-19 city. You may want to find another dealer as not all dealer service departments are equal. Most people with poor service that keep going back to the same dealer never get things solved. My dealer is one of the good ones and they have been great.
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