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Everything posted by hyperv6

  1. No problem. I just wish I knew then what I know now. We came out ok but may are ruined with the financial end. it amazes me how so many do not have a trust or will in place. That is real disaster. we went through this for many years and my mother with her mother. It is never easy but as time goes on it makes it easier to accept. At my fathers funneral I was not upset nor any of his friends that knew what he was going though. We know he was free.
  2. The Hellcat is a cry for help from the Chrysler engineers who want the money for new car and have to make do with what they have. It is an old car based on a even older German platform that was too heavy then and still to heavy today. As for history it share nearly nothing with the original call accept for similar handling. Neither turned well unless rebuilt by Dan Gurney. The Hellcat has more power than it can use. The engine management dials it back as it can not put it to the ground. That is why they are now trying to fit larger tires and flairs. I do not say this in hate but disappointment. Imagine if Sergio had given them the money needed for an all new car with this engine and the ability to use all the power. Imagine if they had cut 500-600 pounds. Imagine if they had put a chassis under it that could compete with the Mustang and Camaro. Lets face it Chrysler engineers are hamstrung like Pizza Hut. Just look how many ways they have tried to reinvent the Pizza to remain relevant. The Hell Cat is like stuffing cheese in the crust. Yes it is more but not necessarily better. I do not blame Chrysler I blame FCA and Sergio. He is now trying to recover from his failures and try to fix Chrysler now that Alfa has failed to reach the volumes needed to help FCA. He will not speak of it but look back a few years ago at the volume he said they would do and where they are at now. It was a total F up. The man should be lynched. Now the talk for the LX is 2021. By then who knows if they may push it back again, Will they have a new V8 for it? My Mopar friends are pissed and even I as we risk losing a company that held the key to FCA's future and Sergio has failed the company.
  3. Welcome to life as we know it on earth. The changed from childhood to teens we though were traumatic but it is nothing like this time in your life. This is where you really have to deal with not only health but you also need to be aware of all the financial challenges you will face. Please let me recommend you get this done now. #1 get the power of attorney for you or your sister to deal with any and all aspects for them. If you have it now good. Also contact a lawyer that deals with estate planning and healthcare. They can minimize the government coming in and taking everything. They will clean you out and leave little for the surviving spouse and the family. Your parents can save all their lives for this time in their life and the government will pick it clean. We spent money on a good lawyer and took advantage of all the laws we could to protect my mother and we did pretty good. She was in danger of losing her home and all her savings accept a small amount and her car. We were able to the end to protect everything but $18K. Also she was paying out $7K for the nursing home for my dad for a little over a year before we learned how we could legally protect her. There are many options you can take advantage of but unless you specialize in this law most people have no clue about it. At least have someone to review their assets and see if there is anything they can do to lessen the blow. If something happens to one of them the other could have major financial issues if you are not careful. After all we went though I told my wife we should just spend it all and go out broke as you get the same care no matter what. The good news is once you deal with all this then your kids have to deal with you. It is called the circle of life Disney never told you about. While they make a big deal about Obama care the truth is when you get old and end care most people are on Medicaid. They have done this for years. The care is the same and most times all the bills are negotiated and they settle for what the government pays them. This is why government health care is so expensive. Not being political. I was used to work for a Health Care Supplier our of Collage. Well we worked like most others with prices for insurance companies, prices for private pay and prices for government. You can guess who paid the most. This is why nothing will work till they control cost. Sorry for the rant but if they do not have things like a power of attorney and financial planning for health care start as soon as you can. It is never too late but the sooner you start the more options you have. Health care in this country is negotiable just like buying things in TJ Mexico. My buddy with no health car had a heart attack. They charged him like $150K for care. They were willing to settle for $25K he had in savings. These are things many don't know and many will not tell you. It is a rigged system and no matter what if you seek care you get it. No one is sent out of Emergency. I will say a prayer. Note I am helping with a neighbor with Alzheimer. Not an expert but I have been watching the progress for the last 5 years. The crazy thing is he only knows two people. Me and his grandson. He thinks his wife is just the lady who takes care of the house. One last thing. Anything you want to know, anything you want or need to say, anything you want to do with your parents do it now do not wait. I got a second chance with my dad and I am so grateful. With my mom I was a little in denial and time ran out with still so many questions and things I wish I had asked or said. Even with the second chance with my dad I still made the mistake with my mom. Both of your parents may still have a lot of time left but do not put it off.
  4. Yes AU has always been behind the curve on hardware and styling. They because of a small market have often just gotten left over designs and out going things. Lets face it the Zeta was old but it was good it was around after GM killed RWD here and needed a quick fix. It worked till they got things sorted. The RWD market like the rest of the world is shrinking. In AU sales have continued to decline year after year. GM was the last real hold out of a non imported model. Moving forward they will get the new stuff like the rest of us. It should prove to be a better sales option to dis throne the Mazda 3 and other imports that were taking the sales. The enthusiast there may not think this but as for the future of Holden and the GM market there it is the only way they will survive. I just hope the next gen Camaro can be converted to a Holden model for them. Nothing wrong with a sport model CUV but only as long as it is profitable and you can sell more than 5K units per year. I love my HHR SS but lets face it they sold so few it was not really worth the effort. Also they would need to have a quality AWD system. The Jeep is cool but I bet they make little to no money with as few as they sell. As for Corvette leave them out of it. A Corvette is not a brand and it is a 2 seat sports car. If you want to do it and do it right make it a GMC and get the higher price. Make the Denali name really mean something there other than some chrome and stitching. I know Porsche has some but they are not call 911 as it too is a model and where else would Porsche sell them. Chevy is the established brand as is GMC so let them so the work. It would enhance their entire line. Note too if you do the CUV sport packager do it all right. All we need is some guy thinking he has a sports car and all he has is a over powered top heavy CUV that will roll and he will sue your ass for it.
  5. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
  6. Thanks! It is good you have lots of family. My wife and I are only children so you either do it or you don't. Well there is no choice there. Note doctors are often hard to find and get info out of. Make a list of questions before they come so you don't forget anything. The fact she had the mini stroke in the hospital was good as they could get the blood thinners in her. Now be aware they may keep her on them and that will be a whole new deal there. Just follow their guidelines and do not shrug off even minor things like if she falls and things go pretty well. We went though so much I could almost diagnose many things anymore. LOL! It was funny but late in the deal on our parents we could almost tell the doctor what the issues were before they even would check them out. You get to know things after a while and we did not have to stay in a Holiday INN express either.
  7. The change comes when you become your parents parent. It changed from you taking guidance from them to you giving them the guidance. The worry get to where when ever the phone rang after 10 PM the first thing you think is what went wrong. While all that was going on with my parents my Mother in law got pancreatic cancel. We had her and my father in the same hospital in ICU at the same time,.. All I could tell people was at least we are getting two for one parking. She got over it and has thrived. She was lucky I noticed at dinner she looked yellow and they checked and a tumor was pressing her bile duct. If not for that she would have probably died. Now we have a Cousin in law who is only in his 40's and was just given a 30% chance with Cancer. Getting old is not for sissies. Just make sure to take care of your self and your sister. Too often the stress can do damage to you. Make sure to eat and sleep as best you can as you getting sick or in an accident is not going to make things better. I have seen so many family members decline in their own health due to the stress.
  8. My take on this is that he did not know about this when it was done and not till it was found. Of anyone I suspect those behind it would make sure he did not know as Germans do not break rules. Or so they think. I think it went down this way. I feel from the top the engineers were ordered to make it happen or else. This is how many German companies function with a mind set of no failure. If you fail you are replaced. The engineers being clever hid the test program and figured they would get away with it as who would find it? Well we know the rest of the story from there. I feel the engineers did it out of fear of losing their jobs and figured they had little to lose. Now where Winterkorn comes in is was he part of any cover up after the fact. That is where I can see him coming in. The widow was small but that is where he could get into trouble. So while he did not order this to happen I am sure he may be investigated for how much he knew when and did he cover it up or not.
  9. Sorry to hear this. Been there with my Dad in a nursing home for nearly 8 years and then several years with my Mom in a home and with cancer. I am not sure how my dad did it, He was paralyzed from the waste down sports injuries from years before @ age 35. Still retired with 30 plus years at Goodyear and then had a stroke when they went to take one of his legs for poor circulation. He has a stroke and only could use his left hand. His speech was messed up but his mind was clear. We could sit and talk and have some of the craziest conversations but we understood each other. I am glad for this time as we were not always on the same program. We cleared a lot of issues out of our relationship. He also hung on long enough my son was able to remember him. I know now how proud he was of me and me of him. We would have missed that otherwise. Some people dis religion but I saw it in my dad and it was true and honest faith not the kind smiling preachers from Texas sell. It gave him peace few would have with all he went through in his life and I saw the effect on others around him. Good luck with all that is going on. Most strokes are not like they used to be and with thinners most people fully recover. My buddies dad had one and he fully recovered. So did my grandmother.
  10. You missed the point all together. You are not going to break Oil nor do you really want to as being independent is only a part of this but also controlling production and need help control the prices and can give the dollar an advantage in controlling its value. Get the value of the dollar too low it kills the economy. Get it too high and it hurts the economy. You must regulate it and you must do so to control most global currency. As of now the Dollar is seen as the dominate currency. We must keep that as China works to try to get others to use their currency. The Russian economy is based on oil but they do not control the value hence their major move back to the middle east with aggression. We will never eliminate all the all nor do we. The country that controls the production and the supplied controls the value of their money. This is important to the dollar. Just by making wind mills and electric cars changes little. This is so much bigger than any of these little things. This is why fracking is important, drilling is important and pipe lines are important. This gives us better control to the world supply and killing oil prices overseas to protect the dollar. Actually the man up for Sec State is really a very shrewd move as who better can control Russia than someone who knows their oil and gas better than him. Sure the lefts talking points are all over the place but really study what this man has done and what he has dealt with and it makes sense. His integrity is also much more than many want you to believe in their false talking points. We have hurt the Russians and Iranians by killing oil prices. Saudi's have been doing this too since they fear an invasion of Iranian radicals. The real trouble is so few really understand how Saudia Arabia works as it is not like anywhere else in the world. It is a country of a Family divided. They pay their people to keep them from joining the radicals. The bottom line is Oil rules and will continue to rule as it Is needed for industry because so many products can not be made with out it. So many people are so ill informed on how the world and economy works. When you come down to it Oil is how you manipulate your currency anymore legally. It is a tool to control it. I get the feeling the new Sec State may be our ace in the hole as he knows the market and players better than anyone. He is one of those our government has used to control value of the dollar. He is someone who knows all of the weak spots in the Russian economy and they know it.
  11. What many miss here is that out economy is based on oil. The currency of the worlds has since the early 70's been oil based not gold based. We must not forget this. Not only is the government concerned about lost tax revenue but also the value of oil and out ability to control the price of oil. Economies can be build and destroyed on the price of oil and who ever can control it. The two keys to control it is supply and demand. That is why pipe lines and fracking are important here and how much we need to use. So many people have no clue of the back story on this or an understanding of how things are trying to be control. The country that has little or no say in this will be the big looser. Right now it is a 6 way tug of war and it will only continue to sway to and fro.
  12. Some lines of work are for some and not for others. It amounts to what you want out of life. As for promotions. It is not always kiss up and suck up everywhere. If the politics are dense then move on. No one is holding a gun on you there. Making change is hard but if you want to get ahead there are times you need to make the tough call. I have a friend that is a companies dream. She makes little and is forced to make a long drive. She could do so much better but she is happy. Her expectations are met. But it is only her own ideas that limit here. In this country opportunity is everywhere and it is a matter of how bad you want it and how much effort you are willing to put in. the key is to identify a company if it is a career killer or not. The one I had family run has little future. The Union one was limited. The one I turned down for the one where I am at now was very dysfunctional. It may have been a good opportunity but the interview process and indecision told me to keep away. Even working for yourself is not for everyone. So many people are just not disciplined to do that. So many want to work at home and they could never pull it off and would starve to death. They are the same ones now that use up all their comp time by Feb on playing Video games at home and calling off. I have lost a guy for this. He was married and had kids but would call off and play games. The right thing for most is out there and you will not get it on the first try. It is a matter of chasing it down and taking it.
  13. You can work hard and survive or you can thrive. Just because you work hard is only one part and you have to put yourself in a position to move up. Often that means you have to move on. I worked for a company that was family owned. It was a good company and we did specialized work. I worked my ass off and did ok. But being it was a company with little opportunity of growth I had to make a move. Working for a family is never going to get you in charge of anything. Also it was a old school company that did not go out and sell business. For years people came to them but the market had changed and we no longer were leading edge. It was to the point I was going to need to make move to improve my place in life or wait for the company to slowly die. I am now at a company that I never imaged would grow as fast as it has. We are leading edge in the market and advancing all the time. While privately owned we are set up as a Cooperation and no family runs the business. I arrived at the right time here. I put in my time here with lots of nights and over time but now have a awesome job and have gotten to travel and meet many people in the auto industry I would never have met. I was here long enough go where management knows me on sight and I plan to be here as long as they will have me. It was luck that I got in here but I had to make the opportunity to create the luck. I first went to another company before here and got laid off after 30 days. They told me they liked me and would call me back in 6 months but I was not going to wait for that. It also was a union job and it was a miserable place to work. The jobs are gone and the building is now a mega church of all things. I had though I made a bad decision but in the end getting laid off was what got me where I am today. Are there higher paying jobs. Sure. Are there some days I get frustrated yes but in the big picture I make a good living, I have many opportunities. and we arte growing at a rate much higher than most business. We are truly a global business now. No one is going to give you anything in life. No one is owed anything. You have to do what you can by working hard and look and make your opportunities. You will have failures but you will more often have successes if you keep at it. The most successful people I know are generally self made. They keep at it till they succeed and do not wait for anyone else to bail them out. Every successful person has a raft of success and failure. If you do not fail you are not trying. Just look at all the failures Edison had vs. the number of successes. You have two choices in life. You can sit and bitch or you can go out and do something about it. You do not have to spend a ton of money at Yale to get ahead. Also network out and often the connections you make lead to opportunity. Make your own luck. Today too many sit back and expect things to come to them but only so much will. You need to look for the open door often to get ahead. I can say my story is one of may examples of success. Look to others and how they got to where they are and learn from them. We have a society today that wants to ridicule the successful or wealthy. We should in truth study them and learn from them. Most have used legal and ethical paths to their success and they have much they can teach us. Yet many want to make them a villain and are just jealous of what they have vs. trying to duplicate some of that they did to get there. While many say the rich are greedy. The envy of them by those who are poor is often a much greater sin. We are all born the same way cold a naked and there is no limits to what you can do in life if you want it bad enough. The only limits are those we put on ourselves. Now here is where Tony Robbins get you to walk on the hot coals lol! Seriously Drew if you do not feel you are getting a fair shake where you are you need to look around. Opportunity is out there and you can find it on your terms. If you have the work etic you said companies would kill for that. If you have skill needs for a specific place take the time and money to do it. You do not need a big school and you can get it many places even more reasonable at a State Collage. Making that move is not easy trust me. Also it may lead to a series of moved like it did for me but in the end it works out.
  14. Why laugh? That is what takes place at my work and many other companies. My fathers company moved people from entry level and moved them up. Today like at our company people take an entry level job to get their foot in the door and with their qualification and know work record they are moved up. You are still expected to have qualifications but the work experience and record with them often give you an advantage. Even my wife's work does the same. She started as a Student assistant. She continued from High School and got a degree in education. Found few schools hiring and a lot of messy union issues so she stayed. Today she is a manger with a masters degree. When we got married we did what we could to advance her degree. Now she is in line to where she can take over all the branches and be over all the managers. That is the way it works. Even my friends have done the same at their work. If they did not move up inside they took their experience and work record to other jobs and leveraged it for a better job. With all your pessimism how do you get up in the Morning? You really need to stop taking the narrative some put out and believing it all. So many on the far left and right are so full of BS and there is no need to believe their scare tactics.
  15. Back in school we had a old winter beater that was an early 70's Fiat Wagon. This car was from Texas so a rare no rust body but a dead engine as the cam belt broke. Yes it needed changed every 25K miles. We beat the hell out of this car. We would take it to Cleveland Browns games as it was brown and you could not lock it but no one would take it. It had a throttle knob you could pull out and it would run 70 MPH. We called it Italian cruise control. We ran it up motorcycle trails and if we got stuck we would get out and lift it over the obstetrical. We all learned how to shift with out a clutch in it and learned our first FWD donuts. It died when my buddies brother hit a pile of ice and broke the unibody so it would bend at the fire wall when you got on the gas and off. Our other junk play toy was a Sunbeam Alpine. Think Sunbeam Tiger with a 4 cylinder. My buddy traded 4 tires for it and we fixed it up into a decent little car. We had a blast in it. It never had much oil pressure but always ran and he sold it for a good chunk of money. Later the Vegas came in. Buy them for nothing save the used oil from changes at work and use it to refill. Say what you like about Vegas as they rusted and burned oil but they always ran and were relabel. If GM has just put steel sleeves in the engine and better rust treatment they would have had a home run. One neighbor scrapped his and then some one bought it and it was on the road for 2 more winters. These are all cars had for less than $200 back around 1980 and you just can't do that today with the increased repair cost and the prices of cars.
  16. You have this right. These jobs are for entry level and to gain experience. I did it and most before me did it. If you want to correct employment teach people better work habits and create better jobs in this country. My son is just getting to an age where he is prime for a entry level part time job while in school. It would teach him responsibility and give him experience so once he enters the work for for a career he will be better prepared. When I worked at the gas station it gave me responsibility. It taught me how to work with the public. How to answer the phone. How to work with people from the CEO from Firestone to the guy living under the bush at the exit ramp. I saw crime with attempted stabbings to movie stars [Morgan Fairchild]. It exposed me to other firms we worked for and it gave me a show case for my work habits and my abilities. It is a time I treasure and wish my son could experience. Yes in the summers I worked some weeks 60 hours but I made good money with over time and it paid for school and my running around. Hell I paid for 3 new vehicles cash while in Collage and several other muscle cars. I never made a car payment till I was 35 years old. This training ground is really losing its grip. Sorry if some folks aspire to want to say you want fries with that for the rest of their lives but the door to opportunity is there if you really want to open it and do the work to enter. We pay more than Min wage for many of our entry level positions at work and we can not get people that can pass a drug test, have no felonies and are willing to show up. Also you do well at the entry level you can move on to bigger and better jobs as we like to promote from with in. That is what I did and now make a very good living in a very goods job. Today so many people are looking at others jealous of what they have and feel they deserve what they have without the investment of time and effort. The entitlement mentality is spreading. Even now look at some of the folks who lost in the last election. They blame everyone but themselves. They act as if they deserve be in charge but they are not. The last two election suffered the birther crap and this is even worse. We need to teach better ethics, better work habits and less entitlement. In the old days my ancestors were run out of England in 1650 from persecution. They came to America and had to work for all they had. They worked to settle the eastern part of PA and later moved to the south and were some of the original Volunteers that moved into what is TN and help create it as being a state. These people back then has to do things right as no one was going to bail their a$$ out. If they messed up they died at the hands of the natives, illness or starvation. Heck back then a broken leg was a death sentence to many. Today we are greedy of what others have. We are lazy as a society and we are have high expectations with no real good work habits. Now I have no problem giving someone a hand to get started but it should be up to them and the rest of us should not be there to continue to support them because they refuse to help themselves.
  17. If you want to better your place in life you better yourself. Mc Donalds is not a life time career and never was meant to be. I started off washing trucks and mowing lawns and worked my way up. I paid for my own school and let hard work move me on my way. I took some chances and in the end have done well. No scholarships, No government funding, no drugs, no not showing up just because I don't feel like it. No blowing everything I made on just anything. Sorry one can get ahead in life with out legislation. As it is now we have people trying to get ahead by laws and not doing anything to help themselves. Why is it we have people coming from the far east with nothing to their name since the 70's and now they own many successful businesses. They have the kids with the highest school grades, They do not look for or ask for hand outs. Most are not doing anything illegal. The Asian community has a strong family tie and they hold true to hard work and perseverance. You do not hear them gripe because someone else makes more money. They do not expect a hand out. They are a very disciplined community that could teach the rest of us a good lesson. Even now we pay more than min wage here and even then people do not show up. They come in with a number of Felonies and wonder why they can not get a job. I remember in collage a professor said back then if you just show up a company will love you and if you do anything you are golden as people do not like to show up and or work. There are many jobs out there that can pay well. My Father in-law has yet to be replaced and his old company has tried to get him to un retire. He was making six figures as a welder. I have considered having him teach my son how to weld as he could make a lot of money doing it. Time for people to start getting their $h! together and start making a better effort. I worked at 4 companies before I ever had to do a job interview as one job lead to another because of the work I did for the one company that led them to a job offer. Luck also plays into this but often to be lucky you also need to apply your self and set yourself up to succeed. So many lose due to never putting themselves in a place to ever win. That cool tattoo may have been a neat idea on vacation but don't wonder why you never get that job. Don't take drugs and wonder why you can get hired. Don't stay home and play video games when you should be at work. Americans anymore are lazy and many just want to play the victim. Sorry you want to get ahead do not expect the government to do it all for you. If you apply yourself and get some experience you should not be worried about making only min wage. I wish I could count the weeks and years I worked 6 days a week when I was young but it lead to bigger and better things as the sixth day I worked on equipment for a company that gave me a better job when I got out of school. I turned down others that also had offers and I never applied for any. One was wanting to send me to machine school and I kind of wish I had taken that one.
  18. For high end performance it will require Hybrid tech to survive. These companies are not doing this to be cool and not doing it to impress they are doing it because there is no choice. If you want a large engine multi cylinder engine you will have to offset it with a second drive system. The mega performance is all that is saving them at this point. once the cheaper cars catch up one can only imagine what they could do to save the super car. You can only use so much power. I find it very sad as once cars like this were advance but simple. Today they will be to the point once they break and they are 10 years old they will not be worth the price to fix them. We are pretty much there now. Enzo must be turning in his grave.
  19. Yes communications could be a real issue in how FCA is set up. So many divisions so many countries and on the surface they all just appear like they are not working as one. I know GM before the bail out was a total mess with communications. With what I knew I could see the air bag thing getting covered up and not many knowing. By the time anyone at the top found out there was little they could do. The Germans at VW. I believe the engineers figured they could get away with it and once they were caught the upper management denied it till they could no longer do so. Even at my work and most other companies communications are not what they should be and most are very poor. It is not just something in the auto industry. I know lower levels cover up and upper management is often too hands off on many things they should be active in or at least make an appearance in. It used to be that I would have anyone from Owner to President to Operations manager stop by my desk weekly. Today I seldom see them anymore as we have grown so large. I have been there long enough they know me on sight but there are many people working there that they do not know or have ever seen them. This is where things start to go off the rails. I feel even if time is tight leadership should still pass through and be seen once a week if they are in the building. It is just me but this sends a strong message to the masses. Even at Goodyear the CEO would stop by about once a month and have coffee with my dad. They got to know one another and the others in the department also got to know him and everyone respected him more for it. Even if those at the top can not be seen the folks under them should make more effort to be seen and see what is going on. Even the Captain leaves the bridge now and then. Even at my
  20. So often things like this are known the real question is just who knew is difficult to answer. I also can see how some companies may be working grey areas like NASCAR teams. Some of these laws are written one way and can be interpreted differently. we will have to see just what they did and how it was done. I know the diesel are a real hot potato with the EPA. Even the aftermarket has not offered many parts as they are afraid of fines for some simple performance mods. The goverment wants to unload Guantanamo but you cross the line on the EPA they will give you a death penalty.
  21. The fine is what will hurt. Also keep in mind that while it may not be as big as VW in volume the hurt may be just as harsh as FCA pockets are not as deep and even a lower fine may have a as much impact, My hope is GM has not done similar and or suffers lower sales because of the scandals.
  22. The problem is most of what the government need to do can be paid for with money they are already collecting. But wasteful spending and in appropriate spending cost us all too much. There are so many things they are paying out for is is insane. Not just over paying for planes and toilet seats but so much social programs, government studies and the like. Why do so many scientist speak for global warming. Because as long as they say it is true they get government funding to say things that may be true and often some things that are not true. I still love the polar bears stranded on the ice. They fooled many because many did not know they can swim and spend much time in the water. My wife has a government job and it is a good job but so much waste it she gets sick of it. Not only do they waste money on programs but they also take the low bidder. Then when the job is sub part in 5 years they want more money to fix what the low bidder screwed up. They provide cars and housing to their director who makes around $200K a year and pay for all his travel. I am sorry but that is wrong. He can lease and pay for his house and car like anyone else. But he is appointed and we have no say in this. Same with the government unions as they can vote their pay raises. I would love to be able to vote my boss in with a promise of more money. As for electric cars the new saying is "Ass, Gas or Tax ....no one rides free". Note I blame both parties and independents. No side taken here as they all are guilty of not being fiscally responsible.
  23. Actually the Democrats and Obama have tried to freeze the EPA regulations to where it will be difficult to change things fast if at all from 2022-2025.
  24. It is simple less gas sold less tax. The only time it does work is if gas prices are down and people drive more. With electric cars will not return any money and they know in the future as their numbers increase it will get even worse.
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