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As GM is currently begging established dealer groups to take over and re-start defunct Buick-GMC (thanks to GMAC's abandonment of floorplan all over), anything that'll get people into showrooms is a good start. I look at Regal as a complimentary piece like the CC to the Passat--and the Regal looks much better in person- GM photography strikes again.
Currently driving one from work...Reddish 08 SXT. 4cyl auto...not Chrysler's shining moment. But...its fine and economical in normal use, and for 10k w/warranty.... The only deal killer would be the rear corner/C blindspots...4 dr sedan record awful...
SRX will be a marketplace success, simply because it is cheaper to build than the SRX before it---the prior SRX is an excellent vehicle, but the market it entered didn't want a 7 pass SportscarUV. (at close to 50k properly equipped). The X5 now covers that limited ground along with other, more specialized brands. I don't like the weight (theta-plus, ahem) but the new SRX be successful, to the frustration of enthusiasts.
Not that anyone cares...but I'll chime in that one of the reasons I rarely visit this site anymore is the lack of ideas. Yea, I know there are diehard GM fans in the group...and they're going to dredge up how crappy certain import cars/features/whatever are to prove a point to noone but themselves and those that agree. Then, one of the more moderate members has the 'temerity' to question whether the first posters' statement is accurate...and then it devolves into the same drivel. Guess what--the Det3 lost. It's over, just as predicted by some of the most disliked members on this board. Now its a matter of saving what's left---be it your favorite GM model or a local dealer. The kids are right because that's the future. Logic dictates little of these opinions...
I hear you...The pull-ahead programs will be up for grabs after June 1. My understanding is that the reason Chrysler went to an all-rebate program in May is a result of the over-complicated accounting required for any other form of incentives--Papa Fed gets confused by the convoluted nature of other offerings. Factor in the fact that GMAC taking over for Chrysler financial will further mess things up.
Is it time to start a "BMW Deathwatch" then?
Only 1,000 or so will be made, allegedly...so we've got all the makings of a future classic, despite it's shortcomings.
My advice to anyone considering a Pontiac purchase (or any other dead brand walking) is to wait....once GM announces dealer closings, the market will be saturated by excess inventory returned by dealers who are going out....same holds true of Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge---all non-Alpha dealers will be targeted for closing by the summer. Personally, I've got a 06-07 530xi Wagon in my cross-hairs....the CPO's are half of new sticker and the specialists are at about 40%. (2 kids in seats and my wife hates SUV/CUV's, so I'm happy.)
In that case, let's find your co-conspirators as well. Just because a bunch of other j-asses in a clearly dysfunctional organization gave you a green light doesn't make it legal, ethical or right... That's the problem with having a faulty moral compass, you tend to listen to anyone that rationalizes your errant behaviors... It's telling of what craziness passes for average behavior at GME that you'd have the unmitigated nerve to admit to all of this to strangers. I no longer wonder why GME has been a such a disaster all of these years.
It's all fun & games until people start losing their jobs, and your attempts at gallows humor are not just offensive, they're not funny. Again, you're actions and words indicate you're a rat of the highest order....I'd also suggest to any GM employees that visit this site find out exactly who PCS is and what information he left GME with --- after planning to do so over the course of a year, I'd say there may be a breach of contract issue with GME, at minimum. I may not be Evok, but I'm afraid your true colors are emblazened all over this website. Certainly something to be proud of.....and you've got kids you're teaching this crap to as well, right? Real proud.
Agreed. What euro-product does GME have that could be plugged in here at its natural pricepoint? Where precisely is GME's leadership position on any given platform they've got? There are tons of mid-level, mid-market sedans out there that are either market stalwarts (Accord, Camry) or simply very good (Fusion, 6) --- so we preserve GME because we need to throw some of their 75% designs to the marketplace wolves? And continue to underwrite another dying appendage of GM? I'd sooner partner for the B/C/D platforms that GME & GMNA currently plan to share. Fiat appears available for partnerships? Nissan had already expressed interest, according to Old-New Chrysler. According to the former GME employee on this site, GME considered itself separate & superior anyway...why not actually go to an outside company that might rightly believe that about their product in these sectors?
Therein proving my theory about you 100% correct.
You're 100% right. Mark it down: Opel will be thrown to the wolves and, at best, be a bit player in Europe and non-existent elsewhere if cut loose by GM. Fiat will bend 'em over and BMW will have an German-accented Rover on their hands in short order---as for linking up with other GM international orphans--who's going to pay the freight on that one? Only GMDAT is a true money-making venture in that grouping---and they're not going to promote German Unionized work over Korean labor. Opel will in no way be better off in 1 year than they are today.
Let me clarify, and then pick on you.... I'm not suggesting you're lying about your offer or its timing---I'm suggesting that, if you are someone who knows something, you should have known about GM's troubles WAY before September. (There's ample proof on this website alone that I knew about GM's troubles years and years ago---and I'm Not a self-proclaimed insider...and that makes it highly disingenuous (or simply a lie) to represent your jumping to BMW has to do with anything other than GM's precarious state and YOUR self interest. It's important for YOU, not BMW, to be there now. There's nothing that BMW hasn't done without YOU. Who the F are you to BMW? They've been doing just fine without you up until now and I'm sure they'd get on just fine without your presence. Opel couldn't have existed without the largess of GMNA and GM in general---for years brother. They've barely made money when things were good and certainly haven't been making any significant contributions to GM's bottom line --ever. The fact that it took two generations and almost a dozen iterations to finally get Epsilons right (Malibu) and now the second Gen (which is simply re-engineered) is on par with competition is nothing to crow about. Same with Delta, except that Delta II has a huge Korean hand-print on it---please don't tell me that Opel handed its best work to Daewoo and said 'start building it'--(another potential lie). You demonstrate the same inflated sense of your (and Opels) self-importance that simply isn't justified by the results---Ford has been making way better mainstream stuff---Fiesta, Focus & Mondeo, for years. Fiat makes better tiny cars (500, Panda) and there's been no traction getting Opel or Vauxhall upmarket---the Vectra is a euro rental car and the VXR version was a joke. Saab's an embarassment to all involved --- With all due respect to your role...GME isn't good. Never has been. Their contribution to GM has been mediocre (generously) and you want to play that like you should get our thanks? Please. Everything GME touches has been nothing but average or worse. Fact is that GM's GMT900's are twice the product in their category that ANY GME effort has been. Same with the 'vette. Same with Zeta. Your false bravado given that you're just another rat successfully swimming to better pastures is astounding to me. You're right, you owe me no answers---but I can tell you what I think of your precious GME. You have no right posting anything about anyone else here, given that YOU worked for failures---you don't know who I work for or what I do---I CAN tell you that I'm slaving to save people's jobs here in the good old USA---praying that dolts like you haven't doomed myself and other hard-working people to Unemployment.
If only PCS were still there, they might get a couple hundy more for it