GM's latest offerings are more competent than ever, but they're not enough in a sea of cars that either reak of "old" GM or need to be replaced, redesigned, or cut. I'm talking about blatant rebadges like the Torrent, G5, outdated rental-queens like the Grand Prix (which was allowed by GM to gather dust on dealer lots for way too many years), and to a lesser extent, Impala. There are still cars that were left without enhancements that could have kept them relevant like the G6, 9-5, STS, DTS.
Believe it or not, I would be interested in buying from Saab if its products were just a little closer to the top of their respective classes. You would never know Saab sells so few cars living in the Northeast, that's for sure. Saabs of every generation line the streets around here, and it's seems they only grow more popular the further into New England you go. I see more new 9-3's in a day in CT than I've seen at all in NY. Around here, driving a Saab says you're upscale, outdoorsy, yet unpretentious. Saabs are an acquired taste of sorts, an image I liken somewhat to Audi. Some say GM should dump it, but I can't imagine a brand like Pontiac next-door ever having such a favorable image, at least in the eyes of many people I know.