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Everything posted by Polish_Kris
You're a funny guy Fly, or at least you think you are... I don't see you complaining about all the so-called morons who bought the CTS with the 3.2 L before the 3.6 L came out like Frogger mentioned in the last post... get over yourself, don't be ignorant and jealous just because you can't afford a Lexus
Same impression I got with the Aura when I had a good look at it, inside and out, it's a nice car, but not ground-breaking... also not ground-breaking when it comes to price, 24,000 CDN$ as a start, for a domestic sedan trying to steal import buyers? If you are going to sell a mediocre "this is the best we can do" family sedan, first drop the price to like 21,000 CDN$, and offer more standard features, besides a V6, of which most clue-less buyers will not know what the difference between a 4 cyl Accord or Camry, and an Aura with a V6 engine. People shop with how much the car costs, what it's fuel economy is, is it reliable, and how much money I will get back for it when I want to trade it in for another car or sell it in a few years from now. This is why Honda and Toyota are selling their cars very well, for those reasons... Resale value Reliability Reputation Fuel Economy
Really? How so?
The Dodge truck was a hit because of it's fresh looks, while range of engine choices, and something new, and I believe it was priced more reasonable than what GM and Ford wanted for theirs... we have to wait and see, if Toyota's new Tundra will become the breakthrough that will get the big three to $h! their pants... or if it will be a flop like the Titan...
It will sell great in Vancouver lol...
Havn't had a chance to drive it yet, cause the dealership was closing, however my overall impressions were alright.. the pric tag is pretty high, $24,500, starting for a domestic that wants to win over sales from Camry and Accord, pricing it at exacalty the same price, is not a good idea... I would think like starting it at 19 or 20 is more reasonable... the interior plastics are nice and soft (finally)... however once you start to feel the secondary plastics below the steering wheel around the radio, the cheapness of a Cobalt's interior is felt (sit in it for yourself and you'll know what I'm talking about, the top black plastics are nice and soft, and the lower lighter-coloured ones, and cheap and hard) However, it's comfotable, the interior looks like it came on the market three years too late, but at least it's alright... still gotta test-drive it, all I could say, is it's a huge improvement over the Malibu, but I'll write up a follow-up after I take a test-drive...
Ya, that is pretty bad... Black people are once again getting a bad rep amongst conservative white people thanks to dangerous looking rappers like 50 cent and his G-Unit posse, talking about guns, gangs, and easy women... Out west, they still havnt become acustomed to multi-culturalism like I have here in Toronto... to me if you are white, black, asian, indian, w/e, you will still get the same amount o respect... if I saw those guys waiting in line, at a Calgary club, I would tell the bouncer they're with me, I wonder if they would let us in... oh, one other thing, the problem that is beginning with Toronto now is, that I, the white male, am the minority now... Basically everything has flipped upsidedown, where we the majorities are now the minorities... It's pretty sad that I'm driving down in Mississauga and I see a billboard on a bus: "Peel Regional Police... We are hiring"... Funny 'cause they have a picture of an Asian male, a Black Male, a white Woman, and an Indian guy, but no White Male... what the hell??? I can tell they are not looking for people like me... who is discriminating who now??? Same when you walk into Pearson Airport, there is not even one white person working there, my dad is probably the only one, and he got in probably, because he has an accent... oh no... but I can't say anything about that, or complain... otherwise I'm racist and not "Politically Correct"... that is one of my biggest pet-peeves I have with Toronto, or Southern Ontario for that matter... Anyways... sorry about the rant...
Actually this pic was taken at a Peugoet dealership... at 9 o'clock at night... the days are longer because of the higher elevation on the earth...
I didn't mean to offend you guys living in the States, but it's been noted that a little over 50% of the smog coming into Canada is from the States... It was largely blamed on the U.S's lackluster pollution controls, and Bush's arrogance of not doing anything about it (sorry to get political)... anyways... if you want info on the island... I will give you a series of links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint-Pierre_and_Miquelon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint-Pierre%...re_and_Miquelon http://www2.st-pierre-et-miquelon.info/ This is the three day package that took: (Flip next page to go to the English side) http://www2.st-pierre-et-miquelon.info/ds_...e/Package_1.pdf Or if you want to take off from Halifax: http://www2.st-pierre-et-miquelon.info/ds_...IDF-package.pdf http://www.cheznoo.net/portaildata/home/index.php
To Reg, a good looking car is anything that has a Chevy bow-tie on it...
Edmonton looks nice... do you have any more pics of Calgary???
Thanks... it's Peugeot btw...
Look! A REAL Fusion: At the Citroen dealership: Other Pics: St. Pierre from the air: More WestJet Pics:
EUROS!!! Cars:
Who ever has dreamed about going to Europe, at the fraction of the price, do what I did, go to the French-owned island of Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, right off the Grand Banks of Newfoundland... In early August, my girlfriend and I took a four day trip out to St. Pierre, which is a series of three islands with a population roughly 7000. The main island is St. Pierre, which we stayed at... Here are some pics... Take off from Toronto at 7:20 am, love the smog coming in from the States (at least 50% of it) Landing in Halifax for a 20 minute stop-over After we landed in St. John's Newfie-land Our flight to the tiny french island of St. Pierre (passport req.) First car you see after you get off the plane
Hey, as long as no Liberals get into power, than it will be a good place to live...
But car insurance is way cheaper than what we pay here in Ontario???
I work at UPS... I'm more energetic and faster at what I do... not like the UPS guy on Mad Tv, but getting there...
Ya thanks... I'm actually more in favour of getting away from this multi-culturalism... eventhough I have a Polish background... I was raised here since i was 4, so you can call me pretty much a Canadian with dual citizenships... Toronto itself is becoming a communist, policed state... the anti-smoking laws... the RIDE programs... and now they want to create a noise by-law, which will restrict citizens from making noise in their homes that could be heard on the outside... next thing you know... no breathing allowed, the next by-law... whoever lives in Toronto will understand what I'm talking about when I say communist state of Toronto (or Ontario for that matter)...
Test drove one today... the top of the line, in automatic though... and let me tell you... a HUGE improvement over the prev gen, and a ten-fold improvement over the Lanos I had... The dash is a nice red glow, it differs in design too from the plain Aveo one... The interior plastics and materials are much better and more upscale, though a bit hard... the touches on the detail is pretty nice, like the matte crome going along under the passenger air bag... the engine... well sounds very Daewooish... but very quiet and smooth... all I could say is Daewoo (GM-DAT) has done a very good job on improving a cheap car, and making it more upscale... an actual home-grown and successful attempt on taking on the Yaris... Oh ya... the price is pretty good too... top of the line, with everything and in automatic turns out to be 19,000 CDN $... sunroof included... I'd buy this over a Pursuit... the proportions are great... as I said, looks very upscale for what it is in person than in pictures... before you judge... see it for yourself...
So you're saying it's pretty much the same... except it just depends which city we feel more comfotable at? I like the fact that Alberta has privatized liquor stores, the only province in the country to do that... in terms of car insurance, I heard it's very cheap, because it is controlled by the government, is that true? Oh yes, and the mall lol
I would take Quebec City, but I'm not fluent in French... plus Toronto has gotten too expensive and not to get political... it's gotten too liberal... too much political correctness if you know what I mean...
Hello, I noticed that there are a few Albertans on this board... My girlfriend and I are strongly considering on moving from this craphole we call Toronto to either Calgary or Edmonton... This, for the reason of the booming economy, plentiful jobs, and a more comfotable, slower-paced lifestyle... If there is anyone who lives in Alberta, break the ice and reveal if the rumours are true, that life is so great, that kids at Tim Horton's make 14/hr in Calgary and Edmonton, and if it is better for a young couple to head out there, and to where? Calgary or Edmonton? Thanks...
Why wont you ask the bean-counters that are running GM now
How do you know that??? Here in T.O. where it's Civic Nation, there seem to be more 3's than new Civics on the road... Don't jump to conclusions...