Last week in San Jose, California there was an alternative fuel cars display which was represented by GM, Nissan, Honda and Ford(at least in the spot where I was). GM was displaying a blue Opel Zafira hydrogen fuel cell technology. When I spoke with Mike the GM Engineer of some sort about the car and the technolgy GM was displaying, I asked him why GM was not doing a better job at promoting their efforts in alternative fuel technolgy. I mentioned the GM hybrid pick up trucks, the buses they are testing in cities, etc but the public is unaware of these efforts because of GM's poor PR. I mentioned how everyone believes Toyota is "green" despite the fact that they sell gas guzzlers but they get away with it, meanwhile GM is getting hammered. What was his response? Well, "Toyota is doing a great job with the Hybrids because they are bring hybrid technolgy to the public and creating a demand for it, which is the bridge between gas cars and hydrogen fuel cell cars". I was a little miffed at this politically correct response and told him GM needs to stop apologizing and go on the offensive and be the first of the manufactures to come out with an acceptable hydrogen fuell cell car for the public and beat Toyota for once. In parting I expressed I hoped that might be a reality and he said "it will be". Time will tell.