So Tuesday night, I'm Christmas shopping for the wife and I'm about to leave the parking lot of the store I'm in. A black Toyota Highlander goes through the intersection and I pull out to the left (behind it). Suddenly, this dumb woman stops, throws the damn thing into reverse and boom! Takes out my front bumper. Pulled it completely off. *sigh*
While waiting for the officer to show up, she conveys her wish to just write me a check once I get an estimate. Apparently in order to keep her monthly premium down, her deductible is outrageous, something like $1000. So I tentatively agree, especially after she's honest with the officer about whose fault it was.
Well until today. Yesterday I got 2 estimates (one for $530, the other for $650) and went by her place. She only wanted to write an exact amount for the estimate and directly to the repair place. When I explain to her that the total cost may be more than the estimate AND that I'm going to be out a car for two days, she starts to weasel her way out of writing a check for any more than the estimate by saying that I can just have them call her and get her credit card info when the repairs done and when I get a rental car. Of course this is unacceptable to me because I'm not going through all this inconvenience after she hit me. So we eventually get to the point where I tell her that I'm just going to contact my insurance and get this taken care of the most convenient way for the both of us.
All she would have had to have done was written ME a check that would have covered the cost of a two-day rental and any extra over the estimate. Now she gets to pay a $1000 deductible and watch her premium go up. Too bad.