Okay, I'm finally addressing this post! :)
Thanks BV for the okay, cause if I was around I think it'd be fun to teach ya a new trick or two ;)
Z28 and aaaantoine, we should meet some time. I need Z28's help to get my Century pimped into an STS somehow LOL
Okay... let's see if I can do this:
Nick cause he's a really nice guy, drives a Bimmer, fucking adorable (sorry man, you are), and kinda knows what I'm going through and has beaten the misery!
ocnblu cause I want to see if he's really that funny in person LOL I just have a feeling our senses of humor would mesh perfectly and we could have everyone in a room in tears. Either by bad jokes or some really good ones lol
CD/BP cause I have such a difficult time keeping a secret--I'd love him to show me a picture of something and then just say, "Now don't tell anyone!"
Sixty8 and Sofia cause both are cute in different ways. Sixty8 has some awesome posts and he told me I could drive the Deville if I went up north B)
LordStafford who isn't on the new C&G and I miss! He was my friend who still appreciated a nice large, floaty ride. Now I hear he has a MarkVIII? I LOVED THAT CAR!
Venseattle cause I think I'd love to finally get it through my head that he's not middle aged, he's young. I don't know why I can't seem to remember that.
Cananopie cause I'd need him to scream his name at me so I would stop reading it as "canopy".
Northstar cause he has a really cool avatar that just makes me want to take out a mortgage and get an XLR-V
Mike the Canadian cause he's obsessed with Buicks and that's the way it should be!
Wildcat cause he could teach me a lot about the history of Buicks. My car history only extends back to about the late 80's early 90's.
staceface cause she is JUST SO DAMN SWEET! But a closet-bitch (I'm not calling you one, I just have this feeling that if push came to shove, you'd knock me out on my ass! LOL!)
Satty cause he's a nutjob.
Flybrian cause he's an awesome moderator, has an Aurora, and is just an all around nice guy.
FOG cause he would hurt anyone physically if they ever said anything negative about GM.
I'm sure there are tons more, but man, it's Saturday night. I am not going to spend another minute doing this when I could be doin' something like drinking and getting laid!