Okay, so here's what happened today.
During one of my preps, this woman brought up how much she HATED her car and would never buy another American car as long as she lived. She has a 2001 Alero, and has had nothing but problems (power window motors burning out of the rarely used back windows, power door locks burning out, radio malfunctions, etc.)
The topic in the conference room just became what to buy, what would you get, blah blah blah.
This is basically what the poll came out to just by hearing people's responses:
What they said, "Most reliable to least reliable"
1) Japanese cars
2) German cars
3) Korean cars
4) American cars
So, I interjected with a few facts about American cars' quality while also explaining how there have been numerous problems with the Alero, and it was one of the problems why Olds went down. I recommended Buick (she's in her early 50's), or Chevy to her. She wanted BMW. Wouldn't even listen to try and be persuaded.
Then after listening to more conversation in the room, I kept hearing stupid things like "You want a good car? Get a Jaguar." Then I pointed out to them that it's owned by Ford, and that was out of the question.
So, I found myself getting REALLY pissed off quite fast, and just trying to stay silent because no matter who opened their mouth, the things that came out were getting me riled up.
How would you guys have handled it? What would you have said? I realize no one was in my shoes today, but I get very adamant about people bashing GM as well as other American makes just because of the 90's as well as the biased media. No one wants to see what GM has become, nor address the incredibly high quality of a manufacturer such as Buick.