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Don't know if you guys know this, but PrimeMedia who bought these magazines is "Frenchy" owned! So when you subscribe, you are sending American dollars to France,.... and you know what they think of us "crazy Americans" !
I think this website needs to change its' name from Cheers and Gears to Moans & Groans, mostly by Queers! The old saying, if you can't run with the big dogs, then stay on the porch!, could be applied to this tragic situation. And Razoredge needs to change its tune.... get the chip off your shoulder and for God's sake, get spellcheck so we can understand your posts! <_<
Japan Mum After US Lawmakers Blast Its Trade Pract
rkmdogs replied to albertwyang's topic in General Motors
The greedy politicians and the ignorant complacent voters are the big culprits, fueled by the controlled media who are owned and operated by one-world interests, in the downward spiral of the American standard of living. The American middle-class, and the small businessman are the ones getting screwed by the politicians telling people that NAFTA and CAFTA are good for us! Yeah but, who's "US"? They preach free trade, not fair trade, and then tie the hands of the American manufacturer with costly legal rules and regulations, that offshore manufacturers don't have to follow. The Democrats have lost the power of the organized labor vote to the illegal immigrants, who are now allowed to vote if they can fog a mirror and get a drivers license! The Republicans say, that can't happen to us, and sit in their ivory tower, while reality, like Katrina, kicks us in the ass! We need a responsible 3rd-party movement here that remembers it owes its first duty to protect the people who live and work HERE, legally!! Ross Perot got carried away with his own B/S & megalamania. Pat Buchanan got his balls in a vise, and the so-called, "free-press" and the established two political partys are so consumed about keeping there own turf, that real, AMERICAN interests can't even make the pages, let alone the front page! AND the TV boys are in the same bed! Remember, you basically have only 5 people in the world telling you your "news"!!!!!! Look for new sources. -
Japan Mum After US Lawmakers Blast Its Trade Pract
rkmdogs replied to albertwyang's topic in General Motors
Try paying your grocery bill with Yen, palie! -
The philosophy of the auto unions for years has been one of confrontation, not co-operation. The old saying goes, one hand washes the other. That philosophy has not been upheld in any contempory union/management meetings. Instead it has been,"what can or will you give ME!"-- on both sides. Welcome to the real world of reality, where we now have new players, China, Korea, and yes even Japan, who do not play by our "old rules". While consumers were locked in to a limited market choice, you could play fast and loose with these rules, but now that these third world players have come to the marketplace, it is time to re-think the rules. I can remember one time Iococca telling the beligerant Belvidere,IL. plant, I have 2000 jobs @ $18.00/hr(or something like that) and 0 jobs @ $22.00/hr! That's reality! I was one of those caught in a market change, with 3 hours notice to not let the door hit me in the ass on the way out--- the company was "downsizing"!.......... And nobody bailed me out! I agree that some of these mega bonuses and salary differentials that have existed in American companies are rediculous! But don't close down a company because of past bad decisions..... learn from them, and FIX IT...... and the fix has to start somewhere, too bad it is now. I do agree, that the bleeding should be even...... on both sides of the table, if the company is going to continue to exist. Don't forget every employee is also a consumer, and without a paycheck, he can't consume! :(
Nobody on it? O.K., here it is. This one was built on the older Caprice (1980) body. http://www.cheersandgears.com/public/style_emoticons//AH-HA_wink.gif
Not even close!
O.K., all you whiz kids............ try this one on. It was at the Daytona Spring show.
Razor, --- And you said I rambled? I think the pot just called the kettle black!!!!!!!!
[quote name='Sixty8panther' date='Sep 29 2005, 11:12 PM'] I'm a fan of manual trannys in everything. I'd love to throw a M22 Muncie inot my newly aquired '79 Coupe DeVille. I love sticks and the only reason I keep buying Autos is because so many good deals can be had in classic GM cars wiht automatics. Hey Sixty8, You need to go back and look at some reality. When Jim Hall was racing his Chapparals, they were made with 2-speed powerglides, not stock of course, because he wanted to concentrate on DRIVING, not shifting! Most big-block drag racers, including those with hemi-v8's making thousands of horsepower used an automatic, 'cause there was no way to engage a powerful enough clutch CONSISTANTLY and win! If you ever drag-raced, how many runs have you seen lost because of a blown shift? The auto can think faster and react faster than any human action 9 times out of 10, and CONSISTANCY and RELIABILITY is what wins races. We used to run off-road dune buggy races using VW running gear. We would constantly snap axle-shafts from going air-borne and then hitting the ground with a stickbox/clutch system. Switched to an automatic (tickled of course) and never broke an axle after that! The torque convertor would absorb the shock of an air-borne landing and still keep on going! Many people think of automatics as slush-boxes, but that image belongs back in the '50's! Even current race-car paddle shifts embrace a form of being automatic! Come on into the 21st Century, but don't blame all automatics today for the ills of the past! ^_^
Again razor, you have missed the boat on engine design. The reason that the Chevy 60 degree V-6's came up short is that they were designed to fit in small packages, and were mostly transverse-mounted. That restricts the physical size that the engine package can be. The basic problem with 60-degree V-6's is intake runner length. To make more power, you need longer runners,--- and the space in the engine compartment that these engines are designed for just isn't there! The other factor was manufacturing technology at the time these engines were designed. The use of non-metallic intake manifolds had not reached the level of sophistication that we see today. Most of these designs had metal intake manifolds, and they were restricted by the casting technology of the day. The 90-degree V-6's had more physical space between the cylinder banks, so naturally you could have the longer runner paths needed to achieve higher performance. The new designs with multi-chambered runners made in plastic for direct fuel injection systems, allows for the best of both worlds, economy and performance-- when you need it! AND, then there is the factor of rotating mass, i.e., counter-balance shafts to dampen the firing pulses on a 90-degree V-6, but that is another issue.
The 3800 engine design is a white elephant! There will not be any further "development" done on it because it will be replaced by the VVT 3.9L corporate V-6.----- or something else not as antiquated.
Razor, You are flogging a dead horse...............!!!!!!
The two top kickers that irk me are: If it isn't a two-door, it is not cool. Manual tranny's are better than automatics for speed and performance, even on a street car or daily driver! Both of these myths are still perpretrated on the ignorant unwashed as if they were written on the tablets that Noah found on the mountain!
Your choice list, as I read it does not include buying for performance as opposed to looks! I look for the most "bang for the buck", that will also meet my transportation needs. If you want to talk "playtoys" , that's an entirely different subject! BUT.............. you haven't lived 'til you have driven a good 9C1!
Hey razor, chill out! I got on your case, because the way you started this thread, it sounded like you wanted some honest info, for its' value. But the impression I got was that you were playing a semantics game, with the disclosure that you were not pleased that the Buick 3800 engine did not seem to enjoy the same degree of development that was expressed with the Chevy small-block engine designs. You sounded then, like you had a chip on your shoulder, and some other axe to grind! Now if you want to discuss and compare these two engine designs, thru their respective service lives, that's fine! And I totally agree with you, that somebody pulled the plug on development of the 3800. Back in the '80's this was considered one of the most respected and potent powerplants around........ but after the Grand Nationals, the corporate gurus pulled the plug on Buick engineering. The only thing they were allowed to do was develop the Indy racing engines, and ultimately they had that taken away from them too. Don't blame the designers and engineers, blame the bean-counters and the string-pullers at the top who decreed who could do what, with what! The new GM corporate V-6 got the nod for the development dollars. Buick even had the pressure-aspirated versions taken away from them, after they had to share it with Pontiac! With power-train development reassigned thru-out the corporation, many programs that were fruitful came to a halt. And I'm sorry if you don't understand my English........ it is all words that Webster includes in his book! http://www.cheersandgears.com/public/style_emoticons//AH-HA_wink.gif BTW, my statement of "Liars always figure" was not directed at you, so don't get your feathers all ruffled! I was refering to the fact that published figures released for advertising purposes sometimes, reflect a political agenda and are not "true" performance values.
Since when does the tale wag the dog? The report said that this was the opinions of the journalists, who we all know always tell the truth----- right? Auto journalists have been in love with anything sounding foreign-like since Deutchland Uber Alles fell down! The latest rants love anything from Mikado, and hate the theme of Yankee Doodle Dandy!
Hey razor, your comparison doesn't hold water! It is like comparing apples to oranges, 'cause they are both fruit! In order for your theory to be applicable, parts would have to be interchangable, which on the Chevy engines, they are not! Just because they may have common design characteristics, or dimensional similarities, does not make them "enhancements" on a prior design. In fact, although they are all referred to as "small-block Chevy" engines, there are major design differences in each successive generation, hence the Gen II, Gen III, and Gen IV titles to recognize these variations. The LT 1 family does not share components with the LS1 family at all, and the LS 2 is again based on the "LS1" concepts, but the internals are entirely different! Your analogy brings back an old wives' theorem, "figures never lie, but Liars always figure!" Hell, the sb 283 Chevy was alleged to put out 1hp/cu.in. back in 1957! The only commonality to these various engines is the assigned title numbers, which do not reflect engine dimensions, capacities or any other figure other than those dreamed up by the sales and advertising boys--- and girls!
I bought the hubcap decals from Adam Haack, a member of GoFaSSt who does decal things and sells them all over, including on eBay. His e-mail address is: [email protected] I saw something on those headlites some time ago, but as I recall the price was almost as bad as a set of T84's, if you could find them, and did not address the focus issue. Now on the body mounts, yeah there are 7 points on each side of the chassis that are locations for body mounts. 9C1's have mount bushings and bolts at all of them. But on SS'es, they chose to "economize" and they only get 4 on each side! So most of the astute guys "add" the missing three on each side. For more info on this, go to Scott Muellers website, http://www.theherd.com/articles/bushings.html or, Qalo'ss Impala SS Handbook, which is a large PDF file. The article on body bushings is pp22-25. He mentions the Impala SS guru for getting the parts, Dal Slabaugh. You can read about him at www.9C1.com. :P
Thank you DBeaSSt for the very kind words about Casper, again! I'm not quite an SS clone in white however. There are things that the 9C1's have that the SS'es don't. Full body mounts are one in particular. I also am not partial to leather. I've had it, but in warm weather, I prefer cloth seats-- which my car has. Shocks are another item where I prefer my ride to the SS. It is somewhat ironic that guys buy an SS, and then add the HD items from a 9C1 that the factory left out! Trans coolers, oil coolers, etc. However their were(are) items that I think were done better on the SS, and I have "borrowed" those features for my car. (Grill, wheels & tires, interior lites) And of course then some aftermarket things, (air intake system) and things "borrowed" from the Corvette & Camaro parts bins too! I only have two regrets about this car. One, I wish it were the size of the old "G" bodies,(RWD Malibus) and the headlites suck! I have modified my lighting system, but the lens design leaves a lot to be desired for light placement on the road. Oh well, can't have everything. BTW, how do you like my new "replacements" for the leaping deer on the hubcaps? I had these custom-made. Just got them on.
Now I went a-diggin' again from an inquiry made by one of our correspondents on another thread asking about LT1 specs. So this is straight from the General's archives. on the 1996 Caprice/Impala- Engines page on the Product Information Guide. "A reverse-flow cooling system circulates coolant through the cylinder heads before the engine block, improving heat transfer in the engine and radiator, and allowing a higher compression ratio for increased power" If it was so good in '96 that this feature was one of six features that was highlighted about the technical features of these cars............. WHY ARE THEY NOT STILL USING IT ? I'M still waiting for a responsible answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.... But you looked in the wrong column! :o
How come today, my Avitar pic will not show? Went to my settings, and it indicated one was there, which I had orginally downloaded from my pictures. Up until today it appeared on every post that I entered. Not today! Instead, all I got was a white square with the little red "X" up in the corner, but it would never open! What's up????????? <_< :angry:
Haunt eBay. That's how I found my car. But know what you are looking for first! Many of the people that post 9C1's don't know a damn thing about them! Best way --- get a pic of the build codes label that is on the inside of the trunk lid. Get a copy of these code descriptions and memorize it. You can get that @ www.9C1.com Bob lane used to be the webmaster on that site, but he sold it. The new owner is remaining faithful to what was started there. Check the links for State vehicle auctions. Check with your Sheriff's dept auctions. Some people are crooks and think they can gold-plate these cars with words. Be careful, there are a lot of shady dealers playing in this marque right now! Be prepared to pay for what you want. You can't buy gold bricks with wooden nickels!........ but there are some real deals out there! For example, the ad that I posted from an ISSCA ad for a '96 SS with a Golen 383 Supercharged engine. That car probably has over $30,000 invested, and he is(was) willing to let it go for $11,500. That is truly a steal of a lifetime! First released ex-squad 9C1's are going for around $3300 right now. That too, is a helluva deal, depending on the condition. Find out as much as possible about the history of the car, and where it was used. A lot of these so-called "dealers" can't or won't tell you that. Some areas of the country abused the hell out of their squads, and only sell them when the wheels are about to fall off! BE CARFUL. If you don't know, ask! If you can't tell,ASK! And if you can see the car, take a knowledgeable mechanic with you to look at it, and drive it if you can. Most cases on eBay, that is not possible. You can also go to the want ads at the ISSCA and the NAISSO websites, but here the prices are usually higher, because these people know what they have. .....And sometimes they have illusions of grandeur about what they have! Remeber, while the money is in your pocket you hold the high cards. Once you relinguish the dough, it is Caveat Emptor, and hope that you can run faster than the crook who stole your money! B) B) :o
What Gm needs to do is get back public recognition. By that, I mean the 2 second visual identification test. You have to be able to identify the brand and model of a car driving by in 2 seconds or less for public recognition. Since the General started copying Japanese cookie-cutter designs they have lost that major playing chip. Cadillac is the only brand to reclaim it with distinctive styling. Chrysler had it with their LH cars and have reclaimed it with their LX models! You don't mistake one of them for some Jap or Korean car! Now you have to look twice at something going down the street ----- and then you are not sure, 'cause you didn't see some distinctive visual sign............... Buick is trying....... with the revivial of portholes to be distinctive, but that is too little, too late and not stand-out enough! Chevy and Pontiac cars used to be identifiable a block away by a one-eyed 90-year old, or even a 5 year old who could spell! Not anymore, you have to be almost on top of a car and read its' badging to be able to tell who made it! Bring back distinctive styling, ---------- but not in the Aztec vein! :blink: