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Everything posted by rkmdogs
O.K. print Gestapo...... Vulgar profane language is now O.K., but a classic pic of Marilyn Monroe was not....??????? Hm-m-m, makes one wonder what is going on..............
Hey Sly! Wanna do one on this ol' buggy? This was the last clone of the 1971 Dune Buggies & Hot VW's show car. It was the only one East of Nevada! Do you need a bigger pic?
Yup,yup, yup............ and in the meantime, you forgot me......... again! I just can't get no respect! Move over Rodney.....
If you will include the Southern tip of the East Coast, count me in too! Here's my pic!
Hey Sixty8, If you want to take a look at new concepts, and you're hung up on water, go check out www.blacklightpower.com Their concepts will blow your mind........... and they are coming! The petroleum companies are scared to death, and all the electric power companies want to buy in on the ground floor!
Look at the Dec 19,2005 issue of AutoWeek, with the Mallett Soltice. You don't think Roush is going to sit still and turn the after-market high-powered conversion business to somebody without a challenge do you? Am I close Josh?
Oops! I forgot that one. But...... I was thinking in literal terms and the meaning of the word, rather than some cockamame made up French word! Excuse me........................
If it is to be a "new" platform, why drag old baggage & images? I vote for a new one, "Supreme"!!!!!!!!
We are not running out of water, just that some current forms are not usable, i.e., potable! Water treatment plants exist all over the world to de-salineate sea water---- but that costs money too! And where do you think the hydrogen comes from? The primary source right now is the electrolysis of water into hydrogen and oxygen. Not trying to be smart Mike, but you don't have all the facts straight! AND, as I originally said when I talked about my multi-cycle design, the additional cycle was a "purge" cycle using plain ol' AIR!
Newbiewar, I think we are having a problem in terminology. My Concise Chemical & Technical Dictionary says, "COMBUSTION"- Chemical union with oxygen, producing heat and or flame commonly limited to the burning of fuels." What you are talking about is called the latent heat of vaporization.(Look it up). It does not expand if it is confined, the container pressure increases! I think you need to go back and re-read some physics 101 or even some thermodynamics! Thanks anyway for your thoughts, although mis-guided.
??????? Last time I looked, water doesn't burn! What were you useing as fuel? And I presume you were talking about an external combustion device, not an internal combustion engine! You are talking about state change, from liquid to vapor to steam. Yes, the on-line article mentioned that he would have to carry as much water as fuel, but did not comment about this weight problem! As far as a wasted source, you could always exhaust it through a series of pipes and have your own calliope!!!
I too saw the article in Autoweek on the patent for this process, but there were many unanswered questions in the brief release. After I took my first Thermodynamics course some 40+ years ago, I had a similar idea. My idea though, was not to introduce steam, but have a purge stroke on the engine, where cool fresh air would be flushed through the combustion chamber, to remove residual burned gases, but more importantly, to cool the combustion chamber down. The theory was(is) if you can alter the temperature difference between the unburned air/fuel charge and the burned or combusted gases, you can achieve more work out of the charge sample. Theoretically, it sounds great. Practically, what it does not account for is the work required to overcome internal friction and the parasitic losses of pumping the piston/rod mass up and down for another 2 strokes! Then there was the issue of introducing this cool-air charge, atmospherically. It boiled down that it was not practical on a typical Otto 4-stroke cycle type of engine. Now on the claims of Bruce Crower, no mention is made of the parasitic losses due to the extra 2 strokes, nor how they would introduce this steam into the combustion chamber, especially on a cold engine, without doing lubricant wash-down of the cylinder walls, causing contamination and worse yet, lubricant failure! Note too, in the article that the demonstration was on a single cylinder engine, without the complexity of multiple cylinders to contend with, nor the other internal problems that occur with multiple cylinder designs. Oh yeah, this "steam" injection, or rather water injection---- how do you keep it from becoming steam BEFORE you get it into the combustion chamber? How is this water spray going to be introduced? Where does it come from? Water/alcohol injection systems were developed for aircraft during WWII, for piston engines to overcome some high altitude problems. This was then applied to some high-compression auto engines to prevent "knock" with poor quality gasolines available during shortage times. With all of this "history" what is the "new" stuff that allowed Crower to receive a patent? The article did not reveal that info!
Q45? Since when did they start making a 9C1 model?
....AND what is wrong with a white one? Wanna buy it? Make me an offer. Go to www.gofasst.us Car of the month feature.
I'd rather look at Marilyn Monroes' boobs!!!!
I agree 100% with your assessment, and would also like to add, a higher level of sophistication in measurement and analysis equipment, to observe and evaluate the details and results of change better. The rumor that I heard when the old "B' body cars were alive, was that the LT1 series of engines was mandated to last 300,000 miles for heavy-duty fleet and police use! I think the designers and engineers succeeded! That is not to say that pheripherals would not need service or replacement, but the basic core does meet this criteria.
Subject: This gave me my laugh for the day A school teacher in Kentucky asked her students to use the word >"fascinate" in a sentence. > >Molly said, "My family went to my granddaddy's farm, and we saw all >his pet sheep. It was fascinating." The teacher said, "That was good, but I >wanted you to use the word "fascinate." > >Sally raised her hand. She said, "My family went to See Rock City and >I was fascinated." The teacher said, "Well, that was good, Sally, but I >want the word 'fascinate'." > >Little Johnny raised his hand. The teacher hesitated because Little >Johnny was noted for his bad language...however, she finally decided >there was no way he could damage the word "fascinate," so she called on >him. >Johnny said, "My cousin's wife has a sweater with ten buttons, but her >tits are so big, she can only fasten eight." > >The teacher sat down and cried.....
Grow up Turbojett! What is wrong with a 40 year-old picture that shows breasts, but not genitiala? It is no more out of place than the Mona Lisa or any of Monet's nude paintings! You guys post all sorts of inuendoes, that I find more offensive, so who is to judge? Besides the feminine pic business was started with the boobie shots of Natalie Wood. Are they less offensive because her nipples aren't exposed? Then don't ever read or look at a National Geographic magazine! I see the "nazi patrol" has been at it again.......... I have heard the word "FAG" many times in many offices! Why was it removed as obscene?
Get off your soapbox and wake up! If you want to quote world gas prices, lets include Venezuala and Saudi Arabia! There, the prices are under a buck a gallon! Yes it is criminal to be paying the prices you quote........ but the governments are as much criminals for using the tax monies for other purposes!
Marilyn Monroe became famous because she was the first Playmate of the Month, for Hugh Hefner's new magazine "Playboy" in 1958. He exploited her famous calender pic in the nude. Besides her movie career, she was exploited for her several marriages to very famous people, most notably Joe DiMaggio, of the New York Yankees baseball team. Her death was allegedly attributed to an overdose of prescription drugs that she took for depression. One of her most famous exploits was singing a very hot "happy birthday" to then President Jack Kennedy, who allegedly snuck her into the White House for a little "midnite rendevous" unbeknownst to Jackie at the time. AND......... since most of you are too young to know, here is the famous "calender pose" that shot her fame up! [image Deleted] SO WHO IS THE HYPOCRITE CENSOR THAT TOOK THIS PIC OFF, ADD LEAVES ALL KINDS OF TALK AND INUENDOS ON ???????
One other reason that small cars here would not be able to generate a large following is creature comforts. How many people buy a car, even for just commuting, without A/C, power windows, power steering, radio & other electronic devices, etc. It takes power to run these things........ and they don't come without another penalty, weight! Another big factor as a commuter, how far do you drive now? With the advent of suburbia, people now live further from their workplace than they did several decades ago. Personal preferences...... more people are driving now, who HATE to drive and any car trip is an imposition, because they are not good drivers; they have to have all the things that distract them from the fact that they are driving a car! Our geography. No where else, except maybe Africa are places spread out the way they are in America. Look at mileage records around the world. Our average drivers drive more miles than anywhere else in the world, because of our sprawl. That is not a forte' for small cars. There are other factors, some of which have already been mentioned, safety vs. vehicle size mix in traffic. And then the weight of the added safety components mandated by our sage government officials.............. :lol2:
No comprede, senor! License, we don't need no stinkin' license! You dona like it? Then I justa shoot you! You are hurting my civil rights!!! I have every right to drive a car, even if I am legally blind!!! Years ago, I used to switch my headlights from the Federally required sealbeams, to Marchals or Cibie Z-Beams, because of the beam cut-off and better projection. How many times have you been blinded this week by mis-aimed headlites, or fog lites on in the early night? And on identification of emergency vehicles, officer I couldn't see your flashing green, blue, red yellow, white lites because of all the funeral processions going by with their headlights on! :stupid:
AND....... Do you remember the mini-mags? These were great for those bathroom reading expeditions. This one was one of the best!
Hudson, Just recalled another one, while rummaging out in the garage-shed. Popular Hot Rodding................. I don't know if this one is still around, but I have issues up thru 2004, so I presume it is still available. This was geared mostly for the hands-on, do-it-yourself kind of enthusiast, and always had low-cost mods and tech tips. I think its' popularity went up as the more competition-oriented mags seemed to turn into "professional-racing report cards."(Meaning you had better be spending mega-bucks!) That attitude turned off a lot of the week-end warrior types, who had to race on weekends what they drove to work during the week!