I'm sorry, but as an American, I take offense at this story. No offense intended to the Chinese Designers - but they have a completely different perspective and "design art" than what is expected and acceptable here in the US. This gent Joe Qiu has no connection to the US public whatsoever. I'm sorry, but from the article - he'll have to "design down" to the "less descerning" public in America...I wouldn't want him to "dumb down" his art. He supposedly went to all the chic nightclubs, all the hip and trendy places in China to design the Chinese version of the LaCrosse....and what did he come up with ? A Chinese version of the old Sable with Altima taillights (I agree with the previous postings about this...). Again he has no connection to the American type of mentality in what we want....for crying out loud, he's 31 and still lives with his parents....a far cry from the typical "proud of it" independent American. No - design needs to be done in the region where the vehicle is going to be sold. I think the exception to the rule that breaks the barrier (...but I think is an anomoly..) is the Euro Saturns. Those are hot, stylish, and will definatly be the break-out that Saturn and GM needs. The Enclave is hot style-wise from all pre-production accounts from the public...the next LaCrosse needs to have that type of styling theme...not cookie cutter - but I think the choppers on here have it down pat...congrats guys...MR LUTZ - TAKE NOTE OF THOSE DESIGNS !!!!! If GM does it right with the next LaCrosse - it WOULD make sense to make the changes for just 1 or 2 years..setting up the next LaCrosse on the other platforms (???) to be the very hot desireable car AND THE NEXT BREAKOUT that again GM needs. Don't do this in the name of Globalization and dilute the design direction that the choppers here show, as well as the direction the Enclave is logically heading Buick in. Caddy did it with their new design direction - Buick can do it to. Draw on the history of the '63-'65 Rivs, the '66-'68 Wildcats, the 60's-70's Skylark, the '80s Regals...THAT history shows ya can do class with engine heat WITH SUCCESS
That design may work in China..but it won't here. Truthfully - I think Mr. Lutz should hire some of the "choppers" that posted in the LaCrosse chop contest, as well as the posted Century chop. THEY are pertinent to the American public. Those designs are sporty, and a logical "next step" evolution from the current LaCrosse.
Global design just plain doesn't work. Fashion (of any kind - whether it be clothes, furniture, OR CARS...) isn't universal. Cultures are too diverse and have different opinions of what's hot. Come on...I'm not talking about anything that isn't anything other than just plain common sense. This "globalization" is being pushed just too far and beyond common sense....and it does nothing but hurt the US (don't even get me talking about NAFTA !!!! )....yeah, right, lets ship SOME MORE jobs out of the US.
Now I've driven the current model, and my folks own an '06 model....and while it's a base model - it's still a great car. Now if you would dress it up with 20" older BMW style spoked black rims, add some body tightening to straighten out the curves visa vie better suspension, add a chin spoiler, maybe do something in the back, and pull in some turbo hairdryer to the 3.8 L pushrod cranker - you'd have something very cool and that would pull some G's in a straight line and swizzle stick you around the corners too !!!
GM AND MR. LUTZ - GET SOME TESTOSTERONE AND MAKE THE LACROSSE THE NEXT SKYLARK GS STAGE I (at least make one version of it hot and high HP and very attractive to the younger buyers....). I think ya need to keep the base models a bit more hip and outfitted better with better rims and accents - and don't sell it any lesser. Its those base model that are the majority of the sellers that are hurting the cars image - not the design itself (..geez, but if you did THAT...you wouldn't sell as many...but you sell that many because folk like it...what a corrundum ?!?)
Ok...through venting for the time being....