So I was coming home tonight and going 64 in a 55, and I come up on this van quite quickly, forcing me to slow to 38 at is was a 2-lane road and in a no passing zone. Meanwhile, a semi is coming up behind me, so I continuously tap my brakes so that I don't get rear-ended because I'm now going 17MPH UNDER the speed limit. So, I keep doing this, but the semi keeps barreling down on me. I mean, he didn't even seem to be slowing down. Luckily, I think he figured it out just in time and got stopped, but I wasn't positive that I wasn't going to have to merge into the oncoming lane as to not get rear-ended.
I don't know who thinks 38 in a 55 is a safe speed, but if you're going under 45 in a 55 you should be getting a ticket, IMO. The only excuse is if traffic is forcing you to do so, because it's simply not safe.
Meanwhile, I found out how easy it is to get up to speeds way faster than I mean to be going while passing people in the GTO. There were two cars and a semi in front of me, and I'm going about 60 or so, and there's no traffic coming that I can see, so I pull out and give it plenty of gas. Then, by the time I'm about halfway past the semi I realize I'm flying past it, and look down to see I'm going 110 (!) Whoops.