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Everything posted by Northstar
It sounds like the camshaft is off or something to me, but I'm probably just guessing that because I know how a cammed car idles. My car is tuned pretty well so it's not that apparant, but you can still tell its there, and I've heard other cars that have performance cams that almost die when at idle.
Yeah, that's pretty much the way it is. My Gen-Ed class doesn't have midterms because the only assignments is writing 3 essays (which is why I took it, so it wouldn't be too hard) and my CAD class doesn't have anything but weekly homework and a final design project, so really I only have Calc and Chem midterms. The first Calc midterm was a day before the first Chem midterm, but the second Chem midterm is a week before the second Calc midterm, so it's not so bad this time around. Luckily I only have Chem lab every other week, so I only spend 6 days in the actual lab. My CAD lab is every week, but it's just doing the homework anyways. Next semester I will have Chem lab (hopefully every other week again) and Physics lab (hopefully every other week). Luckily I got a 31 on the English part of the ACT so I didn't have to take RHET 105. Otherwise, I'd be taking that this semester and CAD next semester, which would mean I'd have 18 hours and 3 labs (!)
No wonder they're redesigning it for here... it looks like it got a new grill and headlights.
He meant SRT-4. And as empowah said, the Caliber is way bigger than the Corsa; I'm guessing the Corsa would outrun it.
Well certainly you would want to do it this semester, as you wouldn't want to wait until later to do it. Do you have to do 1 or 2 semesters of Chem? U of I requires 2 semesters for ME students. I'm definetly going to take at least 1 class at the community college here next semesters. Some sort of Gen-Ed, as I was in US History to 1877 but dropped it because it was going to require way more work than I wanted to do for something that has nothing to do with engineering, and switched to a different class that's easier but still a PITA. I may even take two Gen-Eds next semester, as currently next semester I only have Calc 2, Chem, and Physics. Currently I have Chem, Calc 1, ME 170 (CAD), and the other Gen-Ed, along with Physics 100, which is basically an optional course that gets you well prepared for Physics 218 which is what I'm taking next semester. What else are you taking besides Chem, NOS?
Wow, that's weird that they don't have something below it. Is there a community college you could take gen Chem at? You really need it before just jumping into this stuff.
We were expected to already have known that stuff too.. I had 2 years of Chem in HS so it's only now starting to be more than a review of HS Chem. Maybe you should drop down a level? Here we have 100 which is Gen Chem, and then 102 (what I'm in), which is if you've had Chem before. Do you have a "Chem 100" there?
Usually I pull in, though I got prety used to backing cars into spots during the summer at work. I do, however, back in if it's easier, but that's pretty rare.
Not to be discouraging, but more as a warning: The first week or so of class was a breeze for me, and basically I didn't have to do a whole lot. Well, after about the 2nd week, work started to pick up. The last 2 weeks I've had a ton of stuff to do, it's really rather rediculous.
Actually the Corrola doesn't outsell the Civic. Combining the Matrix and Corrola gives you a bigger number than the Civic, but the Civic still beats them in retail sales combined. In addition, I'm pretty sure the Corolla has some better incentives. Finally, 2003-2008 is 6 years.
Great pictures! What's with the regular Corvettes with Z06-like wheels? Aftermarket?
I saw a white convert today, but with the top up on a blue sky, mid-70s day (WTF?). It did look pretty damn good.
Not a problem. Now, if I get 2000 members PM'ing me to change their avatar size, well, then, THAT would be a problem
Fixed. You're going to have problems in the future when you have something bigger than 66x55 for your avatar, though. Just shoot me a PM if when you're going back to 90x90 and I can make it work, of course Fly or Z might figure out how to make it so it doesn't resize them by then, too.
Yeah, I can see A-Rod getting the boot in NY. I really think a move back to shortstop would be ideal for him. He was one of the best fielding shortstops in the game, and it seems that when he moved to 3rd base, he made more mistakes fielding which let to a decrease in performance at the plate, or at least that's my perspective. He did win the AL MVP last year at 3rd base, but this year it seems he had more fielding/throwing issues. It's funny that the Yankees fans are so demanding that they boo a player on their team that was the MVP the year prior if he doesn't get a hit every at bat.
You can't really place a whole lot of value on alexa's ratings, except in the growth department. I'm pretty sure those stats are only for people with the alexa toolbar or whatever it is. It is good to see that we're growing, though.
I was very surprised by the Yankee-Tigers series. I guess great pitching can neutralize great hitting, but I was really expecting the Yanks to be unstoppable. That has to be one of the greatest if not the greatest lineup (non All-Star) in history. A-Rod hitting 8th (granted, this whole season was a huge slump)? And for Game 1 they had Cano, who was a few points from the batting title, hitting last? But, give credit where it's due. The Tigers proved that it's not about what's on paper, it's about how you play in the game.
So, GM sells twice as many vehicles as anyone else in Canada? Cananda's numbers are less than 1/10 of the US's numbers, so it's really rather trivial in the grand scheme of things.
Thanks for posting. Did you hear any comments from other people? For instance, did you hear lots of people saying "that looks terrible" or "that looks great" about the Sebring/Nitro/Compass?
Wow, that's cheaper than I was expecting, though it will be interesting to see what's standard vs. optional. However, it will depend on what's standard vs. optional I guess. It didn't say NAV was standard, so I'm guessing you'll see very few LSs for $61k.
Maybe they should give funding to GM to do it, then. I don't see why GM would develop a lightweight Humvee, making it very expensive because it would still need to be really strong, just because that's what the Military wants. Also, why are they complaining about fuel economy? First, they can afford it, and second, nothing in the military gets good MPG, so why are they so concerned about the Humvee improving?
I'm not an insider, but if I have inside information why does it matter? If my info is outdated and something has changed, then by all means correct it (similar to what evok said - that the program's name doesn't mean that's the marketin name). But until then, I'll assume that the info I have is still correct. How do you know I don't have any connections?
That's pretty cool. Now they need to offer it on the SS.
York is Resigning GM Board - Kirk not buying more
Northstar replied to bdubsee's topic in General Motors
So, Buickman, if Kerkorian is such a supporter of GM, why does he pull his man from the GM Board after this? Shouldn't he still be trying to help GM and having someone on the Board to make some good decesions? Oh, wait, he never really cared about GM. He just saw an oppurtunity to make a lot of money, implemented his plan, which didn't work, and now doesn't give a $h! about GM (as evidence from York "resigning" aka Kerkorian not caring anymore) because his plan fell through and he can't make as much money as he wanted too.