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Everything posted by Cananopie

  1. Most recent reviews of Buick product have been positive between the high excitement Enclave and the more than favorable reviews of the Lucerne. Many people gave props to the Lucerne who haven't given the same props from Buick in the past. Even the LaCrosse wasn't seen as a poor car, just an unexciting car from Buick. Of course this will bring excitement in to the LaCrosse while it whittles the rest of its time away and then the obvious complaints that it's a W-Body car, only has a 4-speed transmission, doesn't get extensively great gas mileage will still prevail but at least they plan on putting some powerful options behind Buick to distinguish it from the lower brands a little more aside from the Impala SS however allowing it to get a quciker 0-60 time and GM does not usually give Buick the fastest engine so that's a positive that Buick hasn't seen in the past. Not many vehicles can do 0-60 in less than 6 seconds. However it will be a pricey buy for a mediocre vehicle. However we must remember what happened to Oldsmobile when they tried to change their image overnight abandoning their core audience. The LaCrosse was the beginning of a subtle and smooth transition that Olds did not create.
  2. I even get a little Regalish feel out of the headlights as well. It's definitely going to have a more aggressive look. I don't see why people in here are upset they're giving the LaCrosse this attention. Forgetting about it will not make the new LaCrosse come any faster. The 0-60 time is something too considering GM claims the Impala SS (with the same engine) goes 0-60 in 6.4 seconds while the updated LaCrosse will go 0-60 in less than 6 (according to the article). The LaCrosse refresh will only remove the image of Grandma-car from Buick while the Enclave stands nearby proving that Buick doesn't just get leftovers anymore as well.
  3. This is sad to see what the Buick forum has been reduced to. There's nothing wrong with this thread in particular, it's just the fact that this is the ONLY thread that has had any sort of action within the Buick forums in about 2 weeks... and there's something wrong with that. I hope the lull will end soon, I just don't see an ending in sight.
  4. I drive my mother's Lucerne quite often as well as my fathers 2000 LeSabre. The engine noise into the cabin is hardly different. When floored it's definitely noticeable, but all-around it is nothing out of the ordinary for the 3.8 inside of them (unless your Lucerne has the 8 cyl). The noise it produces isn't anything unusual for Buick and has not been a point of complaint for almost everybody. I highly doubt there is less engine noise into the cabin in the LeSabre than the Lucerne, I might be wrong but the LeSabre wasn't so focused on noise-deadening and I'd almost put money down that the Lucerne actually addresses the problem of engine-noise into the cabin on some level higher than the LeSabre did. I just find it hard to believe that this was something bothers you so much that you'd actually not consider purchasing the car. It's not louder than most vehicles thats for sure. Plus check out the CD player or radio sometime as they will not only help you forget about your horrific engine noise but it might take your mind of stewing on something that really isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of cars or life. My brother can give you a ride in his 1993 Chevy Diesel pickup and then we'll know the proper definition of bothersome engine noise.
  5. I debate that this is only because the current options of hardtop coupes are very poor. But a droptop is very likely coming from Buick seeing the Velite.
  6. A new LaCrosse is already in the works- but it will not be Buick's 4th vehicle. I think the 4th vehicle Buick plans to come out with will be a halo car. Obviously Buick is trying to classify itself in the luxury division, and the evolution from the LaCrosse to the Enclave show that is the definite direction. So offering a 4th vehicle below 30k when you already have two would give Buick more flak for calling themselves luxury but really aren't... Now- the major thing Buick needs more than anything else is an image boost. The quality is there, the design is there, the luxury is there. The image is still stuck in first gear. A halo car- a 30k-40k Buick coupe would be the exact car that would electrify the company. 4 door vehicles do not boosts images. A Buick coupe would be very stylish compared to most coupes in that price range if done with anything-near the mindset the Enclave was designed from. And Buick has a history of amazing coupes. It has a lot to work with. Or convertibles. And the platform that will most likely be used, from what I can tell, is the Zeta platform again... which the Velite was made for. If their Centieme-to-Enclave Concept-to-Enclave Production idea works well when the Enclave goes on sale (and by all sounds it will go very well) there may be a Velite-to-X Concept-to- X Production. I'd like to hear a more logical suggestion for the 4th vehicle. I think it will be a halo car.
  7. It's the exact opposite progression of the LaCrosse from concept to production. Glad they decided to be progressive with the Enclave concept to production rather than regressive like the LaCrosse.
  8. I'd love to see another color. Great execution!
  9. And the award to the most petty and meaningless disagreement on C&G goes to...
  10. Real surprising that a guy from Edmunds decides to pretend that Buick is solely focusing on the vehicle being quiet. The fact that the concept dropped jaws from some of Buick's biggest critics, even on this forum, sort of proves that Buick isn't just focusing on sound-proofing. Do the people at all major automotive magazines and websites get paid to constantly put down Buick? Or is there a rule that you have to be a die-hard fan of foreign makes to join?
  11. Does it get tiring hearing jokes/comments because you're not a stereotypical black male? I assume everyone here on C&G that made the comments about you not falling in to the stereotypical black male role knows you well enough to joke with you, however being a teacher of many black males, females, as well as white males and females, I've noticed that both black (guys and girls) help propagate stereotypes for black males and females. "Acting black" in a stereotypical fashion is nothing but praised in my school. I've always found the unity of a color as having one mindset as childish but there are many blacks and whites who feel that there is such a thing. I ask if it gets tiring because I see those black students in my school who choose a more individual path tend to get more flak from both blacks and whites for not fitting in to the stereotypical role. I bring this up also because I would never liked to be linked with what a stereotypical white person is and I am pushed daily by my students to fit in that stereotype as well. From what I understand is if you're black and you aren't in with black pop-culture then you get white-jokes being thrown at you a lot, has this happened to you? I don't mean for this to be off-topic, but I promote individual thinking across all races and religions and detest falling in to a stereotype just because it's comfortable, especially if it's not what you'd like to do, and you sound like you are an individual with solid reasons for being who you are and why you are, so I was wondering if it was hard to break that mold? I've always found it awkward that a press release like this can refer to appealing to "black males" as if black males typically have one mindset across the board. Just like any race I don't believe there is a connection between action and color of skin, only to the color of a mind.
  12. The point I was trying to make is that from what has been discussed on this forum was that there is not time enough for a LaCrosse refresh.
  13. The car in the background is definitely a LaCrosse with Portholes and new rims, and it looks really good. Why is it on site if this is a viral and they're not going to produce it? Or why is it on site if this is a real video? Why would they need a LaCrosse Super with a production Enclave, and based on the tires and portholes this is the production Enclave, if everybody is on the basic consensus that there isn't enough time for a LaCrosse Super to be produced? Answers please. This should definitely be an issue of conversation. Either way they purposely went out of the way to make sure the LaCrosse Super was seen- and for viral marketing purposes or not- it shouldn't be there if it's not slated to come out still and everyone here who is knowledgeable on the topic do not see enough time for a LaCrosse Super to be in production.
  14. My brother is 20 and white and he has done more than most of those pictures to his Buick. They're out there.
  15. Maybe if they would've removed the Bentley from the video they wouldn't have to be so stingy about copyright infringement and worrying they'll make enough money from it. It's just kind of hard to sympathize with someone who is that anal about having their art shared. There are plenty of real artists out there who want to send a message and not just profit.
  16. My mom has a Lucerne with this feature, it automatically turns down the music when an incoming call or the direction person speaks over Onstar and automatically returns the volume once it has spoken or you have responded (whatever is necessary for what is happening)... Onstar is really pretty great. Oh all except for having to pay for it after you bought the car. I'd prefer that it wasn't so standard on all GM models but that looks the way it seems to be going. I don't see myself as someone who'd want a service such as Onstar but I'll still have to buy with the useless button staring at me all the time anyway.
  17. I can't find the article anymore on Google News but I kept that excerpt because another member from C&G had it in his signature (I dont remember which). So to answer your question Creative Vision and to prove I'm not stretching it blackviper8891 and that I don't just make stuff up that's an actual quote from the article I got it from. And I know theres at least one C&G member here that can vouch for also seeing that article. So even though you might've been in the industry for 8 years this is fact. LeSabres are hot. And fullsize vehicles are hot. I'd say the Chrysler 300 has a lot to do with that. My brother also has spent considerable time in aftermarket supplies with his Buick (Park Avenue) and even though he's only 20 and doesn't get hand-outs from his parents he put in considerable work on this vehicle and many young people love his car. Strangely it's those older than 25 that seem to be the staunchest belief that Buick's aren't for younger people, aftermarket or not. It's not true. They're more interesting than your dime-a-dozen Civics. here's my brothers Park Avenue and old LeSabre. he hasn't updated it in a few months but the DVD player and sound system of the LeSabre are all in the PA now. http://www.cardomain.com/ride/736601
  18. I'm 23 and I am incredibly surprised at the brilliance of GM on this move. 11 Lucernes? Awesome. This will give Buick some younger people looking at the company and respecting what can be done with the car. Buick's are very big with aftermarket styling, but it's typically the older ones. LeSabres are the fastest growing used vehicles for younger people who enjoy after market accessories. This move keeps Buick in their eyes and any one of these young people who own an older Buick will take pride that they own a Buick when they see these Lucernes and they will say "I need to get me one of those" It's smarter than some of you might think.
  19. These are LEDs, they're simply a lot of tiny tiny bulbs as opposed to one or two regular sized bulbs. The positive aspect of LEDs is that they almost never go out. They also are immediate in their intensity change. Bulbs do go out (like once in how many years) and cost about $10 for the most rare and expensive ones. So even though there is a long term cost to a bulb as opposed to a panel of LEDs it is insignificant compared to important long-term issues such as engine, transmission, etc. I can't help you with "B" but it's neat to see how the production version is coming along. And your "C" mentality helps drive home the point that I was stating in the first place. LEDs are not necessarily luxurious as opposed to being a fad. As you stated you didn't care what LEDs were- they could've been the least functional and most gaudy things in the world but because they're part of the luxury fad you feel they're necessary. We have to remember Buick's role in the marketplace. Buick is not a fully luxury division- and there's no shame in that. A lot of people like to say that the Buick of yore were for those who either couldn't afford a Cadillac or for those who didn't like the flash of a Cadillac. In other words Buick was made for those people who want a quality car but don't want their pants pulled down over the price. In even more other words this means Buick isn't going to play the fad game all the time. Fads are what make things expensive. If you buy a Porsche are you buying so much more because the engineers really put that much more money in to the car? Not typically- typically it's because once you get a fast enough engine under the hood you can price the car whatever you want. Luxury cars are also known as profitable cars because once you reach in to a luxury zone you are paying for the name- not necessarily for too much more. Just a few key points. When you pay for a Buick you're paying for something that is typically reasonable in price- and you can still live in 98% of the comfort of a luxury division- only you didn't get your pants pulled down over the price.
  20. no light in the glovebox does show cost cutting- using bulbs instead of LEDs does not. Bulbs and LEDs give a different style, feel, and look the vehicle- and just because it's not the newest fad doesn't mean it's cost cutting.
  21. Wow, did half the people in this forum get hit with the stupid stick? Why in the WORLD would the Enclave have LEDs when it was stated very plainly that the production version would be something like 99% accurate to the concept. The Enclave concept did not have LED tail lights, therefore- duh- neither will the production version. When they say 99% accuracy they don't mean they keep the 21 inch wheels and center console that attaches all the way to the 3rd row seating and drop the non-LED taillights- it means that they'll be dropping the former things to cut the price of the Enclave some. It's so stupid- it seems people simply enjoy commenting on this forum to complain about anything to make sure GM and in particularly Buick just can't get anything right. Believe it or not LED lights are not the ultimate in good vehicle fashion. The Enclave taillights are very beautiful and elegantly styled. The LED's immediate changes in intensity would look clumsy on this decadent design. Cadillac on the other hand has a very sharp and intense styling. Sharp corners give Cadillac a sharp look- LEDs are appropriate for that. LED's are sharp in color change and give Cadillac more of an edgy look. Buick isn't edgy and LEDs would make the Enclave look clumsy. However GMC has an edgy look too- and LEDs are once again proper for GMC- not Buick. The subtle warm glow of bulbs and the way they designed the bulbs to shine are very appropriate and properly styled and fit in perfectly with the elegant smooth design of the whole vehicle. But some people on here just have such an itch to complain about anything Buick does. Design is so subjective- if it isn't your style then it isn't. If you need it to be a high brow brand that never appeals to those with financial sensibility then DONT come to Buick. LEDs do not mean Buick is cheapening out. LEDs cost pennies a pound practically. It's simply design. LEDs would not look right (and never were intended for) the Enclave. Deal with it.
  22. You shouldn't need to, I believe they just solved it.
  23. This is bad- when the two most recently responded-to posts are about Tiger Woods, as if he's really anything we look forward to seeing in Buick really. The Buick threads are one of the most active threads in this forum and it has been so completely dead for the last couple weeks. Buick isn't doing anything it seems currently, aside from advertising the Hell out of the Lucerne, to help promote their brand. Buick needs another concept or better yet another production vehicle... give us something to talk about please Buick.
  24. The logistics would be staggering if car companies individually tailored each and every vehicle to the customers order- downpayment or not. There are over 330,000 potential customers in the US and Canada alone, how do you individually tailor a vehicle when each and every car coming through the assembly line has to be put together just a little different than the last and then ship them cost efficiently. Vehicles don't just appear in lots after they are made and workers at the factory would have to have individual orders that get passed along with every passing vehicle (thousands upon thousands) to tailor it to your specific design. They'd make mistakes and the customer would get furious after waiting 6 months that their car isn't exactly how they wanted it-denounce the company for its slow building and go buy a car that isn't exactly how they want it from another company because they are at least more efficient... that is why they don't do it.
  25. We've spent quite a lot of time on this topic and I think that we can agree that both Buick and Pontiac could use a coupe (ignoring who we think deserves it more). I can see your passion for Pontiac is similar to my passion for Buick and will essentially leave us with an argument on what company deserves the edge. And I can go on again about how Buick has been pushed to the side over and over and over and over again for brands like Pontiac, Cadillac, Saturn, GMC, and Chevy and how Buick just needs one vehicle that isn't a sedan/SUV/minivan but it'll probably just leave us in another circle. I enjoyed the discussion though- fact of the matter is neither will probably get their coupe unfortunately the way GM runs things.
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