so i wanna know how everyone elses weekend stacked up to mine?
friday night i worked from 6-12am went home had a few beers then got called into West Chester (party town) got there and drank till 6am. woke up around 10am went home, had a few more beers, took a nap. then i woke up took a shower, had a beer (if anyone hasnt noticed yet there is a pattern here) and went to another party, which was actually for work and i did also a lot of drinkin there as well with Camino LS6, his family (hot sister), and friends. Where Camino LS6 had a speech and so did i, which was very, very slurred. after that i headed back into west chester picked up my buddies girl friend and a few of her friends then headed back out to my area to a graduation party of some girl i did not know. went to the party and found a free bar, 2 full kegs, and not a single person under the age of 35 other than my friends and myself. but that did not stop me from mingling and drinking. so around 1am the party starts to die down and mostly the younger crowd is left so we started playing baseketball which ended tragicly when the entire hoop (pole and all) came crashing down ontop of me giving me a large bruise and cut on my right arm. and around the 3am hour we went back into west chester to the diner had food, smoked, and talked for 2 hours. i stragled home after being buzzed for well over 24hrs and feel asleep around 530am. woke up at 830am went to work from 9am-10pm and that was my weekend.
i did leave out some X rated material because im sure no one wants to hear and most will not believe it....
anyways who can beat that???