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Everything posted by razoredge
Thanks for the heads up. Ill be looking for it, wonder what exactly Im looking for ? "Street tuner Challange " ? Cobalts proving to be a pretty competitive little car.
Your college ed and another 20 years should be a better package by that time. Right now its just all cocky BS with a minimal amount of life time experiences in which many deeper discoverys will be made, maybe not from your protected little world, or maybe its not protected, at which time you will have your chance to review history. As for this part "I guess you HS diploma/GED carriers working yourselves to death for the same pay I work half as hard for know more than me." Thats the WWF mentality I was taking about. It is actually nice that you keep things so brief :lol:
A strike is not the answer, the proposals put forth by Delphi are not the answer, the beefed up severence and bonus's were definantly not the answer and only added to the fire. Somewhere in here both sides and government are going to really need to scrutinize the problem and come up with a real answer to a problem that is way larger than some of the simpletons here have painted it. Just view some of the posts made here. Nothing ever gets accomplished with one side throwing up such a negative narrow minded hatred toward a large segment of the work force. Little to nothing is going to keep these American companys running with the current trade agreements in place. So go work there and replace a striking worker, you will be out on the street in no time yourself. buy Toyota, Honda, BMW, Audi, VW and live with the results Tic toc, tic toc, tic toc, tic toc
Your statements clearly show how little experience you actually have. Their briefness, poor attitude and lack of depth reminds me more of a WWF promotion, so I can only wonder ....... well never mind. :lol:
Hey Virgin ears - What the fu.. are you talking about, before you answer that though please tell me what it is you think Im talking about. Perhaps we got some information mixed up, whatever, your beef is not with me but you;ll need to figure that out on your own. If you cant make any since dont attack me. If you cant show me what the heck your talking about that I was supposed to be talking about, dont atack me. Really Im in the twilight zone on this one, In you other post on different similar topic you said everything I had been expressing. Maybe I forgot my meds this morning.
but yet another suffering from lack of oxygen
great memories
You couldnt survive outside of your little protection. Where are these "rules", passing out rule books now are you ? :lol: Better pull it out its cutting of the circulation to your brain.
Pull your heads out of your ass's boys. The industry isnt going to survive your beloved "global economy". Like I said before if we gave GM our children for free labor it would'nt change a thing. Your all too narrow minded and drivin by anger about something that may or may not have come down the shaft at you. You want to act like pension funds were not made, you want to act like workers didnt save while they indeed did. It was a pension fund, GM did not maintain it. The workers tried hard to get GM to keep employment up, jobs open, factorys working, yet the pocket lining decision makers you all are proping up decided to pay them full pay and not keep the jobs in house. While at the same time our government opened the doors wide open to products from near slave labor countries. So now we are up to a firm $90,000- $100,000 per year for line workers, what are you going to be up to next week ? $120,000-$140,000 Do you think the economies of the areas these people live in are drivin by their wages ? Are property tax's, school tax's, real estate, rent costs reflected by the standard of living in the area ? So then what happens when you chop someones wage by over 50% which is what has been proposed ? No sweat right ? Then to top it all off you wanna act like if they will only suffer through, tax/morgage forclosures, reposessions, no retirement plan, I would suspect probably homeless because I know rent cant be made at the wages proposed, with all that sacrifice you wanna act like it can save America from your global plan. Now the impact of this global economy is just upon us, and you dont want to get down to the real issues and cause/effect at hand, so shut your mouths and deal with how ugly it really is. Hell, I wouldnt cave either if the only answers to a much larger problem that anyone could come up with was throwing me into poverty.
Yep, their first 3 records were pretty awsome. Crack the Sky, Safety in Numbers, Animal Notes was interesting but didnt have the punch of the first two. Ice and Nuclear Apathy are their best in my ears. I Dont have a Tie, Robots for Ronnie, Surf City, Shes a Dancer (blu's song), Sleep, I was into old Steely Dan alot back in the day. Kid Charlamane (sp) many others *Yep Baltimore debut in 1975 perhaps not in Baltimore but recorded in 1975.*
Usually seems to have to be deep composed music for me. was Zepelin stlye rock Rush, Queen, Uriah Heep, Crack the Sky, Kansas, Tull turned to 70's fusion Dregs, Billy Cobham, Mahavishnu Orchester, turned to Theatric Metal which has since made me really like old Jazz & big band swing alot I also appreaciate the "standards" now.l For a lighter side I like Van Halen, particular Pop metal songs, one of my personal favorites is White Lion - Leave me Alone, its one jammin riff, check it out if you can. So anybody here ever heard of Crack the Sky ?
Would you guys knock it off !!!!!!!!! I said I was the biggest ass on the site and that is that ! First Vips, then croc, then sixty8 try to steal the trophy and now bowtiedude wants in on the action. Geeze guys :rolleyes: giv it up before I step in and get really really stupid :lol: :CG_all:
Then they dont need severence or even salary today. They are making an investment. What do they think this is some kind of welfare system ? :rolleyes: If they were any kind of workers they would be in there just for doing a better job and in the interest of their companies, because without thses companies they would not have a job. :blink: Get over it ! :lol:
:lol: Thanks guys some of that gave me the best laugh in weeks and I surely needed one. :lol:
You dont have any idea what you are talking about. You are just insulting people that spent 30-40 years of their lives working and want to throw them in the streets, get a life !. A set amount per hour was put into a pension fund every hour they worked of their life. It was part of their wages, just get it through your dense head(s). Its not some friggin welfare system or the companys pulling money out of their pockets today. It was money being socked away for years......exactly what you keep insisting they did not do. Theres no friggin evolution to it. Large companys always had large pension plans, they how they were set up thats how it worked. These little startup companys the last 20 years applied a different system of 401K's. Your just looking at two different retirement systems, not some evolution, dont be thinking your so special. Their two entirely different retirement systems. You think because you have some "new" idea, all contributions to older retirement plans should just vanish because you have some "new" way. You dont want evolution you want a chop off, cut from the herd. You are pathatic. Screw em right ? Even if that is how their retirement plans were set up, screw em...... why because you have some other kind of plan ? That was their plan. Its like you go to get out your 401K at retirement and find out theres less in there than you put let alone any interest or earnings. Actually could and does happen, but Id be an idiot to think anyone deserves that, I wish for the best for everyone but Im beginning to want to throw some people in the streets myself. The government has this federal pension benefit guarantee program because for quite a few years, business's that left this country, sold off, or went "bankrupt" began leaving life time retirees without their pension plan system in place. Our government recognizes this for how wrong it is and steps in and pay pennies on the dollar for what those plans were worth before the big sellouts. If these sellouts never took place we would not be having this sick discussion today. Furthermore, all you great "economists" do you really think, anyone would think where all this stands today was not charted out and planned for 30 years ago ? Really ? Must be only these young "new" economists have the ability to foresee the future ? Geeze, give it a break, all the twisting, finger pointing, throw them in the streets mentality and you wanna bad mouth the crazy problems with the Unions. Theres a disease in the entire root system. Throw the elderly in the streets ! Bravo tuff guys :unsure:
Random thoughts corc - Well thats a case of types of personalitys being suited for what jobs. I could never be a cop, I dont believe in some laws and have stricter issues with areas that are lawless. not makeing excuse but I know people are all different and somebody has obviously had enough. Theres alot of anger in this country, we have threads here that prove it. Cops suck, I dont like them, Im one of the types that would get a beating if I wasnt in the mood for their bullshit, worst because I wouldnt go down without inflicting some damage first. Im not a drunk or a public drunk but I remember being harrassed when younger. A situation with a bully boy, he tried repeatedly to strike me with his flashlight, he became concerned after many tries when he was blocked, me staring straight into his eyes. BTW I was not in the wrong nor had I been disrespectful, this was a bully boy and he made an assumption about me and was very very wrong. After seeing the error of his ways he backed down. Thank goodness :unsure: Today I would be shot dead by his partner. Its amazing whats legal in this country and whats not. This guys head should roll. The population is not supposed to be afraid of cops, but yet we are. How many times driveing do you see people hit their brakes the second they see a cop, yet were only driving the speedlimit anyhow? Are you comfortable when a cop is around say in the store with you getting coffee or does everyone always seem quite ? How well do you drive when you got one on your rear bumper, all you can see in the mirror is cop, you want him to go away because you feel like hes stalking you because you were not staring at your speedometer and must have passed him speeding ?
See now, I cant even participate in this because I support organized labor but not all Union policies. Does this mean you need one that shows Union Reform or labor reform or what ? It may be too late .
General Electric was called Generous Electric. Much of these are very old sayings, like from my Grandfathers days on. Some of the ones you guys put up I hadnt heard. In fact the fix it again ToN.Y. I only heard a few years ago. Found on Road Dead, Fix or repair dayly, all old, very old. I guess thats the only thing they could come up with for GM ? Good motors ? God made ? how about God Missed ? Gushing Monsters Gertrudes Mudpond ? Gone Mad ? Giveme Money ? Growing Malice ? Getting Moldy ? Gone on Monday ?
NOS wasnt calling you dumb, me yes, you no, but I did feel it was fairly easy to understand. I still dont get your not being able to and your saying it sounds stupid. Its just someone personal view and attitude.
The pension funds are low for two reasons due to outsourcing and eliminating the contributing workforce. suffered from return on investments with the aftermath of Sept. 11th though it has still been business as usual in the United States, nothing changed. Im sure many "economists" could and did predict the intence problems that would be created by eliminating the jobs that contribute to these pension funds 30 years ago. Yet corporate America with the help of our Government continued on this path and here we are today. I dont have the answer to this current problem, it is already upon us. However there will be much more of this comming down the pipeline if we dont change our trade policy. Economic theorizing that one day (century) when the third world catches up with our economy there will be balance again is bullshit. There are many generation of American citizens between now and then and our Government is paid to serve and protect its citizens. They had better hurry up and figure out what is good for the entire population of this country. These Boomtown economics have done nothing but burn the candle faster.
Qeeze, Im kinda dumb myself but this isnt that hard made of M ostly O ld P arts A nd R ust generous - no brainer - how ? where not if you buying products from foreign countrys you are not contributing to the American pie Sounds like hes a die hard GM man I suspect that about to change but thats just my gut feeling
Im pretty interested in this G6 GTP for reasons like the 6 speed, new engine and I really like the look in black. GTO but would be better to stay lower priced. I could enjoy a cheap CTS but Id still want the suspension and roof so it would be getting up there too. Comp G :( Now if there was a L32 w/6stick real Lacrosse coupe - forget about it, load it up and let me have it. I did just price out a Cobalt SS loaded that even gets pricy. Bone dry Solstice is best deal for sumer fun and some SCCA thrills.
Ah but those Prototypes are awsome, midengine, lightweight, agile, fast on the brakes. Try to think of them as modern hotrodded Fieros lol. They are called prototypes for a reason, its a non production ultra light class for production powerplants. The FWD Cobalts have had a few good races too and they are very close to production. All the GM V8 cars are using the same engine with some differnent rules of modification but their choked down to a givin output by intakes. The C6-R, GTO-R, CTSV-R, Pontiac prototypes, all LS engines. Still do and always will remember this car Holy Flyin Wreaths.....Batman !
Id like to know where your getting that 10 -15 per hour from. Hell, Walmart distribution centers pay more than that, Target, Save Alot, Price Chopper, all of them pay in the 15-17 dollar area. They even start at around 12 and my area is far from a high scale area. Im really starting to wonder about some of these figures everyone keeps bringing up. I think they are getting twisted and spun.