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Everything posted by razoredge
Yes as Northstar pointed out its 10 years old. 95-96 & even 97 Auroras and Rivieras over 100,000 miles can be bought for 3000 or less. This car has a few good points RI for a northern state has relitively rustless cars. Its a 95 so it had the OBD1 system which Im not sure what that means compared to a 96&97 but one thing is here in NY state a 95 or older is exempt from being hooked up to the DMV computor to scan for engine codes in which to fail your inspection by. I believe some issues were ironed out by 96, 97 model years also which makes this first year model priced lower. With todays gasoline issues, this type of car will be harder to sell for its value. aluminum, complex engine is never a strong suit for used buyers in this price range, combined with the mileage issue, ect. theres cars are a hard sell. I imagine loans are nearly impossible to get. This type of car is my preference when Im shopping, its old, American, what many consider high milage, doesnt scare me and I can pay cash plus fix most issues myself. I must confess I am afraid of that aluminum A*, S * or N* engine. Water pump, big bucks, lots of work, starter motor, big bucks, lots of work. I sure do like 'em though, I even like 'em in green :)
"Look, I understand your frustration" "Until that happens let us be realistic" "grew up in a communist country and even over there there wes no tax on vehicles made in the factories owned by foreign manufacturers." bla bla bla ba bla bla bla Look some of us were born in this country and damn proud of it. We also know what it took to build this country because we are part of that same framework that did once make America great. Dirt, sweat, blood and bones. We have a government, and as proven here, a vast population that could care less about the welfare of the other half of the American population. So instead of just spittin out a bunch yada yada spew, what dont you just say you could care less about the rest of America so long as your sector isnt violated ? What a bunch of spineless sheep I believe you gotta stand for something or you'll fall for anything. Its very apparent to me that many just swallowed it whole. Globalize this !
Would that be something new ?
It says what it says xlr, it is what it is. The comments were immature and very green. Glad to see your still holding each others hands. :unsure:
No friggin way ? I can believe it actually. We were headed south on I81 to Tennessee. In Virginia, I saw a car coming in the rear view mirror on the shoulder, but after watching he was actually going from shoulder to shoulder, bouncing all over the road, running cars to the side. He was traveling about 5-10 mph faster than most traffic which was at 74mph. I tried to stay in front for a while but he was running to fast. As I let him by its this ancient man, most likely close to 90 years. He had a look on his face like that guy in yellow darts avitar. He head was cocked upward and at an angle and all his teeth were showing. We called police on cell and they said they had recieved calls already and were aware of the situation. They never showed up and we were with the guy clear until we got off in Knoxville. After I let him pass and watched him for awhile I repassed him and actually slowed him down, he seemed to respond to alittle correction but it wouldnt last long he would start wondering all over again and trying to go really fast and pass or run everything out of his way. At least I kept his speed down. The damn cops never came. He had a Florida licence plate. Perhaps this is the guy ?
$480 a month for just insurance ? No way ? thats enough to fix a pretty good side stuff per year. BTW all you "airbag" lovers. Air bags cost in excess of 2 grand if deployed. Ive seen older cars with relitively minor front end damage, totaled because of the cost to replace airbags. Then theres the new seatbelts, that need to be replaced too. You have all these new "safety" equipment devices to thank for our incredibly inflated auto insurance. That and all the citidiots that cant make it a month without backing into something.
No way ! The cars should'nt even be allowed in the country. There was once import tariffs. then they were allowed to build some cars in this country, its been downhill since. Even if Japan did allow product in their country, their citizens would be smart enough and proud enough not to stab their neighbors in the back.
:lol: yes indeed a little wet behind the ears yet. :lol: Nobody spun anything, we just told you whats really going on. Got a job yet ? :lol:
The ones living in the dream world are those that believe the majority of Americans are OK with this global dream world your all living in.
Yea, No doubt ! Follow me ? You know what Im talking about ! Thats right ! You know what I mean ! Rock On America!
:lol: If you werent the moderator Id have a few names for ya. You really had me going, Im thinking "Oh boy, the A* must need some work" "maybe he needs better gas milage, cheaper gas". But no, He discovered hard plastic, failed the mic test, and has a noise coming from somewhere in the front. :lol: ya know whats been happening with my cars, when the windows are down, I have a cool wind blowing around, and its kinda noisy, whats up with that ?
You always pay , it doesnt matter one way or the other you always pay. some % of tax's go for welfare. many on welfare live better than the working poor. I dont know who pays for their health issues and givin birth to all em babys ? At least it wont be you imigration - very expensive burdon on our government, their health issues are also takin care of but at least it wont be you ? medicaid - now here one not to bitch about. I dont know entirely howe it works but it takes care of the retired folks that worked hard their whole life for peanuts and have no way what so ever to pay for their doctors visits. Many can hardley afford their inflated property tax's. I have no problem with medicaid for the retired working poor. They had a large hand in making what was once great about America. Not the ribbon cutters, bottle breakers & champagne toasters.
To bad our insurance companies dont have to compete on a "global market " Think those Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Turkish and Indian workers could afford $1.50 per hour just for their car insurance to get to work and back. ? Around another 1.50 if you make car payments, then say an additional .50 an hour for gasoline. Is an average of 3.50 per hour of the American workforce going into work transportation ?
Whats in 59 Invicta ?
They werent really typical assembly line cars were they? This would make them more expensive. Now if they would have worked the motor some and had a darn CANVAS top all would have been somewhat different ? Maybe. Perhaps some aluminum panels to get the weight down some. In a few years we'll be seeing guys put that new 6sp FWD stick in a Reatta or two, who knows which engine? L67 or the new 3.9 or maybe even the new 3.6. Nearly as soon as they are in the wrecking yards the boys will be playin. There a Reatta now with a SII L67 hooked to a 5sp getrag. Getrag is not really built for that power. Another guy has put a turbo system on his Reatta. There are others Im sure just like the Fiero's of which there are many modified. More power canvas top tranmission options less weight
All things we American car driving dudes had takin for granted by that time. Actually I cant remember if the old 58 Brookwood had day/night mirror. I dont think dual side mirrors on all cars began until the 80's right ? In other words no longer optional. edit : ________
were talking 50 cycles per second at 6000RPM i dont even know how a camshaft and valve train can keep up with that..........one thing for sure is that it has no choice. An entirely standalone, complex electronic system could have a choice and it may very well choose to not "follow along". :-) its way beyond me anyhow.
Whats that B ? Is that Bertone ? Is this a jap wanna be ? With American rims ? Yikes, I need a drink, this couldnt really be happening. A freakazoid Ferrari. No never, never I say.
Yikes !!!!!!!! This is the first Ferrari I have ever disliked ! What ? Did the guy that drafted the RX8 do that ? That greenhouse is disturbing. Comming straight at you the RX8 looks great as it goes around the corner it becomes a freak of nature. This car is all that and more. The Alfa works.
First whats a GT R ?????????? Is that supposed to mean something to me ? :lol: yarite ! :lol: Sorry Im an American so , DILLIGAF ! Then with the new imposed tarrif it will be unaffordable in this country :lol:
Grabs the head by the hair and raises it high in the air "Behold the head of a traitor!"
Electric brakes would be a nightmare, water, weather, hot, cold, think about it ! They have had them for trailers for years, they are considered a junk system. Electrical failure and you are going to be killing people. End of story ! This electronic steering is balongna too, what in the heck is the point of that ? Better feel ? :lol: I really cant see this electric valves the more I think about it either, your just not going to get an electronic device to actuate a valve @ 50 cycles a second and you say they are trying to figure out how to slow down the close time ? Its simple, its called a cam lobe :) Ah I dont know, Id think they would put the effort into getting the weight of cars back down to a sane level again.
You have so much to learn :rolleyes:
Great, I look forward to hearing about the car. I love that row of G6 C's I think both of the cars have great styling presence.
Incidently - Walmart peoples are not Middle Class. So theres one of the favorite job replacements sometimes mentioned. Perhaps this is the sum of todays America ? A "Walmart State " ..........lol ;-0