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Everything posted by razoredge

  1. :bowdown: to your global gods you spineless little puppets :bowdown: embrace that new economy your going to pass down to your children wave that American flag high how much are those two little bombs going to cost us anyhow ? When will the debt be paid and why are we paying it in the first place ? Wanna better your country? Declare war on the US, works everytime. If I go and shoot a Congressman will they come to my house and build me a mansion? What do you think the Japanese are stupid enough to open their doors and put their population out of work, they too have many mouths to feed........they have pride, dignity and will take care of their own house. One day this country will have a larger overrun population and their all going to work in the new "information" planet. Hey, I got some info for you ! Grow a brain !
  2. Corvette, Mustang, Camaro used to race Groupe 6. Big displacement, big cars. Very fast and very competitive. today Corvettes can finish overall in 3rd and 4th place even against throughbred prototypes. So theyed be a medium/largish/fullsize/sportscar/GT/Coupe/w/ventiport and kidney grill delete option =}:-)
  3. Most factory exhausts are kinda like listening to top 40. My 90 3300 sounded pretty fair at 6000 tonight. I do wish it would just shift firm at 55-5700 and be done with it. the extra 3 are just wasted on a slow shift. If ya wanna hear engines go to the next Vintage Fest when it comes near your area. Much variety, in high tune, with little muffler. Better yet for me was the Ferrari/Maserati fest. Early raw V12's, B12's, many different cam tunes. The radical flat 12's from late 60's and 70's used in the prototypes are simply amazing. You can walk though the paddock when their comming in from practice and the sounds as the engines struggle with idle and the drivers slowly fight their way in amounst the crowd is simply an awsome experiance. On the track they just sing. I liked the sound of the Modena V8's too. I love the sound of the LS engines they are using in all of GM's racing projects. From the sound of the #3 & #4 Champion C6-R's to the Daytona Proto types as well as the CTS-VR and the GTO R. Hows abouts a 671 Detroit ? 125 Montesa ? 'Ol Clyde Dagenham when hes pullin hard earnin our keep ? Blu mentioned the back gas or what ever you want to call it. I call it bark. My Alpine did that and I loved it. I was "pre rice". It had factory 4-2-1 headers, into a straight thru short muffler, on to the back with a single 13/4 chrome angle cut tip. 12.5:1 compression with a radical cam and that engine went from full revs to nill by the time you hit next gear which was a 6-8" throw. It barked like an angry Malamute be atch. I loved it. Great thread Harley, I was just thinking about this today. The sounds of my engines. I could do a trivia if I had audio capability.
  4. As for government aid ? Well , handing out money ? After you have shoved "globaligation" down our throats, fulling knowing that it would destroy American industries, American jobs and pension funds ? Now is this supposed to get someone a vote or something ? Somehow it just reeks of "whats your angle". I always forgive someone for a good screwing so long as they pretent to make it up afterwords dont ya'll ? Can we just go back to page one and have a reval please ?
  5. This is such a problem. Everyone now wants to think your supporting American economy with imports but its really a smoke screen. Just a little. So now what are we to think when our own "Domestic" are all, partly, mostly, manufactured elsewhere ? No matter where I turn all I seem to come up with is elsewhere.
  6. OK, good points by many. Especially the one made by FOG, it is really "ah duh". Dsuppr - YES we need a tight light Buick. All class with lots of ass. I will be continueing to campagne for such a car. It would be much more appropriate for a classy Buick to go after some BMW sales. As for the older percentage, I believe theres a few reasons not mentioned. Im 47 incidently, but I dont buy new and not sure if I ever will, its a tax bracket issue. Anyhow - For one perhaps we dont blindly follow the crowd and have no problems finding value, reliability and comfort that according to status quo doesnt exist in Domestics. Then I think you'll find a higher percentage of patriotism in some of us that have been watching all this importation of product and exportation of jobs. I know many that have come full circle on this, once driveing imports but now will not. Of course there are the others that are still crossing over. Now with "globaliagation" it will be even more popular to by imports because you will be doing the global thing -toot toot.
  7. Come on now, lets try to be tactful. I dont have that much trouble understanding his views from his rite'n. And I agree if someone wanted to respond, they should have responded. I thought we were all opened minded, except for myself that is, and qeeze look at how it goes. Come on now :CG_all:
  8. Sports car is a broad band. Especially after you get on this side of the Atlantic. However in Europe whether it had a rag top or none at all (speedster)a windshield or windsreen or a hardtop or a coupe there was nothing in there that made one not a sports car. The Mustangs, Camaros, Cudas and Javelins were Pony cars. However they were actually pretty agile and handled well with great looks so they were very very sporty. However you cant tell me the last two generations of F bodies werent sports cars, the bodies were streamlined, the profile was squat, with all the options they were quick. I guess perhaps thats where the American GT comes into play. Alot of these terms are broad and really are a waste of time to scrutinize. If someone doesnt get the drift or cant follow along they might not be "car crazy".
  9. Geeze fellas, whats the problem ? What did I say above that is not true ? Ya'll dont mean to suggest that the roads are not littered with drivers that should not have been better scrutinized for their abilities before handed a licence to drive a 1.75 ton heavy thing ? Are you suggesting that you have not witnessed incompetence in the above mentioned catagories(in addition to the elderly one). Good so you dont agree with my saying "I believe a drivers licence is something that needs to be taken much more seriously across the board. Teenage drivers need to be taught properly not by their parents who may themselfs have poor driving habits and skills. Like anything else it needs to start at the beginning, then perhaps when these teenagers become the elderly they will have a better base knowledge to work with in the first place." Well go dang me to the dark depths of the earth. If you cant recogonize the dif between myself and swallowit......... well Ill save the insult, just open your eyes and quit trying to read something into what I say that isnt there. If you wanna talk about problems Im sure to bring em all up. Like I did here. Across the board ! :CG_all:
  10. Did someone just call me an ignorant foolish idiot again ? who was it ? Just wait ! Next time get it straight, Im a medium midsized ignorant foolish idiot with a few sporting characteristics, in dire need of a tuneup but consist of too many obsolete parts. Rockin On ! =}:-)
  11. No register Croc. I must have heard a song or two though. You are correct however I do not like mainstream music much. I do appreaciate it but I cant diet on it, like not even a coffee break. I have had this problem throughout the decades theres some stuff that just never registers as more than background noise to me. Its most likely a syndrome associated with being a guitar player. The 90's had me shutting the radio off and pulling out my CD's and tapes. I even aquired a taste for country which was were the guitar players and story tellers were by that time. Stafford - welcome back, I do on occasion run around the house on a Vontage rampage, its perhaps early senility or just plain fed up with maturity for a moment :rolleyes: Its actually more self destructive than homicidal. I have a dog here whos life is based on hoo hoo, hoo hoo hoo. Quite a character.
  12. Jeeze boys give me a break. Its like your talking to each other about me and a what am I supposed to say? Kinda like one of those clicky things. Well, Im never one to take anything lyin down and am always up for a challange so deal with my edgyness. I said sciguy has alot to learn, which he does, which all younger dudes do or did. Much like I have much more to learn in the next 20 years, get over it. What I said to sciguy, I said to him not anyone else, and I was not wrong. We all including OC just mentioned the already existing socialized benefits within this country that we do have to contribute to. Most of them have always been in effect in this country, however they have been severely abused in more recent times. It was perhaps rough saying green and wet behind the ears but I was getting wore down by the insistance that things are any different than what they are. It took me along time to get wore down by all this insistance too so give me a break. Im too am tired of all the firing out "socialist" "communist" "protectionalist", if someone fires, Im fireing back in grand 'ol American fashion. For cryin out loud do you guys have children ? If you do and dont care about this countrys position in the world or are willing to concede to a bunch of corporate propaganda which only benefits a few in this country well, I believe you are sick. If you believe I am grasping at straws, so be it. I am not grasping at straws. I actually live down here in the pits, work hard am uninsured and am a non union member of the working poor. I have performed in work areas that I enjoy and few can handle and was gaining ground until some industries went global. Which actually meant they went Anti USA and their money was no longer accessible by myself and many others no matter how hard one worked. I have watched the balance of the scale become increasingly heavy on one side while ignoring the other. No its not all bad but you can damn well be sure I'll be pushing for a better world for all of us - that deserve it, that is. Many I believe are golden and dont need more but they are takin more out of "our" hides. Its doesnt seem like anything hard to explain to me nor does it feel like Im grasping at straws. I do read everyones post and usually absorb what they are saying but I refuse to see the world down the global one way street. Global does not benefit me or "my kind". Therefore alittle protectionalism or social conscience would better benefit myself and millions like me, and I believe many that are yet to be born. Perhaps if you dont think so than maybe your calling the Japanese stupid ? Now we all know better than that. Perhaps we should start following by their lead ? Carry on :unsure:
  13. Who the hell is Oasis ? Did they cater to little girlies or something because I never heard of them. I guess that sums that one up
  14. I thought GM was selling at a loss due to the fact that they have American employees living in America at the American standard of living?
  15. Rock and Roll is/was Black, Black as can be. Rock and Roll was derived directly from old blues and then sometimes twisted up with some old bebop jazz. The sound that became Rock and Roll dates back to the 20's & 30's anyhow. Old blues was not all slow smokey sounding. If we Whities were not influenced by the sounds of Black jazz, big band swing and blues in the early part of the last century we would most likely think the hymns were all music was ever intended to be. [Im not that serious but lets give credit where credit is due.] Holly, Valens, JP Richardson all very important in bringing the Black jammin blues sound to American youth but Elvis towed his end of the line very well and deserves the credit he has recieved. However many, many Elvis fans will tell you his ballad's were what tugged most at the heartstrings, not hound dog, jail house rock and the rest. BTW Im pretty sure Houng Dog was an old blues tune that probably no one knows who really wrote it ! Then lets please not forget Ray Charles and Chuck Barry. Now I was not a Beatles fan much at all. I was more of a Rollin Stones boy myself and if you look at the turn R&R took, my opinion is that the Rollin Stones raw edged, bad boy sound went much further or was more of an influence than the Beatles more pop rock, bubble gum, sound, in fact later in their career the Beatles rocked it up alittle more. Still both the Stones and the Beatles were necessary pieces of the puzzel that led us in so many enjoyable musical directions. So please fella's let us not forget from where we came, in any respect B)
  16. When it comes to trucks and utility Im into no bull. Function over form. At one time, in mid 90's before gas took the next big rise I had actually considered a Suburban or a full size van. The rest just dont count to me, they are simply half a Suburban or full size van.
  17. sporty and sporting - when one is sick of using one term they can switch to the other, also includes phrases such as more sporty, more sexy, exciting, curvacious and many others Now take a CTS its a midsize car of larger bulk that could be considered sportin' in todays world but its not a sports car. Put the V package on there and suddenly its a 4dr sedan killin machine, is it sporty or sportin ? 61 Impala Super Sport - sports car ? I doubt it, sporty or sportin ? all the way. Now its 1969 and here comes 'ol Doc Stevens in his new Electra 225 2 door hardtop and hes sportin his favorite hat he bought to go along with his new prize car. So is that hat really sportin ?
  18. Cars are all smaller today and is hard to even have a fullsize, so they are fullsize by todays standards. Now at GM its hard to determine what their fullsize cars are. LeSabre - gone, PA - gone, but Lucerne must be a full size. Bonneville was - gone, so now it must be just Lucerne, STS & DTS are the last of the full size GM's which would have been midsize cars 20 years ago. Now all W& E bodies have been midsize and that is that, a well know fact, although when they came out they were nearly a compact Domestic. However when compared to other midsize import cars of that time they were large midsize cars of the Domestic compact type. Hope this helps =}:-O
  19. I usually stay away from saturin only posts but I poped in to see what everyone had to say. Its pretty clear by watching and gaugeing what GM people and real car people think of saturin. they are a "what for" brand. The real "Why job". Sales have always been non profitable. They are a money pit. Right now we have 2 - repeat - two body shells that are not creative but rather derived from other cars already in production. Two body shells and everyone is going all googly eyed ? Interiors ? googoo gaagaa, looks an awfull lot like Oldsmobile Alpha and GII Aurora to me, BFD, toot, toot ! Its like some not so good lookin girl went to the salon and had a makeover, now shes the queen of the ballroom, but you know what she has to go home and wash it all off. This is saturin, they have never turned a buck and we all know it. Never contributed to the huge GM machine but rather been sucking them dryer in these last 2 tuff decades. saturin was built on BOP, C&C rock and roll. The last dance was over years ago the floors are being swept and shes still hanging around, afraid to go home and wash off all the makeup.
  20. That was a good artical, I felt they were fair and was surprised. I will point out that where the Trofeo fell short in acceleration performance there is more than the weight difference, which they did mention. The BMW had 4.10:1 final drives :blink: - this is near what guys put in American cars for drag racing. The Trofeo has 2.97:1 which is more closely related to pararie gears. If the Trofeo would have had 4.10:1 ratio it would have spanked the BMW raw. The difference in RPM's at speed will illustrate, I forgot to make note of speed but where the BMW would be turning 2600 the Trofeo would be idling along at 1550 so there goes the "fast reving" bull ! The Olds also benefited by this ratio in the gas milage department, which would have been down to BMWs with a lower gear ratio. 18/22 for BMW 18/27 for Trofeo Ive appreaciate your posting this artical. I have been wondering where some GM's fell in those days against what competition. It seems it still usually boils down to perception and they did a good job of driving that point home.
  21. not the old 38 http://www.cheersandgears.com/public/style_emoticons//AH-HA_wink.gif
  22. Something you dont understand, perhaps you disagree with, got proof, Im listening ? :lol:
  23. I believe most Reatta clientel were not the abusive type. Its a near bullet proof drivetrain anyhow.
  24. I do agree with the mandatory retesting, something happens very quickly sometimes at older ages, then others do better but still have impairment. In the same token, how in the hell do the woman, some men, all teenagers, and all immigrants get their licences. convientmarts ? I believe a drivers licence is something that needs to be taken much more seriously across the board. Teenage drivers need to be taught properly not by their parents who may themselfs have poor driving habits and skills. Like anything else it needs to start at the beginning, then perhaps when these teenagers become the elderly they will have a better base knowledge to work with in the first place.
  25. yep and were all next in line so stay tuned, this is your future.
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