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Everything posted by razoredge

  1. Good One ! Ive been seeing classic cars show up quite a bit recently on used car lots ? gas prices ? married haveing a baby ? out of college, got a good job, have to travel, need something reliable ? When you stop to think about it, take those three cars right there and you have a nice little stable. A serious year round family luxury car, a Saturday night muscle car and a Sunday afternoon dance in the sun.
  2. razoredge


    I want the one in the front. We had a Milkman but I dont know the name of the truck, might have looked like the 7th one back, very rounded down in the front, that view of the windshield looks fimiliar.
  3. you gotta be kiddin me I cant do this, I never pay attention to lyrics, I actually learned Holy Diver to play with my last band just before we split back in 95, you know how many times I played right through those lyrics only listening to the guitar..........Damn thats bad. I quit !................
  4. Excellent ! Im really bummed Oldsmoboi, sunroof and door noise..........damn, not to mention the suspension. Its not the C&G curse, its the curse of anyone thats really into haveing their car nice. I just took a flying traffic/construction cone to the hood of my Cierra Cruiser........that I just cleaned up and painted in the spring........just before my clean LSS got keyed four times and had something that stained the paint thrown on it, which was just fixed up 6 months prior after I clipped a small deer, which in its larger version is what destroyed the front of my Grandfathers mint 60,000 mile 82 NY'er 6 months after I inherited it, which was followed by my 86 LeSabre coupe that I totally renewed after 4 years, only to pull in out in the driveway and have a large limb fall and put a huge dent in the roof and I know all this started because I restored that old Alpine way back in 82 so some drunk in a Buick Electra could rear end me 6 weeks after completion, while I was sitting at a red light. Cure for the curse........buy a car you really hate, passionately and drive incident free. Vaporizer - still has a few bug to work out, patent pending
  5. Good lyrics Caprice but I have no clue, so Ill guess.........Rush........ Camino - was never big on the Who, a handful of songs but thats it. Strange I know but for some reason I was not.........I think that reason was Zeppelin...I always went to the heavier side. I have From the Green House on tape also Dogcity and Raw Green House was very Floydish, Dogcity a bit too but the production on Dog City was not real good. Raw has this song "Elvis was my Daddy" its a gotta hear.
  6. razoredge

    In Bloom

    Z, I went to see Sam Halen for the From Unlawfull Carnal Knowledge tour.......Alice in Chain opend for them and were still mostly unknown, I think "Man in the Box" was just getting air play. Anyhow Sammy got some shredin' in, they even did a dual. Alex did a solo and the riser rose probably 20 feet into the air. I swear Sammy put his arm around Eddie and said "this is my best friend right here". My understanding is Eddie only used to play, play and play - the guitar that is and Sammy has a real laid back lifestyle and just likes to let the music happen. Theres a song on F.U.C.K. called "Judgement Day" and I swear this song is about this very conflict. Regardless you could hear Sammy song writting influence in the band, riffs, lyrics and attitude. Eddies a strong talent that was very influencial in music, that kind of person, a pioneer, is going to have some control issues.......I think the drugs were a bigger problem. I wouldnt say they could set the music world on fire again but they could have a few more efforts left in them. Sammy does not seem interested, he quite happy with the Waboritas. Do you have "Not 4 Sale" ? I listen to that from time to time but....hey........its Sammy !
  7. razoredge

    In Bloom

    Yellowjacket, you are so off on so many things. "power cords" use of 1st and dom 5th dates back to who knows when, for my history lets say Hendrix, Zeppelin, Sabbath big time, Montrose, Deep Purple, how about Mississippi Queen - Mountain, how about ZZ Top, and you know what genre pushed it over the top - Metal.........Van Halen, Priest, Maiden, Crue, and hundreds and hundreds of metal band. It aint gonna leave rock/metal music. Power cords are suited for distortion, some of the grunge bands like Nirvana and Smashing Pumpkins thought it would be cool to use massive amounts of distortion and full cords, no palm mute and just let them ring out in a massive puddle of mud. Have the drummers ridin full time on a crash cymbal........give me a break....everyone knows full cords, tasteless talent rings full minor 7ths at full distortion...thank goodness power metal bands have more taste and talent. Grunge hit mainstream 91 with Nirvana...... and Alice in Chain, Soundgarden, STP, Pearl Jam were all grunge The rest of your rants were just attacks based on assumption. I was talking about Roth when I was talking about Blues I was talking about future influence when I mentioned Soundgarden and STP ........not influences on Nickleback I did not say anywhere that I was hyped up on Nickleback, just simply that I liked them and their groove and many of their hard drivin songs. Get over it. I listen to all kinds of $h!, from pop rock/metal to soft jazz, from classical to country. But my main stay has always been progressive, from prog hard rock to fusion to prog metal, most of which would make your head ache. funny someone who was & is into Hendrix, Page, Blackmore, Barre, Montrose, Lifeson, Livgren, Witkowski/Griffiths, Beck, Morse, Di Meola, McLaughlin, Bolin, Vaughan, Van Halen, Vai, Satriani, Oliva, Pitrelli, Caffery, Petrucci and Romeo is being told what constitutes a guitar player by referencing grunge players.......... I could make a list of vocalists too......... just seems kinda pointless, it just seems Im more open to........more
  8. razoredge

    In Bloom

    They suck to the tune of 20 million albums I looked into this a bit last night, see I really dont keep up with trends and statis quo and cliche type of things. I just do my own thing, spend most of my time uninfluenced by others. I see that this hatred of Nickleback is a trend, its something you need to do to remain cool if your young, is all I can figure. I read some of the negitive press, listened to the two supposedly "identical songs" at once. I thought about how many other pop songs that could be done with, many times coming much closer. Great Bands like Little Feet -just happened to be on radio is why I though of them Roth - Van Halen put Panama over top of Aint Talkin bout Love AC/DC......not a fan Foreigner.....passionately hated them and abandonded rock for many years during this period Let put about 10 "hip hop/rap" songs over top of each other See.........Im just not cool................ I dont dislike Nirvana and obviously they had their moment of popularity. I'll always see that period of pop music, much the same as the late 70's/early 80's. It was the anti music - music. Some of it is good because it creates new directions which hopefull become more refined
  9. Ellen is cool, always has been, Rosie.........not True colors showing through thats all
  10. Camino - you dog ! You know of Crack the Sky .........cool ! They fell on their face after Safety anyhow. albums 1.Crack the Sky '75 - this is the one with Ice - Rolling Stones album of the year in 75 2.Animal Notes '76 3.Safety in in Numbers '78 This is gonna be hard, I rarely pay close attention to lyrics, Shine on you Crazy Diamond had me stumped, I recogonized it but couldnt connect. So Im gonna need much more on this new one.
  11. Can you tell the difference between a Matador and Ambassador ?
  12. One of my first band songs, great tune !
  13. Kansas - Masque - "Two Cents Worth" Livgren/Walsh you'd a had me two months ago, I recogonized most of it but couldnt place it until I heard the singers voice in my head. It would have never come to me and drove me crazy had I not just purchased Masque .... again just recently same era, very obscure progressive band When the summers night has changed its warmer breezes to the icy cold of silent winter freezes will you be there ? When the flowers in the windows of the neighbors start to bow their frozen heads and to leave us will I see you there? Will you stand by me against the cold night or are you afraid of the ice ? When the waters of the roaring ocean bring a chilling feeling and the beaches closing are you near me ? When the cloudy skies are blocking out the sun and suddenly your nose has begun to run do you still hear me ? Will you stand by me against the cold night or are you afraid of the ice ?
  14. razoredge

    In Bloom

    yea and that was just it, the girls loved it.........oh the girls, naughty, naughty girls ! girls girls girls !
  15. gee I wonder why ?
  16. Thanks Camino about sums it up doesnt it "Fires at Midnight" yes indeed, one of my favorite love songs. "Songs from the Wood" I need to get on CD for my old album hasnt been played in over a decade nearly two. I believe in fires at midnight when the dogs have all been fed A golden toddy on the mantle a broken gun beneath the bed Silken mist outside the window Frogs and Newts slip in the dark Too much hurry ruins a body I'll sit easy, fan the spark Kindled by the dying ambers of another working day Go upstairs take off your makeup fold your clothes neatly away Me, I'll sit and write this love song as I all to seldom do build another fire this midnight It's good to be back home with you a great song for the season, I just bought "Stand Up" in part of my library renewal program. Thick as a Brick and Aqualung are the ones I look most forward too. In stores most Tull stuff is "best of's" which I want no part of.
  17. razoredge

    In Bloom

    I was talking about his sound and style, very appropriate rock sound. Remember I awaited Sammys 73 debut, grew up on Jagger (not a fan) reveled in Plants early work, cocked my head when I first heard Getty, was stuned by Mercurys attack, amazed at Roses conviction, never got into Dave alot, hes great for that slow bluesy stuff though, like "Sensible Shoes" He could do old standard covers well I bet. He could probably excell at Sanatra. Anyhow I just use my old references to say there was a similiar interest when I heard Krogers voice and riffs. I have one Nickleback CD, I love that song "Figured You Out" good groove and a lyric that I personal relate too. Theres some other stuff on there but I have hardly listenend to it. My daughter has had the earlier stuff since it was new, she was young and I was glad she picked up on some heavy music. I listened to that Shinedown CD alot a few years ago. That guys got some ass, it blew me away when I heard his "Simpleman", sure we're all sick of it, us older guys even more I suppose but the power, range and soul that guy puts in a song is awsome. Same with the Alterbridge CD, I still put both of them in from time to time.The Breaking Benjimen song "So Cold" grabed me as something different but I found the rest of the CD didnt follow suit so that never gets played much. Disturbed.........now thats a whole nother beast....... Nirvana ? Has never been on the "I gotta get that CD" list and I was much easier on them than any of the old metal heads I was hanging out with in early 90's. Still havent heard "Deftones" and for some reason recently I cant get samples off Amazon to play
  18. razoredge

    In Bloom

    Knew that, actually. But thanks for sharing. 219982[/snapback] If you knew all this then whats the problem, everyone uses "power chords", in rock that is. I dont see all these Nirvana rip off bands but I have never listened to entire Nirvana album. I cant see how Nickleback falls into a grunge rip off, the difference is enormous. I think Alice in Chain, Soundgarden and STP had much more influence, now all that is combined with some elements of old pop metal and we have some great riffs, great vocals and much better backbeats, without all the noisy wide open string and cymbal ringing, like say Pumpkins.
  19. Ive heard that Tull on the radio, they could do a great job with many of them, put that Ol' English folk feel into it. I was going to mention the Lennon song but I dont know the real name........? So this is Christmas ? I was looking for the lyrics for Lakes song but I guess you need to register on those sites or something ?
  20. Yea Angel I guess he didnt work for next to nothing........that was good money back then. I do remember him always saying that now. Im in the mood for some reruns now.
  21. razoredge


  22. razoredge


    If only that was the entire scene turning left when someone clearly said to the right.... a dent in any vehical is going to make someone mad, thats life, thinking all this hyped up anger was totally directed at the driver is lack of experience. The driver feeling bad about damaging the vehical shows sincere promise. This was clearly a case of live and learn and Im sure the learning was done.
  23. Well at least they have a mission.........if only they knew what it was
  24. razoredge

    In Bloom

    Pffftttt . . . Not that much different to me. Nickelback has that whole post-Grunge-Nirvana-rip-off sound going for it and the best way to get that sound is with the following chord config.: T|---3--- (D) A|---3--- (A) B|---1--- (E) -or- T|---3--- (D) A|---3--- (A) B|---3--- (D) Plus, Chad Kroger's voice sounds like a Saint Bernard dragging its ass on sandpaper. 219958[/snapback] If theres not that much difference you have a weak ear. Kroger has a great rock voice, see Jagger, Tyler, Hagar, Roth If you dont like Bernards draggin their ass go listen to some Manilow or something......... Nice tab I dont think Krogers riffs resemble that but regardless, most rock and pop pretty much always lands on 1/4/5 progressions, or carries the dominant major chords, been that way since The King.
  25. What was the name of his shady snitch that was frequently on the program. Jimmy ? Maybe he always drove a Cadillac convertable, its been along time. I cant remember what he charged, seems most of those PI's were always portrayed as working for next to nothing.
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