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Everything posted by razoredge

  1. as for this clown in the topic.....??????..........I say just shoot him and be done with it ... or give him the opportunity to go fight for freedom for his own kind in say...........Iraq whats fair is fair and that is truely how I feel We dont need some middle easterner handed the keys to our country on behalf of a "politically correct" election opportunity that wants to further his cause by making some kind of monumental history moment using a faith book that has been and is the source of centuries of cowardly terrorist violence and cost this country personally great sums of money and grief I see this no different than burning LA because of Rodney King...then letting OJ Simpson go for a brutal double murder Execute Sadam, kills Iraqies, kill Afganistanies, hunt down Oh Sama, fortunes on security, fortunes on aggressive defence ... then elect one of their kind and let them swear on their bloody F'in book as a blanket to say "we dont want you to take it personally...so here..." NO WAY ! and I dont give two hoots about the "bible" either but I do know that...this!... what brought us to what this country is today was mostly accomplished by mostly "God fearin' " Bible believin' people that were proud to be Americans. Even those that werent "bible fearing" were proud to be Americans and would be brought to swear on the bible in Court "so help you God" or if for a political office and would pledge to the flag "one nation under God !" and would bere coin in their pockets that would bere the saying "in God we trust". ALL FOR GOOD REASON ! Believers in the "quran" have done nothing but try to destroy the ideals that brought us to these times. Now they are capitolising on it.......go check out the law suits. So what now ? are we ready to bere coin that says "in allah we trust"...cause if so....ah...Id like to know why...what event happened that showed us allah and his followers were now trustable ? And if they are........who cares...go back to your country, your place of origion, that you so apparently love and show us what your made of, make it happen like our forefathers did here, make us proud. Dont make our country your next holy proving ground, while your own people struggle back in your "promised land"....typical cowardly middle eastern ploy predjudice ? in this case, you damn well bet I am ! If he was any kind of man, truely trying to prove something "just", he would refuse to be sworn on any holy book and make the statement to all sides that "all those books have ever brought the world was senceless blood shed and terror" ! I would say excuse me to those with their jaws hanging right now, but that would be a lie. Im so sick of this baby ass nonsense over the petty crap and am still waiting for someone to stand up and make a stand over the real problems confronting man kinds future and it sure as hell aint some stupid book to swear on, or medical advancements, who gave who head, community planning, where to allow gambling, planet exploration or rights to have or not have children........
  2. Ah.........YEA !............Imagine that "no, no we cant do that ! " I say on their hands and knees, bow before the public that writes their paycheck, one hand on the constitution the other on an anvil with me........the hammer man and a 10 lb sledge hanging over my back........just to give 'em something to think about.
  3. Guess the lyrics to this song - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FREEWAY JAM ! Yep, have both Blow by Blow and wired Wired the writer/performer of my previous song lyric was trying to be one of these guys, he dabbled (brilliantly) in many bands and styles, including one great fusion album and finally this, his first of two solo albums before he too, pulled a Hendrix/Joplin the night after his band opened for......... Jeff Beck .......... in Miami.......1976.......first show of the tour. Heres another from the same, the songs come together much better than the lyrics would suggest....this guy excelled at "letting a song breath" Baggage handcuffed to my wrist I drag it every where I go Sometimes I fight you with my fist But if I only knew which way was home Its where I'd go If I knew which way was home My babys gonna come and cut it loose Bring that whiskey in my water Sometimes I get the blues but I know I shouldnt holler Its where I'd go If I knew which way was home Run down ghost trail no cheerful love No sign of life, just wild dogs howlin' in the night thats what I like Hey, gonna come and cut me free Im sick of my own company Sometimes I miss her though Most times I miss my home Its where I'd go If I knew which way was home Run down ghost trail no cheerful love No sign of life, just wild dogs howlin' in the night hear 'em howlin........
  4. TaDa......... close your eyes, its "about to begin" seems like it might be about the rush of walking onto the stage, catching a groove and ridin it. Bridge of Sighs was a great recording for the most part. Awsome guitar sound and a great deep voiced vocalist too. Songs - Bridge of Sighs, Day of the Eagle (rocked), Too Rollin Stoned, I love this "About to Begin" its a very dreamy sound I figured you'd be fimilar with this Trower album ? OK - Lets try this one..........another song I repeated over a few times upon first hearing it. Sorry for all the obscure songs, these are my important ones. Im not really trying to be tricky. Brother, brother, hear me please Im as lonely as I can be All me friends are scaring me But if you forget me Then I will bleed Sister, sister, what can I do Im in love with Tootsie, too Please excuse me if I am low But me feelings have to show People, people, hold my hand Where in the heavens is this promised land Float right passed me ooh I like your style Seek it, seek it, seek it Here for awhile Mother, mother, so good to me praying just so I can breath My father, my father, my only one hope your pride is this your son
  5. So now, who did the second song and what became of those guys ?
  6. That was a very moving song and means alot to me to. Too bad Im unsure of the title. .....Is it "Kashmir" from Physical Graffiti. I need to update my Zep to CD also. Most of these get lots of radio play yet.
  7. Dont know if I ever heard that Steppenwolf song Camino, if so it was in the early 70's. I only had "Live" but there was a few others floating around. I have "For Ladies Only" but as I recall it was very poor and I only listenend to it a few times. Interesting inner photo of an interesting car. Anyhow, Im going to try something different. Clues using different song, same artist or related band featuring the artist. Heres indirect clue for my last one. First verse missing as its a dead givaway. She said, 'There is no reason and the truth is plain to see.' But I wandered through my playing cards and would not let her be one of sixteen vestal virgins who were leaving for the coast and although my eyes were open they might have just as well've been closed She said, 'I'm home on shore leave,' though in truth we were at sea so I took her by the looking glass and forced her to agree saying, 'You must be the mermaid who took Neptune for a ride.' But she smiled at me so sadly that my anger straightway died If music be the food of love then laughter is its queen and likewise if behind is in front then dirt in truth is clean My mouth by then like cardboard seemed to slip straight through my head So we crash-dived straightway quickly and attacked the ocean bed
  8. I though of some no one mentioned. Maybe its seasonal tradition since I was young or for whatever reasons.... the songs from Charlie Brown Christmas just make me feel Christmas inside...like in my soul. The soundtracks for Charlie Brown were always great. I forget who that pianist was, just good stuff in my opinion.
  9. If you stand in the light you get the feel of delight and the music that plays in your ears in your head you can hear a voice so sweet and clear and the music that plays in your head as it flows up from the ground taking off you hear that sound close your eyes its about to.......... hardly daring to breath a new life you percieve you try hard not to break the spell while at once it seems both so far and yet so close if you reach out to touch it will be gone as it flows up from the ground taking off you hear that sound close your eyes its about to...............
  10. I found the one part earlier in the thread about some woman being a "separitist" if thats the right spelling, a bit funny because typically women do not get along well or play well with each other for very long. Always turns to a war. Its felt to have something to do with inherent primitive breeding rights. Sure they can have their friends, if their friends can survive a multitude of back stabbings... reminds me of that song "you got to keep them separated" So this brings me to a thought........If some woman is being a real bitch you need to tell her "I want you to have my baby"........then see if she doesnt take a turn "she was soooo nice...yea she was lovie dovie! " Poor girls.........the he man woman haters club
  11. I like SOAD, some at least, never bought an album. They might be too off the wall for me. The song they had on the radio... must have been 4 years ago I liked. The other song I remember from last year was kinda cool in the one part but then goes into some kind of a rant that makes no sence to be. I think they ruined the song. Not sure I would spend the money on them. I'll listen to these a bit at a time.
  12. Nope
  13. I dont like cheese metal I like the best of the "pop metal" bands or at least the best of their work. The rest is non commercial. Do not like Europe or Asia much, not enough ass or rowdy sound. Do not like Poison Dont really like Motely Crue - just a handfull of songs. I like Great Whites "Rock Me" for its smokey blues hall sound Ive never heard anyone call Van Halen cheezy, how can they ? Especially Sam Halen. Sammy was a pioneer and so was VanHalen, those that start movements, especially with that talent arent cheezy even if the type gets abused. Im crazy about Cinderalla's song "Long Cold Winter" for one I have this thing about winter and the blues, but any Zeppelin fan knows LCW is the closest thing to "Since I've Been Loving You". Its a wicked powerful minor blues with smoking guitar. Whitesnakes 87 release was anything but cheezy and it has 4 standout songs. Hysteria - I like the production, they have thier own thing and Mutt Lange, it has its moments. I cant listen to heavy stuff all the time. Our daughter may have been concieved on a Hysteria or OU812 night....... White Lions song "Leave me Alone" SMOKES ! HE did a pretty nice Stevie Ray Vaughan tribute on that album too. The rest I could care less about. The rest of what I listen to which I play in their entirety - full library of Savatage, Dream Theater, Symphony X, Fates Warning, Iron Maiden, Megadeth plus all my older fusion recordings are far from cheezy and far from commercial. My old rock stuff - Tull, Zeppelin, Uriah Heep, Deep Purple, early Chicago, Humble Pie, Montrose, Rush, Kansas, Crack the Sky, Mahagony Rush, Robin Trower.........not cheezy I was always the least popular one at a party to have walk up to the turntable. When everyone wanted to listen to Foghat for the 5000th time or Blue Oyster Cult "Dont fear the Reeper" for the 10,000th time, or "Werewolfs of London" , or "Kiss" , or The Police, or The Cars. I appreaciate this stuff but.... it was cheezy As for bands like Pantara, Exodus and modern "hard core" or "nu metal" that have guys that cant sing and pointless songs.........to me...thats mostly cheezy Im thinking about buying a Motorhead recording.......whats the best one ?
  14. "prove to me that your no fool walk across my swinning pool"
  15. as for you last lyrics Im not sure if Ive heard that. Ill have one tomorow night, I need my notebook, I know I wrote them down last summer. Notebook is in the shop. Something like As it flys up from the ground taking off you hear the sound close your eyes its about to.................
  16. Another I havent listened to in ages. I have no turntable, havent since 89. Dont know why. We went to see JCS at Saratoga, I remember it opened with a guitar solo, I was a young teenager and was blown away. I also got to go see Chicago that same year. Ill never forget those sounds ringing out in the open air on a summers evening. Terry Kath and the Chicago horn section ! AWSOME ! Saratoga Performing Arts Center is an open wall theater. Anyhow the guy Paul O'Neil that is a co-writer for Savatage and Trans Siberian Orchestra was the guitarist for the JCS tour sometime in the early 80's....I found that interesting. With Savatage being one of my favorites and the opening guitar solo for JCS one summers night in the early 70's helping to mould my musical taste. "King Herods song"
  17. I remember Hey Laudy Mama from "Steppenwolf Live" the song "Monster" was also a standout. I remember nothing of that Amboy Dukes record, I havent heard that since ? 74/75 ? probably.
  18. Did a research, Hush was written by Joe South....yes thats right the guy that did "Games People Play" he also wrote "Never promised you a rose garden" and "Down in the Boondocks" I see DP released the album with Hush on it in 1968, what bugs me is that for some reason I always thought that was Ian Gillan singing, he was not in the band then, not until 1970, a guy named Rod Evans sang Hush. In 1970 what other famous work did Ian Gillan record on ? Did an excellent job BTW. Once again Id like to plug Deep Purples 2005 release of "Rapture of the Deep" as a damn good recording.
  19. Hush - Deep Purple I almost said "Hey Laudy Momma"......dont know why ?
  20. Did you know that all these years? I forget most of that record but the title song was pretty damn progressive for its time. Yep Ted was just a youngster. It was already "old" by the time I got it and we were already listening to Teds first solo album or I should say the one with "Free for All", I dont know the cronology
  21. Ive heard that one Joe, probably the same guys that did "Grandma got run over by a Raindeer"
  22. I know I heard some way back but remember nothing I did know the drummer Carmine Appice played with them. Pretty interesting lineage actually " Cactus is an American rock band that was initially conceived in late 1969 as a supergroup of the Vanilla Fudge rhythm section of bassist Tim Bogert and drummer Carmine Appice with guitarist Jeff Beck and singer Rod Stewart. However, Beck had an automobile accident and Stewart joined Ron Wood in the the Faces. So Appice and Bogert brought in blues guitarist Jim McCarty from Mitch Ryder's Detroit Wheels and The Buddy Miles Express, and singer Rusty Day (born Russell Edward Davidson) from the Amboy Dukes." Amboy Dukes Remember "Journey to the Center of the Mind" ? If so who played guitar....... ? I wore the groves out on that one. A bit psychodelic though.
  23. In my research lately, of prog rock bands, this band has come up alot, and I sit and wonder why I dont remember a single one of their songs. It seems they are considered the fathers of progressive rock and even "hard rock". Another name that pops up is Gentle Giant and Cactus, I have never owned nor borrowed any of these three bands recordings. They are all on my list. thing is Zeppelins debut and Zeppelin II were released in '69 also even this Jethro Tull "Stand Up" Im listening to was '69, a few songs have guitar attacks similiar to what became "Heavy Metal" Chicago - CTA was released in 4-69 also and was certainly progressive rock though for some reason they dont seem to be considered progressive rock My research has shown '69 was a great year for Rock ! 70 did not disappoint either
  24. What a sound this band has...too bad the audio and video is out of time 1987 was an excellent year containing many of my favorite full plays Mindcrime Gutter Ballet Whitesnake Hysteria OU812
  25. Im just wondering if those are the words to War Pigs.........but I dont remember the words to War Pigs............
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