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Everything posted by razoredge

  1. Fly............have you ever clicked, sorry SNAPPED one of those switches ? Pure ecstacy !
  2. Now that is wood ! I think this car evolved nicely into the early XJ6 & XJ12. Its kinda like the grey poupon kind of car though........................I flip them f@#kers off every chance I get........................... This is just what you want for passing Prius drivers and locking up the brakes, "then by gosh we'll see how much money they are saving on gas"............... **if I spelt grey poop-on wrong.............D I L L I G A F ?
  3. I could use the hell out of both of them.........................if money was no object. I can surely see the advantage of a F-450. Which brings us to the question. . . . . do I need a car like this..............NO ! But would I want a car like this.................well, HELL YEA ! Its nice to dream but, either would put me in the poor house. For those that dream about owning & driving their favorite type of car/trucks/boats or whatever gas hog it is....... now, if ever, is the time to live your dream because, the times they are a changin'. Dont doubt it either, the world as we have known it or have dreamed it is soon going to be just a dream. One weeks paycheck per month for gasoline alone is going to quickly change the face of our highways. All this stuff is going to be nothing but a huge pile of tired iron one day. I already know many classic car owners that rarely drive their "restored" classic for reasons they state as being something to the tune of "it costing 10 dollars to drive to town and back." A nice Sundays afternoon country drive could cost $100.00 at the rate things are going.
  4. I just cant agree with all of what Enzl says myself. I think the Lucerne is very eye catching and I dont think the competiton from Avalon or the Lexus's or Nissans holds a candle. I also feel that the Lacrosse and Lucerne are good dollar values though there is items about the packageing I have concerns with. I find the Lacrosse more appealing than any Toyota or any Nissan. There is no car from the mid 90's other than a few other GM products that I find more exciting than the Riviera. The Park Avenue especially the Ultra was just that..... Ultra. Maybe not sporty styling but it was very handsome and was, after all a luxury car not a "sports sedan". The last two gen of LeSabre..............oh well....... as owner of a 86 LeSabre Limited 2dr. I found the 92-99 & 00-05 a real drag to look at. Thats the only full car from Buick in the past 3 decades I have not found appealing, yet 92-99 sold well and recieved awards. The LeSabres lack of appeal to me was settled for me with the Olds LSS nearly the same car but sexier and that is why we bought one and there is nothing that car lacks in usable features or comforts. Century/Regal is another oh well, sold well but were never more to me than a toned down version of the Riviera with strange cloth that was years to late to the party. Previous 2dr Regal was far better in its day for its day. If Lucerne and former Riviera and Park Avenue were uninspired design, bland, geriatric vehicles, of mediocrity, I would like to see the cars in their price range that competed against them that were anything more. Ive looked at many of these highly acclaimed mid luxury cars and while I can see their appeal I can not see their superiority and very few have design that appeals to me.
  5. As I ponder where that came from, I did enjoy it as I am a bit of a deep thinker myself. Loaner, intravert, dont like societies little cliques, ect. ect. My recent turn of events. Most recent of which was loosing my very best friend, last month to cancer...........no not a human.........a four legger, a very special four legger. He spent his life teaching me things, seriously, the Inuit have a legend of his type of his breed. I mused after reading about the legend and thinking it described him to the T. They believe this type of dog to have powers like a Chamin (however its spelled) kinda like what our white settlers called (witch doctors) a very inaccurate term, they are just spiritual healers. Anyhow as I contemplated his life and all that transpired in ours during it and the fact that I would soon have to take his by my own call. I continously asked myself "what is this final lesson you are teaching my old friend ?" On our very last adventure together, one in which he was no longer with me, I realized what the lesson was........... I have spent the past month shedding myself of my piles of bagage. All the projects that simply were not going to get done, all the materialistic garbage that entertained my rediculous need to dream a dream. I'm getting my affairs in order because I now realize the lesson was.......... in the end, none of this matters. We become nothing more than a breath on a breeze, that will only, on occasion wisper our names to those that still remember us. Then one day they too will only be a breath on that breeze. Live it now before its gone, my friends !
  6. OK Im another "crowned one" and our last name is a form of the word "guide" "to guide" So Im a Prince of fools guiding them of the brink of a cliff..................ya, thats me The fool on the hill
  7. Why thank ya sir ! The artical says there are ways around it. In another area they talked about fiberglass pipe. That would mean alot of construction jobs, not a bad thing for those of us that cant deal with books. The infastructure is ruff in this country anyhow Its actually a pretty good site but I still did not find anything on what it takes to turn the corn into raw ethanol. Or what it would do to engines that were not designed to run E85. I mean we have mowers, saws, weed wackers, tractors, rototillers, ect. ect. ect. COnversion will take a long time but were gonna have to do something soon anyhow. With all the push it sure sounds like this is a serious route our country is going to take. So hell yea, lets get on with it ! You never get anywhere if you dont start.
  8. I tried it...........I flipped off a Prius driver today..........nothin'. Really pissed me off so I turned around and went flying past them, again flippin the woman off, still nothing.........totally oblivious.............."thats it! " I said as I placed a little distance between us before I yanked the ebrake, spun her around, jumped out and let it go with both arms............a dual flip....still the stupid woman continued onward totally oblivious..................damn Toyota drivers !
  9. Yea, we need to subdivide a certain percentage of our population and send their corroded ass's down the pipeline. Wasnt that huge hit last summer from 2.39 to 2.99 in less than a week only because of some hurricane ? Damage to refineraries built below sea level ? Thats been one hella hurricane ! No conspiracy Im sure, they do not exist. Record profits ? This oil game does not hurt the well off but its killing the working poor. Self efficiency is protectionism and protectionism is communisim and has no place in our new global world ? So glad we spent the past 5 decades building this oil based, transportation economy ? I get it.............I really do...............now Im gonna go pound all those antiquated, ignorant, paranoid ideas out of my head...........watch......... There Im all better now and will be a good wittle obedient puppet...........watch me dance............. then when I dont dance I will assume the position required to believe all that I am told..............
  10. BMW has not been proving that others can not also be the ultimate driving machines. It is a great slogan and changing is crazy I do like their great ideas commercials but I still would not change the slogan I surely hope GM is becoming a company of great actions Great ideas are worthless unless they are put into action...........I do believe that is part of the point of BMW's new commercials. Now theres a slogan Great ideas are worthless unless put into action
  11. Track prepared BMW's, Audis, Porsches are proving no superiority over Mustang or GTO, so I dont think they will prove any over this Camaro either, so thats the performance part. Camaro interior quality is in the hands of GM's designers and lastly bean counters, the latter is the worry, we can only hope they have "learned their lesson" I dont think we could expect a Camaro to be as handy in the back seat as a BMW or Audi sedan but I sure hope they do better than the Mustang which nearly has a pointless rear seat. Then when it comes to styling if this is not sterilized and well built, I believe according to my tastes it has no competition, NONE ! Still the BMW crowd will never surrender or be seen in such a styling statement. The point would be to pull someone only considering a BMW or Nissan/Inifinity or Chrysler or Mustang or whatever potential performance car into buying the Camaro. With maximum performance, quality and packaging mix this car could be a winner.
  12. Nope, but this is not the topic for this discussion. Nearly all your assumption are totally off. You should learn more make fewer assumptions and definantly not repeat "wifes tales" picked up around narrow circles. You should read the link Loki posted in the tec section under the topic http://www.cheersandgears.com/forums/index...showtopic=10630 link http://www.media.gm.com/us/powertrain/en/p...20%28LZ9%29.pdf uses tecnology applied to the LS series engine never related to the Buick V6 other than use of the word V6........futhermore the last 3800 is no more related to the first 3.8 than Hondas Vtec is to the old CVCC unless you consider something that has 6 cylinders, block, heads, pistons, crank, camshaft and various nuts and bolts all thats necessary to be "deritive"
  13. If they want that car to "fly off the showrooms" they will release it in the spring when everyone has that feeling. I do not get this fall debut thing at all. Who feels like a new car with the gloom of fall and winter around the corner. Then you get all the bad prees about how a model is not selling, ect. I realize there will be alot of interest in this Camaro, regardless of season but I bet more buyers would be impulsive with spring fever callin and the general better outlook feeling that comes with the spring. All cars should debut as a _ _ 1/2 MY. Just a thought.
  14. I dont know ? I think I'll have to try it, just to see how it feels.................... My wife has had a few people flip her off on a regular basis....................I dont even what to think about what she must have done to them.............. Then for some reason everytime I take "her" car somewhere I have damn near all the guys gawking at me until they get a good look and then turn away quickly..................I take it thats a compliment ? ................and you know I love it ! Oh yea, I got me a regular MILF......................
  15. Im not making excuses for the insurance companies but young drivers sure do have alot of accidents. One of the biggest problems with claims is in the inner cities. Where everyone parks in the street and continously back into each other, open doors, smoke crack and do demo derby because "I caught him f'in my sista" that kind of stuff. I saw it first hand in a very short stay at one inner city body shop. I was told "some of these cars have been in here 3 times so far" My agent told me our problem in NY state was the claims in NYC as well as other cities. THey do adjust county by county but they still have an overall idea of how much they need to take in annually and "by God, they are going to get it".
  16. Fraid you dont know what your talking about on that on YJ............GM has yet to prove they have anything better and the imports for the most part just surpassed it this model year. Thats the truth. Aint no leper and it never needed life support, however it has been life support for Pontiac and Chevy that simply had no decent V6. The crowds cheered when the finally recieved the L67. Thats the truth.
  17. That is alot of car for an I4 and I4's always have that..............sound. That was what the Alero with 2400 sounded like too, but it did go like hell, much lighter I would assume. Our daughter said the backseat was comfy, Im a bit leggy for that. Thanks for the writeup.
  18. I know their not much to look at and they are Toyotas but I am wondering what is so hateable ? Especially for you Blu, never much negitive comes out of you, I mean I was just shocked ? Many I have noticed, seemed to be a bit of a traffic jam, are they that gutless off the line or is that like Fly says because they are trying to maximize that MPG range ? So funny that the old VW Rabbit Diesels religiously achieved over 40mpg........they were a bit gutless as well, but at least they were simple.
  19. Agreed about some of the brass view on employees, more than I can talk about in fact. I will say they are not the "family oriented" employer they sold themselves as being But the product thing. All the stuff that has been in chain stores since the 60's has had labels from China, Japan, India, Pakastan, Mexico, ect. Its really nothing new. I remember our Grandparents and parents complaining about "MADE IN _ _ _ _ _". It still never changed anything. This is the direction our "corporate leaders" were going to take us no matter what. Blue collar America has always been against it but you cant fight big money, this is how they get richer. I'll still always be right here to throw it right in their face however, for what little good it does. If you want to improve the quality of working class America, seemingly known as "white trash", you will improve the quality of their lives. This cant be done by running them back into the gutter everytime they start to climb out. Just something to think about...............thats all....................
  20. This car is perfect. I hope they keep it edgy and dont sterilize it to production. Our plan was to be able to trade the G6 GTP for this car or maybe whatever Pontiac or Buick has on this platform in 2010. I think this edgy styling of the Camaro will win me over. I gotta say for a V6, I feel they should put the very best output possible out of the 3.6 in there. There is the competition to think about. This car should have GMs very best V6 in it, they will get way to much flack if they use the 3.9.
  21. our local distribution center employs 6-700 thats just stuff for the retail stores, then theres another DC for food that employs just as many.........................f@#kin brilliant alright............I guess it would be a fair trade off to loose all those American jobs if China doesnt manage to create its necessary 20 million new jobs......................ey ? absolutely f@#kin brilliant ! I hope for the success of all American businesses and their employees regardless of what dress code of Americans they employ.
  22. yea, just think of all the rural jobs we could destroy in this country if we could only get rid of Walmart..........................................f@#kin brilliant..............
  23. I know but it would be a start. It would send a message. You know just like the same way they make examples of us when "we bad boys" by comparision the punishment for cheating would still be lean on their behalf. capitolism breeds greed, greed breeds abuse, fear curbs all
  24. All billionaires should be shot and rolled into a huge open pit. Their money confiscated and split evenly to the workers throughout the industries by which they aquired it. No one that has a billion came by it honest
  25. Then it gets really depressing http://e85vehicles.com/
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