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Everything posted by razoredge
All my progressive metal bands also play some of the most heartfelt, lyrically and musically deep slow songs. Nora Jones blew me away, shes all about , when less is more, have two of her CD's though they are old now. Not up on her recently. How about some Sanatra ? our satelite had a channel called "standards" loved it, we also had a "big band swing" loved it now we lost those and got XM which only has "Franks place" which plays too much old hard core jazz which can be abrasive, "beyond Jazz" and "Water Colors" which is smooth jazz smooth jazz is what I listen to for soft music we had an excellent Smooth Jazz & Soul station a few years ago. Last Christmas they started playing Christmas songs at Thanksgiving time and after Christmas they came back on as another country station........I was like WTF ? Now we have no FM station playing that kind of music ... XM - "Watercolors" - sleep to it nearly every night with "Deep Tracks" or "The Loft" as an occasional substitute. Kristina is alright but Ive only heard those few "hits". I do not spend money on "pop" music. Thats what the radio dial is for.
To bad Stevie Ray was not around to do a G3 with Joe and Steve Kenny Wayne Shepard did, I guess, I'd like to find that DVD. It should be noted that on the three G3 DVD's I did see Hendrix was covered on all of them. Most notable was Satriani. Via and Malmsteen doing Little Wing and Voodoo Chile............unfriginbelievable ! I wept, Im talkin convultions. To see the three greatest in their fields paying tribute to the man that changed the music, that changed me, blew me away.
Yea Satch Boogie is the song !. I had tab for that two handed tapping for the song "Always With Me, Always With You" I believe it was. My buddy had SWTA I have Flying in a BLue Dream whcih is very good to. Try to find the G3 DVD's......awsome! heres about Joe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surfing_with_the_Alien, not many instructors have students with the credits Joe has had. Seen on stage during any of the G3 tours, he's so happy, so humble, and so into it. He just lays his head back and sends it. Vai's the majician but Joes all about feelin it.
All you need then is a copy of "Surfing with the Alien", pretty much covers A-Z
"The Lesbian from Lisbon"... I'll keep that in mind for some song lyrics..... :AH-HA_wink:
4th of July - Soundgarden - Superunknown - Chris Cornell - '94 cheated, looked it up , had no clue, great lyrics, dont own any Soundgarden, on my list, dude in my band had Badmotorfinger way back when it was new but that was all I listened to them aside from radio songs, my other friends band played Spoonman. I love Outshined. Heard a new band that I believe has the vocalist from Soundgarden and the song was awsome. My "Tired" song, is called "So" from Fates Warning - Disconnected - 2000 I knew no one would know this Fates Warning is an aquired taste, that has been aquired by few. Here a 4th of July song many should remember, I love this song, for the feel , groove and the meaning/cleverness of the lyrics. and...uh...it may very well be quite appropriate for today as it was when it was written......... He was born on the fourth day of July So his parents called him Independence Day He married a girl named Justice who gave birth To a son called Nation Then she walked away Independence he would daydream and he'd pretend That someday him and Justice and Nation would Get together again But Justice held up in a shotgun shack And she wouldn't let nobody in So a Nation cried Oh Oh When a Nation cries His tears fall down like missiles from the skies Justice look into Independence's eyes Can you make everyrhing alright Can you keep your Nation warm tonight Well Nation grew up and got himself a reputation Couldn't keep the boy at home no no He just kept running 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round Independence and Justice well they felt so ashamed When the Nation fell down they argued who was to blame Nation if you'll just come home we'll have this family again Oh Nation don't cry Oh Oh When a Nation cries His tears fall down like missiles from the skies Justice look into Independence's eyes Can you make everyrhing alright Can you keep your Nation warm tonight
They all just need to swear their rightousness on the Koran........then everything will be alright and all those generations of inbred insanity will suddenly be gone........ I know, let just bring them all over here.........hell we got room, and a proven beurocractic infrastructure that knows how to deal with the downtroden. Just think of all the new government jobs it would create. What was that old Beatles tune again ? "I wanna hold your hand " ?
Seems to me Primus is all about the bass. Great bass player. Goofy music. One of the local musicians around here goofs up the lyrics and singing in many cover tunes. Now that I hear this I wonder where it came from. Zappa was goofy then theirs Wierd Al......now I hear Primus......... Love the bass playin though. My Daugher just borrowed Rhinoplasty, mostly covers. The Stanley Clarke tune speaks for itself. You are so right about the chemistry, thats what its all about. So many musicians never get it back after a band breaks.
My source says Live just released their 7th studio recording this past summer called Songs From Black Mountain I guess this is another band on my list.
Mirror Song by Live from Mental Jewelry I had no idea so I researched it from your clue. I never heard of these guys. I see that "Throwing Copper" has sold 8 million, yet the name of the band escapes me. I did actually shut of the radio during the early 90's and when it was on I listened to country.............thats the effect "grunge" had on me................. I see the album Mental Jewelry has a song titled "Tired of Me" heres another "Tired of Me" but thats not the title Feeling so strong I feel so inspired Like a man with all the words I could move the world If I weren't so tired -------- Feeling so proud I feel so admired Like a man on the stage I could play the part If I weren't so tired -------- Tired of mind and all I think Tired of thirst and all that I drink Tired of will and all that I need Tired of body and all that I bleed Tired of breath and all that I breathe Tired of heart and all that I grieve Tired of sight and all that I see Tired of you and tired of me --------- Feeling so full Nothing desired Like a man with everything I should be happy But I'm only tired ---------- Nick - Thats some really sick $h! right there........ I could almost hear Dave Mustaine singing that but I have no idea.
THe stuff we played for bar gigs was rock and some pop metal. It was the early 90's. These Firehouse songs were new then. We did some old stuff like Jailhouse Rock, Never been any Reason, Green Grass and Hightides, Bad Company, ZZ Top I cant even remember them all, seems like it was just over 30 songs. I didnt like playing bars and cover songs. The last we were working on was a concept project of origionals, over 60 minutes, it was progressive metal I suppose but I drew stuff from many styles that was fused into a more metal sound. The bass player/vocalist co writers influences were Maiden/Tull/Fates Warning, so we jived really well. Lots of changeups, instrumental bridges. A few were straight up. That was alot of fun, much more fun that practicing those covers week after week.
I dont even know where to begin with that one. my previous two were from Tommy Bolins first solo album Teaser, first song was People people, 2nd was Wild Dogs.
between 1973 & 1976 this artist Replaced Joe Walsh in the Jamesgang recorded two albums with them Replaced Ritchie Blackmore in Deep Purple released one album with them also featuring David Coverdale who replaced Ian Gillan Recorded guitar tracks on Billy Cobhams Spectrum also featuring Jan Hammer Recorded two solo albums exited the big stage left in 1976
from Houses of the Holy. I loved that record......once I accepted the change but No Quarter was one easily adapted to. That foggy electric piano, paints the picture Tool coverd the song
Can I save these ? If so how ? I dont mean the adresses I mean the file or clip or whatever it is. Im a bit when it comes to computers. Limited
I dint wear underware during this period so as I would always be ready to bake some female genetalia.............
I didnt wear underwear from the time I was 18 until about 25 by which time my balls were hanging near my knees..........thus explaining one of my problems........
He only throws his voice into falsetto in a very few spots. The main one is near the beginning for about two lines where it gets real soft. He does that quite smoothly in fact. Who was the guy that sang with this much passion Luther Van- - - - - - So Blu, who is this guy ? Any idea ?
I guess maybe! future American idle ? He'll probably by pass all the nonsence.
Its always good to see the press covering the real questions
From a musical standpoint Bohemian Rhapsody flows from one change to the next as does most progressive rock and metal. Zeppelins - Ramble On is another early example. The radical changes are another thing. THere are a few songs over my earlier history that did it but I cant think of them. Never thought it was creative but more elementary. Its takes more creative effort to flow a large picture together smoothly and precisely like Bohemian Rapsody or Stairway to Heaven than simply do something off the wall for kicks. It really ruins it for me when Im getting into a song and then suddenly it goes all to hell. Queens debut recording is a must have for any rockers. Great King Rat, Liar, Keep Yourself Alive, the entire recording was great. "Doing Alright" changes radically, I would have rather had two separate songs built on. Krinkle ! - Do you think you could add another 20 to that list.........that will disappear into the dusty archieves long before I get around to them ?????? Just a few at a time guys.......geeze !
This is exactly what I was talking about. Most of your post said the same exact thing as my post.you said "Believe me when I say that region is what is killing the human race. It is the cause of most, if not all, wars. It causes rational people to become irrational. It stops scientific progress. It shuns the natural truth for a work of fiction. It breeds hate and intolerance for people that are "different" than yourselves. You don't need fear of an invisible old man that floats in the sky to have morals and be kind to those around you and help those who are less fortunate than you. When was the last time the "Wear Religion on your Sleeve" party (Republicans) did something for the poor, or hell, the middle class? Isn't that what Jesus taught?" I said "If he was any kind of man, truely trying to prove something "just", he would refuse to be sworn on any holy book and make the statement to all sides that "all those books have ever brought the world was senceless blood shed and terror" ! However this is true "I think I just read that Razor only wants White Anglo Saxon that believe in his god to run the government. That's the most bigoted thing I've read. I think you need to go back to Fox news and get more talking points." except...I have no god and I dont watch or read any news, seriously none what so ever. I dont want to hear about it or see it. Read this again " Im so sick of this baby ass nonsense over the petty crap and am still waiting for someone to stand up and make a stand over the real problems confronting man kinds future and it sure as hell aint some stupid book to swear on, or medical advancements, who gave who head, community planning, where to allow gambling, planet exploration or rights to have or not have children........" related to my "news watching" means I'm tired of hearing about the nonsence AND the serious stuff, because nothing ever gets done or changes, due to all focus being placed on this petty crap. Someone wanting to push the issue like this guy and his kind he feels the need to make some "statement" for. and of course I want my country run by my kind, does that make me any different from any other country, or better yet any different from any other nationality or gender within this country. Once again the double standards. Its OK for the woman to want some woman to run the show. Its OK for the blacks to want the blacks to run the show, its alright for the Muslims to want the Muslims to run the show......but whitey dont wanna be wantin whitey, you know the ones that fought, died, sweat and bleed for this country to run the show...no no that kind of whitey is a "bigot" but not the feminaz, not the blacks, not the hispanics, not the muslims...only whitey qualifies for "bigot" then there is this "Saying in Allah We Trust is the same EXACT thing as saying God. Just another word for it. Thought I'd let you know." FIrst I did know, as I know most all ancient belief systems believe in one creator. but the gem of this statement is God/Allah - same exact thing - then whats this guys problem ? and whats everyone elses problem ? then why the heck have these people been staining the desert sand crimson red for centuries ? If these no difference. this country was settled by Christians seeking religious freedom to follow what ever corrupted translation of the bible they interpreted. When the wrote freedom of religion into the constitution they did not have allah, budah or what ever else on the brain. when they wrote freedom of speach into the constitution they did not have MTV, or rap "stars" on the brain, it would have been unspeakable, unthinkable what peoples verbal abuse would have turned into today. when the wrote right to bare arms they were not expecting gang bang drive bys and children shooting children. In fact it was the right to protect ones self and family or make a stand for fair & rightous beliefs as was done in the Revolution... all things that are illegal today so that right went straight to the sewer anyhow. people need to get over the contitution crutch everyone clings to to justify everything you said this " I believe in Freedom - I think you can worship anything you want, God, Jesus, a tin can. But don't force it on me, don't force me or my kids" but then there is this "Ellison downplayed the role of religion in his drive for office. He nonetheless has acknowledged that his election has thrust him into position as a spokesman for Islam in the United States." seems to me someones trying to force some issues on people here. Like I said he should just refuse any "book" if hes any kind of man. Instead it is clearly a ploy to push the envelope one step further, leaning on a constitution written 200 years ago by people who are rolling in their graves at the state of things today. But it still boils down to this. This country and its government in its present state was settled and founded and formed by Christians and Christian beliefs. Christians of many religous sectors, but still Christians. In this country we do things in the name of God and follow the teachings of the new testement, whether we even know it or not. What little morals we have left today were derieved from what is percieved as the teachings of Jesus and the old testaments 10 commandments. and allah taught what again ? and his followers created what kind of society again ?
It was Aerials, I made it as far as Spiders last night, which I also liked. If I was still in a band we would definantly be doing Aerials.The first one was funny but like I said, too off the wall and the 3rd one is a style I detest. The other one I was talking about is something about "going to a party, gonna have a real good time", I think its about Iraq. The one part really smokes with a great groove and riff but that other part "sucks". I never liked songs that changed radically anyhow, like fusing two songs together... but still that other part "sucks" . Deftones - you started a good thing Mustang - knows good music [opinion]. We were starting to learn a song by WASP but I forget which one. The drummer chose it. I learned Rock Me but no one wanted to play it because it challenged their testosterone level..... "its not heavy enough" "its not fast enough". I got them to play Dont Treat Me Bad and Dont Walk Away ... big Firehouse fan here, fun music, great riffs, origional homegrown solos, awsome alto vocalist, decent lyrics - Hold Your Fire is an excellent song. No one gave me any insite on this Dragonforce ? Unknown ? My next ventures are going to be Camalot - Epica - and another I found and cant remember the name. Their more of that Epic/Concept/Melodic/Symphonic progressive power metal I have always listened to, great working music for the shop. Brought in my Alter Bridge CD and cranked it last night along with Hendrix Bold as Love.......I still think Alter Bridge a great piece of music, but its leans toward old school and that suits me.
I dont wonder why people get pissed at me........its because they cant see though it, they cant see beyond the method to realize the message. They cling to a few sentences and cant let it free, ignoring the reality of the total picture. I dont have time for the petty crap being made the latest big deal while the real problems go unchecked. Not a problem, Im fully aware and confident of both my strenght and weakness ...........is our government ?
I doubt it. I seriously dare Robert to sincerely, discretely, nicely ask one of those nastys if they would be willing to have his baby...........I'd bet we'd be surprised. We'll have to let Reg take on the challange though, hes got the balls, hes got the drive, hes got the attitude.............come on Reg..........give the survey. We'll turn it into a reality show. Straight males turn repressed lesbians into baby machines. "The Lesbian Challenge"........can you do it, are you man enough to be her man ? * that might be totally wrong, I may have just crossed that line........sorry.....I was trying to be funny....in a sick sort of way. oh, ah, hurt me beat me