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Everything posted by razoredge

  1. I see, with my interests I would be pretty excited about Cat. They are and have been whats happening in commercial equipment and powerplants. Pretty high in diesel technology, the Cat powered trucks and equipment at work are far superior to the rest.
  2. got me on that one Dart but I can relate, very recent hardcore experience infact, not people I hate but entity I have always been alarmed by, then they got their hooks in me, it was surreal, I kept thinking this only happens in movies. Somehow it seemed I must have always been expecting it but still was not prepared. It was very much not of this world.
  3. illegable for retards.........................
  4. Look......the mist is rising and sun is peeking through See the steps grow lighter As I reach the final few Hear the dancing waters I must be drawing near Feel my heart is pounding With embattled hope and fear Now at last I fall before the Fountain of Lamneth I thought I would be singing But I'm tired.....out of breath Many journeys end here But, the secrets told the same Life is just a candle and a dream must give it flame The key, the end, the answer Stripped of their disguise Still it's all confusion and tears spring to my eyes thought Ive reached a signpost its really not the end Like Old Sol' behind the mountain I'll be coming up again Im in motion I am still I am crying I am still I'm together I'm apart I'm forever at the start Still........I am
  5. Monumental pieces of work that have forever steered my musical interests. Not my oldest roots but one of my strongest.
  6. Illegable for retards I did, however, have no problem understand this post of yours. It went like this..........gulp, gulp gulp, gulp
  7. Carry on !
  8. So funny to hear bowtiedude use the word white trash, a bit of an identity crisis there "dude".............. your the worst kind........one in denial. I guess if White Trash is acceptable so is Niger, Queer, Fagot, Whop, Spic, Pollock and all the rest ? Well that was actually fun ! I see how people today get off so much on the whole "shock" thing............... Anyhow for those still breathing There are race series that promote innovation and do offer excitement ALMS series Rolex Grand American Series and Grand Am cup series. Formula One is a bit of a drag, the fastest cars & drivers are so fast and so close that passing is impossible. Its almost always done in the pits. In very few races are there actually passes for and serious positions made. This is a problem with road racing, narrow tracks with turns coming continously passing is so hard. F1 for me is fun, just to watch the amazing speed and graze that they devour the road with. Champ car is very aggressive but less interesting from a vehical standpoint. I think there is only two or three basic cars and littel different than the color between them. Highly competitive, fast, crazy and eventful. In Nascar one guy just lets of the gas and suddenly you see this car with great speed, go flying by.... Jeff Gordon is a great driver, well known by many of the road track guys. They have been trying to turn him to drive some real cars for quite a while now. I guess the money talks louder. Who can blame the drivers, there is alot of money in Nascar, some how all those "white trash" people manage to buy those expensive tickets and do the drive to attend races.................must be welfare is footing the bill............
  9. Well isnt this guy a real moron. It just goes to show the type of ignorant educated idiots that are running the show and yes indeed its a real circus ! First there is already so much tax on gas its stupid. Second this higher gasoline price only punishes the working poor. the $80,000+ crowd either wont bat an eye or will just cry to hear themselves cry. Still their wife will be running to the cosmotologist with the big four wheel drive, in the middle of the summer, on flat land. If our government wants to send out a message of national security they will start looking after their own people at home and in the work place and get the scales back toward balance. Wonder what this "CEO" knocks down a year ? Wonder how much less it is than the Oil company "CEO's" have been doing..........I hear times have been pretty tuff for them poor fellows....... Ah, ta heck with it, it doesnt matter, lets all
  10. Im sure this kind of car was looked into during the 60's. 4 across the front would be a problem. In todays world this kind of car would most likely be a flop in the market. Vans have more overall utility. It is a cool and interesting idea, which I myself have thought over. Most people around here would get all because it didnt have a console. Now if you made it a full 96" wide you could have 3 buckets, two consoles, 27 air bags, and as long as everything was all softy touch plastic, Im sure that would meet everyones approval.............
  11. Did any of you, that could comprehend his post, even read it ? I realize a few of the trolls with nothing to say couldnt but a few of you could.............if you read it. This is an area that this poster feels is dead weight. Far more thoughtful than any posts Ive seen made by most of the above smart fellows. I do agree that there are some advertizing problems. The Pontiac commercial shown all season on SPEED during the GrandAm series is pathatic. It could have been so much better done in the first place and then it gets really bad when they start selling the price. The Solstice commercial also sucks. N* - that is not the case around here at any of the GM dealers. Very attentive, though sometimes lacking in the necessary education on the product. Part of the above mentioned failure of such and such a program ? ah..............yea !
  12. Once again I will say Its amazing whats legal and whats illegal in this country Way to go Bill........but you should have stood your ground firmly, with a friend and a video camera of course. I suppose what they would have done was throw him off of the grounds and thats about it. Security guards do not equal arrest. Im sure Toyota money was exactly what had to do with it. So now send in the C&G police because ASIAN CARS................and SATURIN..............SUCK ! I HATE THEM ALL
  13. Ive driven both and FWD rules on snow days around these parts. Although that is only probably less than 5% of working days. See FWD takes a bit of skill to drive too, those that have it will not drive straight into a snow bank, powerpole or tree because they let off the gas, its really hard too but all one needs to remember is "let off the gas"............. For slippery corners at speed one needs to have the ability to let the engine go neutral with tires. That means no acceleration, no deceleration, neutural. Very simple, so simple our Great White North Sisteren seem to have a handle on it.......... They stop somewhat better because of a bit more front weight, with snows FWD becomes a beast, both braking and climbing. For climbing there simply is no comparision regardless of tires. Then an advanced skilled FW driver with a proper hand brake, something that has mostly excaped American manufacturers, can do things usually seen only "in the movies". I was glad to see the G6 actually has a hand brake, imagine that, and it will never see snow........ So dont even get me f@#king going.......................... Anyhow about Josh's accident. 50 mph in a cloverleaf is not enough with anything less than a supercar to over accelerate and kick the back out on dry roads, or were they wet ? Even so on wet roads an Ecotec, RWD or FWD would not have the power to cause a wreck. Something else went wrong or we dont have the full equation. Its very sad that this happened, but everyone does stupid stuff. I have just been one to have never been caught off gaurd by Mr Dumb Luck and he sure had more than a few occasions to teach me a lesson. The crap we did when we were young, driving like idiots, in all conditions, both environ mental and mental. Times were different, there was less traffic, fewer houses, poorer tires, steering box's, and suspension set ups............but DAMN did we have F U N ! Good Luck with your car Josh !
  14. flatlanders
  15. Well the lower population would take care of your first problem, but for your second. You obviously have no idea what the construction costs of such an undertaking per square foot are. Yea, yea, yea, for everyone whos doesnt want to see it, its the blanket statement. Now heres for a little update. Like they told all of us when we lost our occupations "Things have changed". Our "forefather" came here and sweat and bled to make this countries infrastructure, sweat and bled to make this countries "freedoms", died in war after war, accident after accident. Today its just a plane ticket away and the works all done for you, heres a drivers licence, heres a check from our Social Security department. How many babies do you have.......oh heres a check from our Social Services Department. Oh your sick........heres a Medicade Card. Plug and play....................but like I said when I opened with my statement "no one wants to hear it" Id like to see them fight and die, sweat and bleed for their freedoms, in their own countries like our "forefathers" did here. But as was mentioned earlier in the topic, there is a bit of a cowardly nature abroad. For decades we gave them guns, which they shot off randomly in the air while making odd noises..........that is, when they werent turning them on their own neighbors, woman and children................think about it ?
  16. Oh yea, probably, with just a little of this and a little of that, fix her up in a jiffy.
  17. A few things from me no one wants to hear, but first The buildings alone are interesting, together they are an abortion. Im against skyscrapers period, such a liability, I love the Chrysler building. But someday they will be so deteriorated they will need to come down, now I dont know who has that kind of money but I sure dont want profits from my hard labor going to building something so economically ineffecient. We have American born citizens jobless, living in shacks, or working poor, providing services most are to lame to do for themselves, yet somehow enough capitol can be earned in this country to build these arogant symbols of prosperity. This skyline view of prosperity is not so evident when one simply looks around the corner a bit. Lowering the population of the country would be more appropriate for me, then we wouldnt need these giant ant hills, nor the shacks. Now that said, in honor of 9-11, Id like to take the opportunity to ask all immigrants to take what they learned from our country and all their damn babys and go home and straighten out their own damn $h! in their own damn country, like our fathers did !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally, I cant believe everyone cant understand why "The World Trade Centers" were hit. What is it that cant be understood? It was an attack against minipulative world trade. What was the address ? 1 Wall Street or something like that. It wasnt an attack against any old American that just happened to be there, it was symbolic against American corporate and government munipulation. That was so apparent to me, within minutes from the time the reality of the whole situation sank in. I'd be ashamed to be one to ask why, thats like running a car out of oil and standing there saying "I just dont understand what happened?" But yea, Ill never forget............so, get the hell out of my country and to our government and corporations I say "get the hell out of theirs". Then none of this would have ever happened !
  18. Yikes ! on behalf of both parents, something went astray with that genetic combo.
  19. yep ! You cant put a SII engine in an SI car. Wrong PCM, wrong harness, wrong transmission..........nice to dream though. There are people that can do it and have done it, there are also many more that have tried and failed, and that is those that also aquired the correct electronic transmission, wireing harness and PCM. The web is full of guys still trying to get their SII transplants running properly. 350,000km's, whats that like 200,000 miles ? Not the end of the world for a $200 car.
  20. Like Purdue has implied, its simply marketing to the one more is better crowd. The manufacturers are playing keep up with or beat the Jones and so are the car buyers. I always thought the old five speed standards were great for powerband ultilization. You have a 4 speed with an overdrive. Then the automatics became a 3 speed with an overdrive, marketed as a 4sp auto. They all always used the powerband quite well. Modern engine claims indicate improved torque and horsepower curves, yet for some reason we need transmissions that only allow the RPM's to drop 300 between shifts. I seriously doubt any gains from a 5 speed to a 7 speed. Mercedes even indicated so in their initial promotional for the 7 speed. Claiming only smoother shifts. I wish I had saved a file of the artical so I could use it on these days. Ive never heard anyone complain about unsmooth shifts in any of GM's 4's, or their old 3's for that matter. In fact they are more often critized for slow, sloppy transition and lack of firm dedication to the next gear. Thus the reason so many performance people have created such a great aftermarket for "shift kits". The only gains I see from the 6 speed in our G6 is more excercize. Heavy diesel single unit trucks typically have 8, 9 or 10 speeds. They weight around 32,000 lbs empty and 74,000 loaded with engines that redline at 2000 rpm's and have a powerband of only 800 RPMs..........it makes since for this application...........not for automotive transportation. But we can see who jumps up and down for extre car gears............... I want my I want my I want my 24 speed
  21. yea, its so out off control now for the past 2 decades. Like the late 80's Buicks still had Chevy engines in them. Tubed frames, floppy bodies. In sportscar racing they call those "prototypes". The GT cars are just highly modified production cars track prepared. Far more realistic. Nascar is like this big circus with tens of sideshows.
  22. Woa, got a few hangups there XP ? I think its funny, FART. How about FITSBOMS, f@#kin things shouldnt be on my soil............ The Lexus V8 is a hard engine to beat in the Grand Am series, I imagine Toyota is going to make a mess of NASCAR, then what ? The Jap bikes changed dirt bike racing perminantly a few decades ago. now there is only 4 manufacturers and they are all from the same country. How exciting. In that respect NASCAR has sucked for years anyhow, with only Chevy, Ford and Dodge. Its to bad they cant get back to their roots and race showroom stockcars. These floppy bodied, tubed framed, template cars are getting pathatic. Now they take the manufacturers latest grill and glue it onto a body that looks like a 97 Monty and call it a "Dodge" or a "Ford". Lets see the Charger and Chrysler 300, out there battleing it out against a CTSV, GTO or even a FWD GP GXP and a N* Lucerne. Now that would be fun..........ny. FWD might actually do pretty good on oval tracks Boy oh boy, then we would see some organizations with enraged fans.
  23. Ya see, this is a really creative new twist on journalism. You compliment just one American car, then with the remainder of your statement you can qualify all other American cars as heap piles. Man............that is so cleaver.........went over nearly everyone elses head. Its that subliminal message thing. "puts all others to shame" So this 100,000 dollar American car aint bad for an American car but the rest are to be ashamed of. OK I get it, Im so glad he pointed that out, for a second I though American cars were at least OK but now I see the truth.
  24. "built in America"................nothing like proving the fact that your afraid to stick your neck out. Placing that "built in America" gives a bit of a safety net to protect against fall out from the German crowd. They would be so enraged, probably loose his job.
  25. What ! Only an EIGHT speed? Geeze, why bother, no way in hell can we get around with only an 8 speed. I want at least 9 or Im going to buy a Toyota, why should I buy an 8 speed GM when I can get that from Toyota ? GM................what a bunch of loosers
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