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Everything posted by razoredge

  1. the company I am currently working for makes its employees pay most or so it seems, for a family plan it will be over 100 per week ...............so you know what my answer is No thanks, I dont need it. Never had it, wont support the insurance industry, wont support the hospitols and doctors and drug companies..........so screw you, you filthy thievin pigs Now , smart boys, tell me ? What would happen if everyone in America simply said screw you to the whole damn mess? Then we would see them come crawling for our dollars and then we would see respectable insurance rates, respectable Doctors wages, respectable hospitol rates, and drugs that arent more valuable than gold itself. Everyone abuses "health care". Got a wittle bubu, run to the doctors, got a wittle belly ach.....run to the doctors, got a wittle snivel........run to the doctors suck it up and you might find you are actually healthy and a less frail attitude will do wonders for your overall health.
  2. Whats sad is that 20 years later, they were pretty much selling the same car, only it had 5 year old styling. 198788[/snapback] What ?
  3. Sounds to me like you simply described some very strong Italian traits. Always want to keep the family close and controled Lots of bitching and fighting, nothings ever right watsamatter with you ? Doing block delivery a few different summers I had the pleasure to fight regularly with Italian Masons. From the time they see you coming onto the job site...........your an idiot! You havent even had the chance to do the wrong thing yet and your already an idiot! Its just the way it is. I had an Italian girlfriend for years, this is how her family was, her mother controlled her entire life, even today after her death, she still has her by the throat. Im into logic too but would never rule out emotional aspects of decisions when it comes to humanity or design. There too much long term debt to pay from this already, we can see it in society. When it comes to design and architecture music and art, anything with out emotion has no soul, so I believe its important there. We'll never see eye to eye on business...........I despise what modern economics have done to my country, my past, present and future..............it turned me into a souless pile of emotional human waste. I have been superceded in the middle of my productive life, left to rot in a barren wasteland of crushed dreams, Im not alone. Things were fine as they were, everything was going just fine, it wasnt necessary to delete people and their dreams. Wheres the f'in logic in that ? Wallstreet ? See, theres two sides to every brick............. :AH-HA_wink: Im concerned about your bit of an insult "they are a "fraction" of what I am" unhealthy and not real honest. I think you would find they have some things that you do not, just going by a few things you posted. I hate to see you finish out their life with such disappointment in them, it could very well cut you to the soul in the end. My father and I saw eye to eye on very little but the mutual respect was there. He understood and was proud, but he worried, and as per the one above paragraph he had good cause to worry. Id say you to them and me to him is an exact opposite, flip flop so to speak. Currently the best I can do is hope my daughter flip/flops it back the other way.
  4. OK, first Im going to say ...........cool ! I know this is simply a project but then Im going to go smash my head into a concrete block its the one more is better, thing again there is a term, its a very old term Overkill ! Good luck with the project though the peddle pads connected to the........peddle the peddles connected to the...........pushrod the pushrods connected to the............piston the pistons part of the ..............master OK everybody now ! Put yo hands together and join in ! the masters bolted to the ..........firewall the firewalls part of the ...........chassis Hey, Im really gettin a groove going see what happens when you put your head into some good old concrete.....
  5. This sounds like its a good compromise but, what gets my ass is why does the media have to say "Delphi Union Workers to Leave" why can they say "Delphi Union Workers take early retirement" why the need to use the word "leave", its clearly being uses as a tiller. Just to make it sound like they are walking or kicked out........ Jackass's
  6. I dont get it, then what ? Its going to be more divisions to compete against each other, internally and in the market place. Just get your act together or shut off the lights !
  7. As for the Ford GT...........I wish Ford would put their money where their mouth is and enter the GT in Sebring/LeMans and the rest of the ALMS series. Its been very empty this year in GT1. Only cars running GT1 in the series are 2 Corvettes and 2 Aston Martins. The competition between these two cars is extreme but theres nothing else in the field. Saleen droped out this year, Viper gave up a few years ago, the Maserati that ran last year showed promise but never came back and Lambroghini got a car approved and never showed, they put some Ferraris in Sebring and LeMans but not the rest of the series. They are probably running these Italian cars in the European series but we could use some more color in the field here in the US. Ford............bring it on ! Saleen, Maserati come back ! and wouldnt I love to see an orange Lambroghini out there too ! Its kinda interesting that these two front engined cars (C6R & DBR) seem faster than the midengined cars like Saleen.
  8. And to further add to the topic GRAND-AM CUP POINTS BATTLES TO BE DECIDED IN SIX-HOUR ENDUROS AT VIRGINIA INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY (September 26, 2006) -- With less than two weeks until the Grand-Am Cup Series twin six-hour finales at Virginia International Raceway—October 6-8—teams, drivers and manufacturers are undoubtedly feeling the pressure as every points battle is tight heading down to the wire. more: http://grandamerican.com/News/Article.asp?ID=7302 On April 22, 2006 at VIR Cobalt finished 1st in ST class with BMW 330 2nd and Acura RSX S 3rd followed by two more Cobalts in 4th & 5th. Currently the Cobalts have fallen back in standings. Georgian Bay Motorsports 5th and 7th with team Cobalt California 10th. The past 3 races they did poorly but were dominating prior, the three poor results killed their point standings. Turner Motorsports is a very skilled BMW team and has been at it for years. Scroll down to ST class for Georgian Bay and Team Cobalt for standings. http://grandamerican.com/CONTENT/Docs/PDF/...am%20Points.pdf 4/22 VIR results, theres two classes GS & ST, dont get confused like I always do http://grandamerican.com/Events/SessionRes...p?SessionID=658 So this 6 hour race is going to be a true test of these little cars. Im hopeing the Cobalt can pull something off and Georgian Bay get their point standings back up. For awhile I had thought they were going to win the series but its not looking good now.
  9. I was impressed with the 205/230 L36 in my 99 Olds, very strong and quite engine. Would leave any intersection and pass with ease, put it down and it would go like hell. It was actually a very refined engine, runnng 10.3 compression on 87 octane, pull like a pissed off pony clear to 6000. Better drive one again, I think you drink to much of the negitive cocktails being poured around this place.
  10. laughable f'in GMs anyhow "Oh, you mean theres something else besides.............Chevy ?" "Well there used to be..........son, but no one noticed so then came..................saturin and everything else went right straight to hell..........."
  11. Ive seen no one mention electrochromatic mirrors ? They are awsome and a most excellent gidget, coming from me thats saying something The LSS had them I assume the PA had them I assume the Riviera had them I assume the Aurora had them I assume the Regency had them I assume the Seville had them I assume the Deville had them I assume the Eldorado had them I assume the Millenia had them ? I assume the Lucerne no longer has them ? How about magnasteer ? Memory seats ? Compass? outside temp? interior lights by touching the door handles ? timed twilight, 16 " wheels, rear armrest with storage and twin cup holders and trunk pass through, rear HVAC ducts, Traction control / disable, steering wheel controls dual lighted vanity mirror/visors with sliders for center and second visor for when primary is over the side windows ? 4T65HD best automatic transmission ever made oh wait Im talking about the LSS, PA, Regency, Eighty Eight, Lesabre, Riviera, Eldorado, Seville, Aurora, Deville of the 90's................. Shoulder room ?
  12. OMG Leave it to Fly
  13. still proving a lack of knowledge on the engine and engines in general What is the Millenia anyhow, a top line 626, it seems to look like a 626 a guy at work had or is that just a family resemblence ?
  14. So you finally learned that new does not mean that much, especially in the past 20 years. many of your Mazda plus's are minimal or meaninless considering the more meaningful plus's of the Lucerne I see your also got that quote of "outdated pushrod engine" memorized but still know little of which you speak. Its just a very important "take that" that so many of the mechanical know it alls always need to use around this place............and you want to say "you guys reacted to this", when its so predictable that those that know nothing about anything will always resort to "outdated pushrod engine". Its like some giant trump card. You are trying for trouble as always just look at it "If anything is sadder than how the Lucerne compares to the Millenia, its how you guys reacted to this." The Lucerne does not "sadly" compare to the Mazda and that is why we supposedly "sadly reacted". When in fact we only adaquately countered your extreme negitivity. Your reaction to our counters was sad. I dont recall anyone saying your Mazda was "sad", something about your poor mileage but that was it. Youve made it more than obvious over the past two years that you dont like anything about General Motors or thier cars or divisions and pretty much everyone on this site. You have your favorite car now, but somehow feel the need to come here and say "my Mazda" is this and that and GM's are "sad". I guess I dont get it. Cant you cut GMs down enough on the Mazda forum ? You need to do it here to ? All you people that come here doing this $h! act like you are new to the game and have no idea whats going on and what brought us to this day. You act like GM should simply wave some majic wand and with their dwindling resources be able to suddenly outsmart the wealthy Japanese auto industry into nothing but "class leading" cars..............each and every one of them. Well I have news for everyone, it aint going to happen, not now, not ever, the balance of the scale is so far off that the American industries will never have the money to spend on R&D to catch up with the Japanese type engine technology. The Japs have been making top knotch OHC engines since the 70's, GM has been making top knotch OHV engines since.......whenever, you pick the date. GM will never have the extra money to spend on interior materials to be able to be touchy feely softer than the Japs. That is what they will need too, they will need to be "softer" not equal, but more, and if they did achieve that, you touchy feelie boys would crawl under the dash to find something that was not soft enough. I feel like such a wimp even saying "soft", christ it aint charmin were talking about, its a friggin car that everyone is going to dispose of in 4 years. We that remember the old cars think your soft plastics are a big joke, we used to have padded material for door panels with mouldings and bezels and intricacy. That style had its merits too.......unless your hung up on "old". Everyone has different prioritys, Im into exterior and interior styling and could care less how soft the plastics are, all Ill ever give a feel up to is the wheel, shifter and my wife. All of which I dont grip hard enough to hurt my little fingies. I like powerful engines.............thats why Im such an advocate of the 240/280 L67, its got so much for drivability over the little weezy got to be at 4000 RPM DOHC engines. It burns premium just like your Mazda, wanna give it a run ? It gets 26 mpg in a full luxury modern land yaht, some people claim higher but IM not. Its taken GM so long to replace that engine because they have had a hard time making anything better, they think they have now but the jurys still deciding. I can tell you right now........it aint the 3900 ! Seems the only benefit the 3.6 has over the L67 is low octane and "the fact" that its DOHC..........other wise it has proved nothing..........oh yea.............smoother..........because the L67 will shake you right out of the seats, just ask everyone whos never owned one.
  15. What about Darkwing Duck ? Late 80's ? I didnt watch it but knew people that talked abou tit.
  16. Buick City was a real tragedy. Made me sick and still does.
  17. Whats masturbation. Is that some new trend ?
  18. SOme of the styling and phrases do date back into the 80's, even earlier like Hudson said. Stonewashed jeans 70's, what did you call them acid washed? that began in 80's, LA Gear, Dude is actually kind of old, Awsome, Sick, Twisted, boom boxes I had one of the early ones in 76 Panasonic, it was small. The cartoons and games. I watched most of them with my daughter though. The shows, seen them all too. Its kinda cool really, there was less generation gap between us 70's brats and our 80/90's children than we had with our parents. Now today its getting bad again, worse really.
  19. You have to consider the source of the topic and so many other topics from the source, its almost...............um.....................
  20. I found it interesting Bob that you origionally mentioned something to the tune of "how they molded" us. I say that because as you have implied, they dont mold us, we spend too much time denying them the ability to mold us. However in most instances we end up with the characteristics of our fathers and both grandfathers. Got a cute looking young girlfriend ? Wanna know whats shes going to look like in 30 years ? Look at her mother and grandmothers..............then run like hell ! Swear, I had one sexy girlfriend when I was 21-22, beautiful, large chest (which means little to me but I wanted to bring it up) great body. Then I saw a picture of her mother "back in her day" she was almost a spittin image. Then I though of what she looked like then...................yep, ran like hell............that is exactly what that girl looks like today, YIKES ! Ya cant defy genetics Im just like my father in that I have nearly no sense of humor and what I do have is strange I have no tolerance for bull$h! Im very serious, drivin and evolve around work, all work and no play (past tense in my case, I could care less today) Never took to alcohol have many hands on skills draw a fine line between right and wrong and stand up and say so, fall into the no tolerance thing Im just like my mothers father in that Im crusty, grumpy and have little use for people other than what amusement they can offer Can build anything I want for myself I did manage a bit of his humor, which was better than Dads Never really knew my fathers father too much He left home on an Indian bike in his teens, I would have loved too He became a lineman, something I did for a spell, just coinsidence Loved fishing and hunting, I loved dogsledin and skiing, perhaps a modern day substitute Love of Dogs we both had Though some of these sound like items, they are, in reality characteristics geneticlly implanted, have fun trying to shake them. Best thing to do is treasure them, look, watch observe and learn from them. All parents could have done a better job raising their kids. My father had raised my sister and I by himself from the age of 12 & 14, I have no idea how he did it with his other responsibilities. He could have been around more, but he needed a life and if he was around I never would have got away with some of the stuff I did, which is both good and bad but I cant hate him for it. One must take responsibility for thier own doings.
  21. The Mazda probably falls closer in its time to the Oldsmobile SC LSS. Both have their pros and cons. Its a matter of what you want. In some ways the Lucerne is not enough better than the LSS for this old H body owner to get too excited about. Especially with out the L67 engine. Many of the newer gismos dont interest this buyer. The exterior styling is.......say.......... refreshing where the LSS is now dated, handsome but dated. The interior styling is inferior in my book. I like where Olds was back then for interiors. Nothing wrong with putting together a itemized comparision. However in the case with this poster, there is always an alternative motive, either to start trouble, be "cute", be rude and a multitude of other childish games. In this instance it seems its to degrade an excellent car, cut down older people, and be "cute" by using the word "laughable" The Millenia is a nice car...........its not the only one.
  22. Thanks for posting that Harley ! :AH-HA_wink: woll, golly
  23. Hello ! Im looking forward to the signature photos !
  24. 100% accurate. You'll notice many of the younger people have a problem with their father and us experienced guys have learned respect and now understand a thing or two. You'll also notice the younger guys itemize specific "beliefs or opinions" , which is very base, and we older guys mention characteristics, which has more depth. Was it Mark Twain that said something like "It amazed me that as I got older my father grew smarter" ? I also always liked Kiplings - If I were 17 again or whatever it was titled. I also in one way intrepret this phrase from Kansas. You dont know what someone is talking about till you've been there. Hey there, mister madman watcha know that I don't know Tell me some crazy stories, let me know who runs this show Glassy-eyed and laughing, he turns and walks away Tell me what made you that way lighten up on your fathers, their not crazy, just weiry, life made them that way
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