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Everything posted by razoredge

  1. Ah...yea....you better build them in Australia and bring them over 5000 at a time, see how it goes.............
  2. GTO meets Cobalt ? Lead not Follow !
  3. This thing ? you have got to be kiddin me ? GM's been taking a bash over styling and this is not the answer. This is not going to drag people away from Audi, BMW, Lexus, Infinity or even Mazda or Acura...What is this GTO II ?
  4. and neither has or does GM's management for the past decades, why ? because they ran it with economics over product...............in oter words..........no heart
  5. ............... Like who cares ! Balthazars and Hudsons first posts were very accurate This is how it went for the comming of popularity, in the NE In the very snowy 60 & 70's FWD Saabs really made people look as they went flying by Lancia Beta (Fiat) people try to claim credit for the transverse mounted engine, transaxle, McPearson strut type setup that became so common place, not sure how accurate it is, but the Italians did have a huge influence in Japan with their small cars. OHC, DOHC, FWD ect. Lancia Betas were not common place here in the US so had little impact unless there is truth about their influence on Japan. Honda Civic came pretty early and did well, Civic CVCC was my first FWD, made all RWD cars look silly in the winter. It was however not a very good car, but I was not very good for a car at that time in my life either. VW Rabbit blew them all out of the water but was pricy compared to a Civic So between Saab/Scandanavian VW/German and Honda/Japanese we had real economical cars that would get us anywhere we needed to go, trouble free in the late 70's and 80's In 85/86 Buick/Oldsmobile/Cadillac proved with the C/H body that you could have size, power, luxury and economy in a sweet looking FWD car now go cry a river someplace that needs rain, like............Iraq.........
  6. Hey everybody, this is the idiot that running GM product developement..........the same guy that last week said "we need more Hummers"................must be he just poped some viagra.............. He wants to punish each and every American equally for having the nerve to live in a country where work is typically 30 miles away. He wants to punish the minumum wage through 14-16 dollar per hour workers equally as the 60-120,000 per year crowd. As usual proving absolute brilliance! dazzling brilliance! Hows abouts we stop selling Suv's to the wanna be weekend warriors. The someday Im gonna be a monster truck, boulder jumpin, mud boggin SOB.............but right now my wife just needs to get to the salon so get out of the way before she runs you over.
  7. The probably subsidize CNN too..............naw........Im just paranoid Its always great to go where you can find some minimum wage workforce living in trailor parks to get the job done for you. Then after you pat their company on the back for success, you can turn around and mumble "white trash" as you walk past their workforce.
  8. No its not, you have no idea. We lowly spend our whole life sucking it up and toughing it out. When you go through that and still have the carpet pulled out from underneath while the rest build Mansions on the Hill.................no, dont need to be told to suck it up. frogger, thats great, Im so happy, but we dont need more people, hard worker or not. This word "entitlement" is an abused blanket word. Yes, we born in America are entitled to a decent job and decent standard of living. Our parents and Grandparents employed our Government to make the right long term decisions to ensure this for their children, all their children. In the same token we the children of America are entitled to give an honest days work for an honest days pay. THERE - no abuse of the word entitlement whatsoever, word put right in its place. Ive broke sweat with many a good man, they were born here, ready willing and able to get any job done. I have seen slackers and halfslacks, I doubt its a trait confined to American born children of the men and woman that fought and worked hard to make this a better country. Especially in the blue collar world, not sure what it is those cubicle people actually accomplish in a day/week/year/lifetime. People enter, people leave, people enter, people leave, but never do we see and form of accomplishment. Waterboy seems pretty busy though................. .........................
  9. saturin is not doing or accomplishing anything that Buick, Oldsmobile and Pontiac could not have, had they recieved the money and product squandered on saturin. Buick should have a Kappa, no saturin in existance. Buick should have a smaller epilson size car, no saturin in existance there are already far to many Suv's and Cov's to go around, thus proving, no saturin in existance now everyone can breath, which was the bill of goods we were sold at the conclusion of Oldsmobile..........only to see it was clearly all about saturin Buick and Pontiac and (Oldsmobile for that matter) have contributed greatly to this money machine, whether you that werent around want to believe it or not. The only problem is that since around 00 all focus was placed on Cadillac then saturin and the money machine B&P and Chevy sat idleing along on reskins and minor upgrades for the most part. Every new saturin product is one less for the divisions that actually earn the money, towed the line, made GM enthousiasts, GM enthousiasts. If we know where to look to be GM enthousiasts there is no reason the "import buying crowd" cant be shown the light too, I was one of those import drivers before I saw what Buick and Oldsmobile was all about. If R&D money is not squandered on some whim to change the definition of General Motors and put into more & better Buicks, Pontiacs and Chevys people would take notice, no less than saturin the route now is going to conclude Buick and Pontiac, because we are placing saturin right on top of them, and you want me to oh boy! look at that aura ? oh boy! look at that sky! Im still looking at the Aurora and saying WTF happened ? that was the aura, the Reatta was the sky, the Intrigue was the aura, nothing new here Im a GM enthousiast because of Buick and Oldsmobile. Destroy them and whats the attraction ? Ive migrated over to Pontiac a bit due to cleaning up the lines a bit but at least I recognize them as a successful contributor not a leach.
  10. No ! 10 % of you live in the "global world", the rest of us need to live, work, and survive here in "just" America. We pay tax's in American, we buy our food in America, we buy our over inflated houses in America, we pay outragous insurances for America, we work half again as many hours............in America. "Hardly team spirit" ? "Has a brain" ? The Aussies will be fine building their cars and driving them in Australia. My attitude wont hurt them one bit. However your attitude has been proven to hurt Americans, the place is a friggin mess but the 10 percent cant see it, so its not true. "hardly team spirit" give me a break, spread your lube somewhere else "1. Automation. It has taken more jobs in the automotive assembly line than transporting production overseas." So laughable, first of all, anyone who knows anything about the world and history knows automation has replaced men. Its a givin as man looks for faster, easier ways. BUT, what you are saying is because automation has replaced men, its also OK to replace the rest of our men with foreigners.........yea, that using ones brain alright.........great team spirit too "2. Efficiency." yep, thats why Flint will be producing the Australian sourced DOHC V6. From many attitudes around this place, I can only wonder if that pisses you "team players" off. So are you team players or simply wall street investors..........they are our best "team players" always looking out for our fellow countrymen "3. costs Today, those 3 are retired, and GM has to pay their health care costs in addition to a pension. The only way they can do it is to have 1 person doing their job today, and cut other costs whereever they can. As those people die out, GM's health care burden becomes lighter since it has fewer employees." What logic are you using here ? clueless logic ? "those three" are still recieving their held and invested pay package. Its a burdon on GM because they no longer employ the thousands of replacement workers that would be having a portion of their pay "held" for investment and contributation to our corrupt healthcare system. The problem is we only have that "1 worker", instead of the 5 we would have if Japan never built plants in this country and our entire driving population was driving N American built cars....................but just looky here, you can so easily sway the thought of our youth into believe the world will be better off as soon as "those people die out"................more of that team spirit ? No forsight as to what our vast population of children are going to do for employment over the course of thier lives ? Someday whatever it is so many Americans are doing now exploiting this "global" BS will no longer be needed.......then what ? The jobs will be gone and so will the exploition of them..............housing and infrastructure until we look like China ? 4. Finally, broader sales. The US car market is saturated. The only way to keep our people working is to sell to other countries. That's the goal of free trade. Take China for instance. It has 1 billion people. Even if only 10% of the population can afford cars, that's already a market that's bigger than here in the US. Closer to the subject, Australia exports Aussie built cars to us, and we export US built Colorados to them. Broader sales = of foreign souced products Car market is saturated = with foreign sourced products "The only way to keep our people working is to sell to other countries. That's the goal of free trade." = then why have we lost so many manufactureing jobs if the goal was to "keep our people working" Take China for instance = yea, lets take China, do you think they would be stupid and careless enough about themselves to buy anything from the US ? Really Thats a right reserved for Americans that buy into the nonsence that the 10% sell them. Wonder why China bought all the recycled steel ? Let me guess, so they could go "global" and send the steel and steel sourced manufactureing jobs back to N America ? Your right, China has been very good to our American junk yard employees...........I see them building Mansions on the hill........I just cant wait until 10% of the Chinese can afford cars......we will be seeing even higher wealth in the scrap yard business. Recyclers Forever ! I could go on and on, swiss cheese has so many holes but far less than the "global will improve America, cheez" America better hope housing and the mass population boom continues because its the only thing keeping common man working 1.5 weeks per week and far too busy and wiery to have time to call you all on your bill of goods. All those billions on weapons of mass destruction surely is a positive side to the "team spirit" thing..........the US sure has done well occupying its time, money and resources building and selling weaponry to countries and then a few decades later going in and taking them all back via force. Makes us look busy anyhow, right ? Thats why the outside "global" world loves we Americans so much..............ey ?
  11. a 90 would be a 3.3 corporate engine, unless its the 3.1 or 2.8 Chevy sourced 60* V6.my 86 LeSabre has the Buick sourced FWD 90* 3.0 corporate V6, so did 86 Deltas, the 3.8 was optional in 86 on H body, standard in C body. After that the GA, Skylark, and a few of the smaller BOP cars had the corporate 3.0 until ? 87 or 88 when the 3.3 replaced it. The 3.0 Im talking about was a Buick RWD race engine
  12. ah................get over the truth...........thats a C2.5 made out of Oldsmobile blood money. Put any badge on it you like and its still the little runt that stole the money from the candy jar and sits there smirkin with a set of Chevy braces in its mouth................. medication...........
  13. pussys !................
  14. I can say, its all messed up, all the ergonomics of driving positions is messed up. Ive never driving anything so awkward. 32 years of driving, some of it professionally. First the foot needs to be straight upright on pedal, like your in some type of Nazi marching acadamy. the console is approx 2-4 inches away from pedal. Then in order to let engine go to idle, I actually need to bend my ankle up, upward force, simply relaxing the foot will bring the engine up on power. Understand ? I need to force ankle, streach the archilles in other words. OK, so move the seat back right ? NO ! with the seat in this position to fully depress clutch past partial contact, one needs to push pedal an extra distance with left ankle, no kiddin. Forget heal and toe, I wasnt surprised about that one but was hoping maybe GM would be slick. Now the seat position. Since I have had fully adjustable seats, I drive with front of seat raised to top, rear down, I like the cradling feeling. Flat makes me feel like Im sliding forward. This is how real buckets are made anyhow. I do not drive with seat back reclined, old school is "bolt upright" and thats me. Now with these two postitions it allows me to be closer to the wheel because my knees are raised. If I lower the front I need to slide seat back further or hold my legs up, this is wrong, legs should be relaxed and held by the front of the seat bottom. with seat back "bolt upright' Im obviously in closest position to wheel for my leg lenght. Yet this car demands you drive with two hands on the wheel, armrests are a good 4" from elbows and shoulders and wrists must hold the weight of your arms in frankenstien position. No relaxing what so ever, hold your arms up in front of you and "clampon to that wheel boy !" That might be great for road racing when you would be on the edge and working it anyhow, but this is a road car, something that is illegal to drive over 55 on most state roads, hardly white knuckle driving, I like to relax and go with the flow, at least up to 85 or so............ Now with hand on the shifter, you have about 2 inches of your elbow on the semi hard console armrest. Then......... put a cup of coffee in the "cup holes" and then what.......................BOB ! then what ? I only post on this in our 'lounge" Im too pissed off yet to put it in the "articles" section for the whole world to read. Sorry for the hyjack cmattson, this really earks me. I just cant get comfortable in that car. Its awkard, $26,000 worth of awkward. First car in my life. I think pretty soon Im going to post it in my G6 GTP followup though, so Im an ass for buying the car, Ive been waiting for, I didnt drive it enough with all that was on my mind to "check out" to realize the position I was driving in in this unfimiliar new car would drive me nuts in the future. The wife at 5' tall and tiny feet loves it. When I do Im going to include comparision photos with the LSS to prove my points. I honestly would not recommend an Epilson to anybody..........did you hear whos saying that ? Scarry !!!!!!!!!! Maybe this is why in that one magazine article the test drivers stated they felt like they were wrestling the car.................
  15. hmm ? scratches his feble head............. 465 ? 445 ? 425 ? 401 ? always confused me. I was thinking the twin carb 425 was a 445, must be Im wrong, its a 465 ? See the nailhead thing gets foggy due to the torque rating being the most commonly used number designation, not the c.i. Help me out............Im really lost now. I bet there was really nice aftermarket manifolds and valve covers at one time. Ive seen some nice photos, years ago. What did you do with your origional engine ? Which was what ?TA block may be that new, I believe the buzz was around a few years back on turbobuick. As I got thinking about your post on the block, I seemed to remember reading about an all aluminum block in the making. I think it will accept a variety of heads too.There was a short stroke 3 litre made for racing too but I know nothing about it. Maybe a road course engine that needed rev's and was displacement limited.
  16. But is it comfortable? Do you feel like a monkey hanging from monkey bars ? Or Frankenstien with his arms out, walking forward doing the Frankenstien wobble. I cant get comfortable in our G6, the steering wheel is too far away. Lets put it this way, my wife is 5 ft tall and she drives with the wheel all the way out. That would mean for me at 5' 10", the wheel should telescope another 5-8". With it all the way in, my elbows are actually near lock and I have to steer with my shoulders,it only telescopes approx 4" and that is not near enough. This is something one would not notice by test driving on a 5 mile trip, new unfimiliar car with so many other things on the mind. I will pay attention to this from now on however. My wife loves it but again at 5' she drives with seat way in and wheel way out.Its my only complaint but comfort is a big one for a car, right ? Picture Frankenstien wobbling across the room, thats me driving a G6............. brilliant, absolutely friggin brilliant, good job BOB the "product guru" !
  17. All one needs to do is study a few select neighborhoods and they would quickly get the picture, unless they already live there, then its all not true..............
  18. Oh............OK................its alright then...........I see...........just imagination.........
  19. Turning things around, Aston Martin defeated C6R in Road Atlanta for a 1-2 finish. This is their 4th victory over the Corvette team. Corvette still leads in points but the gap has tightened. Now if only the other supercar manufactures would step up to the plate. Team Corvette has stated that the added weight rules are hurting them. Its still tight competition with both cars holding their own in many close battles. Road racing at its best.
  20. About the fall Bob, I think the Adirondacs peak in late Sept so wouldnt E. Canada be fallen in a few weeks ? Im not sure ? We are peak here in the Catskills in about one to two more weeks according to taste. The Ashes are that beautiful Auburn color now, the first trees to change, the vines are in full red. The maples are starting to change. Oaks are last with the burnt orange/red colors. I prefer when the Maples are red and orange and the Oaks are still mostly green. By the time the Oaks change all other trees have dropped. Our whole process here takes nearly a month.
  21. again I cant vote honestly. Summer is easiest average and relaxing but I have had so much fun in the winter over my life I have actually looked forward to that too. I always got stressed during the fall because with my former occupation it meant ..........MUD and I hate MUD, it also meant winter hardships of deep snow and frozen fingies every morning until the blood got circulating. Fall also meant soon everything would be covered with snow. All that did not get done would not get done until spring, so it always stressed me. Then as soon as the first snow hit, it no longer mattered and the world was such a beautiful, peaceful place and my daughter and myself and our dogs and our skis were about to have lots of fun. I love the spring, when its nice out. It has a sence of renewal, spring fever, the soft color green, my birthday.......week.. Spring was also mud season and that was my months off from production to get other projects or maintenence done and all that was done at home so, Ill tell you I had the life, it wasnt work it was a way of life. Very humble. Then comes May and black flies and the first heat waves that feel like an oven from having winter blood, but that all passes and summer is fine except for about 10-15 overly hot days. Thats how I always looked at it too, we get about 10-15 unbearable summer heat days and about 10-15 unbearable, 20 below winter days, after a few of those, teens and 20's feel like spring........and 30's were T shirt weather The Northeast is great for seasons, there are things to love and hate about all of them. I miss my life
  22. forgot one, thats a bit important to me, might be priced high for a 96 and it doesnt say SC so thats a - 1996 LSS 111kmi, V6, fully loaded, maroon, leather int, GC, gd mileage, auto w/center shift, $4000 Chestertown, NY (518) 494-7139
  23. Im surprised its that high for low retail, too much. My point about the 40-60,000 was, that would take 3-4 years and then it would be 12-13 years old with 160-180,000 miles and you would need to give it away to get rid of it. Also stuff like rust and oil leaks, ect. ect happen during this period in any cars life, regardelss of care. I was surprised how quickly my 91 Regals condition fell off. The lower doors and lower quarters/fenders rusted from the inside - out. The fuel lines went, the tank was bad enough on top for me to replace it rather than chance it. Total brake system work, MAF went, fuel pump went, I didnt care, it was expected for a car that was 12 years old w/over 200,000 but then I paid 1000 for it not 4000. It was basically what you could call mint when I bought it considering its age and miles, a few dings and mild scratches, perfect interior and ran like a top, even when I traded it. Also maybe some bad news for you, I believe the 98 was a 3800 and if I remember correctly that is not something you like. Heres what things look like in my area, private sellers so no warranty 1997 AURORA blk w/tan leather, 119kmi, looks & runs great, loaded, w/sunroof, nice, $2950 Clinton, NY (315) 292-3277 1999 intrigue 58kmi, 25-30MPG, EC, silver, 6cyl, PW/PL, cruise, AC, $4800 firm Castleton, NY (518) 337-3684 001 AURORA leather, V6, auto, On-Star, new tires, brakes, 65kmi, 31MPG highway, showroom condition, must see! $13500 Warrensburg, NY (518) 623-9639 2001 aurora fully loaded, moonroof, AM/FM/CD, leather, 6-way seats, On-star equipped, 76kmi, taupe, 1-owner, $8200 Cohoes, NY (518) 458-1993 Aft 5PM 2001 Intrigue 29kmi, LN, 1 owner, loaded, 25MPH, V6, $8995 Rotterdam, NY (518) 376-0175 (518) 374-2370
  24. Thats way too much, its 9 years old and has 124,000 miles. That car on a trade in probably brought $800. Its a 2500 car tops and thats alot of money to spend on something that would probably only be drivin another 40-60,000 miles. I cant believe how much used dealers have up'd the price of used cars the past 5 years.
  25. So, whats the deal with Axel ? I havent kept up. I know about the touring with Metalica and blowing off shows but that was.....14 years ago ? I know I heard he got fat, but I also heard he was a heroin addict, fat and heroin in the same sentence dont sound right. So really whats the deal ? Besides all the Yi, yi, yi's, he was actually an excellent vocalist and involved in performing some timeless songs.
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