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Everything posted by razoredge
Sorry "CD/B..tP..g" but the very need to try to start a topic such as this (and many others) seems to show that its you that has some overwhelming issues. Whats the matter its been over a month without a Buickman bash fest so you decide to instigate one ? Theres inflamitory posts and responces which can happen in conversation but this is actually an inflamitory topic and it is a personal attack on another human being. Once again our moderators dont identify it and pull it. Fortunantly most members have shown the taste to blow it off and not feed the mob frenzy you were hoping to insite. So everything seems to point toward your needing to act your age........unless your a 13 yr old teenie worried about impressing some clic.
must be Im a pentecostal "speaking in unknown tonges"........according to members of C&G That stuff is a curiosity, Ive seen it (on TV ed programs), maybe if you practise it or figure out a system to make all those weird sounds but otherwise is a bit like the movie Exorcist
It appears some of that ended up in Aurora.....some in Lincoln It has its good and bad points, thank goodness we got the 91-99 LeSabre instead...........
So what ? !! The guy cant advertise in his own town ? I cant possibly question your motives for making this post........they are obvious....hows abouts growing up !
actually the origional book of what we today call God promotes greed "all the land and its riches will be yours", self indulgence (such as multiple wifes and concubines), places no value on women other than the purposes of procreation........(the non Christian "heathen" native Americans even placed women high in importance), a promised land there for the taking as soon as you finally wonder on to the best parcial of land and slay its inhabitants (entitlement and the origional cause for the "holy wars" that still control much of our dayly world). Alters for sacrifice with one proposition from "God" for one dude to sacrifice his first born son as a show of fate, of course it was a test and never played out but somehow such a questionable request and consideration of this request is highly suspect. Then there was that thing about wondering the area while searching for the "promised land", spreading the word...........and slaying any and all who did not bow down to the Hebrews beliefs. Sorry but the books of "God" are and have been so deeply flawed since the beginning. They may have worked well in a time when people believed the world was flat and feared everything because so much was unknown but today they read like an amature Stephen King novel. Contrary to believing that we have compassion, mercy and know right from wrong on account of the bible, I personally believe we (most) are naturally born with this knowledge which then becomes corrupted according to our weaknesses for self serving greed.......which the bible deals with in really mixed self serving messages..... so little has changed and this world is still the same 'ol, same 'ol sad state of affairs only with higher stakes.......shall we say a more advanced version of an amature Stephen King novel. ones got to wonder if "the faiths" have helped, impeded or made little difference in the outcome of humanity
itemized because I bounce around first aaantoine post is 100% accurate as to the real problem. The man broke one of the commandments. Cant do that and lead a Church. 2. self hatred of sorts is not a "sin" and is most likely more common than homosexuality. If not - psy., theropy and counseling, as well as brain drugs would not be the huge industries that they are today. Homosexual people need not think they are the only ones with struggles or whos struggles are the only ones that matter. 3. I was surprised to see that someone had some type of homosexual attraction at the age of 5.................? Is that like in Kindergarten when we began writting those "do you love me ? Yes or No ?" notes with little girls........there are little boys that already want to send these notes to little boys ?........Wow ! never thought about that...Ill keep my thoughts on that one to myself. 4. religion..........god.........sin.......... shoot me ?.......... 1st of all religious people need to realize that if there really was and or still is a god, he was far from perfect. For one we were supposedly created in "Gods image".... right away proving God was far from perfect. THen in the next hypricotical "scripture" we are born to sin or from sin or however they "put it" thus once again proving God is far from perfect. God also created the mind of a woman.........thus proving he is a far cry from perfect......... then the thing that really puts venom in my mouth is this "casting of satan or "the fallen angel" down to earth" to raise hell with all of us.........not only proves God is far from perfect, it also speaked little of his "humanity". Then somewhere in the "bible" it says you are either for me or against me...........speaks little for this dude "God"........"look Im not gonna show up, make appearences, help out with the tuff stuff........."BUT YOU WILL PRAISE ME OR ELSE !" and "by the way heres Satan, I cant deal with him so hes your problem now"........"but remember I am a jelous God and you will worship no false idols, praise and live your live for me and me alone !".........alrighty then.... finally someone that can make this huge of a mess in just 6 days......and then has the nerve to rest for a day..........AINT PERFECT ! This guy will be fine, it is however a shame that now he and his wife need to be subjected to the idiotic "counseling" over a matter that is what it is and needs no counseling. They'd be further ahead to join a swingers club and rid themselves of their inhabitions and "hangups"
I wonder if I could find a Dino for 35,000 ...probably but I doubt it would be real low mileage. You can actually get 365 Boxers for 35,000 but who could afford the engine rebuild ? I'd shop around for 930's (911TC) or even a nice 928 too. Could probably get into a 928 and G2 Aurora with money to spare to keep the 928 nice. I just remembered you said Domestic.........how about a really nice 68 442 ? screw the mileage and who owned it as long as its really nice......Wait maybe I want a 68 Skylark instead..............naw, have to stick with the 67 Riv GS. Maybe all three with enough left over for car covers ?....... Most of the cars Id be interested in would be past the first owner and mid mileage. The C4's & C5's are the only cars that might not be. Then a low mile car, you want to keep low mile...its no fun at all. Its still always better to buy a decent car for a few thousand more than save a few and have a major project.
maybe you could have got her to lace on some leather, cat a nine, and call you biiiitch............ tingle, tingle
I didnt say only rich people do it. I was refering to their pushy or "nothing matters" driving tecniques. "Everyone...step aside! " years of this attitude creates someone that backs up without looking, pulls infront of people because you can do it, everyone knows the person will wail their brakes and never hit you so it doesnt matter if you cut them off. If they ram the bumper of thier expensive car up your butt and flash their lights while your in the fast lane already passing but they are going even faster, therefore you will hit your brakes, knock off your cruise control, drop your speed back, fall in line behind slower traffic just so Mr Highnmighty can make it on down the highway at 85. Just keep paying attention, maybe you'll see the tendency...maybe not.
I would hope you would...you asked...you recieved. An early indication of it lack of creativity would have been everyone struggling to make it look better with a particular color choice. Its like those cars that only look good in black, if thats the case theres a design flaw because a good design looks great in any color. so heres some of my ideas. the shadow on C&G main page of something you recently shot ? Excellent........this little yeloow faced dude ? cheezy. Then how about a back drop of other shots youve taken, enlarged but partially covered with loose rolls of film and cuttings scattered about. Then place the roll with the autos you currently have in the middle of that. Something a photographer such as your self could cook up pretty quick on a table top and shoot. Strange tire tracks and a round yellow circle with a face in the middle...if you are happy with it, go for it...I figured a photographer would be more creative.
Well my personal observations are - that is the tecnique used by the rich. Whether they were driving Cadillacs 20 years ago or Benz and Beemers today, everyone will move out of their way. Last night I had a pushy bitch in a beemer try to nose her way into the 5 ft space between myself and the car infront of me at a stop light. She was entering from a parking lot (OTB ). Just so she wouldnt have to wait an extra 5 seconds for me to go first and clear the road. There was no traffic problem, no one behind me, she just needed to make sure her intentions came first......Well meet STEVIE.................BITCH! I pulled up another foot, she jerked ahead another foot, so I closed the door to within 2 ft of the guys bumper.......her jaw hung on the ground. "the audacity of those people in that...that...that....Oldsmobile. " nothing would have pleased me more than have the bumper of that beemer crease the side of my keyed and paint tarnished - LSS.
the photographer seems to know his art........the web design.....seems to indicate a middle school effort. Ive had many many creative moments in my life, none which would have ever began to settle on a level that this background is. but if I were you... hey , Id go for it, that wittle yeloow face is like the frosting on the cake............
geeze Blu...didnt it make you feel good ? remember that CSN song "love the one your with"...girls really dont have cooties...well most of them that is...
It seems my GTP came with a wheel that looks nearly like those wheels. Of course these are all based on the origional Cragar SS wheels...the very best ever. I do not like the CV8 Z better than the R's, they are too bulky and bumbly looking. Finer is better. Compare the two Aston Martin wheels. SO I guess for Christmas I would wish the GTP was paid for so I could trade it and its nice wheels for a comfortable car...........like the 16,000 dollar less expensive used 02 snow white Aurora.........
I wonder if I looked long enough...if 35,000 would get me a 67 Riviera GS AND a C5 convertable...if not I would settle on a C4 convertable.
I dont see where color is the problem as much as creative artistry. Seems a photographer could do a far better and more creative background to lay that roll of film down on.
I somehow doubt a young man would have a clue as to what winds up where and when. Nice people are used, taken advantage of because they make it so easy to do. This is more of a two sided question anyhow. You pretty much have to be nice to important customers, customers you dont like you usually dont want. With boss's/employers you have to be nice or your going nowhere. But now it also turns on you, being nice and doing everything and anything will get you the work no one else wants, the $h! work. You'll be off busting your butt and the slackers be nob gobbin the hob nob. You're efforts will go unnoticed and the nob gobbers will be in tight... but now remember your a nice guy so you let it slide and your nice to the ones with the little brown spot on their nose, when you turn your back they are pointing out whats wrong with you and gulping down a little more. Sooner or later your either going to snap or go work somewhere else and watch the whole process start all over again........... my own favorite and often used quote is "your going to miss me when Im gone", it seems to hold true too or so I have been told. Some people just dont catch on till its too late.
Nope, thought about it, asked around and ... nope whats just the next line to this one ? And shes walking
nice guys finish last its the ruthless people that get to the top thats in the living capitoolistic world. after death they are the same pile of stinkin rotting flesh the rest of us are.
William Shakespear had some famous qoute that went something like "What do you call one dead lawyer ? " ................ " A good start " I too also believe this. I have no use for lawyers, politician (law makers) and most of all capitolist pig investors, frenzy crazed "traders" and high level corporate employees. As they find the loss of our jobs or lifestyles insignificent I find their lives insignificent, they could drop like autumn leafs from a sugar maple and I would only smile and look forward to the next season.
the thing about Dream Theaters album cover was the coincidence of it, I guess that one went right past you. Please pay attention I missed no point nor went on tangent. Expansion is only a tangent if you cant keep up or lack realistic vision. wall street, world trade and the people behind both are evil, selfish and the very meaning of the word anti, hardly a coinscience that they are both in the same place. if you feel someone is stupid because what I believe or that I am stupid for what I believe, you are the dumb one. I have no ignorance what so ever, ignorance is for the inexperienced, deaf, dumb and blind. Ignorance is for those that cant see it from their house therefore believe it doesnt exist. If you havent been there you shouldnt speak words such as ignorance and secluded, a bit contradictory no ? To me the worse thing about 9-11 is the America that it was targeted at didnt learn a damn thing, didnt pay the price, just passed the buck and made up their losses from the oil industry, increased insurance rates and real estate assessments. Its still business as usual.
First of all............KNOCK IT OFF !................ Secondly System of a Down is to radical, off the wall, confused direction for the sake of lack of better things to do.......my opinion off course. I really dont listen to that type of music cept on the radio, anyhow. If you want good deep intelligent multi versed music you listen to prog metal...Dream Theater, Symphony X, Fates Warning, Savatage, Queensryche....it goes down hill slowly from there......... if you guys werent such a bunch of grasshoppers you would know this............. Yea, Im a jerk........ seriously now - a bit of trivia about 9-11. Regarding Dream Theater, read this, its very interesting The cover for the CD version of the concert, titled Live Scenes From New York, showed one of Dream Theater's early logos (the Images And Words-era burning heart, modeled on the Sacred Heart) modified to show an apple instead of the heart, as an allusion to the Big Apple nickname given to New York City. In the flames above the apple was shown the New York City skyline, including the twin towers of the World Trade Center. In an unfortunate coincidence, the album was released on September 11, 2001 - the same day as the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. The album was immediately recalled, but many copies were snapped up by Dream Theater collectors as a very rare piece of Dream Theater's history. It was re-released with revised artwork a short time later. For pictures of these two album covers go here and scroll down till you see the flamin apple pictures...........is that crazy or what ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream_Theater anyhow, regarding Krinkles views on this guy in the band. First everyone knows I have little use for some races of people when they are in my country, riding the capitolism gravy train. Some find it offensive but I really dont care. I busted my ass, my life...for nothing...so I dont feel sorry nor have compassion for anyone, especially those that would not get off their ass's and fix the problems in their own countries, but rather buy the airplane ticket and come here and cram their cultures down our throats. but forget all that, thats my bigoted opinion I dont approve of what these people did, I find it enrageing, and am as pissed as anyone over the cowardly attack, I also was not surprised, but then I remember the air plane hyjackings of the late 60's early 70's. I remember seeing entire cities of these idiots, chanting "kill America" shooting guns in the air like crazed lunitics. I remember decade after decade of insanity in the land of sand. I see huge arogant temples in the sky built by slave labor. I have no respect for these people and never will have. I have also had bad personal experiences and never a good one...so ? now moving on Those innocent people or rescuers that were lost is a tragady for their families but Wall Street itself sucks ! If theres some dead lawyers or dead traders or law makers....like Shakespear said..."its a start".......... I in fact said within a week from the time it happened : "too bad I was not down there when it happened, I would be worth more to my family than living out my life" That is the shameful truth, I did the math on the money collected for the familys. People die all the time, in the end, this thing we call life... none of it matters. What does matter is for the living. Our government, American corporations, and Wall Street investors/traders are responsible for far more suffering within our own country that this attack. But its not called an attack if people suffer in the name of capitolism...thats all legal... Its not considered a heartless attack of terriorism to steal peoples pensions, annual pay raises or worse yet...their jobs, source of income... its all legal... but forget that personal opinion of mine..which bears no truth...... as enraged or hurt or stunned as we the living were that day, who can honestly say that the message sent by the destruction of...."The World Trade Centers" was not more than obvious within minutes ? If it didnt click within minutes, one must be thick. The World Trade Centers, The Pentagon all repressive, underhanded establishments except for the sake of the fortunante minority. So, I dont condone a few things that have gone on, way down yonder, wall street way. Me anti American ?......... question is are the 1 Wall Street types anti American ? Thats the question I would like to see a positive answer to. So with that and too much more said, while I didnt have the reaction to 9-11 this " tankian" had I do know where he's coming from. So bring on that anti American establishment music, thats what alot of metal and hard rock has been about since the beginning anyhow.
Heres mine for the day. This is an answer to BV's question about soft heartfelt songs. This one by the Masters of modern progressive music from their breakthrough '92 album, if you dont know this, you should :AH-HA_wink: money well spent as far as Im concerned (hint, hint) Standing by the window Eyes upon the moon Hoping that the memory will leave her spirit alone She shuts the doors and lights And lays her body on the bed Where images and words are running deep She has too much pride to pull the sheets above her head So quietly the lays and waits for sleep She stares at the ceiling And tries not to think And pictures the chain Shes been trying to link again But the feeling is gone And water cant cover her memory And ashes cant answer her pain God give me the power to take breath from a breeze And call life from a cold metal frame In with the ashes Or up with the smoke from the fire With wings up in heaven Or here, lying in bed Palm of her hand to my head Now and forever curled in my heart And the heart of the world
AMC was going nowhere in the mid 70's, they certainly were not going to pull through the 80's. They were small had no finacial clout, hell look at the almighty GM, Mopar & FoMoCo today. What was that song? "Im going down" "Say Goodbye to Hollywood" "You aint in Kansas no More" Chrysler bought the British "Rootes Groupe "(Sunbeam, Hillman, Singer) in 67 and that was the end of the nice Alpine roadsters and the Tiger. There was a new gen of Alpines and the sheet metal sucked, the end was near for all the Brits by that time anyhow........then came the bumper height laws and emissions. The small companies just didnt stand a chance. The Japs put everything they had and their cheap labor into the auto industry and the rest is history. Simply looking back paints a very clear picture.
Im stuck on that one Yellowjacket dont know where to look This was Justice and Independence '85 by John Mellencamp from Scarecrow, it really does have a great goove. Maybe a bit of the feel like Steve Millers "Take the Money and Run" He was born on the fourth day of July So his parents called him Independence Day He married a girl named Justice who gave birth To a son called Nation Then she walked away Independence he would daydream and he'd pretend That someday him and Justice and Nation would Get together again But Justice held up in a shotgun shack And she wouldn't let nobody in So a Nation cried Oh Oh When a Nation cries His tears fall down like missiles from the skies Justice look into Independence's eyes Can you make everyrhing alright Can you keep your Nation warm tonight Well Nation grew up and got himself a reputation Couldn't keep the boy at home no no He just kept running 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round Independence and Justice well they felt so ashamed When the Nation fell down they argued who was to blame Nation if you'll just come home we'll have this family again Oh Nation don't cry Oh Oh When a Nation cries His tears fall down like missiles from the skies Justice look into Independence's eyes Can you make everyrhing alright Can you keep your Nation warm tonight