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Everything posted by razoredge
Yea ! I went through that. I figured "bere" but that doesnt look right. Then to the dic and there is no such word. It lists bear with a 2 above it as "carry, give birth or produce, endure, press, go in an indicated direction"..... For some reason Im thinkin if someone had an old english dictionary they would find the word "bere" or similar, it just seems like Ive seen a different spelling sometime........in another life. Bare means just that........necked, I find no other There is still a few hicups Im not happy about with the phrase correlation and rythmn. I think it jumps a bit between the first and second phrase. I have the weekend to make edits, I thought about it a bit more today. It cant be made too long. I could also drop the first phrase, but it too, has meaning to me.
What Evok said ? Well OK, OK and OK, so thats what or all the above named men are. However, he is 100% wrong in saying nobody will take them seriously. Alot of people will see things similar to how these guys are calling it. Alot of people already have, that is why GM sells fewer and fewer cars every year. Most of those people have probably never read a "blog". Its also interesting to see Evok wants to discredit people for calling a spade a spade because they lack some degree from a "big name school", almost amusing. If this big school degree proved any form of competency......how did GM get in this position in the first place ? Were the former and current operators high school dropouts ? Yea, thats right, many a moron has achieved degrees over the years. Even idiots can be educated, doesnt mean they know how to use their heads. Wagoner and Lutz have proved little yet, in fact with alot of the product what they have proven is not positive or worse yet incompetency. It could be too late now, anyhow.......and thats giving them the benefit of the doubt that they do have a clue Myself Ill wait until we can see the year end sales totals. I already have an opinion but thats all it is, its only based on a presumption.........and after all, I have no degree and never even made it so far as to drop out of a "big name school"................. tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc aint the global world just so............fascinating ? I think were all going to get a lesson in "modern economics"
We'll my "youngster" is graduating this year. She has been the kryptonite in my pocket. Through her I got the chance to relive my adventurous youth from time to time. Now its time for us to put together a colage of photos and a message. Well, Im not going to write all the usual "were proud of you, you can do anything you put your mind too, you are the rythmn of our hearts".....ect..ect..ect..ect.. No! not me, I have to give something more, something from within, something with thought and deep internal meaning within the family. I have writtin' some great stuff in the past, for songs, but I seemed so hard pressed to come up with anything for this, my daughter and it really had me a bit upset. I was barren of meaningful thoughts. Our family has been through the grinder the past two years, not for the best of results either. We are damaged, not what we were just two years ago. Well, crunch time came with this weeks deadline, and yesterday while driving through the Catskill Mountains on a grey yet colorful autumn day, stuff started to flow Well here it is, some of it is cliche, or a bit Hallmark...ish, elementary, but compared to what Ive seen other parents offer in past years, I feel I hit my mark. I will actually accept grammer corrections for this one....... Trails From the smallest of seed Grow the grandest of things Traveling through life Chasing their dreams Remember the trails down which you came Their mountains, valleys and moguls Delivered you safely…. Just the same At trails head end Lies a small humble shack From within a light beacons “We’ve got your back” Live true to your soul And run with your spirit Move swiftly passed That’s which would steal it Choose wisely your trails Carry proudly your name And once again you’ll arrive safely And bear…….. no shame !
I can see why its important to (gay) people. (I hate the use of that word....gay ! thats not what it means.) I can see its importance however, it must be one of the hardest steps to make. An example on my behalf is........my father found out (from me) I was having a baby.............less than a month before she was born. We were'nt married and I didnt want to get married and I didnt want to hear about it, or get into the discussion. The hurt look in my fathers eyes when he found out I kept this from him is unforgetable. I realize this is not the same look (gay) people would usually get but Im just saying I know about things that are hard to discuss or hidden from the parents. My smoking was always hiddin too, not that anyone was fooled, I just prefered to keep it out of any conversations and out of site........in the closet so to speak. I think most of you would find everyone already knows and also doesnt care to get into the conversation. However, all that said Got pussy ?.......
Well, I really need a small truck. Too bad no one makes one anymore. I'd love another 4 cyl Toyota 4wd or even better yet a VW diesel truck, but that one really aint gonna happen. For cars I really wish I had test drove the VW's and Im liking whatever Acura that was that passed me last week, FWD or not, it looked great and should have the rest of the package to prove its worth. Yea..........I be cross shoppin from now on.................
This thing ? Yea, about as much as I like the 300, which I dont like. I was never into Rolls, or the equivelent Bentleys. They were different but about as stylistly exciting as a Citroen. No thanks ! As for the narrowness ? Are the width of the roads in England still an issue ? I hope they stay narrow and quaint, unlike here in America where we are turning everything into a major boulevard, even the country roads. Getting ready for the big boom town............
So whats it look like ?
Yea, the crap at the top is a big mess.........and we worry and complain about the product, which only reveils the mess at the top. .... not cures it
whats the problem ? you cant strike a nerve, I paid $26000 for what struck the nerve. I didnt try to explain anything, I did explain. It is bad, its a six speed that needs constant shifting, then there are all the other issues. What are you on ? your first car ? There is no excuse for these oversites or more likely they just blew them off like you seem to want to. Thats kindergarten engineering inside that car, not a speck of brilliance involved. This is one of the few "new" GM platforms and its loaded with flaws. This is the platform thats supposed to replace W. It could be thought of as a replacement for the old E body as well. They were upscale..... but agile sporty little cars like the G6 is supposed to be. Theres two old GM platforms that are far superior in internal comfort. This Epilson is supposed to be the new competitor for the small Honda/Toyota/Nissian/Mazda/Mitzubichi..........yet its obvious someone was snoozin' on the job. Not being cheap, not being crafty, just plain not paying attention. I denied it when some magazine said, and I qoute "better go back to the drawing board", "wrestled it around the track". Well let me tell you I feel like an ass, a $26,000 ass, because they could not have been more correct, more accurate. There is something wrong with the cockpit in Epilson.
OK, Im coming out, Im a Lesbian, I love pussy !
:blink: all I can say is............what the FUCK ? We really dont need some of your "lyrics" Dart. I would never even give that kind of shit a listen, let alone learn the words. Anyhow, I believe the real deal with sodomy is everything and anything that is not missionary and for the sole purpose of procreation. Which would limit such sinful activity to only once every 9 months or so. This is why according to the "bible" we are all born of sin................... Imagine that :scratchchin: This makes me ponder the burning of "witches" in Salem during the days of "religious freedom". Hard to believe this continent was secondary settled by a bunch of sick and twisted religious cults. I propose the so called "witches" were nothing more than what we today call "sluts". With their naturally inclined skills, Im sure they put the "spell" on many an innocent participating man.......who undoubtedly had a real hard time "getting over it" and dealing with his religiously imposed guilt...........and his jelous, frigid wife................. :stupid:
Yea, thats no surprise. Even in road racing the Corvette and Porsche are not paired in the same catagory. Porsche still has established one hell of a record for a rear engined car.
G6 console 1. Is a very very cheap piece of plastic that does not match the rest of the interior pieces. Its like something you would buy at Walmart for $18 to put your coffee cups in and a few CD's...........that kind of quality 2. Meets the bottom of "center stack" with a kindergarden level of design talent.........its just plain cheezy 3. extends all the way forward to firewall, cramping the foot area by the gas pedal. I just stepped out and measured, there is 1" between the side of the pedal and the console On my LSS there is nothing but the carpet laid over the exhaust tunnel and its 3" from the pedal and then, only at the bottom of pedal. Above that - nothing but air. A quick feel behind the floppy plastic of the G6 indicated that we have electrical gadgetry hiddin behind there, so you know what ? Thats a big slam for ol' Lutz Putz. The engineers, designers and their "guru" have placed utility location above and beyond driver comfort. Think of it as the power company coming through and changing the pole line, placing the pole in the center of your driveway entrance and saying.......too bad for you..... 4. Shifter is fine, located where it should be......amazingly...it must be the engineers/designers felt the reference for proper placement in the book was good enough for this one and didnt need improvising or rewriting. 5. HOWEVER ! With hand on shifter you have 2" of "arm rest" under the tippy tip of your elbow. 6. WHY ? "Oh looky, where shall we put the cup HOLES? "..." Oh I know, we'll make a short arm rest and stick the cup HOLES where the front of the armrest/compartment would normally be " 7. Why cup HOLES ? Because that is what they are, they are not cupholders, they are holes in the "console" Brilliant, absolute bafflin' brilliance ! 8. Lets further examing the cup HOLES... Where do we set the morning coffee cup ? Lets see, in front of the arm rest and behind the shifter... so that would be.. like ?.. inbetween the area designated for location of the shifting arm? "Well screw the arm, the arm is not part of our design concerns, we do not sell our cars with shifting arms, the arm is supplied by the driver, not our problem " My wife just told me, due to the fact that her coffee cup is exact height as arm rest she rests her elbow....................IN THE COFFEE CUP ! So I suppose now I am supposed to see that these guys are in fact "brilliant". Who would have thought that a properly placed cup HOLE, with driver supplied "proper size" travel mug could suffice for the armrest, thereby excluding the manufacturer the expence of a few extra bits of plastic.................... My 1988 Dodge Dakota had a cup HOLDER that pulled out of the dash and carried drinks, easily within reach, out of the way of everything, including radio, and stowed away invisibly when not needed. I see my buddies 535 BMW has two even slicker designed swing out of the dash HOLDERS..........wonder if GM and its staff of gurus could have come up with a compromise between a 88 DAKOTA and an 06 Beemer ? 9. Oh-kay...lets move away from the "HOLES" The padding on the arm rests, including the door is pathaticly low budget. Ya know, I could care less about a bit of flop down under the dash, "hard materials" on top of the dash or anywhere else...but where I place my elbows or arms....is it too much to expect some padding ? I mean we had padding in the 80's...70's....60's...50's....long before we had any form of plastic on dashes.....we still had padded soft arm rests...imagine This topic is not about the G6, so I wont go on into all the other driver ergonomic screw ups, when I get to pictures, I plan on doing an extensive piece in the articals section, with photos to back my points up. This is however a topic that struck on the subject of "what are these guys doing ?" So I figure it was OK to take it at least this far. The G6 GTP coupe is a car that I had been waiting for and calling for. Along with many others. A high performance modern tec V6 engine, standard shift in a V6 FWD (in this case the much anticipated 6 sp), 2 dr, very sporty body, fastback. Everything we cried about when Grand Prix lost the coupe and never had a standard tranny, everything we cried about when the LeSabre 2 dr was dropped for '92. Now, here it is and I purchased it, only later to find all these design screw ups. I took a 5 mile test drive, with my mind on far to many things to realize that I would never get comfortable due to the layout of the seating/steering/pedal layout. Somehow I have a feeling the "gurus" did the same 5 mile drive with much on their minds. However, that is their job, it should not have slipped by, that is why they make the big bucks. They put packaging ahead of driver comfort and function...so apparently not only are they not Earls or Mitchells...they feel they can throw out all knowledge learned over the years. Knowledge in fact concentrated on in the 50's & 60's by these and other great design artists as to how to properly locate driver controls around the seating compartment for optium comfort.
Im glad to hear of someone thats into this. I would have been but when mountain biking came around I was already all mountained out by the end of the day. I did some insane downhills on a dogsled though and loved every minute of it.........well mostly.........see dogs dont stop or even slow down when you topple, they look over their shoulder and say "take that asshole" as they pick up the pace. Rule # 1 is you never let go, unless you like to walk for miles and miles and chance severe loses. So Im thinking you gonna have a sore gut tomorrow ? Enjoy, I love a challange!
Ah........theres always two extremes. Who wants to be at either end? not me. Its good to be enviromentally aware and concerned and do your part. Its stupid to have the Rush Lamebo f@#kyou attitude, lets promote excessive poluting industries and freedoms. You younger fellas have no idea what our air and water would be like today if no one gaver a f@#k back in the late 60's and 70's and made sure things began heading in a more concerned fashion. Everyone wants to cry about CAFE, Emission regulations, regulations on industry emissions, logging, land developement, wetlands, ect. ect. ect. You really have no idea what so ever the direction we were heading in the 50's and 60's with the care free, it will all wash down the stream, be diluted and make no matter. Believe me, you should be thankful your not living in that world that could have been. While many of their tactics are questionable, it is not something that can not be said of any government or corporation. If not for these in your face organizations nothing would have ever been done. The blacks would still be slaves, the women would still not vote, the cities would still be choked with coal dust and smoke, workers (many children) would still be working 80 hour weeks for peanuts, there would be no forests left on the West Coast, all the giant Redwoods and Sequoias would be gone, our rivers would be dead zones, our well water would be poluted by local landfills...........get the picture ? I choose to be rational about such things. There are many people out there driving "trucks" just for the sake of it, it hardly makes any sence. Its also made "trucks" more expensive than they need to be for those that actually use them. Id be more concerned about the idiots that call for far more expensive gas to hurt each and every one of us that cant afford it while the rich bitches will still run to the salon for a manicure in the Escalade and think nothing of it.
No, not really, everyone heatedly involved in any of the discussions here could have the same thing said of them, myself included. I wont pick others apart because that is what you guys do to Buickman or even myself when you need someone to beat up on. Theres alot of posters here with a multitude of posts that have never really said anything. So lets grow up and quit calling for reviews of other posters when our own closets (moderators included) are full of errors, excessive whining, name calling, quote adjustments........(something actually illegal in the real world), ect. ect. ect. Yes we would be on the second generation Intrigue, now...........actually Alero Alpha........G6 coupe is closest to being what Alpha was intended. Spilt milk, yea, but it laid, went rancid and now its hard to get rid of the stench. How do you spell stench ? Give me an s, give me an a, give me a t,..........ah never mind I dont want to be whinny and brought up for review. Lets face it Wagner/Lutz and crew have overlooked or let go way to much. I can survive not having a 6 sp yet, or enough DOHC engines, or enough RWD's, or all new platforms. We all know all that will take X years to complete. Im looking at all the little stuff wrong with what has been put to market and am simply saying. Im tired of hearing that these guys are "the plan" and that Lutz is the "Product Guru". I can see his crews work, their good, but its so easy to find the errors and say "where were you on that day?" "why did you spend money and time on that, when we needed this ? "
G2 Aurora - 1. available with what at that time was GM latest advanced 3.5 DOHC V6 for an affordable price 2. argueably better looking, if not its according to opinion. It is at least obvious the similiarities in styling, and the fact that they both were/are mid lux "sports sedan American style".........same damn car as far as Im concerned except for the fact that Epilson cant possibly compare to G body, so that explains why its a bit cheaper ? Or is it really, once its decked out in trim suitable for 3.5 Aurora comparision ? I know my platforms, Im not talking on the surface here, Im talking about what the purpose these vehicles were to do then and what they are to do today is the same damn thing only 6 years latter, same FWD layout, 3.5ish DOHC engine, 4 door sedan, luxury, styling. I just hate them, loathing, wanna choke all involved, plug pullin SOB's gonna try it again but the players changed so its all alright now, look at all we did for you, watch us go ............... I was here for Buick and Oldsmobile, now Im here for Buick and will fight for Pontiac but they arent really my style. Tic toc tic toc, not much left. I saw an Acura comming in the rearview mirror last week that drew my eye, then it passed me.......yea...........tic toc tic toc.......
Thanks for the responce, seriously ! My sarcasm is because Im pretty pissed off at so much misdirected energy, funding and then followed by reports of Lutz/Wagner heroism.
you said same relationship between a new Lexus and 64 Dart as a late 90's vintage GM luxury sports sedan to a late 90's GM sports car. Sorry but a slant 6 Dart to a Lexus does not equal a supercharged LSS to a LS1 C5. The similarities in characteristic between the two cars was remarkable as well as surprising to me and no one would have a bit of problem seeing that they both came from the same stable. I somehow dont think one could mistake your hoax as stable mates. For me the ultimate GM two car garage from the late 90's would be a LSS for the serious stuff and a C5 for the fun summer days. One could comfortably jump from one car to the other and feel right at home.
:lol: , now that was funny, I had no idea. It wouldnt post, so I kept trying, then I gave up and took a shower, good thing I came back.............came back..........came back...........came back.............came back........
Yea, Id have to look up the year, but I believe Lagonda was a styling statement. I never liked it, always prefering the curvacious voluptuous styling of the European 50's & 60's. Think of the Seville, or how about the 80's Celica GT, so many others with flat sides and panels, hoods and trunks. Seems like there was another big buck European car with similar styling. Chrysler Imperial
I love sodomy, could you imagine the sex life with whats left that doesnt fall into the sodomy catagory.............I think Id loose interest. Humans were meant to be creative and resourceful, if not we would be fish......y
not to be all the things one is typically called for this statement, but this is, at this time and for quite some time now, my reality true internal, not surface happiness is a distant memory surface happyness lies in the feel of a womans body, a trip to the races, a walk with dem doggies
Thats kinda funny, just last night I was going through a few of these 80's early 90's Astons. They arent the styling statement the current cars or the older DB4's & 5's were but their OK. Why Buick , I think because, for myself, I see Buick should have this type of car. A highend luxury sports car. Which is what the motive of the origional Riviera was. In an American sence but they were after that high class, yet sporty grand tourismo look. I dont think there is much about this car that resembles any Buicks. A bit LeSabre Ttype in the tailights and rectangle headlights like most late 80's cars had. edit: I see now, its the front directionals, located in the bumpers and the air damn, very similar to T type. T type is better styling wise, this has a mechanical edge though.
All the way to the back, where theres are no cars and drive through. Or even better in the curbed parking lots, take an empty back corner. Then walk the distance and figure the exercise is doing me good. I never park beside cars, I hate door dings.