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Everything posted by razoredge

  1. First of all the "harasment" I am guessing, amounts to little more than "teasing" and insulting comments about her "son". Im not saying its OK, I for example am more willing to take a physical beating than be verbally abused, that $h! really gets me worked up, as you all know. However, going around being pissy and show bad attitude will only give people more reason to have too much to say about stuff. Thats a fact ! Trust me, Im an odd duck too and any respect I ever earned came hard, those that really know me, respect me to the fullest. So I guess Im agreeing with what Blu said, only more to the point. I would like to add this, which you wont like but too bad ! Your job in this whole scenerio is to prove your worth or value as a man. Are you doing this ? Do you work ? Go to school ? Finish school ? Treat people politely and fairly when intermingling. How do you carry yourself ? What kind of person are you showing yourself as being... in your town ? These are the real important matters. If you carry yourself well and prove a worthy contributing part of socioty, your family nor yourself will never need to hang their head and eventually people will see you as what you really are, not a label. It will be many more generations before "gays" will be completely accepted, if then or ever. That is something you will need to deal with. So while your running around with bad attitude about your "redneck" neighbors they are running around with a bad attitude about "gays". It seems the ball is in your hands, question is what are you going to do with it ?
  2. Wow ! Theres only two Id be interested in however. I think we all know how this bidding is going to go.
  3. The black and white console TV Mom and Dad bought after they built our house in 58 was still working fine in the 70's and was only replaced for a color. I just threw out their old General Electric refridge about 8 years ago. I still have no idea what I was thinking. We have been through 2, on our 3rd. since. We are on our 3rd TV in 18 years as well. My parents old Electrolux canister vacumn was still doing a fine job in the mid 90's when Dad died, I have no idea where it is now. It still sealed properly and did not throw out half the dust it picked up due to warped plastic sealing surfaces. We have been through 4 new vacumn cleaners in these 18 years. 3 VCR's 2 computers 5 coffee makers ? maybe more 1 sterio in my shop, new Japanese, lasted on week past its year warrrantee 3 microwaves So YEA I can really see how much better products are these days than in the past. Here, let me do another new age American dance for ya, Id hate to loose your........respect..........
  4. Thats not true, other countries have their populations overall welfare, economic and industrial growth as their priority. This is not the case in this country. In this country our governments only concern is the bottom line we can show the wall street crowd at the end of the day. Unfortunantly over the past three decades the only way to do this has been to sell off our assets. Selling assests reads as great profit. Simply operating assets for the typically slow profits has not been enough to please the wall street crowd. Which brings me to my "xenophobic" views, what ever the hell that is. These assets were built and developed and made successful by the generations of Americans that fought off the repressive totalitarian governments that were trying to take over the world through force. After we went into great debt to beat them into the ground, we went further into debt to rebuild them, because its our nature to feel badly for the down trodden (as long as they are not our own). Then after we rebuilt their countries, our corporate world then inplace from the rebuilds, taught how to gain economic strenght in the American market. With low, near slave labor this was a very easy challange. Somewhere in there it dawned on these countries that it was not necessary to use weapons to capture our economic wealth, industrial might and eventually purchase our assets. Hows that summary ? Any questions ! Well at least they dont bomb us anymore......heres a little victory dance.......
  5. I would guess that the G6 coupe is the closest thing we have to what the Alero Alpha could have been.
  6. Their conceptualization clearly indicates where their priorities lie and its not the former bread and butter divisions, Buick and Pontiac. Interesting we can mention Buick and Pontiac overlap when management has clearly placed Cadillac and saturin directly on top of both of them. "Hello..........can you breath down there ?"
  7. These are meaningless, distracting and to hard to make any determination from. GMNA sales are whats important. The US market is the problem, not the Chinese market or the European market, where the Japanese car sales are growing as well and surely faster. This is interesting "Saab global year to date sales increased 7 percent compared with year-ago levels, to 104,000 vehicles, helping the brand set a new record for the first nine months of the year. Growth was seen in Europe and Asia where sales increased 18 percent compared with the first nine months of 2005. In Sweden, the Saab 9-5 BioPower was once again the number one ‘green vehicle’ sold." And GM's maximum dream team of gurus cant wait to shut down operations in Sweden. Heroic they are.....no doubt...
  8. I thought we discussed this back when the whole thing began ? The only ones getting anything out of the bankruptcy will be the "turn around heros" and the lawyers. When they are all done playing their little games, there will nothing left of the company and the lawyers and a few exec's will have fat bank accounts. Nothing new there...These things are all covered by the lawyers can never do any harm .... Union....Thats the LCNHU...a very low profile Union
  9. Exactly..........your eyes are rolled up in your head, like a zombie The looks on your faces in another 30 years when reality slaps you upside the face will be priceless.
  10. Well, you brain washed fools should give a good damn about it. They are not "our allies" They are only after their own financial gains, looking out for their own people and interests.............something Americans might want to let rub off on them. Asia just realized there was a far easier way to gain control of America, through its new generation of gulable, liberal, bleeding heart, def dumb and blind, wannabe idealists.
  11. Well at least it didnt throw a rod............. Bring me a Pontiac, I'll send a rod, anything made by man can be broke by man, you should know that as well as anyone. No one ever said Rotarys were a rock solid design. Damn impressive numbers per displacement though. If the RX7's werent so plain wedgy Jap style Id love to have one just for the different engine experience. RX8 has some freeky styling going on and make them undesireable to me too.
  12. Look Fly........its a GM...........has an old antiquate 3800 pushrod engine........ancient 4 sp tranny........not enough air bags........to much room in the drivers compartment..........unsightly outdated overhang proportions..........and furthermore is just plain old fashioned unreliable.......just accept it, its the truth quit fighting it, and embrace the new wave that flows across the nation
  13. OK Money is a great blanket wish. It would cover everything for yourself and those you care about. It could also create jobs, if you created a business. Finally, money makes money and that much would make a bundle even with modest squandering The guy on the last page, I forgot who, that said "the ability to answer any question" was absolutely friggin brilliant! I never thought of that. That would nail the financial security which would take care of the "dreams" and the dreams would be well thought out and fruitful. I would also mean you would be bound to the knowledge of what is right and what is wrong, something that the "give me the money" crowd will never have. But what gets me the most about it is......It would make you "The Wizard". Unless someone else tops that answer I give this guy the nod for most brilliant use of "The Wand" Now - aaaantoine Shows much brilliance here as well. It all has its price. The newly profound Wizard would have to fight dayly to retain his sanity, all those answers might come to questions he would rather not ask, he may be faced with continous torture from all that is not right, with the world and life........ All you humble people with your simple wishs are from my cloth. My wish would be to wipe out GREED, make any incling of it non existant, impossible to be greedy.........which would eliminate all of you money grubbers........and make the burden bore by the newly aquired Wizard, much lighter........... thanks for the replies guys..........even you ...........BLU ! ..... I leave you all with this The Wizard He was the Wizard of a thousand kings, I chanced to meet him one night wondering He told me tales and he drank my wine Me and my majic man kinda feelin' fine He had a cloak of gold and eyes of fire and as he spoke I felt a deep desire to free the world of its fear and pain and help the people to feel free again Why dont we listen to the voices in our hearts ? 'cause then I know we'd find we're not so far apart Everybodys got to be happy Everyone should sing For we know the joy of life The peace that love can bring So spoke the Wizard in his mountain home The vision of his wisdom means we'll never be alone and I dream of my majic night and the million silver stars that guide me with their light Hensley/Clarke
  14. Ah, Id say no it couldnt, but I take it this means your in dire straights ? Sorry to hear that. Maybe Ill save my wave for you. Maybe it would be for you and others in such predicaments in the first place. Or maybe Ill just wave for the Pot of Gold, screw all others... I want a house on the beach !
  15. I just knew you two............would..............ah.........damnit !.......no matter what I do.......... I rewording this now...........EDIT ! Come on seriously, what would you change or gain or fix ?
  16. We had a friend into Mazda rotories. He was older than us and one of the first computer geeks, worked for Burrows or Buroughs ? (what do I know) He had a ? RX 4 wagon in the mid 70's, we loved that thing and he put the beatings to it too. When the RX 7 was comming out he ordered it, had the first one in the Albany area, what a ride I got in that thing. It was amazing in that day and age, Im sure the 280 Z was as well but this Mazda was a "Rotory". What did they spin at ? Wasnt it like 10-12,000 RPM ? His last car purchase that I know of was a WRX about 5 years ago. My first truck was a Mazda, my first loan in fact, I loved that truck. Also sold as Ford Courier, but mine was an actual Mazda, '75 maybe. I loved those old origional Japanese trucks, so minimalistic, so hardy, reliable and economical. My old car scratchin girlfriends father was into Datsuns but when the first 626 came out he jumped right on one. It was one of the "latest things" in that day and age. That one went to his son, I think it lasted well but I was out of the picture by then. I found it interesting that his last two car purchases were late 90's Buick Skylarks. Back in the 80's he would have nothing to do with anything that wasnt built in Japan. he always said "boy, those Japs are smart!" Old school Italian raised in "The Bronx" An elevator Union man. Great guy, always glad to see me "What the f@#k do you want ?" It was the "mother" that was the problem...........
  17. I know "what if's" are mute.......eh.... moot But here it is, your buddy, The Wizard has given you the opportunity for a one time wish If you could change something, anything, what would it be ? Remember just one, more than one and you turn into a Wart Toad
  18. Alright ! alright !alright !............Im sorry already !............. GEEZE !............ I was just responding to you's two's consecutive responces........no matter what I do...what I say... it never goes well.
  19. This is touching too close to home for me. Precious pain. I have a strong affection for the first generation of GM FWD C/H, E & W bodies. The Riv/Toro and Eldorado being E bodies. FWD/V6 or not they were finally what GM needed to get in tune with the flood of import cars from Japan and Germany. Only these GMs were better. Far more stylish, reliable, powerful for the times and advanced. Introducing GM's new computerized EFI engines and the first generation of the 440T4(4T60) 4 sp FWD transaxle. These BOP C/H & E bodies introduced the "new" 1st generation BUICK SFI FWD 3.8 in '86, and then in '88 introduced a whole new BUICK the 3800 engine. These things were getting 4 cylinder gas economy with V6 torque and riding in style. Styling could be said to have a European influence but a close, open minded inspection shows a newly pure American styled car. They show creative styling lost with the square, boxy, so out of touch, so bass ackwards GM's of the 77-85 generation. Anyhow Rivieras and Toronados did have issues with the digital dashs & DIC's. Not 100% problems but "blackouts" were common. Chryslers 80's digitals were the same deal, some went down, some never did. Still there is not one E body that I do not long to own. You guys are so wrong about that steering wheel, that wheel is the perfect wheel. Place left elbow on door rest. Place open hand on the left "spoke" at 8:00 Lean a bit to the right toward your Honey Place right elbow on the oh so soft console rest Rest thy wittle fingies around that shifter now your cruisin, pimpin in style oh... so smooooth ! You guys know I like to dig out this photo of the 86 Riviera with the Razzi GFX kit and after market wheels. It might be FWD but I really dont think BMW or the Japs had a car in the mid 80's that could touch GM E bodies for styling. Split recessed headlights, chrome bezels, wraparound bumper, even where they placed the Riviera badge
  20. There, I fixed it............and how do ya'll like me now ?
  21. ah common', but hes so ! I like the Bluman, he a real soldier, I'd march with anywhere........following from a distance.....cause you never know......just, best to keep your eye on him, and all, like that............
  22. I never really had unreachable deadlines. Contracts were long enough. At one time I had a few on extension but that was acceptable. What I wanted to say was my self employed life was always frantic and tense, due to climate, environment and just plain hardship.........I ate it up and always said "thank you very much, may I have another !" I loved the challange, the hustle, I had that adrenelin thing always going on. I just loved it. Today, in a different environment, around other workers, with no stimulation, I dont have it. Its best to hide it too, if I do get stimulated, I change, become overly drivin', hard to deal with, think of it as the pitbull kind of thing. It worked for my life before, today its a liability. Back in the closet.............you........who ever you were. I know something that was more similiar to what your talking about..........thats how I graduated highschool. I was a real F student. My report cards were nearly all red, everything but Ph.Ed and music theory....... I did two summers of summer school and pulled excellent grades & Aug. Regents scores........the pressure was on. But Senior year if you want to graduate with your class, you cant wait to do the summer school thing. So all of May and early June I focused and it all seemed so easy, my yearly averages were still poor but I aced the few Regents and finals and they had to let me go. No ! Today I am not proud of this, I now live in the reality of the end results. I just wish school had not been so unstimulating, I just hated it, fiercly.
  23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  24. Croc & Blu & Bob & Harley & Balth................I do appreaciate your ability to see through my engulfed frustration and at times just appreaciate me for my...............?.......... engulfed frustration ? Back atcha ! with one of these on the side Metro ??? Yea, I just heard my wife use this a few weeks ago. We were watching another of the G3 DVD's and she didnt like Steve Vai's long hair. The first DVD she watched it was shorter and well, I guess she was in luv.......... In this last one it was long and she said "that long hair has to go, he looks too metro" I said "What ?" She said "yea, thats what all the young girls at work call metro" I said "Get real, hes an old rocker and always had long hair, it goes with the turf" As for his sexuality I have no idea. Most great guitar players have very feminine or at least soft, slender hands, long agile fingers. Unlike "real" men such as myself that have toad hands............. Id still have long hair if it didnt point straight up to the sky and parts beyond then my username could be .............."electrifiedtoad"
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