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Everything posted by razoredge
Well I know theres not to many metal heads here but I wanted to tell everyone I went to see Queensryche Operation Mindcrime in its new entirity Thursday night, at Albanys old Palace Theater. Not the best place acoustically for heavy music. I saw Rush and Blue Oyster Cult there twice 30 years ago and the place just boomed, resonating on a certain bass frequency in the Balcony, but they were very loud concerts. People like Santana, Robert Cray, Jean Luc Ponty, Jeff Beck/Jan Hammer and even Uriah Heep did much better acoustically. Anyhow the Queensryche soundman did an excellent job considering and it was not stageringly loud. We abaondoned the balcony and went downstairs where the sound was excellent. Mindcrime II had a point 3/4 of the way through that seemed to get lost in a big climax for far too long but overall it was a great show. Geoff Tate gives his all and really is as good live as in studio, forgiving the sound quality lost in a live show. For an encore, they made us work for it, giving our all as we had recieved. They came back and performed killer accounts of Take Hold of the Flame followed by Jet City Woman. A memorable night in my life, if they ever come around again I will not miss it. Heres to our progessive rock and metal music, a dying breed of lost art
Thanks Robert, thats two word in one post and 5 minutes in the dictionary.... litigious - carry on a lawsuit mercurial - unpredictable couldnt you just have said, "carry on in a predictable unpredictable fashion like a bunch of screaming idiots" antidote - allow N Korea one above ground nuclear test of carefully controled volumn centered in Bagdad ? Then punish N Korea for their actions by enacting a full 4 year assult on Korean soil ?...................hey, its the American way.........
Im up for that job
Heated running water and flush toilets rule ! Priests and Nuns should be allowed to marry and "have a life", how can we have people guiding us when they "have not been there". To me it seems the Catholic religion is so out of touch with socioty. Yet extremes "sins" are OK so long as you confess, you can always be forgivin and start anew. So maybe if Priests and Nuns marry, then go to confession once a month and confess their marraige, they will be forgiven and can go on and live a "sinful" but natural life for another month. Its all so confusing
Well considering the mindset of the people from that area. With too many generations of intense passive solar brain burning, intense dehydration, lack of warm green living objects, combined with the weight of head wrappings.... He may have been the best choice for a leader. Its so funny but sickening that anyone living does not have a clue that these people have been fighting, killing, tortureing and basically behaving like a bunch of 4 year olds having a temper tantrum in their giant sandbox for thousands of years. Its highly unlikely they will ever "grow up" and surely they are not going to do it in our lifetimes. Only another highly immature puppy and those he has managed to brain wash would ever believe he could change the world...screw the price tag So in summary, BFD - we didnt belong there in the first place. Now the area is in shambles and hatred is at an all time high. Our budget is totally screwed again and nothing was accomplished, nor ever will be. Time to get out and let the chips fall where they may. When they act up again, go back and give them another quick pounding and leave again. Dont turn it into a big project. In all living circles other than the modern human, punishment is harsh, swift and then its over. Either the disciplined learned their lesson or not, if not another swift kick in the ass awaits them, sooner or later they grow up and catch on. These "modern" methods accomplish nothing, they only teach "maybe" or offer an excess of humiliation that builds hatred.
I saw a program concerning sexuality and repression of it and the current one we are comming out of dated to, I believe the "Victorian" period. I didnt strike it all to memory and it was a few years ago. Prior to that everyone was nothin but a bunch of perverts.........too......... We all know the Romans were'nt shy........they even had giant open........public restrooms............now that was sick.
I cant speak for the 07's but the GTP's were not very common when we were shoping for the 06. Lots of GT Coupes though. I also believe their will be 2 types of GTP's. The 6 sp standard cars will have the 3.9 and the automatic's will have the 3.6. Then think about the rectractables. All this will challenge the dealers in their inventory, so possibilities I would imagine will be limited. There was only 3 06's last July in our 50 mile radious. Only 6 in a 100 mile radious search. Best bet would be to go to the Pontiac site and do a build of the car you would like and use the find car locator.
Not goofy.....thats a gay attention whore "hey everybody look at me...hehehehehe" The thing about gay guys poping up in religion.......is so obvious......my daughter and I just had a talk about this for her psychology class. I cant believe so many people dont get it. It will be great when the religious repression of same sex people ends and they stop running to God to try to be cured. One of the men I rented this house from and then bought it from was a Catholic priest.......if he wasnt born gay Ill eat my old socks. He had the voice, the features, all the characteristics. He was also one great guy. When he first bought the house and came to see me, he lowered my rent. Then when he held the mortgage it had a "spring mud season" clause in it so I could fall behind during spring as long as I caught right back up over the summer. I sure hope he has not had any alterboy urges, I actually figure him to be above that. My sisters first boyfriend..........if he was not gay.......Ill eat another sock. He had all the characteristics. He was ultra religious and so became my sister. Shortly after they went off to college, he broke their relationship off and went into what ever school its called for Methodist Ministers. My theory is that he had some experience occur and ran to hide behind God and be cured of his "sins". This is my 100% belief, these guys are scared by their tendencies and scared by a lifetime of religious badgering that makes them feel sinful. So they run to God in hopes of being cured and loosing all sexual tendencies. Well....ya know what.....we're all human and sex is a very powerful part of our makeup. Some just cant hold up and .........ew!........look to young boys.....ew!........for relief? Thats kinda freeky........the young boy thing........I dont think I should have gone there. But anyhow I dont believe they all started out as pedofiles, just scared gay men going to the wrong place in search of santuary. Perhaps this is another form of "timebomb" However as has been proven "comming out of the closet" is not all its cracked up to be.
As a teenager, my family of friends, it was "Nevets", they all still call me that when they see me My first job after school the one guy called me "Ghini" because I talk with my arms and hands waving in the air.... Im not Italian My partner in the loggin' business called me "Frenchy" after French Canadians because of my forest prowess and production speed.......Im not French At the same time the guys in the band I was in called me "Chainsaw" I believe due to my very edgy, harsh playing and the fact that the chainsaw was my trade. One guy in my next band penned me "Snowolf", due to my romanticized stories about my sled dogs, trail tales and tendency to reference the inner workings of wolf packs. Snowolf was one character in a rock opera he was writting, loosely based on our lives. It was pretty cool actually, he was quite a creative dreamer, good lyricist and song writer. The band was eventually named Snowolf. My wife calles me "Ferret"...I have no idea why....she says thats what I look like In the past 15 years I have had no long lasting new personal relationships so have not accumulated any new nickname....but from time to time names referencing body parts, functions and acts in a multitude of combinations has seemed to keep most new commers content...................
60 hours a week is bull$h! even if your not going to school. Those extra 10-20 hours a week are what you need to take care of your own affairs. 50 hours isnt too bad, 5, 10 hour days and call it a week. 12's will eventually ruin your life and there should be a law about no work on Saturdays for those that work Mon-Fri. These long work weeks is where America has been headed though. Keeping hourly wages artificially low and make everyone work 50-60 hours. Then with the time and a half for over time everyone thinks they are making a great weekly paycheck.........never stoping to realize they are actually working a week and a half and their priorities are not in the right place. Which is home, family, community and just simply having a life.
Line em all up and mow them down, push them into a big pit and cover with the weekly garbage. Then and only then can we rest assured the next batch will take their job seriously and protect what needs to be protected in this country and then let the other countries finish their own laundry. The only good "law makers" are those that are dead............. sad fact is that Americans are as divided in thier beliefs as our politicians, so no matter what is done or what is said the country and the whole world for that matter will always be in a steady state of decline as we obsess with the almighty dollar and what we percieve as progress
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The G6 is an improvement over the Grand Am in application and even greater improvement in appearance. The old GA sedans were pathatic looking and the coupes only slighty less pathatic. It should be fine with the I4 for economy and have enough power to get around well. If you are comming from a Cavalier you might not notice any of the short falls of the interior lay out. Positives are a sturdy, rigid chassis that performs well though a bit jouncy Negitives are an interior layout designed by the leftover morons no one else would hire, overseen by a no-show "73 year old product wiz kid" that is too busy doing press promos to do his friggin job. but hey, for a $20,000+- car who could expect it to be anymore comfortable and fitting of all potential customers than say a .........69 VW Beatle..................
Once again let me just say For starters as a rule the larger wheel recieves a very low profile tire which in the end gives same overall diameter Then your ideas of origional, meaning something never seen, implies that you believe any customizing or modifications that are not a unique artistic statement are unworthy of any givin owners satisfaction. all that and "higher off the ground" in the same post brings a courious quandary
I agree that this is the right time and place. I would gladly have this type of car for a second car for work transportation purposes. Every morning certain roadways across American are clogged right full of 5-6 seat passenger cars occupied by one, creaping along at 5mph for 45 minutes, to travel the short 15 miles to get to work. Friggin brilliant ! I doubt we could expect GM to put this kind of car on market.........until everyone else does first....say maybe.... coming to a showroom near you by......2020.
Another Jerry Flint Column to Outrage Everyone
razoredge replied to ehaase's topic in General Motors
Once again we have "the world ends East of the Sierra Nevadas" crowd placing their opinion as fact. CTS is not real big around this area. I see nearly as many STS's already............however the DTS and its former Deville far out number the rest. the CTS was so "cutting edge " most people I know were less than excited. Now today its accepted but old already. Just last night I parked in garage near and walked past one of downtown Albanys classy hangouts for the capitol wealthy and there was the usual BMW's, Mercedes, Lexus, Infinitys but notta one CTS..........there was however one STS and one DTS...........stupid people....... -
Look guys, its times like these Im ashamed to be part of the "C&G" crowd....... The point of the topic was to show that there are people out there that love thier Buicks and jazz em up to their liking. Not whether or not YOU would do it or like it. Anyhow compared to base model Buicks with caps or the very lame factory alloys these B U I C K S - ROCK Geeze guys, Im mostly the oldest redneckiest here and Im OK with these cars. I know these guys are out there, I have been going to Buick websites for 7 years now, young guys and girls that get Buicks somehow become immeadiately taken by them. The PA has been highly desirable, there was little else made that was like it in the 90's. I have no idea what this......... " still have the old images of WW2 era folks driving an '82 X Body Skylark 45 MPH on the hiway. Also, they still think the boxy A body is still made."....... is all about, somehow its got me wonder if I was slipped something in a drink back in the day and forgot things...........but anyhow thanks for telling me what "we remember".......... I remember A body Skylarks, Boattail Rivieras and Electra hardtops driven by the people that were doing alright. That X body crap is the stuff we have blocked out........by slipping stuff into each others drinks.......it was called.......X-OUT.......... "EVERYBODY built crap in the'80s" maybe "some crap" but not all crap and Buick built some damn great cars in the 80's I still own one of them. 86 2dr. LeSabre Limited.........FWD, plush red velvet velour pillow interior, softness galour, EFI computerized V6/4sp overdrive tranny.....great car, was then and still is. This thing with Buick is a matter of "if you dont understand it or get it, shut up, your the one missing out" so buy a B U I C K and get
Not a pile of square boxs. I thought we were done with that in 85. Not squared off exagerated fender flares, square grills ? Arg ! Ill be so happy when this trend passes and it just got here, gasp!. Only proplem is Ill live in fear of what bogus territory they will venture into next in the name of "creativity". As with everything else Ill get used to it. If thats a form of excitement I need to start feeling it.........
Im alright with the front of this car, compared to the over the top Sunfire or Bird (whatever) that preceded it. Its the taillights that need help, I think they could somehow do better than that. Maybe write a letter to the czar max guru........ Back a generation or two there was very little physical difference between Sunfire and Cavalier. The idea about putting the DI turbo in this is excellent but might twist the FWD transaxle so a mildly turbo'd as stated would be the right thing to do. Even if it did get Chevy all twisted in a tight little bunch.........."got your ears on there Hollywood Max ? " Pontiac needed this car size/price but the GM dream team already removed Pontiac from the radar in this segment. I think there was a song written once about "asleep at the wheel"..............
Hello ? This should be a well known inside joke by now ! get it ?
ah that would be czar maximum product guru hollywood bob
Please tell me these are not the new GM pickup trucks ! czar maximum product guru........IDIOT ! say goodbye to hollywood..........tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc
purdue - I believe the base G6 and the base "aura" are the same, then the GT/GTP suspension same as this XR. Then with the aura XR having the 3.6 6/auto like the 07 GTP, from what I understand if you want the 6 standard in 07 you get the 3.9 like our 06. If they are getting away from the "electronic steering" its because of the problems and complaints with it, not because "saturin" led the way GTP got it first, Im sure because of the complaints about the limp steering on original G6/Malibu. We really need these engineers and thier marketing/accountants to realize you dont mess with what is tried and proven, you can not replace mechanical function with electronic function and come up with something that has "feel". Electronics cant feel. I did not say the epilson was junk, I said its no comparision in quality to the G platform. It would be a nice little car if the product guru would step away from the camera long enough to drive one for about 6 hrs straight and realize the few tiny eras that created a large unnecessary problem. None the less B body and Epilson are not even in the same league and with opted out Epilson cost approaching mid level G Lucerne there is simply nothing to think about in my opinion. Like I said and a few others indicated you have to drive this kind of car to believe. Then you will feel like you stepped down, like I did with the GTP.
The GTP has been hydraulic steering. I believe GT is now too. Only a nimrod at GM would dream up some stupid electronic steering when Hydro has been just fine for decades. Id like to hear what "suspension changes" you think they did. Different control arms ?, different sway bars ?, different springs ? , different struts ? special nemotite bushings ?....... I'll tell you how things work. There is a spring chart, it offers springs of about 3 different rates, they all have a designated code number, these codes and numbers are the same throughout the corporation. GTP has the same springs as the GT, same suspension in fact, a disappointment but you really wouldnt want one any stiffer so its OK. The base G6 has a softer rate. I bet this XR uses the same springs as the GT/GTP, same struts, same bars. This is how GM has done things for decades. The Pontiac guys always thought their Bonnevilles had special parts, better than what was used on the LeSabres and Delta 88's..........well guess who had the parts book ? and guess what the parts book proved ? When I go to Pontiac next time for service, Ill have the guys check the suspension codes for me. GTP now also comes with the 3.6 and six speed And where did you come up with this "The Lucerne is the most "stripped down" of a luxury car platform." ...???
I highly doubt there is any mechanical differences. Im willing to bet the parts book for Pontiac has the same mechanical parts codes as the "different" car company. Off the shelf parts. Different sheet metal, different interior, same mechanics.