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Everything posted by razoredge

  1. Those stripes are the coolest, the SS concealed headlights are the coolest.
  2. Doesnt that almost look like Natalie Cole ? Nice looking girl at any rate. Love the get up, thats definantly got Disco writtin all over it, its not 1970. That Camaro is so sharp, I even like the vinyl top but I grew up in the vinyl top days. Some like em some dont. My friends 69 was blue with black top, just looks right to me.
  3. Cool , I have to have one ! although Id do the rear panel differently. Its the first SUV.
  4. Thank You - Thats what Ive been talking about. RWD only has FWD by a few decimal points in the lateral G factor. Very few people ever push a car to its max lateral at any kind of speed. Especially the largest percentage of the driving population ;) Up here in the North we just cant have all those people in rush hour traffic out there in RWD cars on a snowy morning. We have 5 questionable months. Its hilly, so on and so forth.
  5. Im comming from 31 years of driving both and many types of cars as well as much heavy truck and equipement driving. Not trying to sound special by that just useing it in hopes to prove some kind of experience behind the wheel that allows me to honestly compare and not use the blind bias propaganda that is always shown with the FWD sucks group. I learned on RWD, I drove like an idiot on RWD, some of which was in pretty decent cars. Im sure few of them compare as well with modern RWD's but my Alpine was pretty much a race prepared suspension one 69 Camaro, one 75 Camaro, and some totally insane 3/4 ton 4X4 moments. The rest would be more American family and luxury cars. With that Ill say FWD took a few minutes to get a feel of but its not "going off the road - Dead" by any means. Our LSS is way too soft but even so its sticks and you can even power out some, which is the fault of FWD - not being able to power out as hard as RWD. FWD you must have neutral pedal - no power and no hold back at corner or it will push. Ive never drivin a GTP but I bet they feel pretty good. Sure we need and you need and some people need RWD again but FWD hasnt been worth crying about in my experiance. Thats all Im trying to say. That all. :)
  6. I assume you are talking about turning fast on wet snow not dry roads I hope - right ?
  7. What was the Doobie Brothers song ? Jesus is just alright with me, that was high on the charts for a year
  8. Well I must be doing better than your buddies because I drive a Oldsmobile LSS and it only costs me 262 a month ;-), no actually I drive a 90 Regency with 322,000 miles that costs me 00.00 per month ;-) 50's aint bad, we dont have a combined of 50 and Im totally uninsured and dont give a damn. Of my working career I have had health benefits for a total of 1.5 years thanks to those being Union jobs. I have a 29 year degree that finds it painfull to watch people toil with the simplest of tasks. Id be happy with a job in the 30's with benefits that was stimulating, had room to expand and did not require every wakeing minute of my life. These darn places seem to think everybodys looking for a new Zip code. These were not issues when America was strong, organized and healthy. Before the huge monopolies were consolidated, before deregulation and "global economy" welcome to the third world my little puppets
  9. Im willing to bet its all anti union hype. If you throw in the benefits package you could add another 10-15 Im quessing. Some of which is retirement funds, then you got to add in the health insurance plus workers comp, disability and other things we hardly ever think about. One would need 25 per hour for 40 hour weeks at 52 weeks to gross 52,000. Around here most union construction jobs are around 20-25 per hour. With benefits besides. The non union guys still get the "prevailing wage" on municipality jobs so they get the lump sum which is around 34+ for heavy highway less for other work. Then shop rates are lower than field rates. Shop or plant rates around here are from 14 - 17 if you are lucky. Thats how some blue collar workers can afford the 2-4 hundred per month school taxes we have today. Theres lots of overtime so theres little family life and then theres the layoffs which lower the annual take. Still its half of what white collar workers take so maybe Union rates are inline with society and the non union camps are the ones still living at 1980 pay scales. The question is not why do Union workers make so much but rather what makes us worth so little. I once thought the other way myself then I had a few decades to get a better look at the world. Im highly in favor of the return of Bastille Day
  10. I think this is a well over due great idea. A Buick should have no problem going 50,000. No excuses.
  11. Also as someone mentioned Porsche I would like to point out that back in the day Porsche was highly critized for having the engine at the wrong end of the car and reasons of weight distrubition were used as well. However Porsche has proven to have the "ultimate" ;-) road racing record of any car company, in fact I dont believe its even possible for any manufacturer to ever catch up to their track record. Most of which have been accomplished with cars that have the engine at the wrong end of the car and very unusual weight distribution. They also had the nerve to do much of this winning with air cooled engines no less. ;-) Then there was that opposed boxer flat 6 engine idea, no V8? Damn, the nerve of that company. Just some food for thought and one final suggestion, GM should kill saturin and get them out of the way so the remaining Divisions can breath and benefit from having build Americans largest auto manufacturer rather than the one that sucked them dry.
  12. RWD is better only if you are pushing a car to its extremes. Outside of that all the comments made here are bias, unfounded and have nothing to back them up. In many parts of the lower 48 FWD is totally unessary however there is the Northern states as well as Canada. The Swedish car Saab was not FWD because they wanted to be different I believe they had a Northern climate issue. Im 6 foot and do not drive with the seat in my large H & C bodies all the way back and our manufactures can not build cars RWD cars simply to accomodate 6'5" people. :lol: My FWD 90 Regency will run circles on a back road around my RWD 76 Delta 88 Royale. My FWD LSS has 240 hp 280 lbft and has no torque steer issues. A little pull at tire burning dead stop foot to the floor but its little concern to control and certainly less than a RWD limited slip that kicks out to the side. Perhaps the RWD croud need to tune up on their driveing skills if they want me to believe their BS :lol: I can drive any of our FWD cars at speeds on corners that would make most people on this forum scream at me to slow down, I will admit I can drive a RWD car even slightly faster but these fellows are trying to make FWD sound like its dangerous and uncontrolable at lateral G's. FWD does have a huge stopping advantage in snow so theres more BS and it came from someone that pointed out all about the weight distrubition. Perhaps he would like to elaborate on which end of the car does the most brakeing :unsure: So called enthousiasts will always blow the FWD handles poorly and RWD is great in the snow up everyones butt, however as has been pointed out so many times most people drive cars to get from one place to another and frankly have little lasting affection for any vehical after the first 4 payments have been made. They want a car that will get the job done no matter what under normal driving conditions (speed limit to maybe 5-15 over) and anyone that sayds FWD can not do this really does need to learn how to drive. Now that Ive said all of that, I will say if I want a sports car for spirited driving I will want a RWD NOT AWD and I will want a stick but I will take it off the road for the winter and drive one of my many FWD H or C body Buicks or Oldsmobiles. I have no bias either way but I do know the truth about FWD vrs RWD and the cloud of fog that is thrown up by those hellish back roading ultimate drivers :lol: And for the BMW ultimate yadda yaddas just listening to you has givin me the ultimate :lol:
  13. Any and all Christianity music since the beginning of time has been scary. Just listen too and sing a few "salms". the country christian bands are the same deal, cloning origional sounds with lyrics that are solely about 100% GOD is everything. Christianity has been used by man to make an excuse or to be excuseable for everything because way back before man had a brain God told somebody we were born sinners - therefore it is OK so long as we eat sleep sing and praise God - count me out ! I know whats right and what is wrong and theres alot more wrong today that the bible says is OK. Come out Virginia Dont make me wait Catholic girls start much too late Id rather die with the sinners than cry with the saints the sinners are much more fun So in todays world please tell me just what is a sin ? :unsure:
  14. Ya know all that crap sound good and make sense until you drive down the road and see all the $350,000-750,000 houses being built by the bucket load. $40,000+ cars and "blazers" on every corner. The price of steel has tripled, lumber for building homes doubled, school and property taxes doubled, auto insurance doubled, gasoline approaching double and the working class American is working for the same wages they were 15 years ago to maybe a 10% increase, which has been sucked up by the INSURANCE INDUSTRY. The only reason people think Union employees are making double "the average American's wages" is because you read it somewhere or because its convienant at the time. At other times its convienant to say that non Union jobs pay as much, it all depends on the spin necessary at the time to spew anti union or worse yet the quality of life a dirty hands deserves. What in the hell hole did you pull that one out of ? Back when this country was well organized there was not a country or nation in the world that could have even made a stand. Now today we are being economically taken over by simple poor 3rd world overpopulated countries because the companys and corporations that were made rich and strong and powerful during the well organized years have spent billions in profits "developing" these third world countries to further increase profits. Its all been off our backs - THATS RIGHT - OUR BACKS. GET A FRIGGIN CLUE! DO YOU THINK GOD LOANED THESE "POOR" COMPANIES THE BILLIONS SPENT TO DEVELOPE OTHER COUNTRIES ? NO THEY WERE PROFITS MADE OFF HARD WORKING AMERICANS. NOW TODAY THE MONEY OUR FATHERS MADE FOR THE COMPANIES THEY WORKED FOR IS BEING USED TO REMOVE ACCESS TO DECENT JOBS FROM THEIR SONS. Until the entire productive working population of America stands together and doesnt allow the spinning fog to cloud their brains we will continue to see a widening separation between the upper and lower class until in the end our common children are forced to live in trailer parks or urban downtown with the crack heads. Fight for something better for our children, dont cower into the corner because your afraid the uppities will look down their nose at you because you pointed out the truth. Whats gained by that beside serious compromise to the country our children will inherit when we allow "them" to finish this "new economy" This is not a Union issue this is a labor and income issue, this is about being able to live in this rapidly inflated world that the cant see it from my house bunch have no problems living in. Its about fair share. Every cog in the gear box is important or the shaft stops turning.
  15. I remember back in the 70's when looking for my first car some consumer guide listed the Cutlass as the best used car buy. I did not get one but I always remembered that. It was when I was looking for a old car that I found the 75 Delta 88 Royale convertable and relized what the Oldsmobile thing was all about. I also got a good feel for Buick at that same time as I was also looking at a 68 Riviera. When I inherited my Grandfathers 82 NewYorker in 96 and first drove it I realized what the Chrysler thing had been all about, when you sit in that car and drive the world goes away. Since that first day I have been a serious fanatic of the Luxury car. Buick Oldsmobile and Chrysler being my favorites Mercedes being my least ;-)
  16. BTW speaking of Sparrow and Jaguar, Sparrow side car became Jaguar.
  17. You guys are scareing the hell out of me. The Jag is beautiful, the Saab is excellent, the Sparrow is just what I need and the Ferrari is made from my favorite natural resource. The other pictures should be burnt - just kidding.
  18. He'll be showing it at Lake George Sept 9-11. I think its a decent shape but not perfect driver origional. He has always been a Chevy man but I am sure glad to see him expanding his tastes in the right direction. He also has a 72 0r 3 Cutlass S hes working on from time to time. We both had a strong Oldsmobile influence years ago. We learned body work from non other than Joseph Merli the former curved dash Olds restorer and man that made the trip to the steps of the Capitol in a 1904 to commemorate the origional trip. Anyhow last I saw Joe he was hand making parts to duplicate the 1898 electric Oldsmobile amounst other things. Quite a guy, a trip to his shop is a trip back in time.
  19. The more I see the XSR the more I like it, even if it is from the pimp mobile era. I actually miss seeing those old pimpmobiles :-) What is that airplane model ? Is that the one with the two tails ? Im not an airplane guy sorry.
  20. Hey Harley, I guess my good friend just bought a 55 88, I havent seen it yet but I will next weekend. Its an origional owner car in unrestored condition. Ill let you all know what its like after I see it. that 57 98 sure is a beaut, I love the color and the two tone makes it even nicer.
  21. Da, bullshit, Olds was one of the only brands in GM's lineup that had originallity and its own identity of a few cars at the time of cancellation. Chevy was struggling with lame cars and crying like a baby to get the BOP SC3800 engine in its Impala and Monty to add some excitement into the lineup.
  22. skyliner looks better inperson than in photo. Someone locally was taking one around to auto shows.
  23. Im concerned about the expence of manufacturing this kind of top as well as the reliability of such a complicated mechanical operation. Kinda like the old scissor top B body convertable problems. Ill gladly take a hand operated canvas top with a snap on leave at home hardtop anyday to this worrysome tecnogarb. B U I C K
  24. Such a handsome young lad! Congradulations
  25. Dont worry it will all be better, you will see, we will have cleaner air, cleaner water, no gas to get to work but thats ok because of the better air and the fact that there will be no work worth traveling to, so think of all the money saved on gasoline. then we can cancell our car insurance because we wont need to drive to work so we'll save all that money, after all insurance is over 100 a month and soon gasoline will be over 100 a week just to get to a job that pays 350 a week which we all know is more than we are worth. But wait, what will become of the insurance companys with out all these jobs, ect. that feed their greedy little pockets. Oh wait they will be OK because they will get the government to enforce training classes for proper way to breath air and wipe ass and make all citizens carry oxygen and ass wipeing insurance. After all if not wiped properly we could get rectal infection which cold get costly for Doctor to properly cure and may require hospital stay and if not cured could drastically effect the oxygen supply. :rolleyes: yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yuppy yuppy yuppy yuppy yuppy
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