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Everything posted by razoredge

  1. Get over yourself youngster, I have never, never said anything about "highest standards" nor have I said anything about entitlement. I have said all that contribute deserve their fair share. So just how is it with all your wordly experience that you know so much about stealing ? Got a line on that stealing thing do you ? So how is it you earn your keep ? :blink: I get alot of things little boy, however you seem to have a problems understanding what makes the world go round. Your day is going to come, it will be awhile so enjoy your nasty arrogant ignorance. Do not put words in my mouth
  2. Youre kiddin me right ? What did you just ignore the statement I made about more sales now than ever ? That market share does not equate into gross reciepts and really means nothing, market share means nothing except braging rights. then I guess you figure that those retired folks dont deserve a retirement ? Seriously Ive heard all you working class haters say it over and over, "retirement obligations". Like theres something wrong with retireing. Just how old are you anyhow ?
  3. OK, If you take your Doctors and Lawyers and other high dollar jobs and compare them to the pay of Unionized workers, Id say the scale is fairly well balanced. Thats providing this 50,000 # were pulling out of nowhere is accurate. Many are below that, and non union jobs fall of the edge of the flat world very fast. We had someone here last year that felt no one deserved to earn even 10 per hour, give it a try. Then while I realize some of you are tying to be the super heros to save GM with a tear in your heart, realize that the tiny fraction they are asking for isnt going to change a thing. GM isnt loosing market share because of the Unions, in fact if more of the country was unionized as it was 30 years ago there would be no market share problem, think about that, no dont bother, its probably not deep enough for educated minds. Lastly, has any one other than myself ever wondered why all this hype about market share and profits when its been clearly stated in many press releases that GM has had its biggest volumn years ever. Yet the volumn of employed N.American auto workers is way way way below what it was 30 years ago when GM had the huge market share. Seems market share is just hype, total volumn is all that matters and total volumn is at its highest, Union employees at the lowest. Hmm ? The whole thing just doest pass the calulator test. Thats OK though, Im sure your all right, the hype is always right. Off to the trailer parks you worthless "uneducated" wastes of oxygen. Well, you'd be alright if you were willing to work for the wages of the average Korean or Turk. Rock on a Me rica
  4. So ya'll promote the idea of working for less and having a lower standard of living because - - - - - - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Throughout America we are seeing entire neighborhoods of mansions being built. Bet not one official "Union" member lives in those. Unless you consider the bar association a Union, unless you consider Doctors "organized" and all the many other high dollar jobs "unorganized" - please get a clue. Those high dollar clubs are highly organized, they know what they are doing, lets just take a look at oil prices for example, real estate prices for example, insane insurance rates for example, - -- no theres no organization there. They are getting the big bucks because they say so and for no other reason what so ever. They demand and they get. But we dont what the real contributing part of America to make a decent living - do we. Just the ones that spend all day figureing out new insurance regulation, or business regulations, or new "methods" of treating what ails you, or new laws or regulations to control your every move, all new ways to get into everybodys back pockets. Amazing how ya'll all can turn a blind eye to this, say its OK, excuse it because they got some "higher" education - ya right, what education was that, how to screw over the mass population so you can have it all while the hands that feed you step backwards year after year. You can increase the rate and cost of health care 3 fold and spew out such pile of spin that those lacking independant thought will turn it all on the people at the bottom that just get up and go to work everyday. Saying they need to work for less because those at the top can have more. Just great folks, say nothing about those going large, fast and fat, and blame those that are supposed to go down, fast and furious for not surrendering and bowing defeated before those that are lining their hollowed walls. So when ya'll went to college do they first do a labotomy so they can start from scratch and mold your entire way of thinking or do you retain independant thought ? Dont answer its obvious, the answer. If ya'll learned so much in "college" you would know that once anythings gives a little, surrenders any amount of ground, it is the beginning of the end, give an inch take a mile. Thats where we are going in America, this is not about the inch you guys are blinded into believeing its about. Its about starting the process of reducing the pay scale of the working, contrubition part of America. As an employee I have not beat 30,000 yet, but still I do not hate or despise or wish bad, or have jelously for those that are in better organized trades that allow them to actually get their fair share of the "wealth" (if you call 50,000 wealth). I admire them and realize the benefits being organized has allowed them and believe we all would be better organized, just like the fat boys, - - - - oh thats right - - - theres no organization there. Pull your heads out of your asses, its cuting off the circulation to your brains. If you feel less than 50,000 for your white collar buddies is below level do something about it, dont attack those that have made the effort to stand their ground. Spineless gumbys - dance to the pull of the puppet masters for you lack independant thought.
  5. Yea their cool Harley but I have noticed if you give them a good look you find yourself or myself I shoudl say asking , why. There is some odd stuff there that is not really appealing. Perhaps that was the 66 Toronado too, not sure if I like it or hate it.
  6. razoredge


    Riviera by Buick on at least the 68's was great And once again the 65 LeSabre emblem was awsome. Dont know why they dropped it. I have bought about 3 or 4 of them off E-bay but I dont have a photo and no scanner anymore either. It was a Sabre as in short Sword and the S in LeSabre forms a kinda neat sword handle guard. Im not a swordsman so I dont know the proper term for that part of the sword, anyhow its one awsome emblem. I believe 65 was the year.
  7. U as a word is spelt ;-0 - You U - R as two words is spelted = you are, as one word = you're The funky old music comming out of Chicago and NewOrleans 60-80 years ago was spelled = jazz, most other words use s's in plase of the Z plural meaning more than one is indicated by 's or es. ;-) Hope this helps U should have gone 2 school 2 learn this B 4 they let U out in D world.
  8. Sorry Blu , is this in responce to Get R done ? Anyhow is this Larry the heavy discusting guy ? I forget I saw some commercial promoting some fat gross "redneck" "comedian" whose content was fat and gross. probably on Speed channel or something.
  9. Ya, right along side a bunch of RWD shit boxes :rolleyes:
  10. Could someone explain what all this Get R done crap is. Ive been seeing that all over the place.
  11. 50 grand is only about 30 or 35 through the door. Its an expensive world now. Insurance is the reason, now oil and the effects of that will be colossal. Here in the NE it could cost 4-5 grand just to heat a house. Wait till the schools pay the heat bill, fuel for buses And ya'll want to say its OK to lower a mans income while its clear others are raising theirs at our cost.
  12. Whats this going to leave the fixed income people ? the working poor ? The self employed like my self that uses lots of diesel and gas to produce a product ? There is no compensation being givin. And the rich are getting richer and dont bat an eye. How are the young kids going to do it ? They work for so little have enormous insurance rates and now gas to get to their part time jobs will be half a weeks pay, and the insurance the other half. Our great leaders sure did a good job when they destroyed local economys didnt they. I suppose the answer will be for all us country folks to become cidiots and move to the slums with the crack heads so we can catch a bus to work, ey ? Ah yes, changing the face of America.
  13. Buick and Pontiac would have stuff in the pipe if GM would let them and get saturin the hell out of the way. Buick has had more exciting show concepts and so has Pontiac, two friggin saturin show cars and wholy cow, boy oh boy what a car "company". Bull Shit !
  14. Just goes to prove the higher educated proper way folks lack independant thought. I have absolutely no problems understanding any posts by any of the posters except Harry, I get a little lost on that one. Mute is no problem and neither is 6T8. I cant stand that ur and Z instead of S's, its some train of thought I just dont get. Now that Ive said all that, I bet you really get pissed off about my long winded sentences, that never end, at least for awhile, because I feel the need to really explain how I fell about stuff before I let the end of my thought come. :-) So is it really anal retentive or anal stressed? =}:-0
  15. I know this is old but I have been repairing a little deer hit I had with the LSS. I glassed a few cracks in the header panel and a little re shaping of the front fender corner. So we primed and sanded out some paint chips in the bumper cover and header panel. Anyhow - - - - all the while Im sanding Im looking at this protruding black plastic plate holder thinking my god its like a zit on the end of someones nose once it catches your eye the whole appearence of the car is destroyed. Ive thought about sanding it smooth and painting it body color but that might be even worse. I think they need to be frenched in and covered with quality plastic covers like a headlight lense is. Theres probably some government mandate that they protrude X inches, cant be covered, and must be able to be seen from the side which rules out frenching.
  16. Yes of course it will get sales. THats not a huge market, little roadsters. In fact I believe GM is dreaming if they think they will sell 40,000 a year, maybe but it wont last for many years if it does take off that hard.
  17. Untill you have walked the walk I suggest you dont talk the talk. What was it you said you would be getting paid with this job you have lined up with the real estate scammers ? And just what positive effect is your "trade" or "skill" going to contribute to society ? Insane inflation ? Market manipulation ? Just guessing I really dont know. I have never in my life know anyone to wish bad on people like I have heard you do. Whos lined up for the jobs in aircraft repair and maintenance ? What skill is it you have that is so great you think mechanics belong in trailer parks or the slums with the crack heads. They are trying to be part of the 21 century, they are trying to live a decent life in the world with the rest of YOU inflation contributers. Ever think they might have a morgage? ever think they might have children in college? ever think they might have 400 a month going out just in land and school taxes ? ever think they might be a duel working family that has 2 car payments every month ? ever think maybe they just get by in this ever increasing expensive world ? ever think ? do you ?
  18. I agree with that totally, I am against the lack of RWD cars at GM I just know they need to keep FWD cars as well. Its two bad same models cant be optioned both ways but the lay out is too different. Im really excited about the Solstice and Kappa platform but was disappointed to hear it could not be built to provide a 4 seat car. That truely was poor planning. Somethings going to pop up but it seems GM doesnt plan on Buick or Pontiac getting this RWD type of car that everyone is crying for. Its going to be a satanurine. Absolutely crazy dumb stupid bull shit
  19. Its the I get around fine with RWD, I like to power slide, I like to smoke the tires pople that cant let it go. I live in mountainous/with roads on them, Y State and RWD is useless in the snow, Iceland must be flat. Once again its simple, very , very simple, we cant have thousands of people out on the highways in rush hour traffic in RWD cars on snowy days - Simple Now hows abouts all you "I get by" with RWD people , let it go. We cant have thousands of people out there "getting by". We cant all afford AWD and its extra mechanical upkeep.
  20. XLR lookin damn good newer Porsche which I dont know the model but its low, phat and whale tailed. 93_ I assume ? G6 Sedan, looking great, what a great looking car with no rear seat headroom.
  21. Blu dont miss a thing :lol: Woa, Queenie in her throne :lol:
  22. I like Saab , Saab means something to me, saturin means nothing, what the hell is that, saturin, "One of these days Alice".
  23. razoredge


    That would be the year Harley but this would be the angle ;) This cars styling just makes me silly. Check out the edgeing on the top of quarters to the roof and the trunk deck, its just wicked, so much character, so much class, sweeping body lines. My My, thats my kinda sex.
  24. razoredge


    Butternut Yellow ? For sale locally, I drive past it everyday, looks good from the road and sounds good in the add. Im not a fan of this color, but it still looks good. 1967 CUTLASS HOLIDAY 82kmi orig, 330/V8, jetaway trans, 12 bolt rear, orig bill of sale & owners manual, $5000 Cobleskill, NY (518) 231-0184
  25. razoredge


    This is a stew-ped thread, :) Just what in the heck are you talking about ? :blink: I knew of a Lincoln MarkVIII that had that soft green Ford was using on everything from Probes Taurus and even mini vans. Anyhow it was that green but the flake was gold, it was awsome to look at in the sun. I like that color anyhow on G 1 & 2 Rivieras AND G1A Toronados, but this Ford color was just awsome. I also like the soft Blue metalic GM used back in the late 50's early 60's. 6T8 names a few other great colors, the Candys and yellow, yes yellow, Yellow Vettes, Yellow GSX's, hows abouts the Tiger Shark Yellow :o Petra - I think that Fender is metal flake, was very popular decades ago. Drum sets, fiberglass Carlson speed boats, Guitars and custom paint jobs on cars. I still like metal flake but no one uses it any more, that I see. The color I painted my Alpine years ago was just awsome. It was a GM code and I forget what it was called. I say it was like a Bronze but it was really firey redish, orangish metalic that was stunning in the sun and it worked well on the old Sunbean. Similar to the one color used on the Z350's but more toward redish and fireier. [Fireier :blink: is that a word :lol: ] Good thread if I just knew what you were talking about :P
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