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Everything posted by razoredge
Somebodys got to explain the function of this to me then. I was kinda thinking a turbine needed to spool up before it had anything going on.
I think that car is Mac the Knife, this is really a great story, one big atta boy for Mr Darin.
I've yet to see the movie but need to. I have quite a taste for Darin, Sanatra, and all the old greats, they got the best of Americas hey day all over their music.
Geeze and I thought the answer was Billy Gibbons I actually dont know what a Gibson Firebird looks like. Only Melody Maker, SG and LesPaul unless it was the flying V so I cant answer #1 #2 Maybe but the Firebird concepts were very old, the Mustang may have proceded the Mustang but Im really not sure on that one either because the only Fenders that mattered to me was the Telecaster, and Stratocaster, the rest were more entry level. I think maybe some of those Guitar bands like the Ventures may have used Mustangs but I dont know if they were before 64 or not. #3 False, in 1965 the Rover turbine car was drivin to a tenth place finish at LeMans drivin by Jackie Stewart and Graham Hill ;-) but its sunny down here with the Malibus out to lunch
Didnt Darin die a poor man who couldnt even take care of his health. I understand heartbreak now that Im older.
Well all that story makes the car very appealing. It has such a interesting origin. I suppose its right up there with the best of the 50's show or dream cars. I still say the roof and windows were taken straight from an Imperial Very cool
http://www.bobbydarin.net/bdcar.html I never would have got it without the clue and his face. I didnt even catch on to beyuond the sea, I just thought you meant a European car
Is that Bobby Darin ? Designed by Georgeo ?
Most of the bands I listen too make entire recordings of great songs. Most of the stuff kind of makes a complete statement or a whole package I guess. Only sometimes do I skip a song or two.
Was that also the same year they raked the tailight panel at a forward angle and destroyed that awsome natural spoiler. Then latter in regrets put a plastic TransAm type of spoiler and still were just so backwards. Styling is supposed to change or at least improve not take a great styling design and mutilate it. Kinda like the 1970 Riviera. Kinda like the 75 Camaro too, that wrap around rear glass just wasnt the styling ticket.
Our 89 NYer came with twin strip whites, they were interesting too. I still have my Grandfathers 82 NYer and it has a fairly wide white wall, not really gansters but pretty wide, it looks great makes it stand out as being a little different. I think todays standard narrow white walls are to undecided, shy and ashamed to be what they are whitewalls :-) I dont get the redline thing at all, if the cars not the right color, I dont know, I just dont get them. I also for some reason dont remember them. Probably most of the cars I remember from back then were the ones that guys had modified with Cragars, ect., raised white "Wide Oval" tires and jacked up rear ends. Kinda like the pre ricer age. In school you dont pay attention to the regular stock new owner cars. Just the really "cool" ones. LOL Oh well I would go back in a heartbeat.
The more Toronado inspired second nose is a vast improvement from the missle nose. I must confess I cant quite get into the missile/jet on cars thing, front of 51 LeSabre is one of them, or the Firebird turbine concept cars
68 or 69 Maserati blank aty blank blank 68 or 69 Ford GT 41 little racing stripe is screaming American mind set not Italian but the front looks alot like early 70's Maserati, then its got gull wings or flip up doors which is screaming Lamborghini but the styling is not. It really does have some nicely sculpted lines.
I think Earl, Exner and one of the Fords, got together with George Barris and did this last time for old times sake car, but were highly "challanged" from age. This things got styling cues or maybe even entire body panels cut from many cars welded up and turned into a collage (sp). Its a stylists nightmare turned into reality All in all even with the Ford engine I say its highly Exnerized. Looks like an Imperial of some sorts.
As a Buick/Oldsmobile man I have to say I did not and do not like the last concepts from Oldsmobile. They have a few items of interest but way, way too boxy. The front looks like three pieces of cardboard, something a 6th grader would make for an art project out of paper and paste. It brings me to ask myself "is this why GM killed Olds ? " High belt lines suck, ever roll down the window and try to put your arm up on the door? - where it should be I bet this is a government mandated safty feature so we cant get our elbows removed by ? ? ? ? teenage drivers ? ? ? ? ? or perhaps so we cant get to comfortable while driveing, much like the air bag steering wheels that do no allow relaxed handling of the wheel ?? ?? but rather have turned it into an obstical course of minimum holding positions.
BTW , these cars in yellow give me feaver.
Chrome rear/plastic front, I just learned that recently here at C&G from one of our regular posters on automotive styling ;-) What was the last year of the roof sails and gorgous rear panel ? You know before they ruined that generation Corvette.
OK I shall try t be positive or rather ignore this idea of marketing. Now Buick is no longer going to be the old folks car but its going to be a woman car. Just great, now we Buick drivers wont be called Grandpas , we'll be called Bitch's. - - - that was my attempt at a joke
I like raised whites far better than whitewalls, wide whites are fine but not on these style of cars, maybe that 67 Wildcat would look good with some ganster whites Speaking of that 67 Wildcat, thats just awsome, look at that grill area. I beleive Buick just "nailed" it in 66-67-68-69. then the slow slide down the great mountain of styling began, within a decade the change would be unspeakable.
And as a older dude that grew up when Z28 meant something, I always felt when they came up with that Z24 and Z71 on pickups, that is was cheezy as hell. Kinda like that car they named the Che - Vette.
Well we can argue over FWD/RWD, V8/V6. We can discuss wheel base or overall lenght. We can cry for more power, larger wheels and more elaborate interiors but what is the reality of the automobiles future? Yes, you guessed it, this is a oil price and availability drivin question. So what do we really need now that its going to cost 3 bucks for every 20-26 miles and talks that within a few years it will be 5 bucks. Is it time to bring back the big block V8 ? Body on frame, 225 inch long cars ? Most of us here are car freaks, so off course we want more, more, more but what is the reality ? For the first time in over a decade Im starting to wish I had the old VW diesel back or that silly 3 cylinder Chevy Sprint my wife had when we met. those cars were undrer 2000 lb. and were high 30's and even into the 40 mpg on highway cruises. Anyhow, as far as automobile manufacturer Im thinking the company that knocks this hybrid or alternative fuel transportation devise dead is going to be the winner. Any thoughts ?
I dont think we'll be seeing any of the old Z series or T types or even GS's for that matter. I could see Z28 if they do build a Camaro but the rest are history.
Ah, there just another set of star wheels. I like some five spoke wheels but not those that are smaller at the rim than at the hub. Now the 84 Corvette wheels were hot B)
No no no , please not Martha Stewart. I thought GM was trying to improve Buicks image, qeeze this is just going to make them the laughing stock. Cant anyone else see it or is it just my outlook on Buick automobiles being associated with better housekeeping. then theres the jail bird thing and the idea the movie implanted in most peoples heads that she was a controlling arrogant bitch This is a serious wrong move. Bad new. Bad, bad, bad, Dont do it please.
"lots of folks have put themselves in debt to tens of thousands of bucks to get their higher education" "I amassed less than a thousand bucks in loans" Im not critizing you Reg, its not my place to critize people that work hard at getting somewhere (unlike the general vibe around this topic) however I will say, so you worked 30 some odd hours a week plus took classes. thats good, thats great. I went right to working 50-70 hour weeks and could not have paid for college with what I "earned". So that was a choice, which I am well aware of. I got involved in the kind of work and occupation that interested me. It was demanding work and provided a highly demanded product. Please tell me again what makes me worth so little ? I guess Im just having one of those "just dont get it moments" Say what ? <_<