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Everything posted by razoredge
Thats it, something like that. It looks great compared to the massive volumn of arched top cars we have today. I wouldnt even mind if they exteneded the rear overhang so they could have a trunk and even longer roof for rear headroom.
"Name this car?" is the title of every topic. Just how in the heck am I supposed to know which one is the one I read and dont need to read again ? Hmm, please do tell me :unsure: :blink: :huh: :rolleyes: :P :( Dont say I need to make a list using the sub titles. this is getting way out of control :)
Of course what was I thinking Ford had no designers Well It couldnt have been Exner because he was canned sometime early 60's. But maybe it was Exner. OK Exner ! King of the wings. He later grew very long hair and created the Flying V, giving a personally autographed one to Randy Rhodes Was the Firebird the guitar Johnny Winters played ?
Whats that a K Kar ? =}:-)
No ! THe CTS chassis is just sitting there waiting for more to be done with it. That was my point. If the CTS can be produced for 30 + so could a reshelled chassis made to put Buick back on the map. It doesnt have to be a "rebadge" but a reshelled, reappointed chassis. Cripes Caddy wasnt making much money either and the Caddy investment probably also came from money that was made by BOP & Chev back in the 70's & 80's & 90's Share money, share chassis that how a pack works. GM is letting all its divisions cut each other up in so many ways. What makes these egg heads think they need to design a new chassis before they can get the ball rolling. What a bunch of balkers. Just do it !
I bought the 90 Cierra Cruiser my wife is driving last Sept for $575. Its been great but it is a bomber. I replaced the rear shocks front struts and springs and it still handles worse than any car I have ever driven including my Grandfathers 58 Brookwood wagon, at least that had a solid feel as it was laid over around the corners. The 90 Cruiser was well worth the money and has been reliable but at 180,000 miles theres issues with interior panels, dried out and cracked window strips, peeling clear coat, and some exhaust work. I put a set of the wider 14" wheels off a mid 80's Buick Century T-type with 225/60/14's and it sure looks sharp, just doesnt handle like it looks. Its a very handy vehical and she does like it, she especially likes not having to park at the back of the parking lot like we do with our more special cars like the LSS and former "88" 50th anniversary car. The 3300 is strong as can be but it does vibrate away pretty good at idle compared to its balance shaft 3800 counterpart, its actually pretty quick and has a nice note. It is a quicker car than my 90 3800 powered Regency, I figure its geared lower being a wagon and all. Its also lighter than a C body. However the difference in feel, ride, handling, confidence, and quality is day and night between the A bodies and the W and H/C bodies. The A does feel like a penny pinching car where the W and all the H & C bodies I have owned have felt like quality cars. Hey I just bought it for a winter car and she has now drove it for 11 months and 15,000 miles. At a total investment of 1000 its currently at less than 100 per month + gas/oil, and still going strong. Glad your happy with your car Paulie ! We are. ;-)
thats great
Yea the Ovals got to go. Plus the wasted air in the facia creating the huge overhang, then once its shorter they can apply a lower leading edge to the bumper(air dam)
Now will these have DOD engines ?
With CTS starting over 30 I dont think they could sell a convertable for less. maybe a 2dr hardtop with 2.8 no sun roof, and not much in special options. They could put it up cheaper with the 3.8 but I didnt want to go there and get all the crying going. Same with no ABS and all the stupid airbags but that also would get all kinds of teary eyes. I could see a bare bones 3.8 powered 2dr. hardtop selling at 26,000.... But...This would have a negitive effect on the snobby noses though and they would not want to buy a car all us redneck trailer parking mullet heads could buy a version of cheaper. =}:-0 Buick needs some flash, its that simple. A reface on that Lacrosse bumper cover & header panel would go along ways too.
Oh look ! Its got Pontiac inspired interior....... how "exciting" !
So what do you all think ? I figure it will be a short lived return.
What is the recomended octane for use in these new "HF" engines
OK being more serious.......... Do you realize this car could be on the CTS chassis and to market by 2007, had they got right after the body panels and other appointments at the time of conception ? It could be at 30-34000 $ with 2.8 and 3.6 options as well as a 2dr hardtop with useable rear seat, utilizing a type of flat roof w/fastback boattail. A Velite X around 40 with a single intercooled turbo 3.6. For those that want a little more. Na ! Why bother
"No Harley, we cant do something like this over at Buick." "What would become of our poor little puppy satanurine ? " "They would be starved for product" "and after all Buick is the concept division where we show what GM could be so people buy into what GM isnt" Gonna be hard to kill off Buick if we give them something sexy and some personal character. New slogan "Buick, We're changing our image from Grandpa to middle aged Bitch cars - would'nt you really rather drive a Buick.............Bitch?"
sho looks like a Maserati to me - its a Maserati, a Maserati Id love to drive that Maserati.
Not with air bags comming out from every corner, NAV screens so morons dont get lost, steel wasteing high belt lines, steel wasting Kenworth grills and front clips, increasing safety safety safety, - hey we have no predator it might as well be the automobile :P , high hoods so idiots whos mamma didnt teach them to look both ways before crossing the road just become a quad instead of dead, yea that was harsh but- dilligaf, then we have to have all wheel drive, going from memory the A8 is aluminum body and nearly everything else but still weighs in over 4000lb :blink: driving is a huge risk increasing the weight of the automobile instead of making sure everyone knows how to drive and enforceing it is not the answer, thats like turning to PU's because their safer. Whats the next step ? Kenworths and Macks?
Illonois is somewhat different environment than where I live. Theres no getting around in RWD with "all seasons" around here. 40 miles away in the flat land they can probably "get by" but not in theses parts. But we get around great with our FWD cars - not, get by fine. Maybe all that shruggin helps keep the momentum going ;-)
But I have to try so hard to like them 6T8, I just cant get over removing the sails and tails, unforgivable, they should have done a total new shell, hell it was say an average of 7 years old. I guess you had to be there, it was kinda like watching the 70 Mustang go to the 71-73 which was bad enough but then it became the Mustang II and it was all over between me and Ford. I call it styling regression.
There went my opinion of Ferri but I do like a little ferri, this is kind of a little ferri, maybe I do like it then, its Ferri
Under a big old tree with dead limbs Any parking lot in the world any city street
really unloaded 2wd pu's have always been the worst possible thing and thats always been a givin. Even the old timers that hated the comming of FWD more that our current smoke em boys knew the PU was the last thing you wanted to take out on a snowy day unless you were into the tire chaining and had half a load of sand on the back. I had remembers a S10 winter time story the other day but have since forgotten what it was. I ran a D50 2wd for years as well as my current Dakota but both were loaded fairly heavy with tools, jacks, chains, sheet of plywood on the floor, and I was a pro at putting on tire chains but still sat at the bottom of the road home by the dinner with all the rest of the rear drivers waiting for the plow to sand our way home, you never see anyone down there anymore, it used to be an event - waiting for the sander. I have never put tire chains on a FWD car. And I have never waited for the sander. But far more importantly my wife and everyone elses wife can now drive in confidence on wintery roads, which they do. BTW Thats without snow tires. We have put snows on a few of our FWD's and then you pretty much have a tank, but what would I know about snow and mountains and winter and the hard life. This is a more radical area than most but there are many like this in the hilly areas of the NE. Ya'll can keep trying to convince - - - - yourself - - - or me I mean LOL
I wanted a 2nd Corvair bader than bad as my first car. I only found one and the mechainc friend that went to look at it said to stay away , it had alot of problems going on. I wound up with the Alpine instead. I cant say as Im sorry it was much more car but I will always have a thing for the styling of the Corvair, both generations.
OK Its a Lotus Gulf - - - - - Cart
My 64 Sunbeam Alpine had telescoping steering wheel. Turn the center knob and adjust your desired reach, tighten knob and go. You gave me this answer months ago Harley, I remember the stuff I read. You are so fortunate to have owned such a nice car, I bet you miss it, it was the best styling the Corvette ever had, long live the Shark.