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Everything posted by razoredge

  1. \ OMG, what a numb skull, go back to grade school and start over before they stole your brain and took away your ability to think. Go stick your head inside one of them 4" fart cannons, Ill go stick mine under a decaying tree, I think Ill survive, will you ? I hope not !
  2. Quite ! What is that I hear ? Wait ! I think its a crow going wah, wah, wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Look fool, no one said it indicated anything, we were just glad to hear sales were doing well, I'm sorry it got you and others so upset ya'll needed to scramble to discredit the fact. Lacrosse is the best thing to come out of Buick in years whether you like it or not. Lots of people discrediting it here because Daddy said so and what ever other reasons. I drove one and was impressed, its not the exact styling I would like or a few other things but Im not here to discredit it totally because I need a Beemer or Riceroni to express my importance in the world. The Lacrosse outsold many models including the 300...... get it ? got it ? get over it !
  3. that was a good read, its always nice to have a little pep rally. I think GM has lots of R&D going on in power development and will get something more solid to market than the rest when the time comes and not before its ready. Its still comical though, the hybrids, we were in 40 mpg with a Rabbit diesel 2 decades ago, what ass do these people have their heads stuck up ? It must be a tight one. Still at todays standards its a bit rediculous to be spending 3-4 dollars to go 40 miles but I guess its better than 20-26 miles.
  4. Not dismissive, Japanese styling has not been much to get excited about. I named the few that I thought were decent most of which were combo clones. Were all aware that Japanese styling has been copy cat. No ? I used the acclaim and shadow because they were handy, I cnat name all the cars that I cant stand to look at that may haVE "engines that can be built ". My point was just as the paragraph said = " I mean if engine is all you care about well I guess.................... I like a little styling and class and could care less about what I would have if I spent a few thousand on some unreliable engine." Will never agree about the Firebird being anyting the Camaro was not. Unless your talking about unusual frontal styling :P. theres not one generation of Firebird that I desire, Camaro is another story. All because of the frontal view. The Smoky and the Bandit age of TransAm is the only passable header panel. Still I like the V pointed Camaro better. The Camaro and Corvette were Chevys worthy of taking notice, Impala and Chevellibu were worthy of making lots of sales at Chevy dealers, nationwide. Thing with me is when I was young those Chevelles and Malibus and Novas were so abundant as well as being wore out junk, I cant get it out of my head. Kinda like the Honda thing or the minivan thing. Its an implanted image. Oh yea, BTW rice sucks !
  5. Lets assume thats true, which I doubt but lets assume it is. Does this still mean we should not conserve resources ? Should not find ways within our country to make more good paying jobs in all populated locals ? Make locals more self sufficient rather than shipping products all over the surface of the planet ? I realize this would make it very hard for the white collars to get their manicured little hands on the money but then ....DILLIGAF :lol: Its so amusing to look at how and why the world came to be as it is today. Half the population doing the work, the other half getting the money. the whole wall street thing, corporate BS, see they need the world spred out, they need us driving 40-100 miles for work, they need us so busy we just pay the bills and dont ask why. So now I ask- what makes all this possible ? oil, oil has made all this far reaching shit possible. We are a transportation based socioty, they can try all they want to make it "global", "information", "hi tec", what ever other names they are trying to put on it but its not, its transportation based = oil ! Flying all over the country "on business" = oil, not tec, not information, but oil. How in the hell can we ever turn this around and get back to doing what truely needs to be done ? Then when we get there what will the remaining 75% of the surface population do when theres no more paper work to shuffle around and create ? Come on, every say it, say it loud, let me hear ya'll cheer to your God OIL ! :bowdown:
  6. The higher the wages the higher the monthly expense of everything is. These gas prices hurt low wage people and do not affect the upities. Same as the BS that is going on with real estate, school taxes, health insurance, and other things I cant think of now. Its not a problem for these "new economy" people to summon up the money but the rest of us still doing the dirty work have been stagnent or actually in recession on the amount of our pay that is actually ours to work with. This has been masked with a credit card frenzy but the truth is the money is not there, there is no equity, only for the upities. the health insurance companys have been stealing everyones raises for over 7 years. A gas increase of 50 cents takes the extra take home from a 30 cent per hour raise. Real estate, rent expenses and school taxes forget about it, the raises necessary to keep up with that crap is far beyond the reach of the working class, especially with the insurance and oil companies in our back pockets already.
  7. wah, wah, wah ! i only here a few crows and they go "wah, wah, wah"
  8. Ive always cared, never gutted a cat or cursed emissions equipment ... at least on post 86 GM products. I know that waiting until I grow the second head is not the right time. With that mentality we would still be pouring our waste into the rivers and fields and any old were. We always drove smaller gas friendly 4 bangers way back in their day but then we stepped up to Buick V6 powered cars and got the same milage out of even cleaner running cars that were roomier, safer and far more comfortable. Now today Im thinking of going back down to a Ecotec smaller car like the Cobalt but if we did trade the LSS for one it would be well optioned with sunroof, leather too. 22-26 mpg plus requireing high test is not a pleasing thought anymore. Still trading down is a uncomfortable thought, thats why Id get many of the options. I never thought Id consider getting rid of the rare Super Charged LSS :-(
  9. :lol: I knew something like that was comming but the wifes responce was awsome. :lol:
  10. Its simply the truth, the pre X Datsun Z cars excluded. Nothing else out of Japan has ever been worth taking off sun glasses to look closely at. Maybe the 3000 or 300, that European clone what was it ? Some kind of Nissan, NSX or something like that ? I mean if engine is all you care about well I guess the Acclaim and Shadow are great :unsure: but I like a little styling and class and could care less about what I would have if I spent a few thousand on some unreliable engine. Reference to Civic and Prelude sums up the Chevellibu syndrome, they are like rice, popular because they are abundant and you can buy any part you want. Sheeple cars. Now take a Skylark and a Cutlass and you have something worth talking about, restoring and truely being proud of. Not one every corner, not a whole row of them at the local car show. thats what Im talking about.
  11. Looks good, I love 69's. Im not into big blocks in them though, the real Z28 will run em down and spit them out. Handling is everything, 1/4 mile is for someone that isnt me. Small block G1's float my boat if they are not geared way down they are still drivable today. My good friend had a 69 he put 4:11's in way back, you would hear this car screaming down the road, then it would come slowly into view, it was his car. He still has it, restored it again and took the 4:11's out. He did put 454 in it though w/ proper front springs. I wish your friend the best of luck, I know what its like to have problems, too bad he has to ditch such a nice hard to find and obtain car.
  12. RWD throwaways ? They have been crushing them for decades the list is huge, how about the Chevelibu, at one time they polluted the highways like Civics and Preludes did 10 years ago. But then that makes them good cars right ? FWD keepers - Cord, G1/2 Toronado, G1/2 Eldorado, Saab's including Sonnett, Auroras, Intrigues, any 3.8 powered post 86 Buick/Oldsmobile C, H, E and W, how simple is that. All rice is disposable road kill
  13. Somehow I doubt that last LeSabre will ever be worth a penny more than its weight in scrap steel. Many years of leSabres as far as that goes. The 59 and a few various years of coupes or rather 2dr cars will probably be somewhat desireable.
  14. Im not being serious, except for the lawlessness. That should be a no tolerence issue. It was a tounge in cheek but totally fed up kind of responce to the US being the worlds charity source when we have so many issues right here at home. I wonder what types are being so unruley in New Orleans ? White redneck trailer trash hillbillys ?
  15. Thats where the shoot on site comes in.
  16. Everyone thats found being lawless should be shot on site. This would help fill the body bags as well as make cuts in possible continued breeding of this type of mental mutant. Slaves from Irac should be recruted and brought over to do the manual labor involved in the clean up. Then deported (if still alive) immeadiatly after its over.
  17. Just goes to show most American dont care about styling or performance. I do care about styling so I have a Oldsmobile for a G2 FWD H body. Na, the 92+LeSabre was alright but the last of the H's I would buy, not so for the first gen.LeSabre, that was the cream of the crop for styling. I bet it was the 86-91's that put them on their way to best selling anyhow. They are getting rarer to see now but just a few years ago you would have sworn G1 FWD H's were the best selling cars in America, how else would GM have had so much money to squander at saturin, Fiat, Saab and who knows where else. :P I wonder what the difference in sales of LeSabres to Eighty Eights to Bonnevilles was during all these various years. Used to be alot of Eighty Eights around here but the others as well.
  18. New Orleans ? Thats what they get for cutting a deal with the devil. Not funny I know. For every reason to live in the south there is one not to. Mud slides in CA Dust storms, drought in mid west Hurricans in the south taxes in the North Thats it, Im immigrating illegally to Mexico, going to get my be-atch and go down there and have me 15 children so I can get me some of that unicef. I had people that were hurt last summer by the hurricans. I was glad Gulf Breeze and Pensicola were spared this time but who could have imagined this would happen to New Orleans. Sounds perfectly feasible to me to have a city below sea level. I better shut up before they come and take me away. I hear an old Zeppelin song comming on.
  19. Then why has there been so much warming since industrialization ? And even more compounded in the last 20 years ? Mount St Helen's ? I have never worked in such heat as we had here this summer in NY, I felt like I was down in Tennesee visiting my sister only without the vacation part. Doesnt matter, we cant stop it now or even slow it. The ice cap is melting, nothing more to know, once the ice is gone from the cooler the beer gets warm. So lets stop with all these environmental regulations already and drink lots of beer, before it gets warm. :rolleyes:
  20. Lenos is the ultimate Corvette <_< not really its just a Corvette with a different body on it. The 66 Toro was a completely engineered car, it has a pretty interesting story too but I cant link to it because the Toronado organization or club just doesnt have their nado together. I'd also link back a picture of my ultimate Toronado but this new site will not let me :angry: Otherwize I'd have to say it would be great to see one of those modified 66's GM put into the 67 Pikes Peak hillclimb. Wonder what became of them ? There was a Emerald Green 1970 GT with black vinyl top that was absolutely awsome. I cant link to that anymore either. There was a twin engine AWD Toronado built also There has been various chopped and shortened Toronados over the years too. Id like to take a rusted up 66 or 67 and put the drivetrain midship with the Dean Jefferies body modifications done on aluminum body for weight savings. When the Shark bites
  21. I thought the last LeSabre was built in 1991 ;-O
  22. Thats a good point satty but its still just a distraction they are throwing up so we really dont know what the hell is the reason which is pocket lining. Capitolizm at its most corrupt. Everyone in America needs to go to work and have the ocassional trip, ect. They could charge 10 a gallon and probably are aiming for that. Its no different that what the insurance companys have been doing Its no different than what the school systems have been doing Its no different than what the Hospitols have been doing Its no different than what the Doctors have been doing Its no different than what the CEO's have been doing Its no different than what our own serve and protect public officals have been doing Dont you wish we could all say - "hey, give me more money and give it to me now !"
  23. Im not surprised, the Lacrosse is a very nice car, the 300 is a cheap hunk. Im also not surprised all the GM haters are chiming in with their excuses and well....but........well....but.....well.....but This just goes to show not all Americans are shallow, status quo following gumbys (California) and do have at least a limited amount of independant thinking.
  24. Why does it have to be on saturins ? why ? Is it going to be necessary for GM to make these hybrid cars....ugly? Just like all the hybrids have been, strange and in your face ugly ? Being as its saturin it must be that ugly is one of the criteria.
  25. Went up 40 cents in 12 hours here today in NY state, now at 3.15, was 2.62 just 2 days ago. SO now a gallon cost more than one half hours minimum wage. Perhaps someone could make good money with one of those people hauling buggies we see in movies from some oriental country. We could save our governernment money by carrying our cute little Bushman around. Then he'd have more to blow on fuel for the supply caravans for his "little" mid east conquest. Now is definantly the time for me to go out and buy a snowmobile, quadrunner, personal jet boat, and leaf blower for every family member. But then Id need to get us one of dem dar "hemi" Dodge trucks with big 4" pipes and a trailer so I can haul everything around. I can use the leaf blower to get all the sand and dirt off them when we are done doing donuts in the sand snow and water. Well Im guessing this will bring the cost of heating the average house in the NE up to somewhere around 4 thousand dollars now - no biggy right ? I heat with wood and have solely for 25 years but some gas needs to be burnt to get that job done too. I believe in conserving, I always have, we hardly ever go anywhere and have the best mileage vehicals in the comfortable family size class. I have always known oil could never last at the rate its consumed. Thats why I have been so loud and outspoken about American jobs and local economy, we need jobs in our back yards not 40 miles away in some conjested city. globalization sucks, its going to become cleaqr within our lifetimes. The aftermath from all this will be far more of a "national disaster" than the one our little Bushman is making much of now. How fortunate for him, a distraction while his little buddies line their pockets. So what, whats $100 a week to get to work , 400 a month, no big deal when your bringing home 400 weekly............right ? Many dont even make that much. I know.........maybe we can start building sweat shops directly behind trailer parks......... yea thats it .......... the American dream........... ??????????
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