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Everything posted by razoredge

  1. People dont change and they dont repent, all you do with criminals is throw money at them, send they swifty to their maker and let their judgement day come. We have far to many serious problems in this world to waste time and money on our stupid "justice" system. Death penalties should be givin for most hard crimes and acted out swiftly.
  2. These two were shooting stars with no long term promise anyhow. History proves this. Partridge Family.....Leath Garret......Rick Springfield.....being a teenage idle is usually a death sentence. Britney having babies already ? is totally questionable besides. Most of these "stars" are a joke, with their lifestyle I find it amusing that they have these cheating/jelous issues anyhow.........Id live in one big orgy and make sure I had a girl that was up to speed for it.......... but I wouldnt get married and no babies ! I think they like the attention sometimes
  3. Ive made my points but you all know Ill stand my ground to death Its in your hands
  4. Got no problem with you Blu, youve "heard" all my thoughts on the subject very well over the years. None of you for that matter, I just truely feel.........hell no....I know this is entirely, alternately motivated by those that picked their pictures. Im not a gay basher in fact I would defend, but after the fact I would explain to the person best I could "what did you expect"........and I sure as hell wouldnt sit around and cruise through a Playgirl with them..........nor would I force them to cruise a Playboy with me. That is what I know you guys are trying to do here. Its comical to see the technicality of the topic title and bare chest brought to attention so quickly.......I guess those people didnt think I "saw" that comming....... I awaited in amusement
  5. yea Z all three of those photos would not begin to cover one from this last batch of posting, and they are tasteful. Oldsmobio you % is incorrect.......however for some reason increasing over the past year........wonder whats up with that........ Im not OWNED Im 100% Correct ! Is so obvious the motives behind this last bombardment of pictures..........in fact if I was wrong the tone in the return posts of "OC" and Oldsmoboi would not be as it is. You are out to prove some point that doesnt need to be proven. You are haveing your little in your face gay pride parade. I guarantee you all have already been slamming the PM's like mad Go ahead.........tell me Im wrong.............?
  6. Thats good to hear, lucky you, men in half naked poses with a sexual connotation, gives me a queer feeling. Makes my shoulder shudder, a perfectly natural reaction actually. Cant scroll fast enough to get past...........which I know for a fact was and is the entire purpose of posting HUGE photos of men with bare chest and their pants down to the pube line. Even the fact that someone knows where to go to find these photos is worrisome. Took me a half hour to find just the right pic of Sandra and even longer for Laurens
  7. One thing did you notice about me...........they were photos showing clean natural beauty, just the face of Sandra and Lauren fully clothed, not makeing cheap of either of them. Then all around these are a multitude of HUGE photos someone would expect to find if they were cruising some teeny bopper girlie site. Tell me Im wrong ........................ ?
  8. Frst of all the photos of girls have not been full page. Secondly if they were they are girls, a perfectly natural item of beauty for a man to look at. There seems to be some alterior motive since "OC" multiple post yesterday of HUGE photos. I would feel badly for you guys if you would/do feel sickened by the implanted thought of having sex with a girl...........in which case I would suspect you would stay off any such topic. Like if there was a topic that said "Guys that guys would want to f@#k" I would not go there, I would not be interested and it would make me sick. But here it is and its sickening, you guys did the same thing to the "pictures of yourself" topic. Its the same "in your face" crap I have mentioned in many gay posts, its obvious you guys really do want to be "in everybodys face", its like here we are, sitting in the middle of some gay pride parade Tell me Im wrong.......................?
  9. I say release him back in Bagdad.........then one hour later nuke the place...........
  10. This topic went right straight to hell quick.........is this what I could expect if I was paging through my daughters seventeen magazine............
  11. so is this why you fellas dont like girls ? because their chest drops ? early horrifing subliminal implants while flipping through National Geographic at 4 years old ?
  12. LACROSSE Front track width 61.7 Height 57.4 Length 198.1 Rear track width 61.5 Wheelbase 110.5 Width 73.0 INTERIOR DIMENSIONS CX CXL CXS Headroom, front 39.4 Headroom, rear 37.2 Hip room, front 55.3 Hip room, rear 54.6 Legroom, front 42.3 Legroom, rear 37.6 Shoulder room, front 57.2 Shoulder room, rear 57.0 "aura" Front track 59.9 height 57.6 lenght ? rear track 60.3 wheelbase 112.3 width 70.3 INTERIOR DIMENSIONS headroom front 39.4 headroom rear 37.4 hip room front ?? hiproom rear ?? legroom front 42.2 legroom rear 37.6 shoulder room front 55.9 shoulder room rear 54 So HEY ! I have no problem seeing how the "aura" has more room in the back must handle better to with that longer wheelbase and narrower track it does gain 2/10ths of an inch headroom in the back seat..... ....whats that like 3/16's...........yee haw, lets party I also find it interesting that the "auras" 3.6 gets 252/251 while the Lacrosses 3.6 only recieves 240/225 and totally different rpm ranges.........more typical GM castration, once again proving my opinion about their motives and final goals It also proves the 240/280 L67 will blow the doors of both of them, let alone is more modifiable as the 260/280 L32 in GP has proven, plus a large aftermarket industry support. I still cant believe they will not make this an engine option in both Buicks when its clearly plug and play. But forget about the engines.........how about all that extra room (?) and screwed up wheelbase/track proportions in the Epilson ? Must make it ride better too......no ? I have way too much fun doing this $h!
  13. This statement only shows how ignorant you really are. You act like the city is the living object. All that matters is the "city" not the population. I suppose we're all to think that in Bethlehem the former steel employed people are included in this " booming little town...of...."back-office" white-collar operations".... NOT ! Ill tell you what happended, these people lost their jobs, then a bunch of nose in the air "white-collar's" came in and pushed the real estate value through the roof, thereby pushing tax assessment out of touch for blue collar workers that were now without work. Now these people are working some low wage job, probably 10-12 hours a day, probably 6 days a week, just barely making ends meet, living in some trailer park far out of site of the "new" residents. Where they on occasion drive past and flip their noses in the air and make some disrespectful comment ! Ring any bells ?
  14. The extreme gay guy in that show Will and Grace, while at times could be called charming and funny could also become very annoying and even pathaticly helpless. I woud say he had a comedian approach. Some people just have to understand that most of us straight men are never going to be completely comfortable around someone that behaves like this guy I just mentioned, we dont think "cute" is becoming of a man. Nor do we think soldier boots is becoming of a woman that isnt going to the woods to work. These things are not natural or the norm so its natural for people to be freaked out or repelled. Getting in our face proves nothing but annoyance and anoyance doesnt make friends. I was fitted for a tux(Manhattan) for my buddies wedding on Staten Island back around 82/83. Well one thing I have always had is my looks, though fading. This guy was gay, no doubt, all bubbly and "cute", much like the acter I was talking about. Well didnt he have to be aggressive with me. My girlfriend and myself and my friend and his girlfriend were there, they laughed, it was funny, I smiled for a moment but this guy wouldnt lay off, literally trying to "pick me up" or the act there of. Everyone else got a laugh but I was quickly sick of it, had it been a girl, there would have been a cat fight right then but instead it was........funny ? but I had to tolerate it. I am not a fighter and actually very polite to everyone and anyone unless pushed, in this situation I could nor would do anything but leave. I was not impressed with this boys behavior. I have never been like that with girls. Gay men can be very very aggressive, there is something wrong there, and its bound to get ugly in certain situations. I dont need to be "paid compliment" by a man.............ew ! Some would say thats what we deserve for how we treat women but I for one have never been aggressive. There is a saying "couldnt get laid in a whorehouse with a fist full of fifties" well thats me. I cant just "do it" and refuse to use "pickup lines". I never understood rape either, thats really strange. We are all clearly not wired the same.
  15. Jan Hammer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Hammer there is a few very important works of his not mentioned for some reason in this "wikipedia" After Mahavishnu Orchestra, he and Mahavishnu drummer Billy Cobham did an album Billy Cobham -Spectrum, a must have if you want to know about "fusion" fusion can be very irratating to the simple minded....... . It is off the wall stuff but it has some wonderful moments. Spectrum also featured a short lived upcoming guitarist - Tommy Bolin after Spectrum - Jeff Beck got into "fusion" and recorded Blow by Blow and Wired with Jan Hammer, these are also very important albums and more palatable then Jan did the Miami Vice thing and fusion pretty much went away (disco ) and "smooth jazz" took over with Weather Report, Tropea, Chuck Mangione, all more palatible stuff but both "smooth jazz and disco/funk actually derieved from smoothing out the strange time signatures and key changes of fusion/funk Jean Luc Ponty a classicly trained Violinist also came out of Mahavishnu and did some killer music in the mid 70's, not as off the wall as most fusion. Electric Violin at its best. Then of course there is the very very best - The Dixie Dregs - "Freefall".............. check it out, life is a horizon
  16. In the 88-93 period, metal really peaked, all the bands really came to maturity and produced their best works. I can't see anyone into heavy music not likeing any of the below........but if you hate any form of soft stuff Dream Theater will make you complain. Metal Heads can be strangly discriminating, I like it all as long as there is some form of melody and great grooves. Megadeth - Rust in Peace '90, Countdown to Extinction '92 Metallicas - The Black Album '91 Savatage - Gutter Ballet '89, Streets '91, Edge of Thorns '93 Dream Theater - Images and Words '92 Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime '88, Empire '90 honorable mention should go to an all too unmentioned metal band Helloween - Keepers of the Seven Keys Pt. I '87 & Pt. II '88 I was never into Slayer or Antrax type of stuff but havent givin them much chance either, for lack of melodic reasons. Of the above named bands Metallica is my least favorite......Savatage is my favorite. I just threw away a perfectly good tape of "and justice for all" I gave it a listen again, 3 times in fact and I think it simply sucked, had no quality or dimension whatsoever. I love "The Black Album" however. Savatage changed but the writting really didnt, the focus did but the writting trade mark remained. The second vocalist is more palatable and very strong. The main songwriter & former vocalist Jon Oliva was an aquired taste, very shrill and at times over bearing but his twisted/"degrees of sanity" nature and unique approach gave him an edge. The original founding guitarist, Jons brother Criss was killed after "Edge of Thorns" in '93 and he had a unique sound and attack but his replacements did him proud and kept some of his feel alive. Streets '90, Dead Winters Dead '95 and The Wake of Megelan '98 are opera's of sorts, full concept albums and well worth the listen, for me, over and over and over. They do stacked choral harmonies, vocal trade off's, point/counterpoint, reference classic symphonies and tell a story while doing so. I kinda left the serious music scene in 93/94 due to "grunge" & weird punkish or hardcore stuff, and the loss of my band, I thought metal and great guitar playing was over, little did I know many of these Prog Metal bands carried on and more started up like Symphony X. I was surprised around 2000 when we got the computer and I went on Amazon and found out these guys kept pluggin. Long live
  17. Ya know, now that Mustang mentioned it, I saw some Lucernes that for whatever reason already came back to the dealers and were for sale in the low- low/mid $20's. It was after we bought the G6 too, I was bummed. Probably cars that the people couldnt meet the payments on, I can think of no other reason to take the huge immeadiate depreciation hit.
  18. You dont understand any of this ? Its so obvious what the difference is between women and men in natural affection, nuturing and their needs for "touch". Anyhow the acceptence is not that of a bull dyke and a typical feminine woman.........its always of two feminine women. Bull dykes disgust us too, theres something wrong upstairs with a woman that tapes her chest flat, gets a crue cut and wears mens clothes and army boots. That sure as hell is no turn on for straight men at least typical straight men. Its fully loaded, bisexual women that us straight guys are alright with, they are just horny highly sexual women, all of which is a plus. The few highly sexual girls I have known have stated being turned on by the idea of two guys........truth ! We all know women have more of a thing about their sexual secrecy than men. Its very hard to get a "fantacy" out of a woman, for some damn reason the few (four intimate relationships) I have gotten one out of ....it has been of bisexual men... Finally "Doogie" is no charm, not a good looking man, not manly at all, and certainly no replacement for a woman, sorry
  19. EXCELLENT POST ! sciguy, if you can believe I said that. Truth to the bone! We are all so f@#kin sick and tired of all this $h! being thrown in our face. There is far to much attentioin whoring going on with this "gay community". To the point of being aggressive, highly aggressive, they need to get over themselves and get on with life and out of our face. Its not our fault, nor should it be our problem. The real problem is how the Man is keeping us Leftys down ! We were once beaten and had our fingers broke for writting in the hand of the devil..........little has changed, they still try to make us write with our papers turned 90* so our friggin letters slope the "correct" way. They insist on making us sit next to Righties while eating rather than our rightful place at the head of the table. They make us reach across the plate to get to our drinks. There in never a full selection of proper handed guitars to choose from in music stores. Siccors cut into the fingers. When have you ever seen a cup holder or ash tray located on the left side of the drivers seat ? Have you ever seen a rightie switch hands to shake with a lefty......NOOOO!...its always us bending over backwards to make things easy for ol rightie......after all they are a bit challenged Stupid left brainers anyhow..........its no wonder the world is in such a shambles. But you will never hear a lefty complain, start a parade, carry on in the streets, march on Washington, waste countless tax payers dollars in an effort to validate our situation..............NO !............NOT LEFTY !.........we just go on about our marry way knowing the rest of you's are inferior ! Here....heres a little dance for lefty.........
  20. The "aura" or G6 or any Epilson is no match for the W body. You can get in that Lacrosse and just go, let the car do the work, relax and enjoy life. An epilson you have to drive and it wont let you relax, you will constantly be driving like its some world rally championship challenge at 90 mph, hairpin turns, getting great air over the bumps, real white knuckle stuff... ......then you look down and find your only going 50......... Owned and loved a 91 Regal to death. W body with an earlier rendention of the 3800. The test drive I did in a CXS felt just like home but thats all I know about the Lacrosse from a personal standpoint. A Lacrosse will be at least one step up from the Lumina but you will still feel at home due to it being the same basic chassis. Im 100% sure you will have an excellent car, it is, after all a B U I C K !
  21. right idea, wrong place
  22. It will hopefully lower the surface population... swiftly Thats so unrealistic to say. Look at all the VW rabbits that were on the road @ 1800 lb's..then all the mid & rear engine two seaters Small cars are actually easier to avoid accidents in. Our government could spend some money and put in a highway infrastructure, confined to two lanes for this size car, separated by concrete barriers, this would make work for the thousands of Americans they are busy exporting jobs away from.......... Then for those that try to play dodge with heavy trucks and fail, we can simply say "they were not Smart enough" turn, walk away and go on with our frantic lives............its not like anyone cares anyhow.
  23. No one ever said the Chinese were stupid...............thats a right reserved for spineless Americans..............but dont worry everythings gonna be alright, just go ask any publicly paid and job secure employee. Wonder why China cornered the steel market ? and why corporate and political America let it happen So who holds who hostage ? What exactly is terrorism again ? Dance my silly little puppets...........dance...........
  24. this is the wrong place for Ladies
  25. I like The Warning and Empire the best. Listen to Q2K alot too.I now have to buy Mindcrime II, I wanted to see the concert first. I know something went astray in the middle, with the recording I will understand better.
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