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Everything posted by razoredge
F political correctness, its bogus, it was aimed at straight white people while the rest were allowed to openly steriotype and degrade straight white people. I believe in being respectful until mutual respect has been violated, then its, get what you give. Im sick of this bleeding heart liberal yuppy BS. try if you can to imagine this world if it was built by these standards ??????? well I guess it never would have been built, they would still be bickering like a bunch of bitty bitches, inbetween snivels, and the first move would still not have been made. It took iron to get where mankind is today, there was no political correctness wimpy ass bullshit getting the job done.
Hurray hurrah Boy I wish all jobs went to China, maybe we could have the Chinese run our Government too. Hurray hurrah maybe we could do on line docterin with the turks ? Maybe we could put up some satelites so they could build our buildings and bridges via remote from Afganistan. Hurray hurrah boy I feel better already that will teach em, those dirty dogs, who the hell do they think they are just because you are born in this country doesnt entitle you to work supplying products or services for this country you stupid little pagen serfs Sing praise to the puppet masters my little sheeple oh boy !
The meat industry never interested me, I dont hunt, dont butcher, like animals, 4 legged ones anyhow. If I couldnt buy meat I would most likely be an algonquin. I have heard all about the discusting things surrounding it however. I have listened to some older experienced Teamsters talk about hauling the swinging meat, the waste, and stuff involved in the leather industry. All very discusting. They did work I would have never, never, never done.
Civilized adults ? "Where is Razeredge now " " Dodgeing the questions" "Shut Up ! " "Razorstuble" Ok, at least now I understand the rules of your game.
Harley - I got to see on of those 57's face to face this past weekend, they really are stunning, that car alone almost made it worth the trip. But then there was this perfect Black 71? 442. Or the 54? Pontiac Eight or the 53? Super Convertable, Shaved and lowered 65 Riviera in brilliant burnt orange, 70 or 71 perfect blue Z28. Then there was the usual thousands of Chevelles, 55-57 Chevys, 30's Fords, bla, bla, bla
OK fool I see you couldnt figure it out so I guess Ill have to esplain this. Go back to page 3, the page where you began your rampage because you dont like my views. The page where you began your small questions that have nothing to do with fair standards of living in my country. The page where you began to make accusations about my hideing or avoiding what I guess you assume was a scarry assult. on that page, once again PAGE III or (3) or THREE you will find that I responded within only a few posts of your scarry accusations. GET ON THE RIGHT PAGE ! K Fool ?
Man could you imagine driveing something like that today. When you think about it Harleys approach was kinda of simple in concept. Take features from other modes of transportation and apply them to an automobile. In this car we have a fine fusion of our sea and sky going brothern.
Anybdy wonder what kind of effect the steel industry/China is going to have for N.American based industrys ? Last I knew steel tripled since the first oil inflation 2 years ago or so, maybe three, cant remember. I suppose that was Union labor faults somehow ? Wonder why Im approached on being one sided or dancing around the "real" issues when not once has anyone proposed what should be done about the entire healthcare system that is chokeing our country to death? Whats up with that ? Not sure all that finger pointing is "we" supporters of organized labor. I think many are following the distraction.
I knew some people would jump right at the chance to blame this on the mechanics Unions :rolleyes: Gives me hope for my future because I now know I can read an artical and get more from it than a "highly educated and highly skilled" college boy. Seems fuel, the effects of Sept 11th and the cut throat practices of capitolism have rendered yet another victory So does the above scenerio mean middle easterners have accomplished their goals.......or at least some of them ? Man it sucks to be one of the ones that dont get it. Wonder if some organization in the airline industry could have helped these folks makes things work ? Na....I guess its best that they bid themselves right out of business, better than being organized. Why did they even bother to invent the calculater ? Hell why even bother with math, just go for it, heck Ill work for free, better to do that than having everyone taking care of business, looking out for industry. :unsure:
Carbiz - the Union probably wanted the kids to recieeve the benefits of union employees so they would see the benefits of organized labor. Rather than exploited labor. IbuyGM - you need to put on the brakes and do some research, all Im going to say is you are on the wrong page and have been for two days. If you can't figure it out your educators failed. You have been throwing garbage at me for two days and you look like a fool. Get on the right page. Sciguy - where was that info when I was being twisted and attacked on the teacher topic ? 15% per year is more than 45%, its compounded by the increase per year. Looking for well over a 50% increase in three years. Kinda makes that buck sixyone that Nummi workers got look like pittens and that is a damn good increase. So this brings us to the point I have always had floating around on these topics, the cost of living and scales of income has been on the rise in many areas, then in others time is just sitting still. This is why I support organized labor. Clown - all your statements sound great for a capitolist maximus but somewhere in here you were complaining about not being able to sell cars. Hard work in the showroom ? and low sales ? I noticed alot of sweat on the forheads of the fellows I bought cars from. I think they were both retired from excellent jobs and just picking up some slack time for S&G's. Perhaps you picked the wrong industry, just like some of us ?
OK actually truth is some of the purpose of UNION or organized labor some would agree with but the nonsence they will disagree with. ' Therein lies the problem with Unions. I sure hope they get controll over this one day but its so hard to change people and they influence the next generation, it just gets ugly. Same thing happens in the silver spoon districts too.
Ive got to open a body shop ! Thing is so much of that money goes to insurance companies, environmental charges, property taxes. Overhead overhead overhead, INCOMMING !
You gotta be kiddin me. More than half the people on this site arent old enough to have seen the BS that goes on it the workforce and the other half is white collar oriented. Im sure the results will be just as you want them. 1877. poll. Sent only to white Americans "Do you support Indian Reservations" 1840 poll. Sent only to Southern white people "Do you support slavery"
Its not just affecting Union workers. Though surely with the manufactureing losses its a high percentage. there has been alot of non union manufactureing that left too. Alot of them were already low pay jobs as well. Until your in your fourties and suddenly have to start life again, compete against younger people for jobs, not knowing what your interests are, one really cant say much about someone elses situation. No one wants to try on someone elses shoes but they sure know how to tell them to wear them. In a few decades things will turn again, which way or how who knows but Im sure there will be quite a few folks in thier 40's & 50's saying WTF ! I dont wish it on anyone.
Yo skidmark, look around, turn a page or two, do a little research, until your speaking the truth SHUT UP ! :unsure:
Cool I like that one, I just found another old one I liked searching Olds on Ebay. It had a early 80's 350 Olds Toronado drivetrain mounted midship. Looked kinda of Dino ish. I might like this one even better. Opening windows is a big thing with me though, Screw AC I want AIR. The front of this looks kinda Bora/Merak meets Corvette, hmm I just dont know but I like it.
Whats an M3 ?
Wow, thats one sweet deal that NUMMI has. The Union jobs and other non union labor jobs I have had, offered a 30 cent per hour raise. That is why I am not at them anymo :P. Not that Ive done better by leaving, no way , but at least I walked away from the insult. Sounds like there in their own little world in the Auto Cities. They have high pay but Im not going to damn them. People need to realize COLA is set by inflation which none of the higher classes setting the pace seem to be affected by. To bad the rest of us cant make the money or at least the COLA that these workers can ey ? Thats how I look at it. Like I said Im done asking "what makes them worth so much", Im asking "what makes me worth so little". I think insurance companies and government committees as well as our wealthy lawyers and the judges that let them get away with the crap are more responsible than the unions for regulations. Id also like to state that alot of that crap the unions pull about job descriptions and who does what is all about job security. Wrong as some of it may be, there is a huge population of America that needs jobs, its growing by the day too incase anyones out of touch with current immigration and their babies. So while some are hopeing for the death of our labor fields, think about what were going to do with the population :unsure: It has not struck full force yet but in a decade or two the competition for the jobs ya'll are enjoying will be furious and you'd be hopeing there were more jobs to go around. By then you'll be in your 40's or 50's needing 15-25 more years of work and be forced out of your jobs by cocky little reptiles that also think they know it all. Hope your hard work pays off <_<
Excellent, I have much more reading to do. Added imeadiatly to favorites I certainly wish to take nothing from Mr Earl or his impact on auto design. However I have always found it alarming that his designers that did most of the work never get the credit or rarely, depending on the publication. Virgil Exner worked under Harley Earl and is also credited for tailfins. Ill have to hunt a site or two about him down again. Then of course there is the few mysterious 46 Cisitialias with tailfins. I just wish when they displayed photos of clay mockups they would give names of men involved. Perhaps show the draft or scetch that first inspired the clay to roll out for carving, with the name of the artist. I know Earl was the force but there were many many talented nameless faceless designers that worked under him. Sad to think many will never be known.
All cars look good in Black, Red, Blue. It takes a great styled car to look good in other colors. Myself, I have a thing for Yellow
Would T 3.6 be cheaper than SC 3.9 ? Anyhow forced induction may not be on the tip of everyones tongues with current and future oil issues. I dont know what Im going to do with the LSS, we dont want to pay 3.65 for gas, hell we cant afford it, hell we cant afford regular. Anyhow, improving effeciency is more important at this time than ultra performance. So Id have to say 3 valve. I know nothing about the engines mentioned above but for once in my life carguy might make sence. Sounds like it (4.8) would still require much engineering however. Maybe smaller displacement DOD V8's would be an answer to everyone V6 gripes. V12's have been made as small as 2.6 litre (that was a guess from memory). We could have 3-4 litre 90*DOD aluminum V8's. Costly however. HMM ? Ponder that ??? Maybe some great fuel economy would come from it.
Dont remember chrome driprail but I really wouldnt becasue I didnt take note. Seems I would have though. Nor rocker mouldings nor fender lip mouldings ?/???????? Guess I should have asked this question before the show LOL Im sure someone ordered one this way.
I was one to criticize the Bengal at introduction. I feel stupid now. It was a kneejerk reaction. Mainly because of the overly huge grill and lack of anything better to do with the nose because it was still in the torpedo format being used during that and earlier period. I just wanted more body lines I guess. Velite did that but the Bengal had a few really good ideas. "Buick where we build dreams and then crush them"
Im aware of that BS. If you look back I have something that states something about slackers, trouble makers and so forth. This is a huge problem. In some instances it is one of the changes going on but change is so slow. I still support organized professions however. I also believe our Politicains do, the BAR association does, the local college frat houses, ect. I hope you get my direction. Ive crossed picket lines years ago, it was stupid really they were trying an embargo of a non union company. It wasnt like the workers themselfs were on strike. We had a contract to supply so we supplied. I agree that this is the very ugly downside to Unionization, mob mentality and whatever else. Im more interested in the upside to keeping folks in livable tax brackets. If this topic was about a Union strike and they were behaveing like AH's I would not support them. This topic may or may not be surrounding the issue of rediculous health care issues and Im pretty sure the health care industry is at the root of the problem. Now that must be a "union" worth getting into. Sure wish folks would worry about that problem because it effects us all, these UAW workers and their current contract does not effect anyone.
I never like the look either. I did a pretty long road trip in a new one way back and it was surely a fine car.