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Everything posted by razoredge

  1. Thanks guys, the intermission from 38 bashing has warmed my bones. With Fly on the job I can sit back and relax, he puts everything together so much better. I must ask, you were all talking suspension, even though they perform well dont the BMW and say the CTS ride well too ? The soft ride is nice but at the same time on these pitchy somewhat rough country roads I have, the softness actually leads to moments of kaos. Nothing fearful but sometimes you wish the car would just settle down and get over it. This is all my GM cars from my 75/76 Delta 88's to the 99 "88" I had last year. Even the slightly stiffer 97 LSS suspension still allows tosses and dips and rises to cause a few aftershocks. The best GM suspension I currently have is the FE3/F41 I put in my 324,000 mile 90 Regency, its still a land yaht but more as I believe a luxury suspension should be. A good compromise. I do question many of the statements here about the NA SII in particular because that '99 I had really went well. They do take more throttle action but thats got something to do with engine management because the engines do pull strong and will also go like hell when put to or nearly to the floor. Somewhere in there, something is getting lost between the TPS, MAF, O2 sensors and the PCM and transmission kick down. I just cant believe an Intrigue wouldnt be pretty quick. My 91 Regal with the even older 170hp engine was extremely strong, hills did not faze it at all. Im afraid I cant say this for my 324,000 mile 165hp- 1990 Regency :) Its fine so long as its not in OD, but I know the SII is a whole nother animal. Im sure many, many, older and non performance crazed new cars buyers will be happy with the 38 and glad to have it if they are fimilar and didnt get bit in the arse by the plastic manifold fiasco on NA SII engines. This Lucerne may be a car that former Oldsmobile and Buick owners will find appealing. As for the Asian crowd Id like to say who cares but I guess we need to get their attention as well. I hope this Lucerne is a pleasure to drive and developes a high satisfaction rating.
  2. Bingo ! LA's a city = urban, wasnt thinking about that I do hope to go see the Redwood and Sequoia forests but, time, money, death, all obsticals. Not sure what else there Im interested in. I have a Malamute was flown to Kennedy as pup from Simi Valley. :rolleyes: She is a snobby Bitch :P
  3. Dont want to get way off topic here. From the East and a country boy. Alot of good things have come from CA, Sammy Hagar for example. :) I think the thing about CA is everything is excepted. CA is like the epitomy of American culture, disposable everything, massive populations, massive environmental issues, keep up with the Jones, one entire suburbia everywhere, if your not like us your not cool, that kind of stuff. Its a percieved image tho because Ive never been there, its most likely the Hollywood image maybe. Hard to put a finger on it, I dont dislike Ca and am infact entertained by it but I dont want my world turned into a Cali surbanite culture. Its just not for me. But its comming, all areas are changing and the California thing is closing in. Its called Suburban Sprawl. My way of life will be run over and dumped down the tubes just like everything else that was Americana. Its not a good feeling, at all, uselessness, no longer needed, defunct, decomissioned, extinct. Pretty good job on the decades BTW.
  4. Which was in the SS ?
  5. I dont know Fly - theres been alot of problems with you :) My story is probably the opposite. Whole family, mom died when I was 12, didnt help but I never felt it was my problem, maybe a few but nothing serious. Dad was an American success story. An all American boy, did Korea, did college, became coach, phys ed teacher, did more college got masters became superintendant of our small town school. We spent much of summer at camp on a lake, small boat, so I water skied, snow skied, went to Florida every other summer to Dads sisters and parents area for two weeks . Lived in same town with my mothers parents and we were all very close. Spent at least a week a year at my mothers brothers hobby farm he was an engineer. Many cousins, they had horses and chores so I got a little of that. I was kind of a surbanite, for that village anyhow. We had like one street that was similar to the suburbs and we lived on it. Other relitves from Ohio came out every summer so there really was alot of Brady Bunch kind of stuff going on. Perhaps this is my problem :P I became the black sheep very young, I hated all the little ninny, ninny games my cousins would play, every thing was always a game, a mind game, lots of picking and teasing, they were all snobby, judgeing of others, always saying stuff I felt was wrong to say about people. I hated school with a passion, none of it made since to me, I couldnt see how it applied to life, it was just a bunch of hum drum boring stuff that didnt stimulate me. I was very athletic as far a wrestling, skiing and anything physical but was poor at team sports becasue I couldnt stand the games. I was not lazy, I was very active just hated the books. I barely graduated only made it becasue I did summer school two summers and concentrated very hard the last month of school and pulled it off by passing Regents, my final averages were all 65's. I passed the few remaining Regents so I was out :P I always loved the land, forest, nature, cars, girls, rock and roll so I got a job and decided to make a go of life by brakeing butt, learning a multitude of skills and eventually ran my own logging business for 20 years. I didnt see the light however and now big business/big operations, over cutting and loss of the American paper industry has put me and my family in steady reverse for 6 years now. I almost pulled it off but things changed and the rug was pulled. We were lookin sweet 7 years ago. So to the question - my normal Brady Bunch extended family had one misfit - me. It almost did'nt make a difference but in the end caught up with me. The rest of my family/cousins are Teachers, Professers, Doctors, Lawyers, Economists, Engineer for John Deere, things like that. :huh: So my good friends, nothing is carved in stone. Vips - stop what you are doing right now, turn the corner, smile, hang out with the others, learn from them even if you dont like it, put up a front at first if you have to, concentrate every second in class in school, you are headed for hell hideing in the corner, sittin on the fence, watching not participating. Believe me if you like or blow it off, but I know your scene, a little mind control will go along way to get out of this period in your life so you can come out - untrapped by that fence your sittin on. B) Into the fire man, just go for it !
  6. Thanks, not a bad engine but its clear that the 1996 3.8 SII had better performance than this much larger engine. Exactly what I thought.
  7. so you have ruled out a genetic trait ?
  8. Was that around the same time as someone at Buick was quoted as sayng something to the effect of no more boy racers. Or was that earlier like the 90's relating to the GN. I think they should be proud of the SC38. It has made a great performance luxury car engine. I know everyone is sick of hearing it but that LSS of ours has just been a treat. Its not a perfect car, its not a ultra performance car, its sprung softer than it should be for that, its even a little to soft for our country roads but thats your luxury car for ya. The engine is smooth, quite and strong. It can be really fast when pushed. The first time I went to pass someone I nearly ran into the back of them, that how much the power came on that I was clearly not used to. Well Fly gave a really good review of the SC38 compared to a way more expensive "upscale" engine. He is more qualified too becasue I have not drivin a N* yet, well a test drive in Intrigue. As far as Im concerned and will remain to be of the opinion that most of the BS about the 38 is perception, its behind in an overdue intake and head upgrade but its not "cheap" and its not "primitive" and its not "unrefined". People just need to realize there is something about the character of that engine that works. The 3.9 is falling short and it the "refined" engine, yet it cant get the performance. Ill still question whether the 3.6 could run with the SC38 but will admit that not using high test is a huge bonus and I did like my drive with the engine [3.6] very much, its just not a B U I C K engine. Its a Austrailian Holden engine. :( The others are Cadillac and Chevy engines. Everything is going down the tubes :unsure:
  9. razoredge


    Well now EV was a pioneer of that particular sound that SV and JS expanded on but a decade later, and thrity thousand other shreaders copied. EV is riff monster extrodanaire, much like JS, they both can lay down some serious boogie. SV is more of the Wizard type that experiments with different sounds and tecnique ideas, his improvision is more spacey. But Im actually not really fimilar with his work other than "Eat em and Smile" and "Crossroads". IM really smoked in the acute acuracy and notes per minute, he actually did added alot but unfortunately he is very unidirrectional and hes so fast you have heard everything he does in less than a minute. His career began in like 84 believe it or not. IM had a very big hand in bringing Classical to Metal. this guy from Symphony X got it going on too, cant think of his name of hand but hes very diverse like JP,classical like IM, and has a darn good sound and band behind him.
  10. Anybody know these off the top of their head ? Im looking for the engine that was used in the last of the B bodies. It was LT1 correct ? Well please set me straight and let me know the specs. HP, Torq, RPM's and even mileage if thats possible.
  11. Some really good posts above Yea, the whole thing is crazy, there really is no likely explainations, it is what it is. I dont understand people that like to dress up and "role play", I dont get the S&M thing either while at the same time Im a "sicko" on my own terms, there is things I would do or try or have done that others would make others "never talk to me again" or at least they would tell me there is something wrong with me :lol: As for anything Bible - well it is well known that there is some real sexual problems in areas revolving around "bible". We wont get into that. Well what the hell, My sister had a boy friend in high school, if he wasnt gay Im not .......um white. All of a sudden he went into what ever that was ministers go to, sorry cant remember the word. Minister college. He broke it of with her and said he was going to be celibut, never tried to spell that, sorry. I figure he was gay, finally came to terms with it and in shame decided to seek "God" to save him from his "sins". I mean I caught them fooling around so he was trying but then.... well I dont get it, I believe he was gay and in the 70's so ashamed he went "bible". Then we know what happens when they cant take it anymore. :o You are correct, that is very very sad. It is what it is, bit it still gives me a wierd feeling :unsure: but it gives some of you a gay feeling hey I think I get it now :CG_all:
  12. I hear ya Blu, Im like "what would make anyone want their world to look like this" The streach of road by my house, I walk the shoulders and kick the stuff back in the road. This has curbed the problem here somewhat. Its nothing like along the highways and city areas but still "its the damn country" you know "where the air is clean and the water fresh and the road shoulders used as landfill". One might think its all kids or welfare or lowlifes or NY city residence where it completely acceptable to throw everything out the window "because thats what the sanitation department is for" but..... I did a delivery to a park area in one of the more upscale (upper middle class suburbia) communities. Its a bike trail down by the Mohawk River, Park area, a few hikeing trails, ect. They were building restroom facilities. The guy in charge of the town project told me "you wouldnt believe the garbage these people throw all over" He said it was just as much the adults as the kids and it didnt matter, man, female, kids present, well dressed or wearing bluejeans. So I guess lowlifes come in every form.
  13. So how would you have wanted me to respond to your " Case closed, as this is all very well-known facts, unless you just want to argue something pointless...again." Woa, really !
  14. razoredge


    Who played with Johnson ? Who played with Petrucci ? I see now Ill be needing to get more of these. Ive watched that 3 times now. Satriani is my favorite instrumentalist, he can really lay down the grove and then shred it/old style with a side of Satch. Petrucci is my favorite composer +, he and the rest of Dream Theater is todays Mozart, Bach Then theres John Mclauklin (sp) and Steve Morse the god fathers of fuseing all different styles of music into total kaos that makes sense. I bet anyone of these guys playing with Petrucci would be a bit intimidating. Well I recommend this one if you want to see three different approaches to guitar wizardry come together in an amazing harmonic jammin symphony.
  15. Wow, really :rolleyes: Wow, really :rolleyes: Wow, really :rolleyes: so tell me whos looking for the arguement ? Read very slowly The problem with the forced induction and any of the high performance engines is they require high octane gas with is a bad sales point with todays GAS FIASCO So I guess that was my pointless arguement ? Oh, really :blink:
  16. Nope most of todays so called high tec junk will be long crushed and put into new high tec junk and somewhere out there, there will old Buick 38's fireing up every morning and heading out to work :P I believe GM is running the performance into the ground on the 38 purposely, until everyone hates it like all the tecys here do. All the aftermarket people know how to tune em up, whats GMs problem ? They do need better kickdown control in the drivetrain managment systems, I will agree on that because OD plus 2.83:1 final drives in a 3800 lb car on hills will be a problem. Not one of the tecy cars are geared anywhere near that high. We drive in 3rd or D around here. Its all hills either up or down and either way OD is a problem. Always having to "kick it down" or in OD down hill you will achieve speeds in excess of 70 unless you ride the brakes. Riding the brakes is not good, ever. 3rd which is direct drive 1:1 keeps things under control on down hills. It actually is more fuel effecient too because you can just drive without pressing the pedal further all the time to get tranny in right gear. This is something I have always had a problem with, the way they set the tranny up. Im no engineer though. As for this merging problem, well I have never had a merging problem, even with an old VW diesel B)
  17. Not directed at you just a responce to torque steer On high quality Buick chassis's torque steer is a non issue, it just seems to be a word on the tip of everyones tongue, like any newly learned word. I cant speak for the G bodys though because I have actually never drivin one, nor a Northstar powered car, but judgeing from my experiance with the old C&H chassis its simple a non issue. I cant believe the Caddys and G chassis are any less than the old C&H. It is actually like complaining about a RWDer because the back end kicks out when you put it down and have to counter steer.... and we all spend so much time "putting it down". My experience with the A body is quite different, just one car, a 90 Ciera wagon and its terrible in every since of the word terrible. Front corner dive in turns, torque pull at brisk start, very uncertain driving characteristics. Sad too because the old 3.3 Buick V6 is a very road hungry engine. Anyhow I sure hope people arent drawing all their conclusions about FWD handling, feel and controlability from experiences in these less expensive chassis's.
  18. What are we talking here ? Do you have some inside knowledge ? High engineering knowledge. Or is this just extreme - not a V8 hatred ? Buick has been all about V6 and forced induction V6 for 30 years. Right behind the word V6 the word Buick comes to mind. Then move on to turbo or supercharged, Buick is first to come to mind. When someone says Buick, Chevy LT1 powered V8 is the last thing that comes to mind, its infact forgetable. The Buick Supercharged and Turboed V6's were every part of refined and sophisticated, in fact they were handing out lessons, free of charge. Currently the Buick based V6 is only one upgrade away in new refinement from the LS2. Now for what the real problem with the SC and any forced induction as well as extreme high output engines is they need high octane gas, not a very good sales point with todays GAS FIASCO.
  19. Obviously Buick needs firsts how can you be the division that tows the line and gets nothing new until last ? Riviera 2dr hardtop, with a long wheelbase 4dr sedan - whatever, not sure on a name then the remain two FWDers need to combine into a new space effecient cabin and trunk, midsize that can still sell at Lacrosse price - without hubcaps Then Pontiac needs its full size sedan back and GrandPrix would go on same new midsize FWD as above Buick. I dont see GTO as much huge importance when they now have the Soltice sports car, G6 Coupe/conv. and are lacking the compact or commuter car they need for sales. After all there is not that much to go around. sacrifice must be made. Look at it like this - GTO-low production nitch car Solstice-low production nitch car G6 coupe/conv.-low production nitch car they cant have it al and they do need their large sedan and their small transport for sales. Let us not forget we also have various "trucks" in these lines too. Whats left ? well certainly not saturin we are now making modern full size RWD Buicks and Pontiacs in the old saturin plants and saturins Kappa went to Buick in a more expensive fully standard optioned turboed Buick [ but thats another topic] So now I suppose Chevy could get its BelAir and a Camaro which will do what successfully what GTO was supposed to. It will be its own car not a rebadged/faced Holden. So thats it, no super stacking the lines up, just enough to go around Buick-1coupe,1sedan Pontiac-1sedan + that little starter car Chevy-1coupe, 1sedan Buick comes first, enough is enough
  20. They need to Buick up those tailights, they are not classy enough for a Buick, they look like something from Japan but with even less character. So long as they dont do the silver plastic hubcap thing I believe the priceing is great. Worried about chezzy washed out yellow "cloth " seats,too. I hate the new cloth so cheap looking and in colors - all two of them that suck. Im really sick of that, two choices blackgrey or baby shit yellow. I guess thats how they get everyone to go for the leather. What about overly soft springs? Placeing them firmly back in the retirement catagory All more important items to cry about than the best damn automobile engine ever made.
  21. Well theres certainly more to go wrong over time with all the extra electronics and mechanicals. Tune ito a WRC rally someday if you want to see a slap shift getting a workout. They do shift fast, instantly This I do not know ? Is there still a floor clutch to start and stop ? On the F1's and these Rally cars that is ?
  22. razoredge


    Its two years old already but I just got this G3 DVD. Recorded in Denver in 03 Joe Satriani, Steve Vai and Yngwie Malmsteen Old guitar player and fan of Joe that I am I just sat and watched in awe of the talent of todays modern Wizards, separately. Then in the end they do three jams together. The second was Jimi's Little Wing and I just feel apart. Was so good to see that these masters paid tribute and remember from where they came. Bless ya Jimi ! Anger, he smiles .towering in shiny metalic purple armor Queen jelously, Envy waits behind him .her firey green gown sneers at the grassy ground Blue are the life giving waters taking for granted .they quietly understand Once happy Turquoise armys lay opposite .ready, but wonder why the fight is on But their all bold as love Just ask the Axis My Red is so confident .he flashes trophies of war and ribbons of euphoria Orange is young, full of daring .But very unsteady for the first go round My Yellow in this case is not so mellow .in fact Im trying to say its frightened like me And all these emotions of mine .keep holding me from giveing my life to a Rainbow like you But, Im as bold as love Jimi Hendrix 1967
  23. Im not argueing here but this is totally funny Now we all know 1969 was the beginning of volcabular awareness :rolleyes: Gay was a commonly used word long long long before 1969, I think you just did some assumption. At least in 1969 I knew life and language, existed before me. Kids these days :rolleyes:
  24. wonder way ? Well it doesnt matter - right ! heres to Mountain ranges, beautiful cars and meaningful sex ! of course meaningless sex works too =}:-)
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