Our goofy secretary (the one that flirts with me bigtime, has a blue Cobalt sedan) ruined a young man's life yesterday, and she didn't even realize it. His yellow Cobalt coupe had been hit from behind. We had to replace the rear bumper cover and absorber and repair the rear body panel.
When he and his mom came in to pick it up last evening, she blurts out:
"I almost parked my blue Cobalt where yours is and told you that we decided to change color schemes for you because BLUE IS A BETTER COLOR FOR A BOY..."
The poor kid gets a funny look on his face and says "Yeah, we looked for a blue one, but every time we found one it was sold..."
This one statement will prolly make this kid hate his car forever now because this ditzy broad made a stupid comment. Doesn't she realize that guys, especially college freshmen, are very sensitive to having their manhood called into question with regards to their vehicle? And the kid's mom was standing there... she helped him buy the car. The mom prolly wanted to have a catfight with her right there in the waiting room.
I just wanted to smack my fellow employee right then and there and defend the kid, but I waited until they left, then I told her what's UP.
Um, oh yeah. I spotted a yellow '05 Cobalt LS 5 speed coupe that's prolly going to be for sale soon.