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Everything posted by FUTURE_OF_GM
Because they're snowed... The media says it's better, so it is.. Case closed.
Although I agree, I'd say the overhang has to do with the dated platforms... I think the Lucerne looks better than the Lacrosse (which doesn't look bad) though. Buick had SUCH gorgeous concepts that they up and abandoned for a hodge-podge of Chevy meets VW meets Ford styling elements.
I see that too... Maybe it's a glossy graphite gray instead of the black on earlier models (Which is still an improvement IMO) EDIT: [stewie voice] HA![ [/stewie voice] Top that ALLITERATION!!!! :CG_all:
NO DOUBT!!!! Honda is SERIOUSLY going down hill, first with the Ridgeline and now with the Civic.. I'm sure every journalist will love it though (Unless it were in a domestic)
I think that has to do more with the UAW and capacity. Just MHO.
Not sure if you're reffering to me, but I rant about the asians 24 hours a day 7 days a week most of the time. It even 'gets old' to the most die hard GM enthusiasts.
From Auto Extremist Example # 1: Example # 2: It's simply arrogance and ill will. They know Americans are either too dumb or don't care enough to notice and I think they get a laugh out of doing things like this... THIS is why I hate the asian companies so much. They come here, destroy our industry and subsequently hundreds of years of history and identity (with the help of the minions they've recruited in this country) and thinks it's all a big joke because "they own us" It's all about attitude and it's been going down this way for years, yet apparently everyone is too blind to see it.
Is this getting exposure??? I think not... It'll be swept under the rug. GM recalls= front page news... Toyota recalls=last page in 10 point type.
Still no exposure on this.... I'm sure they'll find a way to "Make it work," "Smooth it over" and screw Detroit some more... It always happens that way. Hell, even the headline of this story is a jab at Detroit. Like in any situation they're damned if they do and damned if they don't--the media makes sure of that.
I guess I was wrong. :blush:
I absolutely hate the RSX dash design and layout, maybe it's just me, I dunno. I do agree with the Ion comment though, I don't like it's dash either. I didn't remember anyone complaining about that layout in the BMW or Echo and that's what makes me angry. Come to think of it.... Doesn't the xTOASTER or xBLOB have the same layout? (Center gauges) I'm sure they didn't get ragged on.. Or maybe I'm wrong, maybe they have the traditional layout. Oh well, I guess I'm just rambling and complicating the matter. Oh I know. I was refering to: and They just spent the whole article praising the dynamics of the car and actuallysaying some VERY nice things about it's performance but then they kill the optimism with these off the wall comments.
I'll be perfectly honest... I'm not sure how to fix it. From a financial standpoint government sponsored healthcare would be a great solution but everything that I read about nations with government provided healthcare is negative. But then again, I haven't had any first hand experience with that either and I don't trust the media.
I don't understand why the RSX is the standard... It's interior is god-awful with that gawdy dishwasher looking center stack. Oh wait, it's an Acura... Sorry, I slipped out of the hypnotism there for a second. Okay in a Toyota, okay in a $80,000+ BMW.... Not in a $10,000 Ion. A good article that destroys the car "just because" of "subjectively" in the conclusion.
I think they meant; as in; Buick needs more than just 2 sedans. (Which I would agree-they need at least 3 cars)
There's the classic disclaimer. :angry: Re the subjects: This is great! GM's engineers NEED to be focusing on details such as these! Now if GM's marketing department could just convey the message <_<
It could go either way... The Lucerne is impressive as a volume model. BUT, Buick needs to make a SPLASH to be noticed quickly again. I just hope the rags don't pan the 3800.... GM should've at least put a DOHC in this car... But, that said, it's STILL impressive and I think will STILL do well although Buick needs and deserves more.
Why are ALL of GM's cars (Not just one division) beginning to share front end designs??? The Lucerne CX or CXL has the same "gills" as a lower grade trim Impala and Cobalt... NOT GOOD GM!!!!!! But overall, the Lucerne looks striking! I hope the grille is chrome.
How do expect to be unbiased if you're not willing to give the XLR a chance. Your posts remind me so much of the journalism we read. (I don't mean that as an insult, it's just the same bias) I agree... The XLR, while nice, is probably the most boring interpretation of A&S I've seen (And yes I think the STS pulls it off better)
I'll back him up... I've heard the EXACT same thing from reliable sources.
LMFAO!!! And through a dramatic TWIST OF FATE Toyota has once again snowed everyone and gotten it way to save it's precious image. $$$ is power. I guess that doesn't matter. It'll be interesting to see how many idiots just believe what they're told and decide to put their lives in danger by buying a Prius without question. So basically they're recalling it without saying they're recalling it to save their image.... Nice.... Too bad no one mentions what horrible quality this is in reality. Yeah, whatever. Another perfectly crafted article to save Toyota's ass. They should've been burned at the PR stake for this, any domestic would have, yet in Toyota land (America) the creator (Toyota) is always right and nothing ever goes wrong.
Yet another bid by one of GM's many enemies in the further destruction of GM. The press and analysts WILL get what they want, a severed GMAC and a destroyed GM. Apparently not... The government seems to be leaking it's financial secrets to the press as bad as it leaks CIA information to foreign countries.
It'd be nice to see Kerkorian take this company private IMO.
I'm not asking for a handout to GM. I'm asking them to get off of their asses (As if) and FIX the national healthcare and pension problems. This is bigger than GM and is bigger than the automotive industry itself.
[quote]Because thats obviously the only course America will take, yes? [/quote] Yes. Don't you honestly think that if they (By they I mean Uncle Sam) were going to do something about it that they would have by now? That they would have when it actually MEANT something and would've actually helped? I'm glad that you can be that happy-go-lucky; I'm preparing for the worst, because that's always what happens, especially now and ESPECIALLY pertaining to GM [quote]I'm talking about our Federal government... NAFTA and now CAFTA,[/quote] I agree and they are the FOCAL point of my blame. [quote]which were blessed and endorsed by the politicians that you didn't elect, because you can't be bothered by "voting"![/quote] I didn't vote last election because it doesn't matter... The people never elect anyone in the first place, it's all ran by the Electorals and the pacts and committees that pull their strings. Obviously the popular vote doesn't matter or Al Gore would've been seeking re-election last year (Not that I like Al that much either) [quote]We are still considered those dumb Americans, around the world....and Washington keeps digging into it, to appease them so that "they will like us!"[/quote] So true! [quote]If you have to beg, borrow, trade or ask for any item you NEED, not just desire, then you are not free or independent. You cannot then interreact with other people on an equal basis. When we shipped our manufacture abilty off-shore, we lost our independence. [/quote] EXCELLENT POST!!! :metal: [quote]As far as GM is concerned, what is wrong with the Opel (GM) Vectra being sold in different markets whilst remaining essentially the same except for specs / badging?[/quote] The UAW will not allow it! They almost flipped out over 20,000 GTOs being imported and sold here per year. They most certainly would hit the roof if 100-200,000 Vectras hit the shores. [quote]If GM goes under complete. The rest of the automobile companies out there won't be able to pick up the slack. There will be tons of people out of work around the globe. All the GM suppliers All the GM dealers All the GM factories Know how many workers that is? I don't, but I bet it's huge.[/quote] Sure... BUT HEY, this is AMERICA... Who cares; RIGHT? As long as [insert scripted response] "I can buy the best product at the cheapest price I don't care where it's made" [/insert scripted response] "It could be made in Cuba for all I care, because ultimately pledging alligence and money to enemies is more patriotic than buying American so long as I get the best fundamental product. As long as I fulfill MY needs and as long as I'm okay, then to hell with the other guy, my country, and the jobs in it." AS LONG AS I'M HAPPY AND I BELIEVE WHAT I'M TOLD; NOTHING ELSE MATTERS WARNING: Sarcasm abounds throughout the last part of this post.
:omfg: UMM okay??? What's th logic in that?!?!?! (Unless of course, you want to see the asians take over)